St-Jean Street Reconstruction/Improvements (including roundabout) Completed

More Information about the St-Jean / Poupart Corridor Reconstruction.


  • Replacement and installation of new underground pipes between 920 St-Jean Street (Rockland Marine) and +/- 350 meters South of Dr Corbeil Boulevard. - Completed

            o Improvement and extension of the storm system from 920 St-Jean to the southern limit of the project. - Completed

            o Extension of the aqueduct from Patricia Street to Dr. Corbeil Blvd. - Completed
            o Sanitary system extension from Patricia Street to +/- 100m South - Completed

  • Construction of a roundabout at the corner of St-Jean/Dr Corbeil - Completed
  • Construction of a multi-use path, East side of St-Jean Street - Completed
  • Construction of a sidewalk, West side of St-Jean Street - Completed
  • New street lighting - Completed
  • Final asphalt layer - Completed
  • Landscaping - Completed

Street closures:

  • No future street closures planned

Work dates (approximate):

May 1, 2023 to Summer 2024




Alain Beaulieu 


Jean/Poupart Streets Reconstruction/Improvements (Phase 2 and Future Phases)

Description of upcoming work

Phase 2 :2024: Design work (road and Hydro) only

2025-2026: Reconstruction of St-Jean Street and relocation of Hydro’s power line.

Phase(s) future: 2027 +: Reconstruction of Poupart Street

Contact person: Richard Campeau,

Approved budget: To be confirmed

Location of St-Jean Reconstruction project on a map


Replacement of Play Structures (Simon Park)

Description: Replacement of play structures at Simon park (Rockland).

Work dates (approximate):   September to October 2024

Approved Budget: $90,000

Contact person: Alain Beaulieu,
Map of Project Replacement of Simon Park Park Play Structures 

Reconstruction of Landry Road (Clarence Creek)

Description:  Full road reconstruction and ditch reprofiling

Work dates (approximative): July to October 2024

Street Closure: To be confirmed

Approved budget: $2.5M

Contact person: Perry Godse,

Location of Reconstruction of Landry Road Project on Map


Gagné Road Reconstruction

Description: Shoulder reconstruction and gravel road resurfacing .

Street closure: To be confirmed

Work dates (approximate): May to July 2024

Approved budget: $1.13M

Contact person: Charles Bonneau,

Location of Reconstruction of Gagné Road on Map


Culvert Replacement on Lacasse Road

Description: Culvert Replacement on Lacasse Road

Street closures: Yes, dates to be confirmed

Work dates (approximate): July to Septembre, 2024

Approved budget: $700,000

Contact person: Alain Beaulieu,

Location of Culvert Replacement Project on Map


Culvert Relining on Old Highway 17 (Project done in partnership with the UCPR)

Description: Culvert Relining on Old Highway 17

Street closures: No

Work dates (approximate): July to September, 2024

Approved budget: $714,000

Contact person: Alain Beaulieu,

Location of Culvert Replacement Project on Map


New/Improvements to Sidewalks at County Road 17 Intersections

Description: Installation of new sidewalks (at 4 corners of intersections) and improvements at pedestrian crossings

Street closures: No

Work dates (approximate): August to September, 2024

Approved budget: $61,000

Contact person: Alain Beaulieu,

Location of Sidewalks Project on Map