By-laws and Policies
By-Laws and policies that are frequently requested by the public can be found below. Most of these documents are in English only. By-Laws followed by an * are consolidated versions that are provided for administrative and reference purposes only. They are not to be used in lieu of photocopies of the original by-law, including for legal uses.
If you wish to view a by-law not on this list, or a non-consolidated version, please contact the Clerk's Office by email at or 613-446-6022 ext. 0.
Municipal Act, 2001
Accessible Customer Service - Policy ADM2018-02 |
Policy StatementThe City of Clarence-Rockland is committed to providing equal access to its programs, services and facilities, to its residents, including people with disabilities. 2.0 Purpose / ObjectiveThe purpose of this Policy is to establish guidelines on providing goods and services to persons with disabilities while providing an opportunity for integration, independence, dignity and equal opportunity. This Policy has been prepared pursuant to requirements and information provided in the Ontario Regulation 429/07 made under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA). 3.0 Definitions“Assistive Devices” are auxiliary aids such as communication aids, cognition aids, personal mobility aids and medical aids (i.e. canes, crutches, wheelchairs, scooters or hearing aids). “Disabilities” as per the Ontario Human Rights Code, disability means:
“Employees” are person(s) who deal with members of the public or other third parties on behalf of the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland, whether the person does so as an employee, agent, volunteer or otherwise. “Persons with Disabilities” are individuals who are afflicted with a disability as defined under the Ontario Human Rights Code. “Regulated health professional” include the following: Audiologists and Speech[1]Language Pathologists, Chiropractors, Nurses, Occupational Therapists, Optometrists, Physicians and Surgeons, Physiotherapists, Psychologists, Registered Psychotherapists and Registered Mental Health Therapists. “Service Animals” are any animal individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of a person with a disability. “Support Persons” are any person whether a paid professional, volunteer, family member, or friend who accompanies a person with a disability in order to help with communications, personal care or medical needs, or with access to goods or services. 4.0 ScopeThis policy applies to all City employees, and all volunteers, and to any individual or organization that deal with the public on behalf of the City. 5.0 Policy Procedures and GuidelinesAssistive devices People with disabilities may use their personal assistive devices when accessing our goods, services or facilities. In cases where the assistive device presents a significant and unavoidable health or safety concern or may not be permitted for other reasons, other measures will be used to ensure the person with a disability can access our goods, services or facilities. CommunicationWhen communicating with people with disabilities, employees will do so in a manner that takes into account the person’s disability. This may include regular mail, email, and/or telephone communications. Employees will discuss with the person with a disability to determine what method of communication works best for them. Service AnimalsPeople with disabilities may be accompanied by their service animal in the areas of the City premises that are open to the public, provided that he/she maintains care and control of the animal at all times. An animal is a service animal for a person with a disability:
If a service animal is excluded by law, the City shall ensure that alternate means are available to enable the person with a disability to obtain, use or benefit from the goods and services. If a customer or a staff member has an allergy to animals, the City shall make every reasonable effort to meet the needs of all individual. Support PersonsPeople with disabilities may be accompanied by a support person and the City shall ensure that both persons are permitted to enter the premises together and that the person with a disability is not prevented from having access to the support person while on the premises. If an amount is payable by a support person for admission to the premises or in connection with a support person’s presence at the premises, notice shall be given in advance by including same on the City’s website and in any other manner deemed appropriate. In situations where the City has obligations under privacy laws or has issues of confidentiality or professional obligations, a support person may be requested to agree to requirements of service just as the person with a disability does. The City may require a visiting person with a disability to be accompanied by a support person when on the premises, but only if a support person is necessary to protect the health or safety of the person with a disability or the health or safety of others on the premises. In this case, the City shall not charge the amount payable for the support person.
Notice of Temporary DisruptionIf, in order to obtain, use or benefit from the City’s goods or services, persons with disabilities usually use particular facilities or services of the City and if there is a temporary disruption in those facilities or services in whole or in part, the City shall give notice of the disruption to the public. Notice of the disruption must include the following information:
Temporary Disruption Form is attached hereto as Schedule “A” to this Policy. TrainingThe City shall provide training to all members within the organization, including employees, volunteers, agents, contractors and others who deal with the public or other third-parties and those involved in developing customer service policies, practices, and procedures, will receive Accessibility Awareness Training within six months of beginning their duties. The City will also provide ongoing training with respect to changes in its policies, practices, and procedures to those individuals who require such training as soon as practicable. The City will keep records of all staff who have received training (e.g., dates, trainer, etc.). Accessibility Awareness Training will include the following:
The training shall also be provided on an ongoing basis in connection with changes to the policies, practices and procedures governing the provision of goods or services to persons with disabilities. The training content may vary depending on who is receiving the training and the nature of the services provided and depending on the individual Departmental requirements. Training format may include an eLearning Session with Questionnaire, a Self Training Manual with Questionnaire, or other formats as required. Feedback processA process for receiving and responding to feedback in regards to the accessibility of the goods and services provided by the City has been established. Customers who wish to provide feedback or suggestions may do so in person, by telephone, in writing, by email, online via the City’s website, or other accessible formats upon request. The Feedback Form is attached hereto as Schedule “B” to this Policy. Availability of documentsThis document shall be made available on the City`s website and shall be made available to anyone upon request. Modification to this or other Policies Any policy of the City that does not respect and promote the dignity, independence, integration and equal opportunity for people with disabilities will be modified or removed or interpreted and applied in order to include those principles. |
Bilingualism - Policy ADM01-01 |
The purpose of this policy is to establish a general procedure in order ensure a bilingual service in our municipality. General ClauseThe City of Clarence-Rockland has declared itself, by way of resolution on March 10th 1998, a bilingual entity. Therefore, the following policy will serve as a guide with regards to administrative policies of the City of Clarence-Rockland relating to the mandatory use of the French and English languages in the execution of various services and programs offered by the City of Clarence-Rockland. EmployeesAll existing and future municipal staff whose tasks require that they be in direct contact with the public and who do not have the ful knowledge of one of the official languages will be required to obtain instruction in the other official language to the level of proficiency required for their position. These courses shall be subject to the existing policy on courses for municipal employees. DocumentationAll documents which are prepared or reproduced by the municipality shall be made available, wherever possible, in a bilingual format. When a bilingual format cannot be utilised a department, will be permitted to produce a “non-official” translation of the document. The current practice of preparing certain documents or forms in both official languages shall be maintained. The following municipal documents shall be prepared in both official languages within a reasonable time: a. Resolutions and reports presented on the agenda of a public meeting of municipal Council; b. Minutes of all municipal Counci meetings; c. Agendas, reports and minutes of al municipal Committees; d. All municipal by-laws (wherever possible); e. All forms which are intended to be distributed to the public; f. All documents which are printed by the accounting system in the Finance Department and which are distributed to the public; g. The collective agreement of the unionized employees of the municipality shall be translated if requested during negotiations; h. All other documents, forms, releases and services offered by the municipality which are not specifically described herein and which are intended to be distributed to the public shall be available in both official languages. i. It will not be mandatory to prepare in both official languages, documents such as subdivision agreements, site plan agreements, land deeds and other similar documents. j. Internal correspondence which is not intended to be given to the public may be prepared in the author’s preferred language. TranslationThe expenses incurred for the translation of a document will be the responsibility of the municipality. Reply to CorrespondenceAll written or oral requests shall be replied in the same language as that of the applicant. ResponsibilityThis policy shall be administered by the Chief Administrative Officer. These instructions are in addition to federal and provincial laws & regulations on bilingualism. |
Integrated Accessibility Standards - Policy ADM2013-02 |
1.0Policy StatementThe City of Clarence-Rockland is committed to being responsive to the needs of all customers and members of the public. To do this, the City must recognize the diverse needs of all residents and respond by trying to provide services and facilities that are accessible to all. As an employer and provider of public service, the City is committed to ensuring its services are provided in an accessible manner. The City will promote accessibility through the development of policy, practices and procedures and by ensuring that consideration is given to persons with disabilities. To do this, policies, practices and procedures shall address dignity, equity, inclusion, independence and responsiveness. 2.0 Purpose/ObjectiveThe purpose of this policy is to set out the requirements of the Ontario Regulation 191/11 – Integrated Accessibility Standards (IASR) which reflects a number of accessibility standards that organizations, including the City of Clarence-Rockland, are required to meet. 3.0 Scope and ResponsibilityThis policy applies to all City employees, volunteers, and to any individual or organization that provides goods, services or facilities to the public on behalf of the City. This policy has been drafted in accordance with the Regulation and addresses how the City will achieve accessibility through meeting the Regulation’s requirements. The requirements of the Regulation include: 1. Establishment, implementation, maintenance and documentation of a multi-year accessibility plan, which outlines the City’s strategy to prevent and remove barriers and meet its requirements under the Regulation; 2. Incorporation of accessibility criteria and features when procuring or acquiring goods, services, or facilities. 3. Training; and 4. Other specific requirements under the Information and Communication, Employment, Transportation Standards and Built Environment. 4.0 General ProvisionsAccessibility PlansThe City of Clarence-Rockland will establish, implement, maintain and document a multi-year accessibility plan outlining its strategy to prevent and remove barriers and meet the requirements under the IASR. The multi-year accessibility plan will be posted on the City’s website and be provided in an accessible format, upon request, as soon as practicable; and; reviewed and updated at least once every five years. Annual Status ReportsThe City will prepare an annual status report on the progress of measures taken to implement the multi-year accessibility plan. The status report will be posted on City’s website and will be provided in an accessible format, upon request, as soon as is practicable. Training The City shall ensure that training is provided to all employees on the requirements of the IASR and the Ontario Human Rights Code, as it pertains to persons with disabilities. Ongoing training will be provided to new employees as soon as practicable. Procuring or Acquiring Goods, Services or FacilitiesThe City will have regard for accessibility criteria and features when procuring or acquiring foods, services or facilities, except where it is not practical to do so (in which case, if requested, an explanation will be provided). 5.0 Information and Communication Standards5.1 DefinitionsCommunications means the interaction between two or more persons or entities, or any combination of them, where information is provided, sent or received. Communication Supports may include, but are not limited to, captioning, alternative and augmentative communication supports, plain language, verbal explanation or other supports that facilitate effective communications. Information includes data, facts and knowledge that exist in any format, including text, audio, digital or images, and that convey meaning. 5.2 Guidelines and Procedures FeedbackThe City shall ensure that the processes for receiving and responding to feedback are accessible to people with disabilities by providing or arranging for the provision of accessible formats communication supports, upon request. Accessible formats and communication supportsThe City will notify the public about the availability of accessible formats and communication supports. Accessible formats and communication supports for persons with disabilities shall be provided in a timely manner, taking into account the person’s accessibility needs and at a cost that is no more than the regular cost charged to other persons. ExceptionsThe IASR does not apply to product or product labels; unconvertible information or communication; and, information that the City does not control directly or indirectly through a contractual relationship. If the information or communications are unconvertible, the City shall provide the person requesting the information or communications with an explanation as to why the information or communications are unconvertible and a summary of the unconvertible information or communications. Emergency procedures, plans or public safety informationEmergency procedures, plans or public safety information, that are publicly available, shall be provided in an accessible format or with appropriate communication supports, upon request, as soon as practicable. Accessible Websites and Web ContentThe City shall work toward making its website and web content conform to the Worldwide Web Consortium’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, initially at level A and increasing to level AA in accordance with the timeframes set out in the Integrated Accessibility Standards. 6.0 Employment Standards6.1 ApplicationThe requirements set out in the Accessible Employment Standards section of the City Integrated Accessibility Policy apply only to employees of the City. They do not apply to volunteers or other non-paid individuals. 6.2 DefinitionsPerformance management means activities related to assessing and improving employee performance, productivity and effectiveness, with the goal of facilitating employee success. Career development and advancement includes providing additional responsibilities within an employee’s current position and the movement of an employee from one job to another in an organization that may be higher in pay, provide greater responsibility or be at the higher level in the organization or any combination of them and, for both additional responsibilities and employee movement, is usually based on merit or seniority, or a combination of them. Redeployment means the reassignment of employees to other departments or jobs within the organization as an alternative to layoff, when a particular job or department has been eliminated by the organization. RecruitmentThe City shall do the following:
6.3 Guidelines and Procedures Notice to successful applicantsWhen making offers of employment, the City will notify the successful applicant of its policies for accommodating employees with disabilities Informing employees of supports The City will inform employees of its policies used to support its employees with disabilities including those on the provision of job accommodation that take into account an employee’s accessibility needs. This information will be provided to new employees as soon as practicable after they begin their employment. Updated information will be provided to employees whenever there is a change to existing policies. Accessible formats and communication supports for employeesWhen requested by an employee, the City will consult with the employee to provide or arrange for the provision of accessible formats and communication supports needed to perform the employee’s job and information generally available to employees in the workplace. Workplace emergency response informationThe City will provide individualized workplace emergency response information to employees who have a disability, if the disability is such that the individualized information is necessary and the employer has been made aware of the need for accommodation due to the employee’s disability. Individualized workplace emergency response information will be reviewed when an employee moves to a different location in the organization, when the employee’s overall accommodation needs or plans are reviewed and when the City reviews its general emergency response policies. Documented individual accommodation plans The City shall develop and have in place a written process for the development of documented individual accommodation plans for employees with disabilities. The process shall include the elements identified in section 28(2) of the IASR. Return to work process The City shall develop, document and have in place a return to work process for employees who have been absent from work due to a disability and require disability-related accommodations to return to work. Performance management, career development and advancement, and redeployment The City shall take into account the accessibility needs of employees with disabilities and individual accommodation plans in performance management processes, when providing career development and advancement opportunities and when considering redeployment of employees with disabilities. 7.0 Transportation StandardsThe Accessibility Standard for Transportation will make it easier for everyone to travel in Ontario. The standard applies to conventional and specialized transportation services, as well as to municipalities that license taxicabs or provide conventional transportation services. Public TransitThe City shall ensure that owners and operators of public transit are in conformity with the transportation standard under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005, where an agreement exists. TaxicabsThe City shall ensure that owners and operators of licensed taxicabs do not charge higher fares or additional fees to a passenger with a disability. The City shall also consult with the public to determine the proportion of accessible taxis required in the community. 8.0 Built-in StandardsThe Accessibility Standards for the Built Environment focus on removing barriers in two areas, namely public spaces, and buildings. Enhancements to accessibility in buildings will happen at a later date through Ontario’s Building Code, which governs new construction and renovations in buildings. The City will comply with the AODA Design of Public Spaces Standards (Accessibility Standards for The Built Environment) when undertaking new construction and redevelopment of public spaces which may include:
9.0 References and Related Documents |
Municipal Grants Program |
1.0 Policy Statement
2.0 Relationship to the City of Clarence-Rockland’s Strategic PlanThe Municipal Grants Program intendsto provide servicesthat enable a financially sustainable community 3.0 Purpose/ObjectivesThe purpose of this Policy is to provide a consistent procedure for the issuance of all municipal grants, The objective of grants issued by the City of Clarence-Rockland is to promote the well-being of the 4.0 Program IntentEvery year the Municipality receives more grant requests than it can fund. The objective of this Policy is 5.0 ScopeThis Policy applies to any direct monetary contribution or contribution of City services, facilities or Municipally owned resources eligible for grants include:
6.0 Types of GrantsThe different types of grants awarded through the Municipal Grants Program Policy are identified as • Program 1 – Financial and In-Kind Assistance: provides eligible financial grants and in-kind o Tangible supportsuch as the loan of basic equipment (tables, chairs, barricades) o Technical support such as communications support, advertising, event coordination, o Preferred rates for the rental of City facilities. • Program 2 – Multi-Government Funding Support: provides a required municipal contribution to • Program 3 – Identify Signature events, which are events which occur from year to year, are considered separate from this process. 7.0 DefinitionsAnnual Report is the annual reportsubmitted by the Municipal Grants Review Committee to Council. Criteria are used to evaluate grant applications based on how the organization’s initiative will benefit the Established Organization is an organization that has existed in the community for more than 3 years. Emerging Organization is an organization that has existed in the community for 3 years or less. Grant Application is the application form required to be completed and submitted prior to consideration of Initiative means any public undertaking of a project, program, and/or event carried out by an organization. In-Kind Assistance is a grant for the provision of municipal property/facilities, materials or resources to an Letter of Agreement shall mean a document, signed by both the organization and the City of Clarence Rockland, that outlines the terms and conditions and reporting required to receive funding. Letter of Award shall mean a written confirmation of an award to an applicant. Methods of Communication are methods used by the City to communicate to the public, including but not Municipal Grants Review Committee (hereinafter called the “Committee”) is an independent committee Organization is a non-profit community group/organization as defined in the City’sthat provides products 8.0 ResponsibilitiesThe Finance Department will inform the community of grant opportunities through updates to the City’s Late or incomplete or disqualified applications will not be forwarded to the Committee for consideration. The Committee will evaluate applications and make recommendations based on the grant criteria Council• Establishes the budget for the Municipal Grant process through the budgeting process. Municipal Grants Review Committee• To review and make recommendations to Council for the approval of all Financial Grant applications
Director of Finance• To review and approve in-kind assistance requests subject to the availability of resources and Chief Administrative Officer• Develops processes to reflect corporate priorities. Department Heads• Provides the Director of Finance with the in-kind costs for City services, facilities, equipment, etc. 9.0 Policy Procedures• All requests for grants should be submitted to the Director of Finance in conformance with the
10.0 General Eligibility Criteria and Program Principles• Applicants must demonstrate the need for the specific request. Each request must be made in the 11.0 In-Kind Contributions• Application containing in-kind contributions shall be considered under the same eligibility criteria 12.0 Municipal liability and insurance coverage• Applicants for a grant of municipally owned resources will be required to hold sufficient commercial 13.0 Ineligible Applicants and Exclusion• Individuals, businesses, are not eligible to apply through the Municipal Grants Program. 14.0 Applications• The Municipal Grants Program supports innovative initiatives that provide direct and indirect
15.0 Application PeriodApplication Periods: There is a period in October that will open for funding and/or material and technical 16.0 Financial ConsiderationsUnless otherwise approved by Council no grant funding will be paid until such time as the annual budget Any event that has not taken place after payment from the Municipal Grant shall be returned, in full, to the City. 17.0 ReportingAll organizations receiving funding from the City must provide a financial report to present the results of the event. Only revenues and expenses specific to the event approved by the municipal subsidy program are to be included in the report.
18.0 Annual Report to Council and the PublicThe Director of Finance will submit an Annual Report to Council which will identify: the applicants who PROGRAM 1: FINANCIAL AND IN-KIND ASSISTANCEPurposeProgram 1 is intended to provide modest levels of financial support and assistance to community non profit organizations whose primary focus is within the City of Clarence-Rockland. PROGRAM 2: MULTI-GOVERNMENT FUNDING SUPPORTPurposeProgram 2 has been established to provide financial support to community non-profit organizations that Program Funding and Eligibility• Municipal Grants Program 2 provides assistance to organizations in obtaining defined federal PROGRAM 3: SIGNATURE EVENTSPurposeProgram 3 outlines the signature events, which due to their importance to the community are considered separate to this process. Signature events must receive annual support, reviewed by City Council, independent of the municipal subsidy program. To maintain transparency, here is the list of events: They are: APPENDIX 1 : UNDERSTANDING IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONWhat is an in-kind contribution? An in-kind contribution is a contribution of a good or a service other than money.
In-kind contributions calculations:
Public Consultation - Policy ADM2013-01 |
1.0 Policy StatementThe City of Clarence-Rockland is committed to communicating with its residents to ensure that it meets the needs of the community in its planning and decision making. 2.0 Purpose/ObectiveThe purpose of this policy is to provide a set of principles and establish guidelines for public consultation process. 3.0 Definitions‘Consultative Process’ means to give the public an opportunity to influence the municipal planning and decision making by presenting their views which are taken into consideration as the municipal government makes its final decision. ‘Deliberative Process’ means to give the public an opportunity to engage in a dialogue with the officials responsible for municipal planning and decision making in an effort to work through the issues together, while municipal government retains its responsibility to make the final decision. ‘Engagement Process’ means to give the public an opportunity to collaborate as a partner in the municipal planning and decision making in an effort to effectively find and implement solutions to complex problems or achieve complex goals. 4.0 ScopeThis policy applies to all members of the City’s organization that may be involved in the municipal planning and/or decision making process. 5.0 Policy Procedures / Guidelines5.1 Principles:The following principles reflect the City of Clarence-Rockland’s commitment and approach to engaging citizens in the municipal planning and decision making process: a. Value and encourage public involvement The views of the community shall be valued and public involvement shall be encouraged on issues that affect them. The development of a public consultation plan in the early stages of a project will be required. b. Exceed legislated requirements The extent of public consultation processes shall reflect the magnitude and complexity of the specific initiative and where possible legislated policy shall be exceeded. c. Share information and educate Information shall be regularly shared to educate the public and to promote awareness and discussion on issues of individual and community interest. d. Openness Opportunities for open, constructive and balanced discussion shall be created to solicit input from the public. e. Mutual respect/Objectivity Consultation shall be conducted in a fair and respectful manner, considering all views to build trust with the public. Views will be considered in a non-confrontational and constructive manner. f. Efficiency/Effectiveness The consultation method utilized shall reflect the magnitude and complexity of the initiative, the degree of public interest and the needs of those likely to be affected. 5.2 Consulting Methods:The following are the methods to consider in developing a public consultation plan: a. Consultative Process This is the most traditional process. It is the process which is usually prescribed in legislation for planning matters, including zoning by-laws, official plans, as well as amendments thereto. b. Deliberative Process This process should be considered when consultation needs to go beyond the consultative process. This process is a great tool to get the public involved in understanding, confirming or determining what the real issue is in particular cases in order to subsequently enable the municipality to conclude with an acceptable solution. c. Engagement Process This is the most innovative process. It requires the municipality and the public to work in partnership to achieve a common goal and to share responsibility of the outcome. 5.3 General Procedure:When a project or initiative is identified to include a public consultation component, even if the method of public consultation is already prescribed by legislation, staff shall: a. Initiate a meeting with the applicable Department Head, the Chief Administrative Officer and the Communications Officer to review the initiative and establish which method of consultation will be utilized; b. Develop a public consultation plan based on the method chosen in order to identify the process in detail; c. Publicly advertise the consultation plan and all pertinent information regarding the project/initiative accordingly. The use of the City’s web page shall play a major role in communicating with the public. d. Evaluate the public consultation method utilized and report any positive/negative findings to the Chief Administrative Officer.
Petitions - ADMIN 2018-04 |
1.0 Policy Statement
2.0 Purpose/Objective
3.0 Definitions
4.0 Scope
5.0 Policy Procedure/Guidelines
Recognition and support to NPOs |
1.0 Policy StatementThe City of Clarence-Rockland recognizes the important contribution of non-profit organizations (NPOs) working in its territory, and specifically in community, cultural, social and recreational areas. 2.0 Purpose / ObjectiveThe City wishes to adopt a policy that recognizes and adequately supports NPOs. The policy aims to enable the City to work with NPOs to provide them with the ability to: 2.1 offer comprehensive activities and services to the City’s citizens. 2.2 promote the realization of projects helping to improve the citizens’ quality of life. 2.3 rally and encourage citizens of all ages to actively participate in community life, and take part in the City’s cultural and social activities. 2.4 encourage and support the activities and services in community, cultural, social and recreational areas. 3.0 Definitions"City" means the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland. ‘’NPO’’ means a non-profit organization. A charitable organization means a not-for-profit organization or corporation that may:
4.0 ScopeThis Policy applies to all City of Clarence-Rockland personnel including employees, members of council, volunteers, students and contracted staff. It also applies to any organization, association, board, or agency wanting to be recognized by the City. 5.0 Policy Guidelines/ProceduresTo achieve its mission, the policy sets specific goals. The purpose of the policy is: 5.1.1 to establish a clear process that an organization/group must follow in order to be recognized as an NPO with the City. 5.1.2 to establish clear and fair eligibility criteria that all NPOs must meet for fair consideration. 5.1.3 to define the different means of support available to NPOs. 5.1.4 to define the process that must be followed in order to access the different means of support. 5.2 NPO Recognition ProcessOrganizations/groups that wish to be recognized as a NPOs by the City must follow the following steps: 5.2.1 have a meeting with a Community Services representative to discuss the organization’s/group’s eligibility as a NPO. 5.2.2 the organization/group must complete the application form found in Schedule B of this policy. 5.2.3 the Director of Community Services will assess the request for application. If the request is accepted,mthe Director shall contact a representative of the group/organization to announce that it is recognized by the City and will be added to the list of organizations recognized by the City (Schedule A). If the request is denied the Director will meet with a representative of the group/ organization to explain why the group is not eligible. 5.3 Eligibility CriteriaAll organizations/groups wanting to be recognized as NPOs by the City must comply with the following criteria: 5.3.1 provide humanitarian, educational, recreational, community, cultural or sporting services to the community of Clarence- Rockland. 5.3.2 the head office of the organization shall be within the City’s territory (with the exception of recognized charitable organizations. 5.3.3 hold the activities for which support is requested within in the City’s territory. 5.3.4 activities for which support is requested must be open and made available to the entire community and not only to members of the organization/group. 5.3.5 be prepared to submit, upon request by the City, a financial report for each activity for which support from the City was provided. 5.3.6 be able to provide a financial statement showing that all of the organization's/group's profits from the activities do not exclusively benefit the group, but that they are also returned to the community or to a charity. 5.3.7 be in position to submit any other relevant information upon request to ensure the organization's eligibility. 5.4 Charitable Organization Recognized by The GovernmentGroups that are already recognized as a charitable organization with Canada Revenue Agency must meet the following criteria: 5.4.1 be recognized as such by Canada Revenue Agency (supporting documents). 5.4.2 hold the activities for which support is requested in the City's territory. 5.4.3 the activities for which support is requested must be open and made available to the entire community and not only to members of the organization/group. 5.5 Elementary and Secondary SchoolsThe City recognizes that the region's elementary and secondary schools play a key role on the territory's community, cultural, social and recreational areas. The support provided to NPOs is therefore also available for elementary and secondary schools within the region. 5.6 Support for NPOsNPOs that are recognized by the City have access to the following forms of support: 5.6.1 Tangible support: meaning, in general, the loan of basic equipment (ex., tables, chairs, barricades, etc.). 5.6.2 Technical support: consists of assisting an organization to carry out their activities. This type of support can take on different forms such as support for advertising and promotion, invitations to elected officials, etc. 5.6.3 Financial Support: Consists of receiving preferential rates for rental of the following facilities:
5.6.4 Consists of the opportunity to submit a request to the following financial support programs:
5.7 Allocation of Tangible and Technical SupportThe allocation of tangible and technical support, as mentioned in Section 5.6.1 and 5.6.2, will be based on the following criteria: 5.7.1 The NPO must complete the application form for tangible and technical support attached to this policy as Schedule C. 5.7.2 The allocation of tangible and technical support will be based on a "first come, first served" basis and the resources available at the time of the activity. As such, there is no guarantee that an NPO will receive the requested support.
5.7.3 All requests for tangible and technical support must be made in writing and delivered to community services at least two weeks prior to the event. 5.8 Allocation of Financial Support5.8.1 Preferential rates of facility rental (see 5.6.3) will be applied directly to the final invoice that is submitted to the NPO prior to the event. 5.8.2 The distribution of funds associated with financial support programs will be based on the criteria established by each program. 5.9 Other RequestsAny requests for support that are outside the scope of this policy will be evaluated individually by the Director of the Department. Local NPOs:
NPOs recognized by the government:
Recreation and Cultural Programs Reimbursement Policy |
1.0 Policy StatementThe City of Clarence-Rockland provides recreation and cultural programs that meet the public’s needs in an environment where residents feel comfortable, have fun, learn new things, strengthen or develop their skills, and build confidence in themselves by actively participating in inclusive activities. Community Development develops and enforces strategies to ensure the financial self-sufficiency of the municipal recreation and cultural programming. 2.0. Purpose/ObjectiveThe purpose of this policy is to standardize the reimbursement process to municipal recreation and cultural programs. 3.0 DefinitionsN/A 4.0 ScopeThis policy applies to all municipal recreation and cultural programs registrants. Community Development is responsible for providing all the necessary information to the Finance department so that it can issue reimbursement. The Finance department is responsible for issuing the reimbursement within 15 days of receiving the request from Community Development. 5.0 Policy Procedure/GuidelinesAll reimbursement requests must be made in writing to the Municipal Programs Coordinator. Recreation Programs Cancellation Policy:Registrants may cancel their program registration up to 6 weeks prior to program start date with a $50 administrative fee per participant. Between 4 and 6 weeks prior to program start date, 50% of registration fees are refundable per participant. 4 weeks from program start date, there will be no refunds. March Break Cancellation Policy:Registrants may cancel their registration at any time until January 15th with a $50 administrative fee per camper. Between January 15th and March 1st, 50% of camp registration fees are refundable per camper. After March 1st, there will be no refunds. Summer Cancellation Policy:Registrants may cancel their registration at any time until May 1st with a $50 administrative fee per camper. Between May 1st and June 15th, 50% of camp registration fees are refundable per camper. After June 15th, there will be no refunds. Reimbursement Requests in exceptional circumstances:All program registrants are subject to the above policy. However, unavoidable medical cancellations or other exceptional circumstances will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Registrants that need to cancel their registration on medical grounds or because of exceptional circumstances are requested to contact the Recreation Programs Coordinator to discuss the cancellation. In a case of major illness or injury, a full refund will be provided subject to the approval of the Director. A pro-rated cancellation fee will be established if a participant has attended one or more program days prior to the cancellation. |
Video Surveillance Policy - Policy PRO2021-010 |
Effective November 1st, 2021 Adopted by Resolution 2021-190 1.0 Policy StatementThe City of Clarence-Rockland recognizes the delicate balance between an individual’s right to be free from invasion of privacy and the need to protect the safety and security of its employees, the public and property. In respecting this balance, the City is committed to ensuring and enhancing the safety and security of the public, its employees and property by integrating security best practices with the responsible use of technology. The City ensures that the personal information of persons captured on video surveillance is maintained as private, confidential and secure, except as legally exempted or in situations outlined by this policy. 2.0. Purpose/ObjectiveThe objectives of video surveillance systems are to enhance the safety and security of employees, the public and corporate assets, to prevent unauthorized activities on or involving City property and reduce risk and liability exposures. 3.0 DefinitionsCity means the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland; Clerk means the person appointed by the City as the Clerk in accordance with section 228(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001 as amended. MFIPPA means the Ontario Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 1990, as amended. Personal Information in accordance with the MFIPPA, means recorded information about an identifiable individual, including: a) information relating to the race, national or ethnic origin, color, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation or marital or family status of the individual, b) information relating to the education or the medical, psychiatric, psychological, criminal or employment history of the individual or information relating to financial transactions in which the individual has been involved, c) any identifying number, symbol or other particular assigned to the individual, d) the address, telephone number, fingerprints or blood type of the individual, e) the personal opinions or views of the individual except if they relate to another individual, f) correspondence sent to an institution by the individual that is implicitly or explicitly of a private or confidential nature, and replies to that correspondence that would reveal the contents of the original correspondence, g) the views or opinions of another individual about the individual, and h) the individual’s name if it appears with other personal information relating to the individual or where the disclosure of the name would reveal other personal information about the individual; 4.0 ScopeThis policy applies to all City of Clarence-Rockland employees, including full-time, part-time, casual, contract, volunteer and co-op placement employees. Contractors and service providers are afforded the same rights and expectations as employees in this policy, while performing authorized activities for the City. This policy applies to all video surveillance systems located in all City properties and facilities. This policy does not apply to covert surveillance used as an investigation tool for law enforcement purposes or in contemplation of litigation. 5.0 Policy Procedure/GuidelinesThe City of Clarence-Rockland is responsible for the video surveillance systems and maintaining custody and control of video records at all times. The collection of personal information through video surveillance is authorized under section 28(2) of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA). Providing noticeSigns are posted at all public access points to and within areas under video surveillance. All attempts are made to ensure proper signage is posted at all facilities using a video surveillance system. Camera placementWhere possible, all cameras that are adjustable or moveable are restricted to prohibit the viewing of locations not intended to be monitored. Cameras are prevented from looking through a window of an adjacent building or areas where a higher level of privacy is expected, such as within a washroom or change room. Use of video recordingsThe information collected through video surveillance is used only for the purposes of:
Any time an incident report is completed, the applicable video will be pulled and retained as needed. When a City employee is involved in an incident for which a video recording is being pulled, that video recording must be reviewed and pulled by another employee or manager. Requests for disclosureThe City of Clarence-Rockland does not disclose a video record to any individual or organization except as permitted through MFIPPA.
If video containing personal information is improperly disclosed or is suspected to have been disclosed to an unauthorized person, the employee or service provider who is aware of the disclosure must immediately inform the appropriate department manager, as well as, the City Clerk or delegated employees. Live viewingLive viewing is restricted to time periods when there is a demonstrably higher likelihood of safety and security concerns involving employees, the public or corporate assets, or the commission of unauthorized activity in the area under surveillance. Live feed monitors are turned off when not in use. Retention and destructionVideo that has not been requested by the public, City employees or law enforcement agencies within the maximum retention period is considered transitory and is automatically erased by being overwritten in accordance with the records retention by-law. If video is proactively pulled in anticipation of a request, video may be stored for up thirty (30) calendar days. If no request is received within the thirty (30) days then it is manually deleted. Digital recording equipment may only be destroyed when replaced by a new piece of equipment or when it is not repairable. It may only be destroyed by an authorized service person and it is destroyed in a manner that ensures that it can no longer be used by any person and that the information recorded cannot be reconstructed or retrieved by any person. 6.0 ResponsibilityThe Chief Administration Officer (CAO) will:
The Municipal Law Enforcement Manager will:
The City Clerk and delegated employees will:
Directors, managers and supervisors will:
Employees will:
Employees may be subject to criminal charges, civil liability and/or discipline, including but not limited to termination, for a breach of this policy, or provisions of MFIPPA or other relevant statutes. |
Winter Maintenance Policy - TP 2024-001 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Effective date November 13, 2024 Adopted by resolution RES2024-118 1.0 Policy StatementThe City of Clarence-Rockland shall provide winter maintenance operations in accordance with this policy as reasonably practicable, in order to meet provincial maintenance standards for municipal highways per O.Reg. 239/02, as amended, while striving to minimize adverse impacts to the environment.
The City commits to ongoing staff training and education for winter control maintenance staff and monitoring the effectiveness of winter operations. The City will continually review, assess and implement new approaches, procedures, and technologies to achieve continuous improvement and operational efficiencies with respect to winter operations.
2.0 Purpose/Objective The City of Clarence-Rockland is committed to delivering safe, cost-effective winter operations. The Winter Control Policy provides framework for winter operations performed by the City of Clarence-Rockland in order to achieve the prescribed levels of service and standards in accordance with O.Reg. 239/02 the minimum maintenance standards for municipal highways under the Municipal Act.
3.0 Definitions Asset for the purpose of this policy means a roadway, bicycle lane, sidewalk and/or multi-use pathway.
Average Daily Traffic (ADT) is a technical measurement of traffic volume on a road, in both directions. Conversion factors, which vary depending on time of year and week, extrapolate daily traffic counts into ADT.
Bicycle facility means the on-road and in-boulevard cycling facilities listed in Book 18 of the Ontario Traffic Manual;
Bicycle lane means a portion of a roadway that has been designated by pavement markings or signs for the preferential or exclusive use of cyclists, or a portion of a roadway that has been designated for the exclusive use of cyclists by signs and a physical or marked buffer;
cm means centimetres; day means a 24-hour period;
Ice means all kinds of ice, however formed;
Main street has the same meaning as identified in the City’s Official Plan; Major collector has the same meaning as identified in the City’s Official Plan; Minor collector has the same meaning as identified in the City’s Official Plan; Multi-use pathway means for the purpose of this policy, the part of the highway specifically set aside or commonly understood to be for active transportation use, typically consisting of a paved surface but does not include crosswalks, medians, boulevards, shoulders or any part of the multi-use pathway where cleared snow has been deposited;
Residential road and lane has the same meaning as identified in the City’s Official Plan; Roadway has the same meaning as in subsection 1 (1) of the Highway Traffic Act; Rural local road has the same meaning as identified in the City’s Official Plan; Sidewalk means the part of the highway specifically set aside or commonly understood to be for pedestrian use, typically consisting of a paved surface but does not include Crosswalks, medians, boulevards, shoulders or any part of the sidewalk where cleared snow has been deposited;
Significant weather event means an approaching or occurring weather hazard with the potential to pose a significant danger to users of the highways within the City;
Snow accumulation means the natural accumulation of any of the following that, alone or together, covers more than half a lane width of a roadway:
Substantial probability means a significant likelihood considerably in excess of 51 per cent; Surface means the top of a sidewalk, multi-use pathway, roadway or shoulder; Weather means air temperature, wind and precipitation;
Weather hazard means the weather hazards determined by Environment Canada as meeting the Criteria for the issuance of an alert under its Public Weather Alerting Program. O. Reg. 239/02, s. 1 (1); O. Reg. 23/10, s. 1 (1); O. Reg. 47/13, s. 1; O. Reg. 366/18, s. 1 (1, 2).
4.0 Scope The City of Clarence-Rockland provides winter operations maintenance on City owned Assets.
5.0 Procedure/Guidelines 5.1. General 5.1.1. Winter Season For operational purposes, the winter season commences on November 15 and is completed by April 15, while acknowledging that winter events may occur outside of this timeframe. Should winter events occur outside this timeframe, the City will endeavor to meet the Level of Service (LOS) as identified in this winter control policy.
5.1.2. Weather Monitoring The City performs weather monitoring as per the Minimum Maintenance Standards (MMS), O.Reg. 239/02. As soon as winter conditions arise, the City monitors the weather, both current and forecast to occur in the next 24 hours three times per day at intervals as determined as appropriate by the City. Weather monitoring can consist of monitoring daily weather forecasts, measuring air and roadway temperatures or receiving electronic weather forecasts and alerts.
5.1.3. Winter Patrol The City performs winter Asset patrol per O.Reg. 239/02 Minimum Maintenance Standards. If it is determined by the City that the weather monitoring indicates that there is a substantial probability of snow accumulation or ice formation on a City Asset, the City will patrol the assets that the City selects as representative of its Assets, at intervals deemed necessary by the City, to check for such conditions.
Additionally, on the approach of a winter event and/or during a winter event, selected representative Assets patrolled may need to be altered depending on the type and severity of the winter event or the direction from which the storm approaches.
The purpose of the winter road patrol is to monitor and record weather and Asset conditions and mobilize winter maintenance operators and equipment should a winter event response be required. City staff will initiate the mobilization of both City and contractor equipment if needed.
During the Winter season as defined in section 5.1.1. of each winter season (weather dependent), City Assets are patrolled evenings and overnight as required.
5.2. Classification and Priority System 5.2.1 Road classification and functional classes All roads throughout the province are classified using the Average Daily Traffic (ADT) and the posted speed limit. Higher classified roads are typically collector roads or highways with high ADT and posted speeds. Traditionally, higher classification roadways receive priority maintenance activities in view of their significance within a community. All municipal owned roads are classified using the “Classification of Highway” table provided in O.Reg 239/02. Road Classifications are periodically revised.
It is noted that all City roads are classified between Class 3 to Class 6. The City does not have any Class 1 or 2 highways as there are no Roadways within the City that meet the speed limit or ADT of the Provincial classification system.
Furthermore, all municipality owned roads within Clarence-Rockland have a defined functional class which identifies the type of usage for each road segment. Functional classes are defined and described in the City’s Official Plan. Table 1 presents the general relation between a road class and a functional class within the City of Clarence-Rockland.
Table 1: General relation between Road Classification and Functional Class
5.2.2. Sidewalks/Multi-use Pathway classification and functional classes There are no provincially legislated classification systems for sidewalks and multi-use pathways. However, the functional class of the roadway along or adjacent to which the sidewalk is located should provide guidance on the standard and level of service at which the asset should be maintained.
5.2.3. Bicycle Lanes classification and functional classes While the City’s Official Plan does not provide functional class for bicycle lanes, the functional class of the roadway along or adjacent to which the bicycle lane is located should be applied.
5.2.4. Priority system The City recognizes the importance of a well-established prioritization system to deliver safe and cost-effective winter operations that meet established level of service and standards. To establish the prioritization system the City considers the following criteria: - Roadways:
- Bicycle lanes:
- Sidewalks/Multi-use pathways:
- Snowbank removal:
The priority matrix and associated level of service for each of these assets are listed in Appendix A, B, C and D.
5.2.5. Priority system limitations The City reserves the right to modify any priority identified in Appendix A,B,C and D due to operational challenges or for operational efficiencies.
5.3. Level of Service 5.3.1 General In providing safe driving, cycling and walking conditions through winter operations that meet or exceed O.Reg. 239/02 Minimum Maintenance Standards for Municipal Highways, the level of service and standards herein define the Roadway Authority’s winter activities at those times of the year in which winter conditions can be anticipated. The Level of Service included in this section cover those activities required to remove snow and ice from the surface of the road, bicycle lane and sidewalk/multi-use pathway in winter.
This standard does not apply to shoulders or parking lanes adjacent to roads unless these form part of the designated City cycling routes. Snow and ice control for the foregoing items shall be considered as winter cleanup and carried out separately.
A winter event response is an occasion where staff has been called to respond to a winter condition. The activities covered by this level of service include but is not limited to continuous plowing, salting, applying abrasive materials, applying other chemical or organic agents, ice blading, winging back and snow bank removal.
Snow and ice control operations can be carried out 24/7 subject to weather conditions and in a manner that will enable the City to achieve this standard and level of service with available resources. Under extreme winter storm conditions (i.e. those that exceed normal conditions), snow and ice control operations will be carried out based on the capacity of resources in as continuous a manner as practicable, consistent with the level of service and standards detailed in Appendix A, B, C and D.
5.3.2. Surface Treatment Standard – Roadways and Bicycle Lanes This Surface Treatment standard applies to winter snow and ice control operations on all roadways, including adjacent shoulders and bicycle lanes where designated as City cycling routes. Bare Pavement, Centre-Bare and Snow Packed treatment standards are used for various functional classes of roadway. They can be defined as:
Surface treatment standards used for each functional classes of roadways are defined in Appendix A.
5.3.3. Surface Treatment Standard – Sidewalk/Multi-use pathway Snow Packed treatment standard is used for all classes of sidewalks and pathways as defined in Appendix B and C. It can be defined as:
During weather periods subject to freeze-thaw cycles, the City will monitor the conditions of sidewalks and pathways and provide spot application of abrasives or deicing materials.
5.3.4. Snow accumulation response – Roadways / Bicycle lanes / Sidewalks and Multi-use Pathways After the City becomes aware of the fact that the snow accumulation is greater than the depth set out in Appendix A, B and C – “Snow Depth” column, it will deploy resources as soon as practicable to address the snow accumulation within the time set out in Appendix A, B and C –“Time” column.
If after the snow accumulation has ended, the snow accumulation is greater than the depth set out in Appendix A, B and C – “Snow Depth” column, the minimum standard is to clear the snow accumulation to a depth less than or equal to the depth set out in Appendix A, B and C – “Snow Depth” column within the time set out in Appendix A, B and C –“Time” column.
If the depth of snow accumulation on a road is less than or equal to the depth set out in Appendix A, B and C – “Snow Depth” column, the roadway, bicycle lane, sidewalk or Multi- use pathway is deemed to be in a state of repair with respect to snow accumulation.
5.3.5. Snowbank removal Snowbank removal operations are not legislated by the province. There is no minimum maintenance standards for this type of operation. It is up to the municipality to establish its own level of service. Snowbank removal level of service is defined in Appendix D.
5.3.6. Snow clearing width Due to snow accumulation on the side of roads, bicycle lanes and sidewalks/multi-use pathways, the minimum cleared width of these assets, after the snow accumulation has ended, will be as follows:
- Roadways: The lesser of three 3 meters for each lane or the actual lane width - Class 3 Roadway: Full road width. - Class 4 and Class 5 Roadways: Roadways with two lanes, a total width of at least five metres shall be provided. - Bicycle lanes: The lesser of 1 metre or the actual bicycle lane width. - Sidewalks/Multi-use Pathways: The lesser of 1 metre or the actual sidewalk width.
5.3.7. Ice Prevention and Ice Formation– Roadways, Bicycle lanes and/or Sidewalks/Multi-Use pathways The standard for the prevention of ice formation is for City staff to monitor the weather in accordance with section 5.1.2. and perform winter road patrols in accordance with section 5.1.3.
If the municipality determines that there is a substantial probability of ice forming on a roadway, bicycle lane and sidewalk/multi-use pathway, it shall treat the assets within the time set out in Appendix A and B, “Prevention” column, starting from the time the City determines is the appropriate time to deploy resources.
If the municipality meets the standard set out herein and, despite such compliance, ice forms on an asset, the roadway, bicycle lane and/or sidewalk/multi-use pathway is deemed to be in a state of repair until the applicable time set out in Appendix A and B, “Formation” column, expires after the municipality becomes aware of the fact that the roadway, bicycle lane and/or sidewalk/multi-use pathway is icy.
For the purposes of this section, treating a roadway and bicycle lane and/or sidewalk/multi-use pathway means applying material to the roadway, including but not limited to, salt, sand or any combination of salt and sand.
For greater certainty, this section (5.3.7) applies in respect of ice formation on bicycle lanes on a roadway but does not apply to other types of bicycle facilities.
5.3.8. Closed Bicycle lanes and Sidewalks/Multi-Use pathway during Winter Season Due to operational constraints, some municipality owned bicycle lanes, sidewalks and multi- use pathways are not maintained and are therefore closed and not maintained during Winter season as described in section 5.1.1. These closed assets are identified in Appendix E.
When a municipality closes a bicycle lane, sidewalk or multi-use pathway or part of an asset pursuant to its powers under the Act, the asset is deemed to be in a state of repair in respect of all conditions described in O.Reg. 239/02 from the time of the closure until the asset is re-opened by the municipality.
Proper signage and announcement that meets Ontario Regulation will be posted accordingly.
5.3.9. Level of Service limitations The Winter Control Policy Levels of Service are based on O.Reg. 239/02 as amended. Should there be discrepancies and/or omissions with the City Levels of Service/standards as identified in the Winter Control Policy as compared with O.Reg. 239/02 as amended, O.Reg. 239/02 as amended shall prevail.
5.4. Significant Weather Event Ontario Regulation 239/02 – Minimum Maintenance Standards for Municipal Highways includes a new provision for municipalities to declare a significant weather event. A significant weather event is an approaching or occurring weather hazard that has the potential to pose a significant danger to users of a roadway. A weather hazard is defined by Environment Canada as meeting the Criteria of an alert under Environment Canada’s Public Weather Alerting Program which includes weather events such as blizzards, blowing snow and winter storms.
The City may declare a significant weather event when a weather hazard, either forecasted or occurring, has the potential to pose a significant danger to users of the roadways in which the City has authority. The declaration of a significant weather event suspends the standard timelines required to meet the City winter maintenance Level of Service. All roadways and/or sidewalks and/or multi-use pathways are deemed in a state of repair with respect to snow accumulation and/or ice conditions, until the City declares the significant weather event has ended.
In each case, during the course of a declared significant weather event, the standard for addressing winter maintenance is to monitor the weather and deploy resources to address the issue, starting from the time the City deems it most appropriate to do so. When the City declares an event has ended, standard timelines for winter maintenance activities then begin.
The declaration of a significant weather event is not a notice of reduced service levels or a road closure. It is to notify the public that due to the forecasted or current weather conditions, caution is to be exercised and that it may take longer than usual to restore the conditions back to a normal state of repair.
To declare a significant weather event, or to declare the end of a significant weather event, the City shall comply with the provisions of s.16.9 of Ontario Regulation 239/02.
6.0 Responsibility Implementation of this Policy will be in accordance with applicable Council and/or City by-laws, policies and procedures, legislation, and collective agreement provisions.
7.0 Review and Amendments This policy should be reviewed annually or on a needed basis.
Note: For greater certainty, this section applies in respect of ice formation on bicycle lanes on a roadway, but does not apply to other types of bicycle facilities.
Administrative Monetory Penalty System - 2022 - 33 |
A by-law to establish an Administrative Monetary Penalty System in City of Clarence-Rockland.Whereas subsection 102.1 (1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, as amended (“Municipal Act, 2001”), provides that a municipality may require a person to pay an administrative penalty if the municipality is satisfied that the person failed to comply with any by-laws respecting the parking, standing or stopping of vehicles; and Whereas Section 434.1 (1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, provides that a municipality may require a person, subject to such conditions as the municipality considers appropriate, to pay an administrative penalty if the municipality is satisfied that the person has failed to comply with a by-law passed under the Municipal Act, 2001; and Whereas Sections 23.2, 23.3 and 23.5 of the Municipal Act, 2001 provides that a municipality may delegate its administrative and hearing powers; and Whereas Section 391 of the Municipal Act, 2001 authorizes a municipality to impose fees or charges on persons for services or activities provided or done by or on behalf of it; and Whereas the Council for the City of Clarence-Rockland considers it desirable and necessary to provide for a system of administrative penalties and administrative fees for its designated by-laws, or portions of its designated by-laws; Now therefore the Council of The Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland enacts as follows: 1. DefinitionsIn this By-law: 1.1. Administrative Fee means any fee specified in this By-law or set out in the in the attached schedules; 1.2. Administrative Penalty means an administrative penalty established by this By-law or set out in the attached schedules; 1.3. AMPS means Administrative Monetary Penalty System; 1.4. Authorized Representative means someone appearing on behalf of a Person in accordance with a written authorization provided upon request to the Manager of Municipal Law Enforcement Services, and who is not required to be licensed by any professional body; 1.5. Director of Construction and Protective Services means the City’s Director of Construction and Protective Services or any person delegated by them; 1.6. City means The Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland; 1.7. Clerk means the City Clerk, or any person delegated by them; 1.8. Council means the Council of the City; 1.9. Day means any calendar day; 1.10. Designated By-law means a by-law, or a part or provision of a by-law, that is designated under this or any other by-law, and is listed in the attached schedules; 1.11. Hearing Non-appearance Fee means an Administrative Fee established by Council from time to time in respect of a Person’s failure to appear at the time and place scheduled for a review before a Hearing Officer and listed in the attached schedules; 1.12. Hearing Decision means a notice that contains a decision made by a Hearing Officer; 1.13. Hearing Officer means a person who performs the functions of a Hearing Officer in accordance with Section 6 of this By-law, and pursuant to the City’s Hearing Officer By-law, as amended from time to time; 1.14. Holiday means a Saturday, Sunday, any statutory holiday in the Province of Ontario or any Day the offices of the City are officially closed for business; 1.15. Late Payment Fee means an Administrative Fee established by Council from time to time in respect of a Person’s failure to pay an Administrative Penalty within the time prescribed in this By-law and listed in the attached schedules; 1.16. MTO Fee means an Administrative Fee established by Council from time to time for any search of the records of, or any inquiry to, the Ontario Ministry of Transportation, or related authority, and listed in the attached schedule; 1.17. NSF Fee means an Administrative Fee established by Council from time to time in respect of payment by negotiable instrument or credit card received by the City from a Person for payment of any Administrative Penalty or Administrative Fee, for which there are insufficient funds available in the account on which the instrument was drawn, as listed in the City’s User Fees and Charges By-law; 1.18. Officer means a Provincial Offences Officer of the City or other person appointed by or under the authority of a City by-law to enforce City by-laws; 1.19. Penalty Notice means a notice given to a Person pursuant to section 3.0 of this By-law; 1.20. Penalty Notice Date means the date of the contravention specified on the Penalty Notice, in accordance with section 3.3 of this By-law; 1.21. Penalty Notice Number means the reference number specified on the Penalty Notice that is unique to that Penalty Notice, in accordance with section 3.3 of this By-law; 1.22. Person includes an individual or a business name, sole proprietorship, corporation, partnership, or limited partnership, or an authorized representative thereof, and, in relation to vehicle, parking or traffic-related contraventions, whose name appears on the vehicle permit as provided by the Ontario Ministry of Transportation. If the vehicle permit consists of a vehicle portion and licence plate portion, and different Persons are named on each portion, the Person whose name appears on the licence plate portion, as provided by the Ontario Ministry of Transportation, is the Person for the purposes of this By-law; 1.23. Plate Denial Fee means an Administrative Fee established by Council from time to time in respect of a Person’s failure to pay within the time prescribed prior to a request for plate denial and listed in the attached schedule; 1.24. Regulation means Ontario Regulation 333/07 under the Municipal Act; 1.25. Request for Review by a Hearing Officer means the request which may be made in accordance with section 5 of this By-law for the review of a Screening Decision; 1.26. Request for Review by Screening Officer means the request made in accordance with section 5 of this By-law for the review of a Penalty Notice; 1.27. Review by a Hearing Officer and Hearing mean the process set out in section 6 of this By-law; 1.28. Review by Screening Officer and Screening Review mean the process set out in section 6 of this By-law; 1.29. Screening Decision means a notice which contains the decision of a Screening Officer, delivered in accordance with Section 5.13 of this By-law; 1.30. Screening Non-appearance Fee means an Administrative Fee established by Council from time to time in respect of a Person’s failure to appear at the time and place scheduled for a review before a Screening Officer and listed in the attached schedule; and, 1.31. Screening Officer means Manager of Municipal Enforcement or any person who performs the functions of a Screening Officer in accordance with section 5 of this By-law, as designated by the Director, Construction and Protective Services. 2. Application of this by-law2.1 The City by-laws, or portions of City by-laws, listed in the attached Schedule “A” of this By-law shall be Designated By-laws for the purposes of sections 102.1 and 151 of the Municipal Act, 2001 and paragraph 3(1)(b) of the Regulation. The attached Schedule “A” sets out the short form language to be used on Penalty Notices, for the contraventions of Designated By-laws. 2.2 The Provincial Offences Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.33, as amended, does not apply to a contravention of a Designated By-law. 3. Penalty notice3.1 Every Person who contravenes a provision of a Designated By-law shall, upon issuance of a Penalty Notice, be liable to pay the City an Administrative Penalty in the amount specified in the attached schedule. Where the contravention is in relation to property that is jointly owned, all registered property owners shall be jointly liable for the Penalty. 3.2 An Officer who has reason to believe that a Person has contravened any Designated By-law may issue a Penalty Notice as soon as reasonably practicable. 3.3 A Penalty Notice shall include the following information, as applicable: a) The Penalty Notice Date; b) A Penalty Notice Number; c) The date on which the Administrative Penalty is due and payable, fifteen (15) days from service of the Penalty Notice; d) The identification number and signature of the Officer; e) The contravention wording as listed in the attached Schedules, or other particulars reasonably sufficient to indicate the contravention; f) The amount of the Administrative Penalty; g) Such additional information as the Director of Construction and Protective Services determines is appropriate, respecting the process by which a Person may exercise the right to request a Screening Review of the Administrative Penalty; and h) A statement advising that an unpaid Administrative Penalty, including any applicable Administrative Fee(s), will constitute a debt of the Person to the City unless cancelled pursuant to Screening Review or Hearing process. 3.4 In addition to the service methods provided in section 7 “Service of Documents” of this By-law, an Officer may serve the Penalty Notice on a Person by: a) affixing it to the vehicle in a conspicuous place at the time of a parking or traffic-related contravention; or b) delivering it personally to the Person, i) when relating to a parking or traffic-related contravention, the Person having care and control of the vehicle at the time of the contravention, within seven (7) days of the contravention; or ii) for all other contraventions, within thirty (30) days of the contravention. 3.5 No Officer may accept payment of an Administrative Penalty or Administrative Fee. 3.6 A Person who is served with a Penalty Notice and who does not pay the amount of the Administrative Penalty on or before the date on which the Administrative Notice is due and payable, shall also pay the City any applicable Administrative Fee(s). 4. Voluntary payment of penalty notice4.1 Where a Penalty Notice has been paid, the Penalty Notice shall not be subject to any further review. 4.2 A Penalty Notice shall be deemed to have been paid when the amount and all fees prescribed in the attached schedule have been paid. 5. Review by screening officer5.1 A Person who is served with a Penalty Notice may request that the Administrative Penalty be reviewed by a Screening Officer and shall do so on or before the date on which the Administrative Penalty is due and payable, and in accordance with the process set out in Section 5.4. 5.2 If a Person has not requested a Screening Review on or before the date on which the Administrative Penalty is due and payable, the Person may request that the Manager of Municipal Law Enforcement Services extend the time to request a Screening Review to a date that is no later than forty-five (45) days after the Penalty Notice Date, in accordance with the process set out in Section 5.4. 5.3 A Person’s right to request an extension of time for a Screening Review expires, if it has not been exercised, on or before forty-five (45) days after the Penalty Notice Date, at which time: a) The Person shall be deemed to have waived the right to request a Screening Review or request an extension of time for a Screening Review; b) The Administrative Penalty shall be deemed to be confirmed; and c) The Administrative Penalty shall not be subject to any further review, including a review by any Court. 5.4 A Person’s Request for Review by Screening Officer or request for an extension of time to request a Screening Review are exercised by a submission in writing, in the prescribed form and in accordance with the directions on the prescribed form. 5.5 A Request for Review by Screening Officer or request for an extension of time to request a Screening Review shall be served in accordance with the provisions of Section 7 of this By-law. 5.6 A Request for Review by Screening Officer or a request for an extension of time to request a Screening Review shall only be scheduled by the Manager of Municipal Law Enforcement if the Person makes the request on or before the dates established by Sections 5.1 or 5.2 of this By-law. 5.7 The Director, Construction and Protective Services may grant a request to extend the time to request a Screening Review where the person demonstrates, that the existence of extenuating circumstances prevented the filing of the request within the prescribed timeline. 5.8 Where an extension of time to request a Screening Review is not granted by the Director, Construction and Protective Services, the Administrative Penalty and any applicable Administrative Fee(s) are deemed to be confirmed. Notice of this decision will be provided by the Manager, Municipal Law Enforcement Services Officer to the Person in accordance with Section 7. 5.9 Where an extension of time to request a Screening Review is granted by the Director of Construction and Protective Services, or when a Screening Review has been requested in accordance with this Section, Notice of an Appointment for Screening Review will be provided in accordance with Section 7. 5.10 On a Screening Review of an Administrative Penalty, the City will direct that the Screening Review proceed by way of written screening unless, at the discretion of the Director Construction and Protective Services, an in-person or telephone appointment is required. 5.11 Where a Person fails to attend at the time and place scheduled for a Screening Review of an Administrative Penalty, or fails to provide requested documentation in accordance with a request by a Screening Officer: a) The Person shall be deemed to have abandoned the request for a Screening Review of the Administrative Penalty; b) The Administrative Penalty as set out in the Penalty Notice shall be deemed to be confirmed; c) The Administrative Penalty shall not be subject to any further review, including a review by any Court; and d) The Person shall pay to the City a Screening Non-appearance Fee, MTO fee, if applicable, and any other applicable Administrative Fee(s). 5.12 On a review of an Administrative Penalty, the Screening Officer may: a) affirm the Administrative Penalty if the Person has not established on a balance of probabilities that Designated By-law(s) was not contravened as described in the Penalty Notice; or b) cancel, reduce the penalty and/or extend the time for payment of the Administrative Penalty, including any Administrative Fee(s), where, in the sole discretion of the Screening Officer that doing so would maintain the general intent and purpose of the Designated By-law, and/or any of the following circumstances exist: i. defective form or substance on the Penalty Notice; ii. service of the Penalty Notice did not occur in accordance with Section 7; iii. undue financial hardship; 5.13 After a Review by Screening Officer, the Screening Officer shall issue a Screening Decision to the Person, delivered in accordance with Section 7 of this By-law. 5.14 A Screening Officer has no authority to consider questions relating to the validity of a statute, regulation or by-law or the constitutional applicability or operability of any statute, regulation or by-law. 6. Review by a hearing officer6.1 A Person may Request a Review by a Hearing Officer within thirty (30) days of issuance of a Screening Decision in accordance with the Hearings Officer By-law, as amended from time to time. 6.2 If a Person has not requested a Review by a Hearing Officer on or before the date on which the Administrative Penalty is due and payable, the Person may request that the Director of Construction and Protective Services extend the time to request a Review by a Hearing Officer to a date that is no later than forty-five (45) days after the Screening Decision date, in accordance with the process set out in Section 6.4. 6.3 A Person’s right to request an extension of time for a Hearing Review expires, if it has not been exercised, on or before forty-five (45) days after the Screening Decision date, at which time: a) the Person shall be deemed to have waived the right to request a Review by a Hearing Officer or request an extension of time for a Review by a Hearing Officer; b) the Screening Decision is confirmed; and c) the Administrative Penalty shall not be subject to any further review, including a review by any Court. 6.4 A Person’s Request for Review by a Hearing Officer or request for an extension of time to request a Review by a Hearing Officer are exercised by a submission in writing, in the prescribed form and in accordance with the directions on the prescribed form. 6.5 A Request for Review by Screening Officer or request for an extension of time to request a Screening Review shall be served in accordance with the provisions of Section 7 of this By-law. 6.6 A Request for Review by a Hearing Officer or a request for an extension of time to request a Review by a Hearing Officer shall only be scheduled by the Manager of Municipal Law Enforcement Services if the Person makes the request on or before the dates established by Sections 6.1 or 6.2 of this By-law. 6.7 The Director, Construction and Protective Services may grant a request to extend the time to request a Review by a Hearing Officer only where the Person demonstrates, to the satisfaction of the Director, Construction and Protective Services in his/her sole discretion that they were not served in accordance with Section 7. 6.8 Where an extension of time to request a Review by a Hearing Officer is granted by the Director, Construction and Protective Services, or when a Review by a Hearing Officer has been requested in accordance with this Section, Notice of a Hearing will be provided in accordance with Section 7. 6.9 Where a Person fails to appear at the time and place scheduled for a Hearing: a) the Person shall be deemed to have abandoned the Request for review of a Hearing; b) the Screening Decision and the Administrative Penalty and any Administrative Fee(s) shall be deemed to be confirmed; c) the Screening Decision and the Administrative Penalty and any Administrative Fee(s) shall not be subject to any further review, including a review by any Court; and d) the Person shall pay to the City a Hearing Non-appearance Fee, Late Payment Fee, MTO Fee if applicable and any other applicable Administrative Fee(s). 6.10 A Hearing Officer shall conduct a de novo Hearing in accordance with the Statutory Powers and Procedures Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. S.22, as amended and the Hearings Officer By-law, as amended from time to time. 6.11 The Parties to a Hearing shall be the Person seeking review and the City, who may attend through the Director, Construction and Protective Services, a Screening Officer, an Officer, the City Solicitor, or a delegate of any of the above persons. 6.12 Any information contained in the Penalty Notice is admissible in evidence as proof of the facts certified in it, in the absence of evidence to the contrary. If a Person wishes to challenge the facts contained in the Penalty Notice, they will be required to mark the prescribed form accordingly. 6.13 Upon the conclusion of a Hearing, the Hearing Officer may: a) affirm the Administrative Penalty if the Person has not established on a balance of probabilities that Designated By-law(s) was not contravened as described in the Penalty Notice; or b) cancel, reduce the penalty and/or extend the time for payment of the Administrative Penalty, including any Administrative Fee(s), on the following grounds: i. where the Person establishes on a balance of probabilities that the Designated By-law(s) as described in the Penalty Notice was not contravened; or ii. where the Person establishes on a balance of probabilities that the cancellation, reduction or extension of time for payment of the Administrative Penalty, including any Administrative Fee(s), is necessary to relieve any undue financial hardship. 6.14 A Hearing Officer has no authority to consider questions relating to the validity of a statute, regulation or by-law or the constitutional applicability or operability of any statute, regulation or by-law. 6.15 After a Hearing is complete, the Hearing Officer shall issue a Hearing Decision to the Person and deliver in accordance with the Hearings Officer By-law. 6.16 The decision of a Hearing Officer is final. 7. Service of documents7.1 The service of any document, notice or decision, including a Penalty Notice, pursuant to this By-law, when served in any of the following ways, is deemed effective: a) immediately, when a copy is delivered by personal service to the Person to whom it is addressed or, in the case of a Penalty Notice relating to a parking or traffic-related contravention, by affixing it to the vehicle in a conspicuous place at the time of the contravention; b) on the seventh (7th) Day following the date a copy is sent by registered mail or by regular mail to the Person’s last known address; c) immediately upon the conclusion of a copy by facsimile transmission to the Person’s last known facsimile transmission number; or d) immediately upon sending a copy by electronic mail (i.e. email) to the Person’s last known electronic mail address. 7.2 For the purposes of subsections 7.1. b), c) and d) of this By-law, a Person’s last known address, facsimile number, and electronic mail address includes an address, facsimile number and electronic mail address provided by the Person to the City as may be required by a form, practice or policy under this By-law. 7.3 If a notice document that is be given or delivered to a Person under this By-law is mailed to the Person at the Person’s last known address appearing on the records of the City as part of a proceeding under this By-law, or sent electronically to an email address that was provided by the Person, there is a irrebuttable presumption that the notice or document is given or delivered to the person. 7.4 A Person shall keep their contact information for service current by providing any change in address, facsimile, or electronic mail address to the Director of Construction and Protective Services, immediately. Failure to comply with this section will negate consideration for an extension of time to Request a Review by a Hearing Officer pursuant to Section 6.4. 7.5 Where this By-law requires service by a Person on the City, service shall be addressed to the Director of Construction and Protective Services, and shall be deemed effective: a) immediately, when a copy is delivered by personal service to the Director of Construction and Protective Services at the location prescribed on the applicable form or notice; b) on the seventh (7th) Day following the date a copy is sent by registered mail or by regular mail to the location prescribed on the applicable form or notice; c) immediately with respect to electronic mail or upon the conclusion of a copy by facsimile transmission to the facsimile number listed on the applicable form or notice. 8. Administration8.1 The Director of Construction and Protective Services administers this By-law and establishes any additional practices, policies and procedures necessary to implement this By-law and may amend such practices, policies and procedures from time to time as the Director, Construction and Protective Services deems necessary, without amendment to this By-law. 8.2 The Director of Construction and Protective Services shall prescribe all forms and notices, including the Penalty Notice, necessary to implement this By-law and may amend such forms and notices from time to time as the Director, Construction and Protective Services deems necessary, without amendment to this By-law. 8.3 Any Administrative Fee(s) prescribed in the attached schedule shall be added to and be deemed part of the penalty amount unless otherwise rescinded by the Hearings Officer. 8.4 Where an Administrative Penalty is not paid by the date on which the Administrative Penalty is due and payable, the Person shall pay to the City a Late Payment Fee, in addition to the Administrative Penalty and any applicable Administrative Fee(s). 8.5 Where a Person makes payments to the City of any Administrative Penalty, Administrative Fee(s) or Late Payment Fee(s), by negotiable instrument or credit card, for which there are insufficient funds available in the account on which the instrument was drawn, the Person shall pay to the City the NSF Fee set out in the City’s Fees and Charges By-law. 8.6 An Administrative Penalty, including any Administrative Fee(s), that is confirmed or reduced, or in respect of which the time for payment has been extended, remaining unpaid after the date when it is due and payable, constitutes a debt to the City owed by the Person. 8.7 Where an Administrative Penalty, and any applicable Administrative Fee(s) or Late Payment Fee(s), are not paid by the date on which they are due and payable, the City shall enforce the payment of such fees in accordance with the applicable legislation and regulations, including but not limited to the ability to notify the Registrar of Motor Vehicles, resulting in plate denial. At the time that plate denial is requested a plate denial fee will be added in accordance with the attached schedule and shall be added to the total debt owed to the City. 8.8 Where an Administrative Penalty is cancelled by a Screening Officer or a Hearing Officer, any Administrative Fee(s) shall also be cancelled. 8.9 An Authorized Representative is permitted to appear on behalf of a Person at a Screening Review or Review by a Hearing Officer, or to communicate with the City on behalf of a Person in accordance with a written authorization satisfactory to the Director of Construction and Protective Services. 8.10 Any time limit that would otherwise expire on a Holiday is extended to the next day that is not a Holiday. 8.11 A Person claiming financial hardship under this By-law shall provide documented proof of the financial hardship to the Manager of Municipal Law Enforcement Services, the Screening Officer or the Hearing Officer, as applicable. 8.12 Any schedule attached to this By-law forms part of this By-law. 9. Severability9.1 Should any provision, or any part of a provision, of this By-law be declared invalid, or to be of no force and effect by a court of competent jurisdiction, it is the intent of Council that such a provision, or part of a provision, shall be severed from this By-law, and every other provision of this By-law shall be applied and enforced in accordance with its terms to the extent possible according to law. 10. Interpretation10.1 Where words and phrases used in this By-law are defined in the Highway Traffic Act, but not defined in this By-law, the definitions in the Highway Traffic Act shall apply to such words and phrases. 11. Short title11.1 This By-law may be referred to as the Administrative Penalties System or AMPS By-law. 12. Repeal12.1 By-law no. 2020-19 is hereby repealed on the date this By-law comes in force and effect. 13. Effective date13.1 This By-law shall come into force and effect on May 24, 2022. Read, passed, and adopted in open council this 16th day of May 2022. Mario Zanth, Mayor Monique Ouellet, Clerk AMPS Schedule ListSchedule(s) A
Schedule BList of Administrative Fees for AMPS Schedule “A-1”Administrative Monetary Penalty System By-Law Penalty Schedule for Traffic and Parking By-law 2020-018
Schedule “A-2” to By-Law No. 2022-33 Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS) Penalty Schedule for Swimming Pools By-law No. 2025-27
Penalty for Swimming Pools By-law 2025-27
Schedule “A-3” to By-Law No. 2022-33 Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS) Penalty Schedule for Public Nuisance By-law No. 2022-50
Schedule “A-4” to By-Law No. 2022-33
Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS) Penalty Schedule for Fireworks By-law No. 2025-26
Penalty for Fireworks By-law 2022-51
Schedule “A-6” Administrative Monetary Penalty System By-Law Penalty Schedule for Clean-Yard By-Law
Schedule “A-7” to By-Law No. 2022-33 Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS) Penalty Schedule for Parks and Recreation Area By-law No. 2022-68
Schedule “A-8” to By-Law No. 2022-33 Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS) Penalty Schedule for Property Standards By-law No. 2022-69
Adult Entertainment Establishments - 2006-14 |
Being a by-law to regulate the operation and location of adult entertainment establishment within the City of Clarence-Rockland. Whereas subsection 150(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, chapter.25, as amended provides that local municipalities may license, regulate and govern any business wholly or partly carried on within the municipality, and provides a number of powers with respect thereto includes the power to license, regulate and govern the persons carrying on or engaged in the business; Whereas section 151 of the Municipal Act, 2001, provides a number of specific powers with respect to the licensing of adult entertainment establishment including the power to define the area of the municipality in which adult entertainments may or may not operate and limit the numbers of licenses granted in any defined area in which they are permitted; Whereas the City of Clarence-Rockland is enacting this by-law for the following purpose: a. to protect the health and safety of residents of the City; protect the health and safety of patrons, and employees of an adult entertainment establishment; c. to control any nuisances that may arise as a result of the operation of an adult entertainment establishment; and protect consumers who are patrons of an adult entertainment establishment; And whereas the Council of the city of Clarence-Rockland held a public meeting in the accordance with section 157(3) of the Municipal Act with respect to this by-law on March 8th, 2006. Now therefore the council of the city of clarence-rockland enacts as follows: Definitions:
“Adult video” means any videotapes, the contents of which are designed or held out as designed, to appeal to the erotic or sexual appetites or inclination, through the pictorial, photographic or other graphic depiction of subject matter by cinematographic film, videotape, video disc, computer diskettes, computerized systems, electronic entertainment products or other medium. A videotape classified by the Ontario Film Review Board as Restricted with added information piece Adult Sex Film shall be deemed to be an adult videotape. “Adult entertainment establishment” means any premises or any part thereof, where in pursuance of a trade, calling, business or occupation, goods, entertainment or services that are designed to appeal to erotic or sexual appetites or inclinations are provided. “Attendant” means any person other than a licensed owner or operator who provides services in adult video establishment or video rental outlet. “Chief of Police” means the Provincial Police detachment Commander or authorized representative. “City” means the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland “Municipal Law Enforcement Services Director” means the Director of the Municipal Law Enforcement Services, duly appointed by council or authorized representative. “Municipal Law Enforcement Officer” means a Peace Officer for the purpose of enforcing Municipal By-laws for the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland. “Operator” refers to any person who alone or with others, operates, manages, supervises, runs or controls an adult entertainment store. Operates and operation or other words or like import or intent shall be given a corresponding meaning. “Owner” means any person who alone or with others, has the right to possess or occupy, or actually does possess or occupy, an adult entertainmentestablishment and including a lessee of an adult entertainment establishment or premises upon which an adult entertainment establishment is located . “Provide” means when in relation to any adult entertainment store, means to sell, offer to sell or display for sale by retail or to rent, offer to display for rental, or to exchange, trade or to offer to exchange or trade or display for exchange or trade, whether or not the cost, fee or other consideration passes at the time of such sale, rental, or exchange or trade, or is effected through the cost of membership, subscription, admission, or any other manner. Interpretation2. No person shall operate within the City of Clarence-Rockland any adult entertainment establishment as defined in this by-law without first obtaining a license from the Municipal Law Enforcement Director authorizing him to operate such a business.
a) License “A” to the owner or operator of an adult entertainment establishment in which the principal business carried on is the provision of either or adult magazines, adult videos, or any goods appealing to or designed to appeal to erotic or sexual appetites or inclinations. b) License “B” to the owner of an adult entertainment establishment in which the provision of adult videos is incidental to the carrying on of a business not referred to in paragraph (a),and who holds a legal non confirming use to carry on such business or occupation on the date of adoption of this By-law.
Conditions for issuance of a licensea) file an application in writing by completing in full the prescribed form as set out in schedule “B” which makes part of this by-law, b) be at least eighteen (18) years of age; c) assure that the premises for which a license is required complies with the zoning, building and any other by-laws requirements of the City; d) provide the Municipal Law Enforcement Director with any documents, permits or permission pertaining to the operation of the said business; e) pay to the City a license fee as set out in schedule “A” fixed by this By-law. f) The Municipal Law Enforcement Director shall make such investigation or inquiry with respect to any application for a license under this by-law, as he considers necessary, and may obtain such information relevant to such application as he considers necessary or required by law or policies of the City. g) Where the investigation or any information available to the Municipal Law Enforcement Director discloses reasonable grounds to believe that the applicant may not be entitle to the issuance of a license pursuant to any provisions of this by-law, or any other applicable law, the Municipal Law Enforcement Director shall refer this matter to Council which shall provide the applicant an opportunity for a hearing with respect to the application. Regulations applicable to adult entertainment establishment license “a”h) Every holder of a License “A” shall:
Regulations applicable to adult entertainment establishment license “b” i) Every holder of a License “B” shall:
Expiry of license j) Any adult entertainment establishment license shall be valid for a one year period and unless they are forfeited or revoked, shall in each case expire on the 31st day of each year. Renewal of licensek) The Municipal Law Enforcement Director may renew an existing license if the licensee:
a) pays the applicable license fees set out in schedule A that forms part of this by-law. Refusal – suspension – revocation of licensel) If the investigation referred to in section 6 of this by-law discloses any reasonable grounds that the carrying on of the adult entertainment establishmentmay result in the breach of the law or any other by-laws of the City, the Municipal Law Enforcement Director may refuse to issue or renew the license. m) (a) The Municipal Law Enforcement Director shall notify the applicant in writing of the refusal to issue or renew such license where it shall make reference that the applicant has an opportunity for a hearing before Council with respect to the application; (b) The Council may after the hearing, in accordance to the Municipal Act, (i) suspend the license; (ii) revoke the licence, or (iii) impose conditions on the license. Administration and enforcementn) Nothing in this By-law shall exempt any person from complying with the requirements of any other by-law or regulation or any other law in force within the area affected by this by-law. It is the responsibility of the licensee and the owner to ensure that the adult entertainment establishment complies with all legislation and regulation pertaining to the conduct of such a business. o) The provisions of this by-law shall be administered and enforced by the Municipal Law Enforcement Services. 16 The Municipal Law Enforcement Director may inspect at all reasonable times the adult entertainment establishment to assure compliance with the provisions of this by-law or any other by-laws of the municipality. 17. No person who is licensed or required to be licensed, shall hinder or obstruct the Municipal Law Enforcement Director during the investigation referred to in Section 6 or cause any inspections to be hindered or obstructed. Penalties18. Each day that a person operates a business in contravention of the provisions of this By-law shall constitute a separate offence. 19. Any person who contravenes any of the provisions of this By-Law is guilty of an offence and upon conviction shall forfeit and pay a penalty as provided for in the Provincial Offences Act, 1990, R.S.O., Chapter P. 33. and amendments thereto Order Prohibiting20. When a person has been convicted of an offence under the provisions of this By-law, any court of competent jurisdiction thereafter may in addition to any other penalty imposed on the person convicted, issue an order prohibiting the continuation or repetition of the offence or the doing of any act by person convicted directed towards the continuation or repetition of the offence. Severability21. It is declared that if any section or subsection or part or parts thereof be declared by any competent Court of Law to be illegal shall be deemed to be severable and all parts hereof are declared to be separate and independent and enacted as such. By-law Enforce22. This By-law shall come into force and take effect on the day it is duly adopted by council. Schedule Adopted23. The schedule referred to in this by-law shall form part of this by-law and be read in conjunction with the entry across there from, and not otherwise. Former By-Law Repeal That the City of Clarence-Rockland By-law No.1995-002, for the licensing, regulating, and governing of adult entertainment parlours and video ishereby repealed. Read a first, second and duly passed upon the third reading, this 13th day of March, 2006 Richard Lalonde, Mayor Daniel Gatien, Clerk |
Adult Entertainment Parlours - 2006-10 |
Whereas section 150 of the municipal act, 2001, chapter.25, as amended provides that local municipalities may license, regulate and govern any business wholly or partly carried on within the municipality, including the power to license, regulate and govern the persons carrying on or engaged in the business; And whereas section 151 of the municipal act, 2001, provides for the licensing of adult entertainment establishment including the power to define the area of the municipality in which adult entertainments may or may not operate and limit the numbers of licenses granted in any defined area in which they are permitted; And whereas the city of Clarence-Rockland is desirous and enacting this by-law for the following purpose:
And whereas the council of the city of Clarence-Rockland held a public meeting in the accordance with section 157(3) of the municipal act with respect to this by-law on March 8th, 2006. Now therefore the council of the city of Clarence-Rockland enacts as follows: Part i - Definitions:For the purpose of this by-law; “Adult Entertainment Parlour” means any premises or part thereof in which are provided, in pursuance of a trade, calling, business or occupation, live entertainment, or services appealing to or designed to appeal to erotic or sexual appetites or inclinations, including body rub parlours and may include a restaurant as an a accessory use; “Adult Entertainment Operator” means an individual person other then the owner, who alone or with others operates, manages, supervises, runs or directs an Adult entertainment parlour on an ongoing basis or from time to time, or who exercises control over an adult entertainment parlour on behalf of the owner; “Applicant” means a person or persons or a corporation applying for a license under this by-law; “Body Rub” includes the kneading, manipulation, rubbing, massaging, touching or stimulating by any means of a person’s body or part thereof, but does not include medical or therapeutic treatment given by a person otherwise duly qualified, licensed or registered to do so under the laws of the province of Ontario; “Body Rubber” means an individual person other than a licensed owner or operator who in pursuance of a business, occupation or calling performs body rubs; “Body Rub Parlour” means any premise or part thereof where body rub is performed, offered or solicited in pursuance of a business; “Clearance Certificate” means a certificate issued by immigration Canada to a person who is neither a Canadian citizen nor a permanent resident who provides evidence of his/her legal authority to work in Canada; “Council” means the council of the city of Clarence-Rockland; “Owner” means a person or persons who has or have the right to possess or occupy an adult entertainment parlour or who actually does possess or occupy an adult entertainment parlour or premises upon which an adult entertainment parlour is located; “Daily register” means a register of entertainers providing services at an adult entertainment parlour which is maintained by the owner or operator pursuant to this by-law and contains the name, stage name, licence number and the date and time of performance; “Entertainer” means any person other than a licensed adult entertainment owner or adult entertainment operator who provides at or in an adult entertainment parlour live entertainment or services designed to appeal to erotic or sexual appetites or inclinations; “Fire Chief” means the fire chief of the city of Clarence-Rockland or in the alternative, someone designated to act on his/her behalf; “Designated Entertainment Area” means the area, approved by the chief building official and the municipal law enforcement director, where live entertainment or services designed to appeal to erotic or sexual appetites or inclinations may be provided, such area to offer a clear and unobstructed view to entrances, disc jockey area, bar and other public areas; “Licensee” means a person to whom a license is issued under the provisions of this by-law. “live entertainment or services designed to appeal to erotic or sexual appetites or inclinations” means: (a) services of which the principal feature or characteristic by a person or persons involved or engaging in specified sexual activities or by emphasis on the display of human nudity or partial nudity of any person. For the purposes of this clause “partial nudity” means less than completely or opaquely covered:
b) Services in respect of which the word “nude”, “naked”, “topless”, “bottomless”, “sexy” or any other word or any picture, symbol, or representation having like meaning or implication is used in any advertisement or in respect of which is advertised the availability of any form of entertainment held out to be, by reason of its sexual content; “Medical Officer of Health” means the medical officer of health of the eastern Ontario health unit and includes any employee acting on his/her behalf; “Municipality” means the corporation of the city of Clarence-Rockland; “Person” means includes individuals, partnerships, associations, trusts, unincorporated organisations and corporations; “Provide” when used in relation to live entertainment or services designed to appeal to erotic or sexual appetites or inclinations includes to furnish, perform, solicit or give such live entertainment or services and “Providing” and “Provision” have corresponding meanings; “Services” means services designated to appeal to erotic or sexual appetites or inclinations and includes activities, facilities, performances, exhibitions, viewings, massages and encounters but does not include the exhibition of film approved under the theatres act; “Unobstructed” means without obstruction by walls, structures curtains or any other screen or enclosure. Part ii - Interpretation - GeneralIn this by-law: (a) words importing the singular number or the masculine gender only, include more persons, parties or things of the same kind than one and females as well as males and the converse. (b) a word interpreted in the singular number has a corresponding meaning when used in the plural. (c) "may" shall be construed as permissive. (d) "shall" shall be construed as imperative. Part iii - Classes of Licenses
2 a) no person shall be entitled to obtain more then one adult entertainment parlour owner’s license pursuant to the provisions of this by-law; b) no partnership which includes a person who is a holder of an adult entertainment parlour owner’s license shall be entitled to a license pursuant to this by-law; c) no corporation whose directors, officers or shareholders or any of them are holders of an adult entertainment parlour owners licence shall be entitled to a licence pursuant to this by-law. 3. A separate adult entertainment operator’s license shall be obtained by each person operating an adult entertainment parlour. 4. A separate adult entertainment entertainer’s license shall be obtained by each person entertaining in an adult entertainment parlour. 5. No person shall carry on or engage in any trade, business or occupation listed in section 2, 3 and 4 of this by-law, without obtaining and maintaining in good standing a license as required by section 1. Of this by-law, authorizing him/her to carry on such trade, business or occupation within the boundaries of the municipality. 6. Licenses referred to in this by-law issued to an adult entertainment owner, operator and entertainer are not transferable. 7. The requirements for obtaining a license under this by-law is in addition to and not in substitution for any other requirements to obtain a license or licenses or other regulatory approval under any other federal, provincial or municipal regulation. Part iv - Requirements for Issuance or Renewal of An Adult Entertainment Owner’s License8. Any person wishing to make an application for an adult entertainment parlour owner’s license, or a renewal thereof pursuant to this by-law, shall attend in person at the office of the municipal law enforcement director and file the following documents: a. Proof that the applicant is eighteen (18) years of age or older; b. Provides proof of age and identification satisfactory to the municipal law enforcement director; c. Original documents from the issuing agency outlining the results of investigations related to the applicant for a police records check, dated less than 30 days prior to the date of the application for a license; d. a detailed floor plan, drawn to scale, of the adult entertainment parlour has been approved by the municipal law enforcement director and the and the details on such floor plan shall include but are not limited to the following: i. The designated entertainment area; and ii. Location of seating areas, offices, cloak rooms, disc jockey area, kitchen facilities, bar area, dressing rooms, washrooms, storage areas and exits; e) a letter from the planning department confirming that the premises complies with the zoning, building and property standards requirements of the city; f) a written report from the fire chief that the premises complies with fire regulations; g) a letter from the medical officer of health that the premises in connection with which the license is sought is suitable for the purpose of the license application and is in a sanitary condition; h) proof that the applicant has insurance in accordance with the requirements of section 40 (1) under this by-law; i) proof that the adult entertainment parlour is located in an area referred to in section 20; and j) proof that the applicant has paid the fees described in schedule “a” to this by-law. k) satisfactory proof that the applicant has provide particulars of the class and status of any license issued to or required to be obtained by the applicant or another person under the liquor licence act, r.s.o.1990, l) in respect of any building, premise or place in or at which the adult entertainment parlour for which the license is sought is to be carried on in by the applicant. 9. Where the owner is a corporation, the required attendance shall be made in person by all Shareholders, directors and officers who shall file on behalf on the corporation the following: (a) all matters required to be filled pursuant to section 8. Of this by- law; (b) a copy of its letters of incorporation or other incorporating document duly certified by the proper government official or department; (c) a list of all officers, directors and shareholders and the address of their ordinary residence; (d) a declaration that the persons named therein are the only shareholders of the corporation; (e) the name or names under which it carries on or intends to carry on business; and (f) The mailing address for the corporation. 10. Where the owner is a partnership, attendance shall be made by all partners who shall comply with the provisions of section 8. Of this by-law; and a) Provide the name of each partner and the address of his ordinary residence; b) Provide the name or names under which they intend to carry on the business c) Provide that the persons named therein are the only members of the partnership; d) Provide the mailing address of the partneship; and e) A copy of all registration of the partnership. Part v - Conditions for Issuance or Renewal of an Adult Entertainment Operator’s License11. any person wishing to make an application for an adult entertainment parlour operator’s license, or a renewal thereof pursuant to this by-law, shall attend in person at the office of the municipal law enforcement director and file the following documents: (a) satisfactory proof that applicant is (18) eighteen year of age or older; b). The original documents from the issuing agency outlining the results of investigations related to the applicant for a police records check, dated less than 30 days prior to the date of the application for a license; (c) proof of age and identification satisfactory to the municipal law enforcement director; d)The name of the owner of the adult entertainment parlour in which the applicant intends to operate; and e) Two (2) passport-type photographs of the applicant’s face five centimetres (5cm) by five centimetres (5cm) in size; f) Proof of payment of the fees described in schedule “a” to this by-law. Part vi - Conditions for Issuance or Renewal of an Adult Entertainment Performer’s License12. any person wishing to make an application for an adult entertainment parlour entertainer’s license, or a renewal thereof pursuant to this by-law, shall sttend in person at the office of the municipal law enforcement director and file the following documents: (a) Satisfactory proof that applicant is (18) eighteen year of age or older; (b) Original documents from the issuing agency outlining the results of investigations related to the applicant for a police record check, dated less than 30 days prior to the date of the application for a license; (c) Proof that the applicant is legally entitled to work in Canada which may be evidenced by either proof of Canadian citizenship, proof of permanent residency or a clarence certificate issued by Immigration Canada; (d) Proof of age and identification of applicant that is satisfactory to the municipal law enforcement director; (e) A letter of prospective employment or engagement from a licensed owner or operator operating in the municipality (f) Two (2) passport-type photographs of the applicant’s face, fine centimentres (5cm) by five centimetres (5cm) in size; (g) Proof that applicant has paid the fees described in schedule ‘a’ to this by-law. Part vii - Issuance of License13. Upon receipt of the any application or renewal for any classes of license as provided for under this by-law, the municipal law enforcement director shall: (a) Conduct a criminal record search in respect of the applicant; and (b) Determine whether or not the applicant has been convicted of offences relating to the occupation of this or any other by-laws in respect to adult entertainment parlours. 14. Upon completion of the investigations and searches set out above, the Municipal Law Enforcement director may issue or renew any classes of license as set out in this by- law, provided that: (a) The provisions of section 8, 11 or 12, depending on the class of licence sought by the applicant, have been complied with; (b) The criminal record search discloses no criminal record of any applicant for offences relating to the ownership, operation or entertaining at an adult entertainment parlour; (c) There are no prior convictions under this or any other by-laws relating to adult entertainment parlours in Canada; (d) Any outstanding fines that have been imposed pursuant to any provision of this by-law have been paid; (e) The conduct of the applicant does not afford any reasonable grounds to belief that the applicant will not carry on business in accordance with the laws or with honesty and integrity; and (f) The applicant is (18) eighteen years of age or older. 15. The municipal law enforcement director shall furnish to each licensed adult operator a license containing a photograph of the face of the adult entertainment Operator and his or her name, license number and the expiry date of the license. 16. Every licensed adult entertainment operator shall produce his or her license for inspection when so requested by the municipal law enforcement director, provincial police or any other peace officer. Part viii - Refusal – Suspension – Revocation of License17. The municipal law enforcement director may refuse to issue or renew a license for one or more of the following circumstance: (a) If the investigation referred to in section 14. Of this by-law discloses any reasonable grounds that the carrying on of the adult entertainment parlour may result in the breach of the law or any other by-laws of the city; (b) A licensee has been convicted under the criminal code of Canada or the controlled drug and substances act for an offence that relates to the operation of an adult entertainment parlour; (c) A licensee has been convicted under the liquor license act of the province of Ontario and the charges relates in any way to the operation of an adult entertainment parlour or the provision of services therein; (d) A licensee has been convicted of having contravening any provision or any provisions of this by-law or any other by-law relating to adult entertainment parlour within any twelve month period; (e) There are reasonable ground to believe that any application or any other document or information provided by or on behalf of the licensee contains a false statement or provides false information; (f) Information contain in the original application form or any other information provided to the municipal law enforcement director by or on behalf of the applicant, has ceased to be accurate and the licensee has not provided up to date accurate information to the municipal law enforcement director to allow the municipal law enforcement director to conclude that the license can be or should be maintained as valid; (g) The conduct of the licensee afford reasonable grounds to believe that the licensee will not carry on business in accordance with the law or with honesty or integrity; (h) The licensee breaches a condition of the license; (i) In the case of an owner’s license, there are reasonable grounds for belief that the building, premise or place in which the business is carried in or intended to be carried does not comply with the provisions of this by-law, or with any other law, including any applicable building requirement, or is dangerous or unsafe; (j) The applicant does not accept or ensure compliance with any condition imposed under this by-law upon the business or upon the license, as a requirement of obtaining, continuing to hold or renewing a license; or (k) The municipal law enforcement director becomes aware of any fact or facts which, if know at the time of application, may have resulted in the municipal law enforcement director refusing the license, and the municipal law enforcement director shall provide a written notice detailing the grounds on which a license has been suspended or recommend in a written report to council that a license issued under this by-law be revoked. 18. The notice referred to in section 17 (k) shall be served to the licensee in writing by ordinary mail to the last known address of all parties as provided on the application referred to in this by-law, where such notice shall provide, the detail and reasons of the refusal to issue or renew such license and it shall make reference that the applicant has an opportunity for a hearing before council with respect to the application. 19. The council may after the hearing referred to in section 18 of this by-law, in accordance to the municipal act, (a) Suspend the license; (b) Revoke the licence, or (c) Impose conditions on the license. Part ix - Location Restrictions20. Adult entertainment parlours shall be located in a general industrial zone exemption (mg-1) as set out in the municipality’s zoning by-law number 2006-03, provided that the following conditions are respected: a) Be located on the northerly side of industrial street, Rockland b)The adult entertainment parlour is located a minimum of one thousand metres (1000m) from an existing adult entertainment parlour and a minimum of five hundred metres (250m) from any church, school, day care, public library, community centre, city hall or public park. Part x - Regulations21. A owner shall not permit any person other than a licensed adult entertainment operator to operate such adult entertainment parlour. 22. The owner shall post the license issued pursuant the provisions of this by-law, in a prominent location on the licensed premises so as to be clearly visible to the public. 23. No operator not being the owner of an adult entertainment parlour shall operate the said adult entertainment parlour unless the owner of the said adult entertainment parlour is duly licensed as an adult entertainment owner. 24. No owner or operator shall open the adult entertainment parlour for business or permit the same to be open or remain open for business or permit any services to be provided in the said adult entertainment parlour at any times between the hours of 0200 hours and 1100 hours of the same day. 25. No owner or operator shall permit the door or doors or other principal means of access into the adult entertainment parlour to be kept locked during the hours of business of the adult entertainment parlour. 26. An owner and, or the operator shall be in attendance during all hours of business of the adult entertainment parlour. 27. The owner shall ensure that an operator shall be in attendance during all hours of business of the adult entertainment parlour when the owner is not in attendance. 28. No owner or operator shall permit any person under the age of eighteen (18) years to enter or remain in the adult entertainment parlour. 29. No owner or operator shall permit any person who appears to be intoxicated by alcohol or a drug to enter or remain in the adult entertainment parlour. 30. No owner or operator shall place or permit to be placed any sign, or any other advertising device on any premises occupied by an adult entertainment parlour save and except a sign or other advertising device containing the words “adult entertainment parlour” and the name under which the business is operated provided such name does not include any of the following words: “nude”, “naked”, “topless”, “bottomless”, “sexy” or any other word or any pictures, symbol or presentation having like meaning or implication. 31. (1) No owner or operator shall permit services to be provided in any area of the premises other than the designated entertainment area shown on the approved floor plan. (2) No owner shall change or cause a change to be made in the adult entertainment parlour premises without first submitting a revised floor plan containing the information described in clause (e) of section 8 of this by-law and obtaining the approval of the municipal law enforcement director as well as any other approval required by by-law or other applicable laws. 32. Every owner and operator shall ensure that no adult entertainment service can be viewed from outside the adult entertainment parlour. 33. (1) No owner or operator shall use or permit to be used any camera or other photographic or recording device in, upon or at an adult entertainment parlour by any person other than a peace officer, medical officer of health, a public health inspector acting under the direction of the chief medical officer of health or a designated by the municipal law enforcement director. (2) Subsection (1) shall not apply to cameras used for security purposes. 34. (1) No owner or operator shall permit live entertainment or services designed to appeal to erotic or sexual appetites or inclinations to be visible from outside the premises in which the adult entertainment parlour is located. (2) Every owner or operator shall ensure that services provided by an entertainer, other then a body rubber, are provided without obstruction such as doors, walls, curtains or any other enclosure, which obstruction interferes with the view of any person, including a peace officer, police officer and a municipal law enforcement officer. 35. Every owner and every operator shall, in the operation of an adult entertainment parlour, comply with and ensure compliance with the following requirements: a. The premises shall be equipped with adequate light and ventilation; b. The premises and all equipment and fixtures therein shall be regularly washed and kept in a sanitary condition; c. The premises shall be equipped with an effective utility sink; d. Adequate toilet and washroom accommodation shall be provided and there shall be separate washrooms for males and females; e. Washrooms shall be equipped with: i. An adequate supply of hot and cold water; ii. An adequate supply of liquid soap in a suitable container or dispenser; iii. Hot air dryers or individual towels in a suitable container or dispenser; and iv. A suitable receptacle for used towels and waste material; and f. No washroom, toilet, sink or basin used for domestic purposes shall be used in connection with an adult entertainment parlour 36. (1) The owner or operator shall post the following notices in an area accessible to the patrons and employees, in the adult entertainment entertainers dressing rooms, at all public entrances and in the washrooms (a) A notice to advise that physical contact is prohibited which notice shall include the telephone numbers of the provincial police and municipal law enforcement services; and (b) A notice that sexually transmitted infections can be transmitted through unprotected physical contact. (2) The owner or operator shall post copies of the approved floor plan at all public entrances and in the adult entertainment entertainer’s dressing rooms. 37. (1) The owner or operator shall maintain a daily register, to be signed by each entertainer, of all entertainers that have or are providing services at the adult entertainment parlour. (a) Every owner or operator shall produce the daily register referred to in section 38.(1) for inspection on demand of a peace officer, a municipal law enforcement officer or a police officer, and (b) The daily register shall remain the property of the city of Clarence- Rockland. (2) The owner or operator shall ensure that each entertainer has been included into and has signed the daily register prior to performing at the adult entertainment parlour. 38. (1) Every owner or operator shall maintain a list of the names, addresses and phone numbers of every adult entertainment operator, adult entertainment entertainer and employee of the adult entertainment parlour. (2) The owner or operator shall keep the list current at all times and retain all information for a period of one year after the end of the calendar year for which it was maintained. (3) The owner or operator shall produce the list referred to in section 38.(1) for inspection on demand of a peace officer, a municipal law enforcement officer or a police officer. Part xi - Licence Expiry39. (1) Every owner licence issued pursuant to this by-law shall expire on December 31st of each year of the issuance of the license, unless earlier terminated or revoked. (2) Every operator and entertainer licence issued pursuant to this by-law shall expire one (1) year following the date the licence was issued, unless earlier terminated or revoked. (3) Notwithstanding section 40.(2) of this by-law, the licence of an entertainer who is neither a Canadian citizen nor a permanent resident shall expire on the date the entertainer’s authorisation to work in Canada expires, unless earlier terminated or revoked. Part xii - Insurance40. (1) Prior to the issuance of any license referred to under this by-law, the adult entertainment owner shall file with the municipal law enforcement director proof of insurance of commercial general liability coverage subject to limits of not less than two million dollars ($2,000,000.00) inclusive for bodily injury, death and damage to property. (2) If applicable to the licensed activity, such insurance shall be endorsed to include liquor licence act liability or host liability insurance. Part xiii - Inspection41. Any peace officer, municipal law enforcement officer or police officer may require a licensee to produce the license, records or any other documents required to be maintained pursuant to this by-law for the purpose of determining whether such person is validly licensed under this by-law, or whether this by-law is being contravened. 42. Any peace officer, municipal law enforcement officer, police officer or medical officer of health may at anytime of the day or night enter into the adult entertainment parlour to determine whether this by-law is being complied with and for such purpose make such examinations, investigations and inquiries as are necessary 43. No person shall obstruct, or hinder the entry for the inspection of any adult entertainment parlour or any part thereof by any peace officer, municipal law enforcement officer, police officer or medical officer of health. 44. No owner or operator shall construct or place equipment in an adult entertainment parlour in such a manner as to hinder or prevent the enforcement of this by-law. Part xiv - Administration and Enforcement45. Nothing in this by-law shall exempt any person from complying with the requirements of any other by-law or regulation or any other law in force within the area affected by this by-law. It is the responsibility of the licensee and the owner to ensure that the adult entertainment parlour complies with all legislation and regulation pertaining to the conduct of such a business. 46. The provisions of this by-law shall be administered and enforced by the municipal law enforcement director. Part xv - Penalties47. Any person who contravenes any of the provisions of this by-law, and every director or officer of a corporation, who concurs in a contravention of this by-law by the corporation, is guilty of an offence and upon conviction, is liable to a fine or penalty, pursuant to the municipal act, 2001 as amended. 48. Each day that a person operates as an adult entertainment parlour owner, operator or entertainer in contravention of the provisions of this by-law shall constitute a separate offence.any person who contravenes any of the provisions of this by-law, and every director or officer of a corporation, who concurs in a contravention of this by-law by the corporation, is guilty of an offence and upon conviction, is liable to a fine or penalty, pursuant to the municipal act, 2001 as amended. 49. Where a corporation is convicted of an offence under this by-law, the maximum penalty may be imposed on the corporation pursuant to to the municipal act, 2001 as amended. 50. Every person who hinders or obstructs or attempts to hinder or obstruct any peace officer or person exercising a power or performing a duty under this by-law is guilty of an offence and on conviction, is liable to a fine or penalty as set out in the provincial offences act, 1990, and amendments thereto 51. where the owner is convicted of carrying on or engaging in business in respect of any premises without a license required by this by-law, the court may make an order that the premises or part of the premise be closed to any use for a period not exceeding two (2) years pursuant to the municipal act, 2001. Part xvi - Order Prohibiting52. When a person has been convicted of an offence under the provisions of this by-law, any court of competent jurisdiction thereafter may in addition to any other penalty imposed on the person convicted, issue an order prohibiting the continuation or repetition of the offence or the doing of any act by person convicted directed towards the continuation or repetition of the offence. Part xvii - Severability53. It is declared that if any section or subsection or part or parts thereof be declared by any competent court of law to be illegal shall be deemed to be severable and all parts hereof are declared to be separate and independent and enacted as such. Part xviii- Schedule Adopted54.The schedules referred to in this by-law and shall form part of this by-law and each entry in a column of such a schedule shall be read in conjunction with the entry or entries across therefrom, and not otherwise. Part ixx - Former By-Law Repeal55. By-law no.1995-002, of the City of Clarence-Rockland for the licensing, regulating, and governing of adult entertainment parlours, is hereby repealed. Part xx - Enactment56. This by-law shall come into force on the day it is enacted. Read a first, second and duly passed upon the third reading, this 13th day of March, 2006 Richard Lalonde, Mayor Daniel Gatien, Clerk Schedule "a"
No license fee refunds shall be allocated |
All-Terrain Vehicles - 2005-152 * |
Being a by-law to regulate the operation of all terrain vehicles within the City of Clarence-Rockland. Whereas under the provision of the Municipal Act 2001, Section 8, the powers of natural person exercise of authority and Section 11 (1) spheres of jurisdiction. And whereas the Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter H.8, Section 191.8, as amended provides that council of a municipality may pass by-laws; a) permitting the operation of off-road vehicles on all highways under the jurisdiction of the City of Clarence-Rockland; b) prescribing a lower rate of speed for off road vehicles with three or more wheels and low-pressure bearing tires than that prescribed for off road vehicles by regulation on any highway; c) permitting the operation of off-road vehicles with three or more wheels and low pressure bearing tires on any highway or any part or parts thereof during specified months or hours. Now therefore the Council of the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland enacts as follows: 1. Definitions:All Terrain VehicleMeans an off-road vehicle that, i) has four wheels, the tires all of which are in contact with the ground, ii) has a steering handlebar, iii) has a seat that is designed to be straddled by the driver, and iv) is designated to carry a driver only and no passengers. CorporationMeans the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland. HighwayIncludes a common and public highway, street, avenue, parkway, driveway, square, place, bridge, viaduct or trestle, designed and intended for, or used by, the general public for the passage of vehicles and includes the area between the lateral property lines thereof. MinistryMeans the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. Off Road VehicleHas the same meaning as in the Off-Road Vehicles Act. Organized TrailMeans the whole of any trail established and maintained by a municipally recognized ATV recreational organization for the use of off road vehicles. ParkMeans lands within the City of Clarence-Rockland which is designated for parks, conservation parkland and nature trails for recreation purposes. Peace OfficerMeans a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer appointed under Section 15 of the Police Services Act to enforce by-laws. Registration NumberMeans a number or combination of letters and numbers Serviced RoadwayMeans the part of a highway that is improved, designed or ordinarily used for vehicular traffic, and includes the plowed portion of the shoulder and, where a highway includes two or more separate serviced roadways, the term Serviced roadway@ refers to any one serviced roadway separately and not to all of the serviced roadways collectively. General Provisions1. No person shall drive an All Terrain Vehicle on any highway under the jurisdiction of the Corporation, except within an organized trail as designated by council under schedule “A” of this By-law. 2. Subject to sections 2, any person driving an All Terrain Vehicle on an organized ATV trail as designated in Schedule “A” to this by-law, shall be subject to a recognized ATV club membership and may use the shoulder of the designated highway to travel. 3. No person shall drive an All Terrain Vehicle any highway and organized trails between the periods of the 15th day of March to the 15th day of May of every year. 5. Subject to sections 4, the Corporation may shorten or prolong the period of time where any designated highways under schedule “A” and organized trail may be closed to ATV traffic during the spring thaw period or at any time when the Corporation deem necessary to do so. 6. No person shall operate an All Terrain Vehicle on any highway or organized trail between the hours of 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. 7. No All Terrain Vehicle organized trails located on a private land shall be located within 200 feet from a dwelling. 8. No person shall drive an All Terrain Vehicle on land owned by the Corporation unless the driver has received a written permission from the Parks Director of the Corporation. Speed LimitAn All Terrain Vehicle shall not be driven at a rate of speed greater than: a) 20 kilometers per hour, if the speed limit established under the Highway Traffic Act or by municipal By-law for that part of the highway is not greater than 50 kilometers per hour, or b) 50 kilometers per hour, if the speed limit established under the Highway Traffic Act or by municipal By-law for that part of the highway is greater than 50 kilometers per hour. c) 20 kilometers per hour, if part of a highway or organized trail is located in a “Quiet Zone” as designated under schedule “B” of this By-law. Identification1. Every All Terrain Vehicle shall have a registration number, in a clearly visible position, showing the registration number of the All Terrain Vehicle in the form and manner prescribed in the regulations of the ministry. 2. Further to section 10, every All Terrain Vehicle, shall bear a recognized ATV club membership registration number, in the form and manner prescribed by the recognized ATV club policies and guidelines. Exemptions1.In cases of emergency, parades and other special events, the Corporation may authorize or permit the use of All Terrain Vehicles on specific highways during specific times. 2.The regulations prescribed in this by-law does not apply to an All Terrain Vehicle operated by a police officer, constable, conservation officer or peace officer while on duty or any other employee as defined at section 25, Part IV, of the Ontario Regulation 316/03 made under the Highway Traffic Act. By-Law RepealedThat By-law No. 2004-33 is hereby repealed. That this by-law shall come into force and take effect on the day of its final passing. Read, done and passed in open council, this 14th day of November, 2005. Richard Lalonde, Mayor Daniel Gatien, Clerk
Building By-Law - 2015-172 (Office Consolidation November 2021 Including amendments made by-law 2020-55 and 2021-23) |
BEING a By-Law respecting Construction, Demolition, Change of Use Permits and Inspections. WHEREAS Section 7 of The Building Code Act 1992, as amended; empowers Council to enact certain by-laws respecting construction, demolition and change of use permits and inspections. NOW THEREFORE the Corporation of The City of Clarence-Rockland enacts as follows: 1.0 SHORT TITLE:1.1 This by-law may be cited as the "Building By-law". 2.0 DEFINITIONS:In this by-law, 2.1 “Act” means the Building Code Act, 1992, as amended; 2.2 “applicant” means the owner of a building or property who applies for a permit or any person authorized in writing by the owner to apply for a permit on the owner’s behalf, or any person or corporation empowered by statute to cause the demolition of a building or buildings and anyone acting under the written authority of such person or corporation; 2.3 “architect” means a holder of a license, a certificate of practice or a temporary license under the Architect’s Act as defined in the Building Code; 2.4 “as constructed plans” means as constructed plans as defined in the Building Code; 2.5 “building” means a building as defined in section 1(1) of the Act; 2.6 “Building Code” means the regulations made under Section 34 of the Act; 2.7 “construct” means to construct as defined in section 1(1) of the Act; 2.8“Chief Building Official” means the Chief Building Official appointed by the by-law of the Corporation of The City of Clarence-Rockland for the purposes of enforcement of the Act; 2.9“Completed” as specified in note 2 of schedule”A” means the approval by the chief Building Official or his/her subordinates of the interior, exterior inspection of the building, the occupancy inspection and all documents, reports, test pertaining to section 2.4.3 of the Ontario Building Code. 2.10 “Corporation” means The Corporation of The City of Clarence Rockland; 2.11 “demolish” means to demolish as defined in subsection 1(1) of the Act; 2.12 “Designated structures” means designated structures as defined in Division A –Part 1 Article of the Ontario building Code. 2.13 “Gross building area” as defined in the Ontario Building Code, means the total of all floors above grade measured between the outside surfaces of exterior walls or between the outside surfaces of exterior walls and the centre line of firewalls except that, in any other occupancy than a residential occupancy, where an access or a building service penetrates a firewall, measurements shall not be taken to the centre line of such firewall. 2.14 “Major Alterations” means any major change to the structure of a building and includes but is not limited to erection of new foundations, new roof structure, interior gutting and reconstruction. 2.15 “owner” means the registered owner of the land and includes a lessee, mortgagee in possession, and the person in charge of the property; 2.16 “permit” means permission or authorization given in writing by the Chief Building Official to perform specific work regulated by this by-law, the Act, and the Building Code, or to occupy a building or part thereof, or to change the use of a building or part of a building or parts thereof as regulated by the Act; 2.17 “permit holder” means the person to whom the permit has been issued who assumes the primary responsibility for compliance with the Act and the Building Code; 2.18 “plumbing” means plumbing as defined in section 1(1) of the Act; 2.19 “professional engineer” means a person who holds a license or a temporary license under the Professional Engineer’s Act, as defined in the Building Code; 2.20 “residential site” means a construction or demolition site for a building that is used only for residential purposes and that is not more than three stories in building height and not more than one level below grade. 2.21 “temporary structure” means a structure that is installed or build only for a limited time period of less than a year. Terms not defined in this By-law shall have the meaning ascribed to them in the Act or the Building Code. 3.0 CLASSES OF PERMITS:3.1 Classes of permits with respect to the construction, demolition or change of use of buildings and permit fees shall be as established in current fee by-law. 3.2 Permits for work other than that referred to in this By-law shall be obtained from the appropriate authority having jurisdiction in accordance with the by-laws of the Corporation and includes the following which are provided for illustration only and do not limit the generality of the foregoing: encroachments, culverts, water and sewer services, street cuts and electricity. 4.0 PERMITS:4.1 To obtain a permit, the owner or an agent authorized in writing by the owner, shall file an application in writing by completing a prescribed form available at the office of the Chief Building Official or from the Building Code website, or from the City’s website and shall supply any other information relating to the application as required by the Chief Building Official. Every application for a permit shall be submitted to the Chief Building Official, and contain the following information: 4.2 Where application is made for a construction permit under subsection 8(1) of the Act, the application shall: (a) include the completed prescribed provincial application form, “Application for a Permit to Construct or Demolish”; (b) include complete plans and specifications, documents and other information as required by the Act, the Building Code or this By Law for the work to be covered by the permit; (c) when Division C Section 1.2 of the Building Code applies to the construction, the application shall be accompanied by a signed acknowledgement of the owner on a form prescribed by the Chief Building Official that an architect or professional engineer, or both, have been retained to carry out the general review of the construction or demolition of the building; (d) when Division C Section 1.2 of the Building Code applies to the construction, the application shall be accompanied by a signed statement of the architect or professional engineer, or both, indicating that they have been retained to provide general review of the construction or demolition of the building; and (e) where work includes plumbing, the application shall also: (i) identify and describe in detail the plumbing work to be covered by the permit for which the application is made; and (ii) include plans that show the location and size of every building drain and every trap or inspection piece that is on the building drain and a sectional drawing that shows the size and location of every soil or waste pipe, trap and vent pipe where the installation contains twelve (12) fixtures or more. 4.3 Where application is made for a demolition permit under subsection 8(1) of the Act, the application shall: (a) include the completed prescribed provincial application form, “Application for a Permit to Construct or Demolish”; (b) include complete plans and specifications, documents and other information as required by the Act, the Building Code or this By Law for the work to be covered by the permit; (c) when Division C Section 1.2 of the Building Code applies to the construction, the application shall be accompanied by a signed statement of the architect or professional engineer, or both, indicating that they have been retained to provide general review of the construction or demolition of the building; and (d) be accompanied by satisfactory proof that arrangements have been made with the proper authorities for the cutting off and capping of all water, sewer, gas, electric, telephone or other utilities and services. 4.4 Where application is made for a conditional permit under subsection 8(3) of the Act, the application shall: (a) include the completed prescribed provincial application form, “Application for a Permit to Construct or Demolish”; (b) include complete plans and specifications, documents and other information as required by the Act, the Building Code or this By Law for the work to be covered by the permit; (c) state the reasons why the applicant believes that unreasonable delays in the construction would occur if a conditional permit is not granted; (d) state the necessary approvals which must be obtained in respect of the proposed building and the time in which such approvals will be obtained; (e) state the time in which plans and specifications of the complete building will be filed with the Chief Building Official; and (f) be accompanied by a written agreement between the owner and the Council of the Corporation as provided for in Article 8(3)(c) of the Act. 4.5 In addition to the requirements of subsection 4.2 of this By-law, every permit application for part of a building shall: (a) include an application and paid fees for the entire project; (b) include plans and specifications covering the part of the work for which more expeditious approval is desired, together with such information pertaining to the remainder of the work as may be required by the Chief Building Official; and (c) where a permit is issued for part of a building or project, the holder of such permit may proceed, but the issuance shall not be construed to authorize construction beyond the plans for which the approval was given or as a guarantee that approval will necessarily be granted for the entire building or project. 4.6 Every application for a change of use permit issued under subsection 10(1) of the Act shall be submitted to the Chief Building Official, and shall: (a) include the prescribed information as required by the Chief Building Official and describe the building or part thereof in which the occupancy is to be changed; (b) identify and describe in detail the current and proposed occupancies of the building or part of a building for which the application is made; (c) include plans and specifications which show the current and proposed occupancy of all parts of the building, and which contain sufficient information to establish compliance with the requirements of the Building Code, including: floor plans, details of wall, ceiling and roof assemblies identifying required fire resistance ratings and load bearing capacities, details of existing sewage system, if any, (d) be accompanied by the required fees; (e) state the name, address and telephone number of the owner; and (f) be signed by the owner or their agent who shall certify the truth of the contents of the application. 4.7 Where an application for a permit or for authorization to make a material change to a plan, specification, document or other information on the basis of which a permit was issued, contains an equivalent material, system or building design for which authorization under section 9 of the Act is requested, the following information shall be provided: (a) a description of the proposed material, system or building design for which authorization under section 9 of the Act is requested; (b) any applicable provisions of the Building Code; and (c) evidence that the proposed material, system or building design will provide the level of performance required by the Building Code. 5.0 PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS:5.1 Every applicant shall furnish, (a) sufficient plans, specifications, documents and other information to enable the Chief Building Official to determine whether the proposed construction, demolition, or change of use conforms to the Act, the Building Code, and any other applicable law and whether or not it may affect adjacent property; and (b) each application shall be accompanied by two (2) complete sets of building plans including site plans and specifications unless otherwise specified by the Chief Building Official. 5.2 Plans shall: (a) include such working drawings as set out in Schedule “B” to this By-law unless otherwise specified by the Chief Building Official; (b) be drawn to scale upon paper or other substantial material; (c) be legible and durable; (d) indicate the nature and extent of work or proposed occupancy in sufficient detail to establish that the completed work will conform to the Act, the Building Code, and any other applicable law. (e) The Chief Building Official shall determine the number of plans, specifications, documents and other information required to be furnished with an application for permit having regard for the requirements of any Act, regulation or by-law respecting the examination or circulation of the application. (f) The Chief Building Official may require that a set of plans of a building or any class of buildings as constructed be filed with the Chief Building Official on completion of construction under such conditions as may be prescribed in the Building Code. (g) Plans and specifications furnished according to the By-law or otherwise required by the Act become the property of the Corporation and will be disposed of or retained in accordance with relevant legislation. (h) In lieu of separate specifications, the Chief Building Official may allow the essential information to be shown on the plans, but in no case shall such terms as “in accordance with the Act”, “legal”, or similar terms be used as substitutes for specific information. (i) Without restricting the generality of Section 5 of this By-law, every application for a permit with respect to the construction or demolition of a building located in proximity of lands identified as being subject to potential landslide activity shall be accompanied by a letter of consent from the South Nation Conservation Authority. 5.3 A site plan referenced to a current plan of survey certified by a Registered Ontario Land Surveyor and a copy of such a survey shall be filed with the Corporation unless this requirement is waived because the Chief Building Official is able, without having a current plan of survey, to determine whether the proposed work conforms to the Act, the Building Code and any other applicable law. The site plan will include: (a) lot size and dimensions of property; (b) setbacks from existing and proposed buildings to property boundaries and to each other; (c) existing and finished ground levels, grades, elevations of bottom or underside of footing and top of foundation, drainage flows and directions, drainage outlet; (d) existing right-of-way, easements and municipal services; (e) the location, size and capacity of all municipal services where such services are affected by the proposed construction and the size and location of all connections of services to the building or buildings and the invert level of the building or sewer drain. “Services” shall be deemed to include sanitary sewers, storm water sewers, municipal drains, water drains and electrical power lines. Where permitted, properties serviced by private sewage and water services shall show the location of septic tanks, tile beds, wells and connections to the building they serve; (f) the existence of any soil condition which may, in any manner, affect the use or safety of the proposed building or facility. (g) Where required by the Chief Building Official, the applicant shall submit a lot grading plan which shall identify the drainage courses and which grades of adjacent land and grades of centre line of the road at each extremity of the said lot for review and approval. (h) The site plan and grading plan, if applicable, shall be approved prior to considering the application complete as stipulated in Division C Sentence (5) of the OBC. 6.0 FEES:6.1 The Chief Building Official shall determine the required permit fees calculated in accordance with current fee by-law and the required administration performance deposit calculated in accordance with Schedule “B” of this By-law. No permit shall be issued until all the fees therefore have been paid in full. 6.2 Where the fees are based on the cost or valuation of the proposed work, such cost or valuation shall mean the total cost of all work regulated by the permit including the cost of all material, labor, equipment, overhead and professional and related services. 7.0 REFUND:7.1 In the case of abandonment of all or a portion of the work or of the non commencement of any project, the Chief Building Official shall determine the amount of refund of permit fees (as established in current fee by-law), if any, that may be returned or charged to the permit holder, in accordance with subsection 7.2 hereof or as otherwise directed by council. 7.2 The fees that may be refunded or charged shall be a percentage of the permit fees (as established in current fee by-law) payable under this By-law, as follows: (a) 25% per cent shall be charged if an application is filed and processed and no review functions have been performed; (b) 50% per cent shall be charged if administrative and zoning functions have been performed; (c) 75% per cent shall be charged or deducted if administrative, zoning and plan examination functions have been performed or permit issued; (d) 5% per cent shall additionally be deducted for each field inspection that has been performed after the permit has been issued. 7.3 In the case of abandonment of all or a portion of the work or of the non commencement of any project, or permit revocation all other fees charged at permit issuance including but not limited to: water meter fee, connection fees, recycling boxes fees and civic post fee shall be refunded in totality if the connections have not been done and the items listed above are returned in good working order. 7.4 The fee for the transfer of a permit is non-refundable. 7.5 Subject to subsection 11.1 hereof, there shall be no refund of permit fees (as established in current fee by-law) where a permit has been revoked. 8.0 REVISION TO PERMIT:8.1 After the issuance of a permit under the Act, notice of any material change to a plan, specification, document or other information on the basis of which the permit was issued, must be given in writing, to the Chief Building Official together with the details of such change, which is not to be made without his or her written authorization. 9.0 RESTRICTED PERMIT FOR A TEMPORARY BUILDING:9.1 A restricted permit for a temporary building may be issued by: (a) the Chief Building Official authorizing, for a limited time only, the erection and existence of a building or part thereof and, (b) a permit for a temporary building may be extended provided permission in writing is granted by the Chief Building Official. 10.0 RENEWAL OF PERMIT:10.1 The Chief Building Official may issue a renewal of permit, or of a revoked permit, provided the required fee is paid for such renewal and the plans and specifications are made to comply with all the requirements of the Act, the Building Code and any other applicable law in effect at the time the application for a renewal of permit is made. 11.0 PERMIT REVOCATION, DEFERRAL OR REVOCATION AND TRANSFER:11.1 Revocation of Permit (a) The Chief Building Official may revoke a permit issued under the building code Act as per section 8. (10) of the Act. (b) The Chief Building Official shall provide written notice to the permit holder that their permit is revoked and set out the reasons for the revocation. This notice shall be sent do the last known address of the permit holder. (c) If a person considers themselves aggrieved by the decision to revoke a permit made by the Chief building official, they may appeal the decision to the Superior Court of Justice within 20 days after the decision is made. 11.2 Transfer of Permit (a) Permits are transferable only upon the new owner completing a permit application in accordance with the requirements of Section 4 of this By-law. (b) A fee, as established in current fee by-law, shall be payable on a transfer of permit by the new owner who shall thenceforth be the permit holder for the purposes of the Building Code Act and the Building Code. (c) Any fees or monies being held such as, but not limited to, the administration performance deposit, will be deemed to be transferable to the new permit holder, without any further notice upon issuing the new permit. 12.0 NOTIFICATIONS:12.1 With respect to prescribed notices under Division C Article of the Building Code, the permit holder or their authorized agent shall notify the Chief Building Official or their designate that the construction is ready for inspection. 12.2 With respect to notices given as per Section 12.1 of this By-law, an inspector shall undertake a site inspection of the building to which the notice relates within the timeframe stipulated within Division C article of the Building Code. 12.3 With respect to “additional notices” under Division C article of the Building Code, the permit holder, or authorized agent, shall notify the Chief Building Official or their designate with the same notice as per Division C article Of the Building Code prior to each stage of construction for which notice in advance is required under the Building Code. 12.4 A notice pursuant to Subsection 1.3.5 is not effective until written or oral notice is received by the Chief Building Official or their designate. 13.0 DOCUMENTS ON SITE:13.1 During the construction, the permit holder shall keep: (a) posted in a conspicuous place on the property in respect of which the permit was issued, a copy of the permit or a poster, or placard in lieu thereof and, (b) a copy of the approved drawings and specifications referred to in the application for permit, on the property in respect to which the permit was issued. 14.0 OCCUPANCY INSPECTION:14.1 In addition to the requirements specified in the Ontario Building Code Division C Subsection 1.3.3. Every residential unit shall be identified with the street numbers clearly visible from the street at the time of occupancy inspection. 15.0 ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT:15.1 The provisions of this By-Law shall be administered and enforced by the Chief Building Official or his/her assigned alternate. 16.0 PENALTY:Any person who contravenes any provisions of this By-law is guilty of an offence and upon conviction shall forfeit and pay a penalty as provided for in the Ontario Building Code Act 1992, as amended; 17.0 SCHEDULES TO BY-LAW:The schedules attached to this By-law are deemed to form part of this By-law. 18.0 SEVERABILITY:It is declared that if any section or subsection or part or parts thereof be declared by any competent Court of Law to be illegal, it shall be deemed to be severable and all parts hereof are declared to be separate and independent and enacted as such. 19.0 REPEAL OF PREVIOUS BY-LAWS:All previous By-Laws of the City of Clarence-Rockland, of the former Town of Rockland and the former Township of Clarence concerning construction, building permits and building permit fees are hereby repealed including By-Law number 2013-33. 20.1 DATE AND EFFECTThis By-law shall take full effect on the date of its adoption. READ AND PASSED IN OPEN COUNCIL THIS 21ST DAY OF DECEMBER 2015. Guy Desjardins, Mayor Monique Ouellet, Clerk Schedule A
Notes to Schedule “A”Note 1 The value of construction is calculated as follows: 1) Group “C” residential buildings are based on $150.00 per sq/ft or contract price whichever is the greatest, 2) Group “A”, “B”, “D”, “E” and “F” buildings are based on contract price value, 3) Farm buildings are based on contract price value, 4) All other construction types are based on the contract value. Note 2 Once a permit has been issued by the Chief Building Official, the administration performance deposit will be refunded in whole or in part to the permit holder in accordance with the following provisions: 1) For all multi-unit permits (townhouse dwellings, apartment dwellings, semi-detached dwellings; One hundred per cent (100%) of the administration performance deposit is to be refunded if construction is completed and approved within two(2) years of the date of the issuance of the permit. Following the two years, 25% will be deducted from the performance deposit each year that the permit remains open. 2) For all other permits; One hundred per cent (100%) of the administration performance deposit is to be refunded if construction is completed and approved within one (1) year of the date of the issuance of the permit, 3) Seventy five percent (75%) of the administration performance deposit is to be refunded if construction is completed and approved within two (2) years of the date of the issuance of the permit, 4) Fifty percent (50%) of the administration performance deposit is to be refunded if construction is completed and approved within three (3) years of the date of the issuance of the permit, 5) Twenty five percent (25%) of the administration performance deposit is to be refunded if construction is completed and approved within four (4) years of the date of the issuance of the permit, 6) No refund of the administration performance deposit will be awarded if construction is not completed or not approved within four (4) years of the date of the issuance of the permit. This will not relieve the permit holder of obligations under any regulations of any By-Law, the Building Code Act or regulations made thereunder. 7) A final As-built location plan is required to be submitted and approved by the municipality prior to the release of the grading performance deposit for all new house construction. Note 3 The refund of the whole or in part of the administration performance deposit shall not be deemed a waiver of any provisions of any By-Law or requirements of the Building Code Act or regulations made thereunder. Also the refund should not be construed as a certification or guarantee that the building for which a permit was issued meets all the requirements of the Building Code Act or regulations made thereunder. (Added by By-Law 2020-55 and further amended by 2021-23) Note 4 For any deposits submitted for permits issued between September 1st, 2019 and September 1st, 2021, the following exceptions shall be applicable: 1) Note 2. 2) shall be applicable within three (3) years. 2) Note 2. 3) shall be applicable within four (4) years 3) Note 2. 4) shall be applicable within five (5) years 4) Note 2. 5) shall be applicable within six (6) years Schedule “B”List of Plans and Working Drawings List of Plans and Working Drawings required accompanying the application:1) Approved Site Plan 2) Approved Lot Grading Plan (By a professional Engineer or Land Surveyor) 3) Foundation Plans 4) Floor Plans 5) Framing Plans 6) Roof Plans 7) Sections and Details 8) Elevation Plans 9) Electrical Drawings 10) Heating and Ventilation Drawings 11) Plumbing Drawings 12) Fire Alarm, Sprinkler and Standpipe Drawing
Building fortification - 2002-88 |
A by-law of the city of Clarence-Rockland to regulate the fortification of and protective elements applied to “land” and to prohibit the excessive fortification of land or excessive protective elements being applied to land; Whereas pursuant to section 217 of the Municipal act, the council of a municipality may pass a by-law to regulate the fortification of and protective elements applied to “land” and to prohibit the excessive fortification of land or excessive protective elements being applied to land; And whereas the municipal council deems it desirable to pass a by-law on this subject; Therefore the council of the city of Clarence-Rockland, pursuant to section 217 of the Municipal act, r.s.o. 1990, chapter m.45 enacts as follows: 1. Definition: “land” means land, including buildings, mobile homes, mobile buildings, mobile structures, outbuildings, fences, erections, physical barriers and any other structure on the land or on or in any structure on the land; 2. Subject to section 3, it is prohibited to add to any land, the following fortification or protective elements: a) A watch-tower; b) A window made of plate-glass or any other bullet-proof material; c) An armoured, tempered steel or specially-reinforced door; d) A wall or partition reinforced with metal plates or concrete blocks; e) An enclosure or rampart made up of metal plates or concrete blocks; f) A fence crowned with barbed wire; g) One or several bullet-proof shutters, or one or several bullet-proof curtains; h) An exterior camera or surveillance system directed towards neighbouring private or public properties; i) Wire-netting or metal bars installed on doors and windows (except those for basements or cellars); j) All other fortification or excessive protective elements other than fire or alarm systems. 3. The provisions of section 2 do not apply to the following: a) Banks; b) Financial establishments; c. Jewellery stores; d) Electrical stations; e) Telecommunication stations; f) Jails; g) Police stations; h) Fire stations; i) Civil protection stations; and j) Other buildings that house executive, legislative and legal functions. 4. Any owner of property, erected or to be erected, who is in contravention of this by- law, must perform remedial work in respect of the property, at the owner’s expense, so as to comply with the provisions of this by-law; 5. all remedial work to be done on the property to correct the contravention must be completed within three months of receipt of the notice from the building inspector. 6. no building permit shall be issued under the building code act if the proposed building, construction or use contravenes this by-law. 7. the chief building inspector of the city of Clarence-Rockland may enter and inspect any property, at any reasonable time, in order to determine if the property is erected in contravention of this by-law. 8. any notice issued by the chief building inspector of the city of Clarence-Rockland shall be in the form of a “work order” setting out: a) The municipal address or legal description of the property; b) The specific reasons for the contravention to this by-law and the remedial work to be done, as well as the timeframe within which the work must be completed; and c) That if the property owner does not complete all remedial work within the timeframe specified, the city of Clarence-Rockland may, at any reasonable time, enter the premises to complete the work or have the work completed, at the expense of the owner. 9. If the land owner does not complete all remedial work within a maximum period of three months, the city of Clarence-Rockland may, at any reasonable time, enter the premises to complete the work or have the work completed, at the expense of the owner. 10. Any person who contravenes any provision of this by-law is guilty of an offence and upon conviction is liable to a fine as set out under the authority of the provincial offences act, r.s.o. 1990, chapter p.33, as amended. Dated and passed in open council, this 10th day of September, 2002. Jean-Pierre Pierre, Mayor Daniel Gatien, Clerk |
Business Hours of Operation - 2018-41 |
Being a by-law to provide for certain classes of businesses to close during certain hours of certain days and during certain holidays, and to exempt certain classes of businesses therefrom. Whereas section 148 of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended provides that a local municipality may require that retail business establishments be closed to the public at any time; And whereas section 1.2 (1) of the Retail Business Holidays Act, R.S.O. 1990, provides that the Retail Business Holidays Act does not apply to a municipality and does not apply in respect of any by-law of the municipality or any retail business establishment located in the municipality if there is in effect a by-law passed by the municipality providing that the act does not apply to it; And whereas section 1.2 (2) of the Retail Business Holidays Act, R.S.O. 1990, provides that a by-law passed under section 1.2 (1) of the Retail Business Holidays Act does not take effect until the municipality passes a by-law under section 148 of the Municipal Act, 2001 requiring that one or more classes of retail business establishments be closed on a holiday; And whereas the council of the Corporation of Clarence-Rockland deems it expedient to adopt a by-law to regulate and govern the closing hours and the opening hours on statutory holidays of certain retail business establishment; Now therefore the council of the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland enacts as follows: Definitions
(a) “Closed” means not open for the serving of any customer; (b) “Corporation” means the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland; (c) “Council” means the council of the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland; (d) “Holiday” means (a) New Year’s Day, (b) Family Day (c) Good Friday, (d) Victoria Day, (e) Canada Day, (f) Labour Day, (g) Thanksgiving Day, (h) Christmas Day, (i) Easter Sunday, and (j) any other public holiday declared by proclamation of the Lieutenant Governor of the Province of Ontario to be a holiday as defined in the Retail Business Holiday Act; (e) “Owner” means any person, persons or corporation who owns or manages a retail business establishment; (f) “Person” means an individual, a partnership, a body corporate and any association, and the heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns or other legal representatives thereof to whom the context means a human being; (g) “Retail business” means the selling or offering for sale goods or services by retail; (h) “Retail business establishment” means the premise where goods and services are sold or offered for sale by retail; (i) “Shop” means a premise with less than 2,400 sq. feet where goods and services are sold or offered for sale by retail. Retail Business Holiday Act Does Not Apply
Retail Business Hours4- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday of every week during the hours of ten (10) o’clock in the afternoon and seven (7) o’clock in the forenoon of the following day unless otherwise permitted herein; and a) Sunday of every week during the hours of nine (9) o’clock in the afternoon and seven (7) o’clock in the forenoon of the following business day as permitted by statute unless otherwise permitted herein. b) every retail business establishment owner shall ensure that the retail business establishment be closed and remain closed in accordance with the provisions of this by-law. 5) Every retail business establishment within the city shall remain closed on : Holidays6.Every retail business establishment within the city shall remain closed on : a) New Years’ Day b) Good Friday c) Easter Sunday d) Canada Day e) Labour Day f) Thanksgiving Day g) Christmas Day Prohibition7. No person carrying on a retail business establishment shall: a) allow any customer to enter the retail business establishment after the appointed closing hour to make a purchase by retail; b) allow any customer to enter the retail business establishment on Christmas Day to make a purchase by retail; 8. No person employed by or acting on behalf of a person carrying on a retail business in a retail business establishment shall engage in any prohibited activity listed in section 7. 9. Nothing in this by-law renders unlawful the continuance in a retail business after the appointed hour for closing thereof to any customers who were in the retail business establishment immediately before that hour or the serving of such customers during their continuance therein. Extended Hours 10. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 4 of this by-law, all classes of retail business establishments may open at seven (7) o’clock in the forenoon and close at eleven (11) o’clock in the afternoon commencing on the 1st day of december and terminating on the 31st day of december of each year unless otherwise permitted herein: a) all classes of retail business establishment may exercise the right to open at six (6) o’clock in the forenoon and close at eleven (11) o’clock in the afternoon the last friday of november of each year; b) all classes of retail business establishment may exercise the right to open at six (6) o’clock in the forenoon on the 26th day of december of each year. Exemptions/Exceptions 11. The following classes of business are exempt from any provisions of this by-law: a) shops under 2,400 square feet and with three or fewer employees where the only goods available for sale on the holiday are in one or more of the following categories:
b) gasoline and motor oil service stations; c) nurseries d) flower shops e) gardening centres f) confectionery shops; g) shops for retail sale of only fresh fruits and fresh vegetables or either of them; h) shops for the retail sale of dairy products; i) video rental shops; j) pharmacies accredited under the Drug and Pharmacies Regulation Act, provided that the principal business of the retail business establishment is the sale of goods of a pharmaceutical or therapeutic nature or for hygienic or cosmetic purpose. Daylight Savings12. For the purposes of this by-law, so long as the time commonly observed in the city is one hour in advance of standard time, the times mentioned in this by-law shall be considered in accordance with the time so commonly observed and not standard time. Penalties13. Every person being a shopkeeper who contravenes any provisions of this by-law is guilty of an offence and is subject to the provisions of the Provincial Offences Act, as amended. Prohibiting Order14. Any court of competent jurisdiction may, in addition to any other penalty, impose on the person convicted an order prohibiting the continuation or repetition of the offence or the doing of any act or thing by the person convicted directed towards the continuation or repetition of the offence. Severability15. If a court of competent jurisdiction should declare any section or part of a section of this by-law to be invalid, such section or part thereof shall not be construed as having persuaded or influenced council to pass the remainder of this by-law and it is hereby declared that the remainder of this by-law shall be valid and shall remain in force. By-law Repealed16. By-law number 2007-123 and amendments hereto are hereby repealed. 17. This by-law shall take force on the day it is adopted by council. Read and passed in open council on this 17th day of April 2018. Guy Desjardins, Mayor Monique Ouellet, Clerk |
Business License - 2019-20 * |
Being a by-law of the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland to provide for licensing, regulating and governing trades, callings, businesses or occupations.
Whereas under the provisions of the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, Chapter 25, Section 150(1), a local municipality may license, regulate and govern any business wholly and partly carried in within the municipality even if the business is being carried on from a location outside the municipality; And whereas without limiting the powers of section 150 of the Municipal Act S.O. 2001, Chapter 25, to license, regulate and govern a business includes the power, (a) to prohibit the carrying on of or engaging in business without a license; (b) to fix the expiry date for a license; (c) to impose conditions as a requirement of obtaining, continuing to hold or renewing a license, including conditions; (d) requiring the payment of license fees; (e) restricting the hours of operation of the business; and (f) to regulate or govern the equipment, vehicles and other personal property used or kept for hire in connection with the carrying on or engaging in the business. Now therefore the Council of the City of Clarence-Rockland enacts as follows: Definitions1. For the purposes of this By-Law: Amusement ServicesMeans a business where the renting or temporary use of equipment, items or other equipment designated for the entertainment of the public is provided. ApplicantMeans a person applying for a licence under this By-Law. AuctioneerMeans a person selling, renting or putting up for sale, goods, wares, merchandise or effects or livestock by public auction. Automotive ServicesMeans a business that offers automobile services, including a automobile body shop, automobile sales garage, automobile gas bar, automobile service station, automobile storage, automobile wrecking yard and car washes whether automatic or not. Building DepartmentMeans the Chief Building Inspector or any of his subordinates appointed by Council of the Corporation. BusinessMeans a trade, business or occupation and includes the sale or hire of goods or services on an intermittent or one-time basis, the showing for the purpose of sale or hire of samples, patterns or specimens of any goods and shall include exhibitions held for hire and gain, theatres, music halls, bowling alleys, movie pictures shows but does not include;
City ClerkMeans the Clerk or any of his subordinates appointed by the Council of the Corporation. CorporationMeans the Council of the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland. CouncilMeans the Council of the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland. Entertainment ServicesMeans a business that provides or offers leisure activities in which the customer or customer acts as an observer and does not actively participate. Finance DepartmentMeans the Finance Director, the Treasurer or any of his subordinates appointed by the Council of the Corporation. Fire DepartmentMeans the Fire Chief or any of his subordinates appointed by the Council of the Corporation. Food/Beverage ServiceMeans a business that offers food or beverages intended for human consumption. Highway Traffic ActMeans the Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter H.8, and amendments thereto. Home occupationAs defined in the Clarence-Rockland Zoning By-law No.2006-3, as amended. Itinerant VendorMeans a person who goes from place to place or to a particular place with goods for sale by retail, or who carries and displays samples, patterns or specimens of any goods for the purpose of sale or hire that are delivered in the City afterwards, but does not include a person who sells to wholesale or retail dealers in similar goods. LicenceMeans a licence issued under this By-Law by the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland. LicensedMeans a licence issued under the provisions of this By-Law. Licensed PremisesMeans the premises where the licensee carries on his/her licensed business. LicenseeMeans a person or corporation to whom a licence has been issued for under this By-Law. Medical Officer of HealthMeans the Chief Medical Officer of Health or his/her appointee. Mobile Sales/ServicesMeans a business which does not operate from a permanent location but goes from place to place to sale or provides services to customers. Motor VehicleMeans an automobile, motorcycle, motor assisted bicycle unless otherwise indicated in the Highway Traffic Act, and any other vehicle propelled or driven otherwise than by muscular power, but does not include a street car, or other motor vehicle running only upon rails, or a motorized snow vehicle, traction engine, farm tractor, self-propelled implement or husbandry or road-building machine. Municipal Law Enforcement OfficerMeans a Peace Officer for the purpose of enforcing Municipal By-laws for the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland. PersonMeans an individual, a partnership, a body corporate and any association, and the heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns or other legal representatives thereof to whom the context means a human being of the male or female gender. Planning DepartmentMeans the Municipal Planner or any of his subordinates appointed by Council of the Corporation. Police OfficerMeans the Chief of police as defined in the Police Services Act R.S.O. 1990, Chapter P.10. Recreational ServicesMeans a business that provides or offers sport or leisure activities in which the customer actively participates. SeasonalMeans a business that operates less than 6 consecutive months during a specific time of the year. Seasonal Produce VendorMeans a business that operates less than 6 consecutive months during a specific time of the year and sells locally grown produce. Temporary SalesMeans a business, who on a temporary basis sells, or offers for sale, goods, wares, merchandise, items or service at an indoor or outdoor location or premises. Trades/Contractorsmeans a person who makes an agreement with another to do a piece of work, retaining in himself control of the means, method and manner of producing the result to be accomplished. Transient TraderMeans a business, who on a temporary basis, sells or offers for sale, goods, wares, merchandise, items or service at an indoor or outdoor location or premises. Transient Trader - Special EventMeans a business event organised by a sponsoring organization(s) within the City, where one or more transient traders are engaged in business activity, who on a temporary basis, sells or offers for sale, goods, wares, merchandise, items or service at an indoor or outdoor location or premises. VehicleMeans a motor vehicle, trailer, traction engine, farm tractor, road building machine, bicycle and any vehicle drawn, propelled or driven by any kind of power, including muscular power, but does not include a motorized snow vehicle or a street car. Interpretation2. No person shall operate within the City of Clarence-Rockland any business as defined in this By-law without first obtaining a licence from the Corporation authorizing him/her to operate a business. Applications Processing and Issuance3. Every person who requires a licence under the provisions of this By-Law for any business shall: a) file an application in writing by completing a prescribed form available at the Client Service Center; b) provide as required by the Finance Department any documents, permits or permissions pertaining to the operation of the said business; c) pay the annual licence fee as established in the current User Fee By-law, as amended from time to time. 4. The annual licence fee referred to in Section 3.c) shall not be reduced or pro-rated. 5. The issuance of the licence under this By-law may be subject to the written approval of all or any of the following, as per Schedule ‘B’ hereto attached and forming part of this By-law: a) the Planning Department, b) the Building Department, c) the Fire Department, d) the Medical Health unit and e) the Municipal Law Enforcement Department. 6. If an applicant fails to provide the Finance Department with any written approval, pursuant to Section 5. of this By-law, the application will not be processed. 7. No person shall be deemed to have been issued a business licence until the Finance Department has signed and issued the licence. The application for a business licence does not constitute a licence. 8. The Finance Department shall upon receipt of the written approval(s), make or cause to be made any investigations considered necessary or which are required by law or by the Corporation relative to the application. a) A fire prevention inspection may be required for certain class of businesses and subject to inspection fees as provided for under the current User Fee By-law, as amended from time to time. Payment and Default9. The Business Renewal License fees shall be billed on an annual basis per the current User Fee By-law, as amended from time to time. 10. A notice of arrears shall be delivered by regular mail fifteen (15) days after the due date of the Business Renewal License and the late fee set out in the current User Fee By-law, as amended from time to time shall be payable. 11 In the event of a licensee not renewing the license on or before the 30th days after the due date after its expiration, the licensee ceases to be a licensee. Refusal - Suspension - Revocation of Licence12. If the investigation referred to in Section 8. of this By-law discloses any reason that the carrying on of the said business may result in a breach of the law or of any provisions of any By-laws of the Corporation the Finance Department may refuse to issue the licence and shall notify the applicant of his refusal in writing. 13. The Council may, by resolution; a) refuse to grant a licence; b) revoke or suspend a licence; c) impose special conditions on a business in a class that have not been imposed on all business in that class as a requirement of obtaining or continuing to hold or renewing a licence; an d) imposing conditions, including special conditions, as a requirement of continuing to hold a licence at any time during the licence upon the ground that the conduct of a person or in the case of a business corporation, the conduct of its officers, directors, employees or agents affords reasonable grounds for the belief that the person will not carry on or operate the business in accordance with the law or with honesty and integrity. 14. No person shall enjoy vested right in the continuance of a licence and upon the issue, renewal, cancellation or suspension thereof, the value of the licence shall be the property of the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland. 15. The granting of a licence under the provisions of this By-law shall be dependent upon the licensee indemnifying and saving harmless the Corporation and the employees, contractors and agents of the Corporation from all loss, damage, legal action, costs and expenses of every nature and kind arising from or in consequence the carrying on of the said business, for which the licence was issued. Expiry of Licence16. The licences for every business shall, unless they are expressed to be for a shorter or longer time, be for one year and unless they are sooner forfeited or revoked shall in each case, expire in each year on the date established in the current User Fee By-law, as amended from time to time. Renewal of Licence17. The Finance Department may renew an existing licence if the licensee: a) produces his/her licence on or before the expiry date; or b) complies with all required approval as provided for under this By-law; or c) pays the applicable licence fees as established in the current User Fee By-law, as amended from time to time; or d) pays the prescribed fire prevention inspection fee as established in the current User Fee By-law, as amended from time to time. Refusal to Renew a Licence18. A licence shall not be renewed by the Finance Department until it has been determined that the licensee has not complied with: a) the regulations under the jurisdiction of the Medical Officer of Health Unit; b) any other laws or by-laws of the Corporation; or c) the applicable licence fee as established in the current User Fee By-law, as amended from time to time. 19. a) If the Finance Department refuses to renew the licence, the licensee shall receive notice of refusal in writing, said notice to be served personally upon or sent by prepaid registered mail to the licensee. b) If the licensee is not satisfied with the terms of the notice referred to in Section 14 of this By-Law, he/she may appeal to the City Clerk within thirty (30) days after service of the notice of refusal. 20. Every person who a licence has been issued to under this By-Law shall; a) where the licence applies to a premises, keep his/her licence posted up in a conspicuous place on the premises in respect to which the licence is issued; b) where the licence does not apply to a premises, shall keep on his/her person the licence issued; and c) where the licence applies to a vehicle, shall keep on the person driving such particular vehicle the individual licence issued with respect to said vehicle, and where plates are issued with respect to such individual licence, the plates shall be securely fixed to the back of the vehicle. Transfer of Licence21. No licence shall be transferred except with the consent in writing of the Finance Department. a) No licence shall be transferred pursuant to Section 18 of this By-Law without first paying the transfer of ownership fee as established in the current User Fee By-law, as amended from time to time. b) No person owning or operating a licensed premises under this By-Law shall move from one location to another within the City of Clarence-Rockland without first paying the application fee as established in the current User Fee By-law, as amended from time to time and fulfilling the requirements for a licence application as set out in this By-Law. c) No person owning or operating a vehicle licensed under this By-Law shall transfer the licence from one vehicle to another without first paying the plate transfer fee as established in the current User Fee By-law, as amended from time to time and fulfilling the requirements for a vehicle licence application as set out in the applicable schedule of this By-Law. d) No licence certificate or licence plate shall be replaced without first paying the replacement fee as established in the current User Fee By-law, as amended from time to time. 22. No person licensed under this By-Law shall refuse to permit a guide dog, while serving as a guide or leader for a blind person, to enter and remain upon his/her premises or in his/her vehicle during the carrying on of the business in respect of which the licence is granted. Inspections23. A Municipal Law Enforcement Officer may: a) at all reasonable times, inspect the building, place or premises that is used for a business for which a person is licensed or is required to be licensed; 24. Every person who obtains a licence under this By-Law shall produce the licence when requested to do so by a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer or a Police Officer. Administration and Enforcement25. Nothing in this By-law shall exempt any person from complying with the requirements of any other By-law or regulation or any other law in force within the area affected by this By-law. It is the responsibility of the licensee and the owner to ensure that the business complies with all legislation and regulation pertaining to the conduct of the business. 26. The provisions of this By-law shall be administered by the Finance Department and enforced by the Municipal Law Enforcement Officer. 27. No person who is licensed or required to be licensed, shall hinder or obstruct the Municipal Law Enforcement Officer during inspections referred to in this By-law or cause the inspections to be hindered or obstructed. Exceptions - Special Conditions28. Council may require certain classes of businesses to be regulated separately from this By-law, where it is believed that special condition should be imposed and which are not defined in this By-law. The classes of businesses requiring special conditions are defined in Schedule “A” of this By-law. Penalties29. Each day that a person operates a business in contravention of the provisions of this By-law shall constitute a separate offence. 30. Any person who contravenes any of the provisions of this By-Law is guilty of an offence and upon conviction shall forfeit and pay a penalty as provided for in the Provincial Offenses Act, 1990, R.S.O., Chapter P. 33. and amendments thereto. Order Prohibiting31. When a person has been convicted of an offence under the provisions of this By-law, any court of competent jurisdiction thereafter may, in addition to any other penalty imposed on the person convicted, issue an order prohibiting the continuation or repetition of the offence or the doing of any act by person convicted directed towards the continuation or repetition of the offence. Severability32. It is declared that if any section or subsection or part or parts thereof be declared by any competent Court of Law to be illegal shall be deemed to be severable and all parts hereof are declared to be separate and independent and enacted as such. By-Law in Force33. This By-law shall come into force and take effect as of the date of its adoption. Schedule Adopted34. The schedules referred to in this By-law shall form part of this By-law and be read in conjunction with the entry across therefrom, and not otherwise. Former By-Laws Repealed35. That By-law No.2018-135 regulating and licensing of businesses in the City of Clarence-Rockland and any amendments are hereby repealed.
Enacted and passed in open Council this 20th day of February, 2019.Guy Desjardins, Mayor Monique Ouellet, Clerk
Chip Wagon - 2017-84* |
En anglais seulement. Being a by-law to provide for the licensing, regulating, and governing chip wagons in the City of Clarence-Rockland Whereas the Municipal Act, 2001, C.25, S 151 states that a municipality may provide for a system of licenses with respect to a business, and may 151(b) refuse to grant a license, and 151(c) may impose conditions as a requirement of obtaining, continuing to hold, or renewing a license; And whereas the Council of the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland chooses to exercise its discretion to license the operation of “Chip Wagons” within the City of Clarence-Rockland; Now therefore the Council of the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland enacts as follows: Definitions:In this by-law: “By-Law Enforcement Officer” shall mean a person duly appointed by the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland for the purpose of enforcing or carrying out the provisions of Municipal by-laws or his designate “Chip Wagon” shall mean a vehicle from which food, refreshments or confections are sold, either temporarily mounted on blocks or supported by a conventional wheel, tire or axle system. “Corner Sight Triangle” means the portion of a corner lot within the triangular area formed by measuring 6 metres in each direction from the point where two property lines intersect at the street lot line corner; “Driveway” means a vehicle access provided between a street and a parking area/space or a loading space; “Driveway sight triangle” means the triangular area formed by measuring 4.5 metres down the driveway and 4.5 metres down the side lot line abutting a street. “Highway” or “Street” shall include a common and public highway, street, avenue, boulevard, crescent, cul-de-sac, court, parkway, driveway, square, place, shoulder, bridge, viaduct, or trestle, or the like, any part of which is intended for or used by the general public for the passage of vehicles and includes the area between the lateral property lines thereof. “Municipality” shall mean the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland “Owner” shall mean the owner or operator of the Chip Wagon “Road Allowance” shall mean all allowances for roads, except insofar as they have been stopped up according to law, made by the Crown surveyors, all highways laid out or established under the authority of any statute, all roads on which public money has been expended for opening them or on which statute labour has been usually performed, all roads dedicated by the owner of the land to the public use and all alternations and deviations of all bridges over any such allowances for highway or road. “Shoulder” means the un-travelled portion running along either side of a highway. “Site Plan” means a drawing of a site which includes all the applicable measurements of the Chip Wagon and the surrounding area within 100 metres of the site and on which all buildings and structures, streets, and services are indicated. a) That subsection 1.2 be added as follows: 1.2 Where a word or term used in this by-law is not defined, the word or term has the same meaning as defined as per the current City of Clarence-Rockland Zoning By-law, as amended from time to time. 2. License Required2.1 No person shall, within the limits of the City of Clarence-Rockland, sell refreshments from a Chip Wagon without first having obtained a license for that purpose. 2.2 No person shall operate a Chip Wagon and fail to display the license in a conspicuous place clearly visible to the public at all times when the Chip Wagon is in operation. 2.3 No person shall operate a Chip Wagon that is not in compliance with the approved site plan drawing.
3. Limitations and Restrictions
*That subsection 3.1 be replaced with the following: 3.1 Chip Wagons are not permitted in a residential zone or on a municipal property. 3.1.1 Notwithstanding subsection 3.1, the Director of Community Services may, with written consent, grant a special permission for Chip Wagons to be located on a municipal property during a special event. 3.1.1 Notwithstanding subsection 3.1, the Director of Community Services may, with written consent, grant a special permission for Chip Wagons to be located on a municipal property during a special event. 3.2 No Chip Wagon will be permitted to locate within 150 metres of an existing establishment offering the same or similar service or another Chip Wagon. 3.3 No Chip Wagon will be permitted to locate on a property adjacent to Laurier Street in Rockland, between Simoneau Street and Laporte Street. 3.4 No Chip Wagon shall be located: i) on any highway or street, road allowance or shoulder; ii) within a “corner sight triangle” or a “driveway sight triangle” 3.5 Prior to beginning operation of a Chip Wagon on land which abuts a highway under the jurisdiction of the Province of Ontario, or is within the distance of a highway which is regulated by the Province of Ontario through the Ministry of Transportation, the licensee shall file with the Clerk written confirmation of acceptance of the intended location from the Ministry. 3.6 Notwithstanding Section 2 and 3.2 of this by-law, a Chip Wagon that is to be erected for a period of less than 4 days and used in conjunction with a special event is not subject to the requirements of this by-law. 4. General Requirements*That subsection 4.1 be replaced with the following: 4.1 A Chip Wagon must comply with the setback requirements for the zone. 4.2 The owner of a Chip Wagon shall provide on-site parking spaces in accordance with the zoning by-law requirements. 4.3 The owner of the Chip Wagon shall provide adequate trash receptacles at the site on which the Chip Wagon is located and shall maintain the site in a clean and sanitary condition at all times. 4.5 The owner of a Chip Wagon shall ensure that washroom facilities are available for patrons and staff. 5. Application for a Licence5.1 Every application for a License to operate a Chip Wagon shall be made on the standard application form, attached as Schedule “A” to this by-law, and shall include the required fee, as listed on Schedule “B” to this by-law. Both Schedules being attached to and forming part of this by-law. 5.1.1 Acceptance of the license fee does not constitute approval of the application or obliges the Municipality to issue a license. 5.1.2 Every fee paid under 5.1 is refundable if the license applied for is not granted 5.2 Every application submitted will be accompanied by a site plan drawing. No license shall be granted until the site plan has been approved by the Municipality. The site plan is to be drawn to scale, and shall include: i) proposed location of unit on the property, including set back from property line and road allowance; ii) the location and number of proposed parking spaces; iii) proposed access to the property from the highway; iv) location of trash receptacles; and vi) washroom facilities. Depending on the specifics with respect to the location, additional information may be required on the site plan. 5.2.1 Before a license under this by-law is issued by the City of Clarence-Rockland, the owner shall meet with a Planner to review the intended site. 5.3 The application is to include information on: i) fuel source; ii) water supply and disposal, including grey water; iii) grease disposal methods; and iv) waste disposal arrangements. 5.4 The applicant shall include with his/her application: (i) A certificate from the Eastern Ontario Health Unit confirming that the Chip Wagon has passed a sanitary inspection under the “Ontario Regulation 562 – Food Premises R.R.O. 1990”, or its successor, valid for the year in which the permit is to be issued. (ii) If a propane or gas fired system is to be used, an inspection certificate by a Technical Standards & Safety Authority certified gas technician as required under the “Technical Standards and Safety Act” or its successor, valid for the year in which the permit is to be issued. (iii) A written statement from the applicable Fire Chief or his designate stating that the unit complies with the Ontario Fire Code, valid for the year in which the permit is to be issued. (iv) Proof that the owner has obtained a minimum of one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) liability insurance for the operation of the Chip Wagon, valid for the year in which the permit is to be issued. (v) If the Chip Wagon is located on land not owned by the Chip Wagon owner, a letter from the owner of the property on which the Chip Wagon will be situated, authorizing the applicant to conduct such business from the property, valid for the year in which the permit is to be issued. General Provisions6. The granting of a license under this by-law does not constitute permission for the licensee to operate in contravention of any by-law or statutory requirements. 7. For the purpose of enforcement of the provisions of this by-law, the by-law officer may enter upon land and into buildings at any reasonable time without a warrant. 8. Any license granted hereunder may be revoked at the discretion of the Council of the City of Clarence-Rockland if the provisions and policies contained herein are not adhered to by the holder of the said license at all times. 9. Every license issued pursuant to this by-law shall be valid until the 31st day of December in the year in which the license was issued, or until the said license is revoked or suspended. No refund of the license fee shall be paid if the license is revoked or suspended. 10. A person to whom a license is granted may apply in writing to the Municipality for permission to have his license transferred to another vehicle or to another owner, and such permission will not be unreasonably withheld. In order to transfer a license, the current license is to be surrendered to the Municipality and a transfer fee paid as listed on Schedule “B”. 11. Offence11.1 Any person who contravenes any of the provisions of this By-law is guilty of an offence and upon conviction shall forfeit and pay a penalty as provided for in the Provincial Offences Act, 1990, R.S.O., Chapter P.33, and amendments thereto. 11.2 Each day that a person operates a business in contravention to this By-law shall constitute a separate offence. 11.3 When a person has been convicted of an offence under this By-law, any court of competent jurisdiction thereafter, may, in addition to any other penalty imposed on the person convicted, issue an order prohibiting the continuation or repetition of the offence or the doing of any act or thing by the person convicted directed toward the continuation or repetition of the offence. 12. Headings not part of the by-lawThe headings in the body of this by-law are used for convenience or reference only and do not form part of the by-law. 13. SeverabilityShould any section or subsection of this by-law or any part or parts thereof be found by law to be illegal or beyond the power of Council to enact, such section or subsection of part or parts thereof shall be deemed to be severable so that the remainder of this by-law is separate and therefore enacted as such. 14. RepealThat By-law No. 2007-38 be and is hereby repealed. 15. Force and EffectThis by-law shall come into force and effect upon the final passing thereof. Read, passed and adopted in open council this 19th day of june, 2017. Guy Desjardins, Mayor Monique Ouellet, Clerk
Clean Yards - 2022-65 |
A by-law to regulate clean-yards within the City of Clarence-Rockland and to amend by-law 2022-33, being a by-law to establish an Administrative Monetary Penalty System. 1. Definitions1.1 Costs means all monetary expenses incurred by the Municipality during and throughout the process of any remedial work, including interest at a rate of 15% per annum or such lower rate as determined by the Municipality commencing on the day the Municipality incurs the costs and ending on the day the costs, including interest, are paid in full, and may include an administrative surcharge amount as determined by the Municipality. 1.2 Composting means the biological degradation or breakdown of organic material into a dark soil-like material called humus; 1.3 Containers for composting means a container designed, constructed and maintained for the specific use of composting; 2 Property Maintenance2.1 Every owner shall maintain a clear and clean yard and shall also: 3. Composting3.1. No person shall permit composting of any kind other than in accordance with Section 3.2 of this By-law. 4. Derelict motor vehicles4.1. No person shall use any property for the parking, storage or placement of the following: 5. General provisions5.1. An officer may issue an order upon the owner of a property that is not maintained pursuant to the requirements of this By-law which directs that the owner remedy or rectify the contravention within a specified period of time from the time of the delivery of the order. 6. Entry on land & inspections6.1. An officer appointed for the purpose of enforcing this By-law, 7. Enforcement7.1. The provisions of this By-law shall be enforced by a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer, or other individual duly appointed for the purpose of enforcing this By-law. 8. Offence and penalties8.1. Any person who contravenes any provision of this By-law shall be liable to pay the City an Administrative Monetary Penalty, upon issuance of a penalty notice in accordance with the City of Clarence-Rockland Administrative Monetary Penalties System (AMPS) By-law, as may be amended from time to time. 9. Severability9.1. If any provision or part of this By-law is declared by any court or tribunal of competent jurisdiction to be illegal, inoperative, or ultra vires, in whole or in part, or inoperative in particular circumstances, the balance of the By-law, or its application in other circumstances, shall not be affected and shall continue to be in full force and effect. 10. Order Prohibiting10.1. When a person has been convicted of an offence under the provisions of this By-law, any court of competent jurisdiction thereafter may, in addition to any other penalty imposed on the person convicted, issue an order prohibiting the continuation or repetition of the offence or the doing of any act by person convicted directed towards the continuation or repetition of the offence. 11. Short title11.1. This By-law shall be cited as the Clean Yards By-Law. 12. Amended12.1. That By-Law No. 2022-33 be amended in order to add Schedule A-6, being the Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS) Penalty Schedule for Clean Yards By-Law. 13. Force and Effect13.1. This by-law shall come into effect on July 18, 2022. Mario Zanth, Mayor Monique Ouellet, Clerk |
Code of Ethics for Board Members, Committees and Volunteers - 2019-40 |
Being a by-law to establish a code of conduct for members of municipal council, committee members and volunteers complaint protocols, advice request protocol and to adopt a council and staff relations policy. Whereas the Municipal Act 2001, S.O. 2001, c 25, Section 223.2 (1) provides that a municipality shall establish codes of conduct for members of the council of the municipality and its local boards; and Whereas the Municipal Act 2001, S.O. 2001, c 25, Section 223.3 authorizes a municipality to appoint an Integrity Commissioner who reports to Council and who is responsible for performing in an independent manner the functions assigned by the municipality with respect to any or all of the responsibilities set out in section 223.3 of the Municipal Act, including, but not limited to, the application of the Code of Conduct for Members of Council; and Whereas the Municipal Act 2001, S.O. 2001, c 25, Section 270 (1), subsection 2.1 provides that a municipality shall adopt and maintain a policy with respect to the relationship between members of council and the officers and employees of the municipality; and Whereas the Council of the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland deems it expedient and necessary to adopt a revised Code of Conduct for Council, establish a Code of Conduct for Committees and Volunteers, establish Complaint Protocols and establish a Council and Staff Relations Policy; Now therefore, the council of the corporation of the city of Clarence-Rockland enacts as follows: 1. That the Council Code of Conduct, attached hereto and forming part of this by-law as Schedule “A”, is hereby established and adopted. 2. That the Complaint Protocol for the Council Code of Conduct, attached hereto and forming part of this by-law as Schedule “B”, is hereby established and adopted. 3. That the Committee and Volunteer Code of Conduct, attached hereto and forming part of this by-law as Schedule “C”, is hereby established and adopted. 4. That the Complaint Protocol for the Committee and Volunteer Code of Conduct, attached hereto and forming part of this by-law as Schedule “D”, is hereby established and adopted. 5. That the Council and Staff Relations Policy, attached hereto and forming part of this by-law as Schedule “E”, is hereby established and adopted. 6. That the Council Request for Advice Protocol/Form, attached hereto and forming part of this by-law as Schedule “F”, is hereby established and adopted. 7. That By-law 2013-116 is hereby repealed upon the adoption of this by-law. 8. That this By-law shall come into force and take effect on the day of its passing. Read, passed and adopted in open council this 15th day of April 2019. Guy Desjardins, Mayor Monique Ouellet, Clerk
Community Safety Zone - 1999-78* |
Being a by-law to establish community safety zones under the provisions of the highway traffic act. Whereas the Highway Traffic Act, section 214.1, chapter 6, s.o. 1998, as amended provides for the establishment of ”community safety zones” on part of designated highways under the jurisdiction of the municipality. And whereas in the opinion of the council of the city of Clarence-Rockland public safety is of special concerns, it may by by-law designate part of a highway under its jurisdiction as a community safety zone. Now therefore the council of the city of Clarence-Rockland enacts as follows: Designation of highways1) Every highway or part of highways that have been designated as “community safety zone” under the provisions set out in the highway traffic act, as amended, shall be identified in schedule “a “ of this by-law. 2) When signs have been erected on a highway or part of a highway to indicate the “community safety zone”, it shall be in effect between the limits set out in columns 1, 2 and 3 of schedule “a” to this by-law during the times or days set out in column 4 of schedule “a”. 3) This by-law is subject to the provisions of the highway traffic act. 4) This by-law shall come into effect on the passing thereof. Read a first, second and duly passed upon the third reading, this 14th day of December 1999. Jean-Pierre Pierre, Mayor Daniel Gatien, Clerk Schedule A
Discharge of firearms - 2007-02* |
Being a by-law of the City of Clarence-Rockland regulating the discharge of firearms. Whereas of the Municipal Act S.O. 2001, C.25, Section 119 provides authority to a local municipality, for the purpose of public safety, prohibit or regulate the discharge of guns, firearms, air guns, spring-guns, cross-bows, long-bows and any other weapon. And whereas the council of the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland deems it necessary and desirable to pass a by-law to prohibit and regulate the discharge of firearms within the limits of the city for the purpose of public safety; Now therefore the council of the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland enacts as follows: Definitions1. in this by-law: “Chief of Police” means the Chief of Police of the City of Clarence-Rockland or authorized representatives; “City of Clarence-Rockland” means the municipal corporation known as the City of Clarence-Rockland or the geographic area of the City of Clarence-Rockland, as the context requires; “Firearm” means any class or type of gun or other firearm including a shotgun, rifle, air-gun, spring-gun, and any class of bows or cross-bows; “Farmer” means a person whose occupation is farming on land that he or she is entitled to occupy, and,
“Highway” means a common and public highway, street, avenue, parkway, driveway, square, bridge, viaduct, or trestle, any part of which is intended for, or used by, the general public for the passage of vehicles and includes the area between the lateral property lines thereof; “Navigable Water” means navigable water pursuant to the Navigable Waters Protection Act, R.S.C. 1985, Chap. N-22; “Peace Officer” means,
Interpretation2. (1) This by-law includes the schedules annexed hereto and the schedules are hereby declared to form part of this by-law. (2) It is declared that if any section, subsection or part or parts thereof be declared by any court of law to be bad, illegal or ultra vires, such section, subsection or part or parts shall be deemed to be severable and all parts hereof are declared to be separate and independent and enacted as such. RegulationsDischarge of Firearms 3. (1) No person shall discharge a firearm in any area that is shown as a shaded area on any of the map attached as schedules “a”. (2) No person shall discharge a firearm in the larose forest area that is shown as hatched area on the map attached as schedule “b” to this by-law. (amended by by-law 2012-62) 4. (1) In the areas that are not shaded on any of the maps attached as schedules “a” inclusive or that are not navigable water as described in subsection 3(1), no person shall discharge a firearm,
i) an unopened road allowance, c. within 150 meters of any place of worship, public hall or school property; d. on land on a registered plan of subdivision once an application for a building permit has been received by the City of Clarence-Rockland; e. within 150 meters of land on a registered plan of subdivision once an application for a building permit has been received by the City of Clarence-Rockland. Exemptions5. Despite sections 3 and 4, this by-law shall not restrict or regulate the discharge of firearms by the following:
Offences and Penalties7. Any person who contravenes any of the provisions of this by-law is guilty of an offence. 8. Every person who is convicted of an offence under this by-law is liable to a fine as provided for in the Provincial Offences Act, R.S.O. 1990 chap. p.33, as amended. Prohibition Order9. When a person has been convicted of an offence under this by-law:
Administration & Enforcement10. This by-law shall be enforced by the chief of police and the municipal by-law enforcement officers of the City of Clarence-Rockland. Effective Date11. This by-law shall come into effect on September 10th, 2007. Read, done and passed in open council, this 10th day of September 2007. Richard Lalonde, Mayor Daniel Gatien, Clerk
Dogs - 2015-180 * |
Whereas Sections 8, 9, and 11 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, Chapter 25 and amendments thereto provides that every municipal Corporation may pass by-laws for the purpose of governing its affairs as it considers appropriate; Whereas the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland deems it appropriate to actualize the by-law for the licensing of dogs and the regulating of the keeping of dogs. The Council of the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland enacts as follows: DefinitionCertified medical dogMeans a dog that has been certified by a reputable medical service dog trainer; (By-Law 2018-105) CorporationMeans the Corporation of the City of Clarence- Rockland; DogMeans a male or female dog member of the species Canis familiaris. KennelMeans any building or structure which is used to maintain, board, breed, or train pure-bred dogs registered in the Canadian Kennel Club Incorporated or any other lawfully established kennel club. Medical service dogMeans a dog that is required, as attested by a note from a medical doctor, by a person with a disability for assistance and is certified, in writing, as having been trained by a professional service animal trainer to assist a person with a disability; (By-Law 2018-105) Medical service dog in trainingMeans a dog that is being trained by or in consultation with a professional service animal trainer to assist a person with a disability; (By-Law 2018-105) Municipal Law Enforcement OfficerMeans a Peace Officer for the purpose of enforcing municipal by-laws. MuzzledMeans to have securely affixed around the snout or the mouth and the nose of a dog a device commonly known as a muzzle manufactured by a recognized manufacturer of muzzles for dogs such that the dog when muzzled will be prevented from biting a person or animal; Owner of a dogIncludes any person who owns, possesses, harbours or has the care and control of a dog and the words "owns" and "owned" have a corresponding meaning, where the owner is a minor, the person responsible for the custody of the minor; PersonMeans an individual, a partnership, or a corporation, to whom or to which the context can apply; Residential ZoneMeans those areas designated as residential in the zoning by-laws of the Corporation of the City of Clarence- Rockland of the City of Clarence-Rockland; Running at largeMeans a dog not on its owner’s property, that is off leash and not under the control of a professional dog trainer or a handler of a certified medical service dog; (By-Law 2018-105) Vicious dogMeans any dog which has bitten another domestic animal or person without provocation. 2. Every owner of a dog shall annually, not later than March 31 of each year or within seven (7) days of becoming an owner of a dog, cause the dog to be licensed with the Corporation. If the last day of registration falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a Holiday, the next working day shall be the last day of registration. 3. All licences and tags issued pursuant to this by-law shall be serially numbered and a record of their issue shall be kept by the municipal law enforcement officer. Such record shall set out the name and address of the owner. 4. At the time of registration, the owner\applicant shall be required to pay to the Corporation the required licence fee as established in current fee by- law. 4.1 – Notwithstanding section 4, medical service dogs shall be exempt of licensing fees. (By-Law 2018-105 5. On payment of the licence fee for a dog, the owner shall be furnished with a dog tag from the Corporation which shall bear the serial number relating to the application, the name and address of the owner and the year in which the tag is valid. 6. The owner of a dog shall: a) keep the dog tag securely affixed on the dog for which it was issued at all times until renewed or replaced but the tag may be removed while the dog is being lawfully used for hunting in the bush; and b) not use the tag upon a dog other than the one for which it was issued. 7. The set fee for the replacement of lost dog tags shall be that set out as established in current fee by-law. 8. Every person operating a kennel shall annually and not later than March 31 in each year obtain a licence from the Corporation to operate a kennel and shall pay the licence fee as established in current fee by-law, 9. Every licence for a dog issued hereunder is personal to the owner thereof and may not be transferred. 10. No person shall keep or allow to be kept in a residential zone of the Corporation more than three (3) dogs. 10.1 – Notwithstanding section 10, the number of medical service dogs shall not be calculated within the set limit; and the number of medical service dogs in training shall be set at a maximum of 5. (By-Law 2018-105) 11. a) No person shall permit a dog owned by him or under his care and control to run at large within the limits of the Corporation. b) For the purposes of this section, a dog shall be deemed to be running at large when found elsewhere than on the property of the owner and not under the control of a competent and responsible person and is not on a leash securely attached to the owner and having a length of less than 2.4 metres (8 feet). 12. a) Any dog found to be running at large may be seized and impounded by the municipal law enforcement officer or any person acting under his or her authority; b) The municipal law enforcement officer or any person acting under his or her authority may kill any dog found running at large if:
13. Any dog seized pursuant to section 12 a) of this by-law, shall be taken to the municipal pound. Whether the dog is claimed or not, the owner shall be liable for the pound and maintenance fee prescribed, and shall pay all fees on demand by the Municipal Law Enforcement Officer.
14. A release form can be obtained by the owner upon payment of the fee established in current fee by-law. However if the dog does not have a valid and subsisting licence, the owner shall be required to pay in addition to the release fee, the licence fee as established in current fee by-law. 15. The owner of a vicious dog shall at all time, when it is not in the owner's dwelling but otherwise within the boundaries of the owner's lands, be secured in the following manners: a) the dog shall be muzzled so as to prevent it from biting a person or animal. 16. The owner of a vicious dog shall at all times when the dog is outside the boundaries of the owner's lands keep the dog muzzled so as to prevent it from biting a person or animal and securely leashed to the owner of the dog. 17. a) Every owner of a dog shall remove forthwith and dispose of any excrement left by the dog on any property located in the corporation. b) The provision of Subsection 17 a) of this by-law does not apply to a blind person accompanied by a dog used as a guide or lead dog. 18. No person shall obstruct, interfere or hinder the Municipal Law Enforcement Officer or any person acting under his\her authority in the lawful performance of his\her duties. 19. Every person who contravenes any provisions of this by-law is guilty of an offence and is subject to the provisions of the Provincial Offences Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter P.33, and amendments thereto. 20. Where any provision of this by-law is contravened and a conviction entered, the court in which the conviction has been entered and any court of competent jurisdiction thereafter may make an order prohibiting the continuation or repetition of the offence by the person convicted. 21. It is declared that if any section, subsection or part(s) thereof be declared by any court of law to be bad, illegal or ultra vires, such section, subsection or part(s) shall be deemed to be separate and independent and enacted as such. 22. By-law 1998-04, 2002-21, 2011-211 and amendments are hereby repealed. 23. This by-law shall come into effect upon its adoption. Read, done and passed in open Council this 21st day of December 2015Guy Desjardins, Mayor Monique Ouellet, Clerk
Exotic animals - 2003-25 * |
A By-law to amend By-law 2003-25, being a by-law to prohibit and regulate the keeping of certain exotic animals.Whereas the Council of the City of Clarence-Rockland deems it necessary and expedient to prohibit and regulate certain exotic animals for the purpose related to the health, safety and well being of the inhabitants of the municipality; and Whereas municipalities that pass by-laws to regulate and prohibit the being at large or trespassing of animals, may also provide for the seizure and impoundment of such animal; Therefore, the Council of the City of Clarence-Rockland enacts as follows: Definitions
(a) Animal means a mammal, bird, reptile, amphibian, fish or insect but does not include a human being. (b) City means the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland. (c) Officer means a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer or other person appointed by or under the authority of a City by-law and a police officer employed by the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP). (as amended by 2022-119) (d) Owner means any person who owns, possesses, harbours or has the care and control of an animal and the words "owns" and "owned" have a corresponding meaning, where the owner is a minor, the person responsible for the custody of the minor; (as amended by 2022-119) (e) Person means an individual, a partnership, a corporation and the heirs, executors, administrators or legal representatives of a person. (as amended by 2022-119) General provisions
(a) All non-human primates (such as gorillas and monkeys); (b) All felids (including but not limited to lions, cougars, tigers, leopards, cheetahs but not including the domestic cat); (c) All canids (including but not limited to jackals, wolves and foxes but not including the domestic dog); (d) All mustelids (including but not limited to minks, polecats, skunks, weasels, otters, badgers, etc., but not including the domestic ferret); (e) All marsupials (including but not limited to kangaroos and opossums); (f) All bats, eagles, hawks, owls and falcons; (g) All ursine (bear); (h) All hyaenas; (i) All snapping turtles; (j) All elephants; (k) All snakes which reach an adult length larger than three (3) metres; (l) All poisonous or venomous snakes (including but not limited to cobras and rattlesnakes); (m) All the following boidaes: (i) Green anaconda; (ii) Yellow anaconda; (iii) Reticulated python; (iv) African rock python; (v) Burmese python; (vi) Indian python; (vii) Amethyst python. (n) All song birds in the family Paradisaeidae (including but not limited to birds of paradise); (o) All poisonous or venomous arachnids (including but not limited to spiders); (p) All lizards which reach an adult length larger than two (2) metres; (q) All poisonous or venomous lizards; (r) All crocodilians (including but not limited to alligators and crocodiles); (s) All endangered species as defined by the Canadian Wildlife Service and all species of animal whose ownership is already prohibited by existing Federal and Provincial legislation; (t) All perissodactyls (including but not limited to horses, asses, donkeys, zebras, mules and ponies); (u) All bovines (including but not limited to cattle and cows); (as amended by 2022-119) (v) All farm animals (including but not limited to goats, sheep, swine, pigs, lamas, alpacas, ostriches, chickens); (as amended by 2022-119) (w) All poultry (including but not limited to turkeys, ducks, quails, geese, guinea fowls and pigeons). (as amended by 2022-119) Exemptions provisions
(a) Any animal living in a zoo; (b) Circuses or other like shows and parades; (c) Premises operated by the Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals; (d) A veterinary hospital under the control of a licensed veterinarian; (e) Anyone holding a licence under any statute of the Legislature of Ontario or the Government of Canada, which permits the keeping of animals under stated conditions; (f) Any animal being displayed or exhibited for a set period of time in the City at a sanctioned event which is operated in accordance with all by-laws of the City; (g) The premises of an Institution of Education where such animals are being kept for research, study or teaching purposes, or on premises registered as Research Facilities under the Animal for Research Act. 4. Section 2 shall not apply to prevent the owners keeping a snake larger than three (3) metres and lizards larger than two (2) metres if such animal was owned and kept as a pet prior to the adoption of this by-law. These owners are required however to register their animal within a month after the passing of this by-law. 5. Section 2, Subsections (t), (u), (v) and (w) shall not apply to any land designated under the zoning by-law of the City for agricultural use or for the keeping of livestock. (as amended by 2022-119) 6. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 3, no person shall, on public property, walk with or ride on any animal listed in Section 2. 7. Every person and pet shop owner who owns a snake or lizard must register his/her animal with the City. No fee will be charged for the registration of such animal. 8. Pet shop owners must submit to the City each month an inventory list of all snakes and lizards purchased and sold including the purchaser(s’) name and address. 9. No person shall keep more than six (6) guinea pigs in any residential dwelling unit within the City and no more than two (2) such guinea pigs shall be adults. 10. No person shall keep more than six (6) rodents in any residential dwelling unit within the City. 11. No person shall keep more than two (2) rabbits in a fenced cage outside a residential unit or dwelling. 12. All enclosures for the animals listed in Sections 9, 10 and 11 shall be kept clean and sanitary and all excrements shall be sanitarily disposed. Enforcement provisions13. Any person who contravenes any provision of this by-law is, upon conviction, guilty of an offence and liable to any penalty as provided in the Provincial Offences Act, as amended. 14. The court in which the conviction has been entered, and any court of competent jurisdiction thereafter, may make an order prohibiting the continuation or repetition of the offence by the person convicted, and such order shall be in addition to any other penalty imposed on the person convicted. 15. A Municipal Law Enforcement Officer designated to perform inspections pursuant to this by-law may, at all reasonable times, enter onto land for the purpose of an inspection to ascertain compliance of the provisions of this by-law. Enactment16. This by-law shall come into force on the date it is passed by the Council of the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland. Read, passed, and adopted in open council this 5th day of December, 2022. Mario Zanth, Mayor Monique Ouellet, Clerk |
Fences and privacy screens - 2016-96 |
Whereas paragraph 7 of Subsection 11(3) of the Municipal Act, 2001 states that a lower-tier municipality may pass by-laws subject to the rules set out under subsection (4), in regards to structures including fences and signs; And Whereas Section 8(3) of the Municipal Act, 2001 authorizes a municipality to regulate or prohibit matters pertaining to fences and as a part of that power, to provide for a system of approvals and to impose conditions as requirements of obtaining, continuing to hold or renewing the approval; And Whereas section 11(2)(6) of the Municipal Act authorizes a municipality to regulate matters related to health, safety and well-being of the inhabitants of the municipality; And Whereas section 446 of the Municipal Act authorizes a municipality, under a by-law, to direct or require a person to do a matter or thing and the municipality may also provide that, in default of it being done by the person directed or required to do it, the matter or thing shall be done at the person's expense, and the municipality may recover the costs of doing the matter or thing from the person by action or by adding the costs to the tax roll and collecting them in the same manner as property taxes; And Whereas section 425 of the Municipal Act authorizes a municipality to pass a by-law providing that a person who contravenes a by-law of the municipality is guilty of an offence; And Whereas section 429 of the Municipal Act authorizes a municipality to establish a system of fines for the offences; Now ThereforeThe Council of the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland enacts as follows: 1.1 DefinitionsIn this by-law, Agricultural OperationMeans an agricultural, aquacultural, horticultural or silvacultural operation that is carried on in the expectation of gain or reward; BuildingMeans any structure used or intended for supporting or sheltering any use or occupancy; CityMeans Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland; City EngineerMeans Director of the Infrastructure and Planning Department of the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland for the time being or such other person or persons designated by him; Collector RoadsMeans the roads designated as collector on Schedule "B", to the Official Plan of the Urban Area of the City of Clarence-Rockland and Schedule “D” of the Official Plan of the United Counties of Prescott and Russell; Corner LotMeans a lot situated at the intersection of two or more roads or upon two parts of the same road having an angle of intersection not exceeding 135 degrees; CouncilMeans the Council of the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland; DirectorMeans the person appointed as Director of the By-law Enforcement Division, or authorized delegate; ErectIncludes alter, construct, place, relocate and any work preparatory to erection and "erection" has a corresponding meaning; FenceMeans any freestanding structure, wall or barrier other than a building, erected at grade for the purpose of delineating the boundaries of a property, restricting ingress to or egress from a property, providing security or protection to property, and does include a hedge; GateMeans any swinging or sliding barrier used to fill in or close an access in a fence; GradeMeans the elevation of the finished level of the ground adjoining the fence exclusive of any artificial embankments or berms; HedgeMeans a continuous line of thick shrubs or trees, which is densely planted and intended to be maintained at an even height; Lot Line, FrontMeans,
Lot Line, RearMeans the lot line opposite to, and most distant from, the front lot line, but where the side lot lines intersect, as in the case of a triangular lot, the rear lot line shall be represented by the apex of the triangle formed by the intersection of the side lot lines; Lot Line, SideMeans a lot line other than a front lot line or a rear lot line; Non-Residential PropertyMeans land used for other than residential purposes and includes land used for both residential and other purposes; Open ConstructionMeans construction of a fence that has an open vertical surface space, enabling a clear view through such fence; PersonMeans an individual, firm, corporation, association or partnership; Principal BuildingMeans the building in which the principal use of the lot is conducted; Privacy ScreenMeans a permanent structure that provides a screen or visual barrier to provide privacy; Residential PropertyMeans land used for residential purposes and includes vacant land abutting residential property; RoadMeans a public road or private road; Sight TriangleMeans a triangular area on a lot formed by an intersecting exterior lot line and front lot line and a line drawn from a point on one line across such lot to a point on the other lot line, each such point being the required distance from the point of intersection of the two lot lines; YardMeans any open space located between the nearest point of a building and a lot line; Yard, FrontMeans a yard extending across the full width of a lot between the front lot line and the nearest point of the principal building on the lot; Yard, RearMeans a yard extending across the full width of the lot between the rear lot line and the nearest point of the principal building on the lot; and Yard, sidemeans a yard extending from the front yard to the rear yard between the side lot line and the nearest point of the principal building on the lot. 1.2.SeverabilityIt is declared that if any section, subsection or part, or parts thereof, be declared by any Court of Law to be bad, illegal or ultra vires, such section, subsection or part or parts shall be deemed to be severable and all parts hereof are declared to be separate and independent and enacted as such. 1.3. Calculation of Height3.1 The height of a fence at any given point shall be measured from the grade at the base of the fence, as follows:
1.4. Visibility Triangles4.1 In the case of a corner lot, no person shall erect a fence or cause a fence to be erected that is greater than seventy-five centimetres (75 cm) in height at any point within a visibility triangle formed by measuring six metres (6 m) along the lot lines from the intersection of any two roads or at the intersection of two parts of the same road meeting at an angle of not more than one hundred and thirty-five (135) degrees; 4.2 In the case of any lot, no person shall erect a fence or cause a fence to be erected that is greater than seventy-five centimetres (75 cm) in height within a visibility triangle formed by measuring two metres (2 m) along the lot line and a driveway, a pedestrian walkway or a bicycle pathway, at the intersection of the driveway, walkway or pathway and the lot line abutting the road. 1.5. Height Restrictions - Residential Property5.1 Subject to Section 4, on residential property no person shall erect a fence or cause a fence to be erected that is higher than,
5.2 Despite Section 5.1, in yards, side and yards, rear,
5.3 Despite Section 5.1, where a residential property abuts a collector road and where the grade level at the crown of the road is higher than the grade at the base of the fence, the maximum height restriction with respect to that portion of fence immediately contiguous to the highway shall be measured from the crown of the road to the top of the fence, but in no event shall such portion of the fence immediately contiguous to the road exceed a height of three metres (3 m) in a yard, rear or yard, side as measured from the base to the top of the fence. 1.6. Height Restriction- Non-Residential Property6.1 On non-residential properties, no person shall erect a fence or cause a fence to be erected that is higher than three metres (3 m). 1.7. Height Restrictions - Privacy Screens7.1 In a residential zone, other than land used for multiple attached dwelling units (townhouses), a privacy screen may be erected in a rear yard or side yard, provided:
i. 2.6 metres (8 feet 5 inches) if erected at ground level, or ii. 2 metres (6 feet 5 inches) above a deck or platform if erected on the deck or platform (measured from the floor or the deck or platform),
e. no privacy screen shall exceed 9 metres (29 feet 5 inches) in length along any section of a fence or 12 metres (39 feet 25 inches) in total length; 7.2 In a residential zone used for multiple attached dwelling units (townhouses), privacy screens are not permitted, except upon a deck or platform in a rear yard provided: a. the maximum height of the privacy screen shall be 2 metres (6 feet 5 inches) measured from the floor of the deck or platform, b. the maximum projection of a privacy screen from the building shall be 3.66 metres (12 feet), c. the privacy screen shall be set back at least 0.9 metres (3 feet) from any property line other than a property line which is the extension of a common wall between two dwelling units, and
1.8 Exemptions8.1 Despite Section 5.1, where it is considered necessary for the health or safety of the public, the Director may permit the construction of a fence higher than the height specified in the by-law on residential property provided that the height of the fence does not exceed 2.5 metres and the height of the fence is necessary to ensure public safety. The exemption must be given in writing and duly filed in the property file. 8.2 The City may authorize a variance from this By-law by approval of the Director or by resolution of Council. 1.9. General Regulations9.1 No person shall erect a fence or a privacy screen or cause a fence or privacy screen to be erected unless the fence or privacy screen is,
9.2 Every person who erects a fence or a privacy screen or causes a fence or privacy screen to be erected shall keep such fence or privacy screen,
9.3 No person shall erect a fence or a privacy screen or cause a fence or a privacy screen to be erected,
9.4 No person shall erect a fence or cause a fence to be erected on City property, including any public highway. 9.5 No person shall erect a fence or cause a fence to be erected unless the fence is constructed and finished in such a manner so as to present the finished side thereof, as determined by the Director, toward the public street and any neighbouring property. 9.6 Despite paragraph (a) of Section 9.3, where required for the safety or protection of non-residential property, the portion of any fence above two hundred and fifty centimetres (250 cm) may be wholly or partially constructed of barbed wire. 9.7 Unsightly markings, stains or other defacements on the exterior surfaces of fences shall be removed and the surface shall be refinished when necessary. 9.8 No person shall erect or cause to be erected, on residential property or on lot lines of non-residential property abutting residential property, a chain link fence that is not vinyl or powder coated. 9.9 No person shall alter in any way the existing grades or drainage patterns of the premises, unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. The finished grade shall comply with the approved lot grades or drainage patterns. 9.10 No person shall install a fence directly on a municipal infrastructure (catch basin, fire hydrant, standposts, etc.), or within any lands subject to an easement in favour of the City, without the prior written approval of the City Engineer, which approval may be withheld in the Engineer’s sole discretion, and if such approval is granted, a door or an opening shall be created to provide unobstructed access to the City infrastructure. The size and location of the opening must be approved by the City. 9.11 In the event that a fence or portion thereof is required to be removed, or becomes damaged by the City or its authorized agents in the exercise of the City’s rights pursuant to a registered easement upon which a fence has been erected (approved or otherwise), the City shall have no obligation to repair or replace such fence or compensate the owner of the fence in any manner whatsoever. 1.10 Non-Application of By-law10.1 Section 6 does not apply to a fence erected upon, or abutting land, which is used for a railway right-of-way, or for hydro, telephone or utility installations, or for public work installations which are hazardous to the public. 10.2 Sections 5 and 6 do not apply to a fence required by the City as a condition of a subdivision approval or site plan approval. 10.3 Section 5 and Section 6 do not apply to a fence erected to enclose a tennis court and any other public recreational facility, provided that the fence is of chain link construction. 10.4 The provisions of this by-law do not apply to a fence erected on lands used for an agricultural operation. 10.5 The provisions of this by-law do not apply to a noise barrier that received approval from the City Engineer. 1.11. Transition11.1 Nothing in this by-law shall prevent the continued use and maintenance of a fence if such fence was lawfully erected in conformity with the provisions of a previous fence by-law prior to the effective date of this by-law. 11.2 Any exemptions approved under a previous fence by-law continue in force and shall be deemed to be issued under this by-law for regulatory and enforcement purposes. 1.12 General Prohibition12.1 No person shall erect, own, or maintain, or cause or permit the erection or maintenance of any fence on private property in the City that does not comply with this by-law and any other applicable law. 12.2 No person shall install a fence on a common lot line of a semi-detached dwelling or a townhouse dwelling on a shared driveway. 12.3 No person shall erect a snow fence unless it is: a. during the winter months (from November 15th to April 30th); or b. to temporarily provide barricade for a public purpose. 12.4 No person shall erect a construction fence unless it is used to:
13. Inspection13.1 The City may enter on land at any reasonable time for the purpose of carrying out an inspection to determine compliance with: a. this by-law; or, b. an order made under section 431 of the Municipal Act, 2001; 13.2 For the purposes of conducting an inspection pursuant to section 13.1 of this by-law, the City may: a. require the production for inspection of documents or things relevant to the inspection, b. inspect and remove documents or things relevant to the inspection for the purpose of making copies or extracts, c. require information from any Person concerning a matter related to the inspection; and, d. alone or in conjunction with a Person possessing special or expert knowledge, make examinations or take tests, samples or photographs necessary for the purposes of the inspection. 14. Offence14.1 Any person who contravenes any of the provisions of this by-law is guilty of an offence. 14.1 Where a fence has been erected and create a safety or health hazards, the Director may remove the fence at the expense of the Owner. 15. Penalties15.1 Every person who is convicted of an offence is liable to a fine as provided for in the Provincial Offences Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chap. P. 33, as amended. 15.2 When a person has been convicted of an offence under this by-law,
may in addition to any penalty imposed on the person convicted, make an order prohibiting the continuation or repetition of the offence by the person convicted. 16. AdministrationThis by-law shall be enforced by the Municipal Law Enforcement Officers of the City. 17.RepealThat By-law 2002-09 is hereby repealed. That Policy AMÉ-06-02 is hereby repealed. Read a first time in open Council, this 6th Day of September, 2016Guy Desjardins, Mayor Monique Ouellet, Clerk Read a second time in open Council, this 3rd Day of October, 2016Guy Desjardins, Mayor Monique Ouellet, Clerk Read a third time and passed in open Council, this 3rd Day of October, 2016Guy Desjardins, Mayor Monique Ouellet, Clerk
Fire Routes - 2008-74 * |
Whereas section 100 of the Municipal Act, 2001, Chap. c.25, provides that a local municipality may, in respect of land not owned or occupied by the municipality that is used as a parking lot, regulate or prohibit the parking or leaving of motor vehicles on that land without the consent of the owner of the land or regulate or prohibit traffic on that land if a sign is erected at each entrance to the land clearly indicating the regulation or prohibition; And whereas the Council of the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland deems it expedient to enact such a by-law designating fire routes along which no parking of vehicles shall be permitted and providing for the removal and impounding of any vehicle parked or left along any fire route so designated at the expense of the owner thereof; Now therefore the Council of the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland enacts as follows: DefinitionsBuilding or StructureMeans a building or structure situated in the City of Clarence-Rockland. Municipal Law Enforcement OfficerMeans a Peace Officer appointed under Section 15 of the Police Services Act to enforce by-laws. Chief Building OfficialMeans the Chief Building Official who is appointed under Section 3(1) of the Ontario Building Code Act, responsible to enforce the Ontario Building Code or his authorized subordinates or assistants. EngineerMeans the engineer for the City of Clarence-Rockland or his authorized subordinates or assistants. CouncilMeans the Council of the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland CorporationMeans the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland. Fire ChiefMeans a person appointed by council as the Chief of the Fire Department of the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland or his authorized subordinates or assistants. Fire DepartmentMeans the Fire Department of the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland. Fire RouteMeans any private access, route, road, way, lane, ramp, or other means of vehicular access to or egress from a building and it may include part of a parking lot that has been set aside for use by emergency vehicles. Motor VehicleIncludes an automobile, motorcycle and any other vehicle propelled or driven otherwise than by muscular power, but does not include the cars of electric or steam railways, or other motor vehicles running only upon rails or a motorized snow vehicle, traction engine, farm tractor, self-propelled implement of husbandry or road-building machine within the meaning of the Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990, and amendments thereto. Municipal Law Enforcement OfficerMeans a Peace Officer appointed under Section 15 of the Police Services Act to enforce by-laws. Municipal ClerkMeans the Municipal Clerk for the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland or his authorized subordinates or assistants. Owner of a building or structureMeans any person, firm or corporation controlling the property under consideration as designated in the Ontario Building Code Act, S.O. 1997. and amendments thereto. Park or ParkingWhen prohibited, means the standing of a vehicle, whether occupied or not, except when standing temporarily for the purpose of and while actually engaged in loading or unloading merchandise or passengers. Sign, authorizedMeans any sign or roadway, curb or sidewalk marking or other device placed or erected on a fire route under the authority of this by-law for the purpose of regulating, warning or guiding traffic or parking. General provisionsa) Those fire routes listed in Schedule “A” to this By-law are hereby designated as fire routes. Existing building or structuresa) Where a building or structure is in existence at the time of enactment of this by-law, the owner may apply, or on the written order of the Fire Chief, shall apply for approval of the designation of the required fire route, by filing with the Fire Chief an application together with a plan showing the fire route. b) The plan to be filed pursuant to Subsection (a) hereof shall show and not limited to:
c) Where an owner is served with an order of the Fire Chief as provided in subsection (a) hereof, the plans required to be filed by subsection (a) hereof, shall be filed within two (2) months from the date of service of the order which shall be deemed to have taken place on the day following the date of mailing thereof by registered mail or on the date of personal service on the owner. d) Notwithstanding any of the other provisions of this by-law, where in the opinion of the Fire Chief a fire route is not required to ensure adequate means of access for fire fighting equipment, he may issue a certificate exempting a designated lot or site from the requirements of this by-law and such certificate may be made valid for either a specified or an indeterminate term and may be revoked at any time at the discretion of the Fire Chief. e) Subject to subsection (f) hereof, every owner shall ensure that the required fire route is constructed on his property and connected to a public highway in accordance with the plans approved and the specifications set forth in the Ontario Building Code, and all such construction shall be arranged by and be at the expense of the owner. f) Where an owner has been served with an order of the Fire Chief as provided in Section 3. a) the owner shall ensure that the fire route is constructed within six (6) months from the day of service of the order of the Fire Chief. g) Upon receipt of the certificate of a Professional Engineer and the as-built plan, or after inspection and approval by the Chief Building Official, the Fire Chief shall, if the said plan confirms that construction of the route has taken place in compliance with this by-law approve the fire route, and submit the necessary information to Council for action for formal designation by by-law of the fire route. Sign requirementsa) Upon designation of the fire route, the Fire Chief is hereby authorized and directed to notify the owner that he is required to erect or cause to be erected, inspected and maintained such signs, markings or barricades as are required to give effect to this by-law and as are required to regulate and govern traffic and parking. In the event that the owner shall fail to erect the required signs as directed, the Fire Chief shall cause such signs to be erected at the expense of the owner and for such purposes may enter upon the lands of the owner. b) The fire route signs shall:
Where a part of a parking lot has been designated a fire route, the section so designated shall be identified by white lines not less than four (4) inches in width painted on the lot surface surrounding the boundary of the section and shall have the words “Fire Route No Parking” painted in white on the lot surface at each end of the section and within the section at intervals not less frequently than every fifty (50) feet. MaintenanceThe owner shall maintain the fire route and all required signs at all times: a) in good repair; b) clear of snow and ice, and c) free of blockage by any means. Access controla) Where an owner has provided a fire route for the sole purpose of a fire route, he may, with the prior approval of the Fire Chief, control the entry of vehicles to the said fire route by one of the following methods:
Exemptiona) Police, Fire and Municipal Law Enforcement vehicles are exempt from provisions of the by-law while engaged in the performance of their duties. Enforcementa) The Municipal Law Enforcement Service is responsible for enforcing this By-law. Liabilitya) Any person erecting or maintaining any sign or sign structure shall be liable for such sign or sign structure. The City is not responsible for such sign or sign structure and is not responsible for any claim for damages, loss, expense or otherwise arising from the erection, maintenance, removal or falling of such sign, sign structure, or part thereof. Offences and penalties
Prohibition orderWhen a person has been convicted of an offence under this by-law: a) the Ontario Court of Justice, or b) any court of competent jurisdiction thereafter, may, in addition to any other penalty imposed on the person convicted, issue an order prohibiting the continuation or repetition of the doing of an act or thing by the person convicted directed toward the continuation of the offence. Severabilitya)If a court of competent jurisdiction declares any provision or part of a provision of this by-law to be invalid or of no force and effect, it is the intention of the Council, in enacting this by-law, that each and every other lawful provision of this by-law be applied and enforced in accordance with its terms to the extent possible according to law. By-law repealeda) By-law Number 2002-39 is hereby repealed. By-law to take effecta) This by-law shall come into force and take effect on July 1st, 2008. Read, done and passed in open council this 12th day of may 2008.Richard Lalonde, Mayor Daniel Gatien, Clerk |
Fireworks - 2025-26 |
A by-law to regulate the Sale, Display and Discharge of Fireworks within the City of Clarence-Rockland, and to repeal By-law 2022-51. WHEREAS section 121 of the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, Chapter c.25, as amended, provides that a local municipality may prohibit and regulate the sale of fireworks and the setting off of fireworks, and further that a by-law may prohibit those activities unless a permit is obtained for those activities and may impose conditions for obtaining, continuing to hold and renewing the permit; AND WHEREAS subsection 7.1 (1) of the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997, c.4, as amended, provides that a council of a municipality may pass by-laws regulating fire prevention, including the prevention of the spreading of fires; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland deems it expedient to enact such by-law; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland enacts as follows: 1. DefinitionsIn this by-law, 1.1. Act means the Explosives Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, Chapter E-17, and the Regulations enacted thereunder as amended from time to time or any Act and Regulations enacted in substitution, therefore. 1.2. City means the municipal corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland. 1.3. Consumer firework means an outdoor, low hazard, recreational firework that is classed as a subdivision 1 of Division 2 of Class 7 Fireworks under the Act and includes fireworks showers, fountains, golden rain, lawn lights, pin wheels, Roman candles, volcanoes, and sparklers but does not include Christmas crackers and caps for toy guns containing not in excess of twenty-five one-hundredths of a grain of explosive used per cap. 1.4. Discharge means to fire, ignite, explode, or set off or cause to be fired, ignited, exploded, or set off and the words "discharged" and "discharging" have a similar meaning. 1.5. Display firework means an outdoor, high hazard, recreational firework that is classed as a subdivision 2 of Division 2 of Class 7 Fireworks under the Act, and includes rockets, serpents, shells, bombshells, tourbillions, maroons, large wheels, bouquets, bombardos, waterfalls, fountains, batteries, illumination, set pieces and pigeons but does not include firecrackers. 1.6. Fire Chief means the Director of Construction and Protective Services/Fire Chief of the City or authorized subordinates. 1.7. Firecracker means a pyrotechnic device that explodes when ignited and does not make any subsequent display or visible effect after the explosion, and includes those devices commonly known as Chinese firecrackers. 1.8. Fireworks means display fireworks, pyrotechnic special effects fireworks and consumer fireworks. 1.9. Fireworks Supervisor means a person who is an approved purchaser of display fireworks and who is qualified under the Act to supervise the discharge of display fireworks. 1.10. FPPA means the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997, S.O. 1997, c.4, as amended, and the Regulations enacted thereunder as amended from time to time or any Act and Regulations enacted in substitution therefore. 1.11. Municipality for the area land within the geographic limit of the City of Clarence-Rockland. 1.12. Permit means a Permit issued under this By-law by the Fire Chief. 1.12.1. Fireworks Sales Permit 1.12.2. Consumer Fireworks Permit 1.12.3. Display Fireworks Permit 1.12.4. Pyrotechnic Special Effects Fireworks Permit 1.13. Prohibited firework includes but is not limited to cigarette loads or pings, exploding matches, sparkling matches, ammunition for miniature tie clip, cufflink or key chain pistols, auto alarms or jokers, cherry bombs, M-80 and silver salutes and flash crackers, throw down torpedoes and crackling balls, exploding golf balls, stink bombs and smoke bombs, tear gas pens and launchers, party peppers and table bombs, table rockets and battle sky rockets, fake firecrackers and other trick devices or practical jokes as included on the most recent list of prohibited fireworks as published from time to time under the Act. 1.14. Pyrotechnician means a person who is certified under the Act as a Theatrical User, an Assistant, a Pyrotechnician or a Special Effects Pyrotechnician and is qualified to purchase and supervise the display of pyrotechnic special effect fireworks under the Act. 1.15. Pyrotechnic special effect firework means a high hazard firework that is classed as a subdivision 5 of Division 2 of Class 7 Firework under the Act and that is used to produce a special pyrotechnic effect for indoor or outdoor performances and includes black powder bombs, bullet effect, flash powder, air bursts, smoke compositions, gerbs, lances and wheels. 1.16. Sell includes offer for sale, cause or permit to be sold and to possess for the purpose of sale and the words "selling" and "sold" have a similar meaning. 1.17. Sky Lantern means those devises also known as Flying, Chinese, Kongming or Wish lanterns, or other similar device constructed of paper and a frame containing a fuel pack,which fuel pack is usually a petroleum or wax-based fuel that when lit causes the lantern to rise. 1.18. Temporary Sales Unit means an enclosed portable stand, cart, display rack, cargo container or trailer, or other display unit that can be moved from one location to another and is used for the sale of consumer fireworks. No temporary sales unit may remain in the same location for more than nine (9) consecutive days. A temporary sales unit does not include a motor vehicle as defined in the Highway Traffic Act. 1.19. Urban area means the area set out in the current Clarence-Rockland Zoning By-Law. 2. Interpretation2.1 In this by-law words importing the singular number only include more persons, parties, or things of the same kind than one and the converse, and a word interpreted in the singular number has a corresponding meaning when used in the plural. 3. Prohibitions - General3.1 No person shall sell, store, supply or discharge any firecrackers. 3.2 No person shall sell, store, supply or discharge any prohibited fireworks. 3.3 No person shall sell consumer fireworks to any person at any time without first obtaining: 3.3.1 An appropriate business licence issued by the City of Clarence-Rockland; 3.3.2 A fireworks sales permit issued by the Fire Chief. 3.4 Every person in charge of a store shall ensure that fireworks displayed in store windows shall be mock samples only and not contain explosive composition. 3.5 No person shall sell or store any consumer and/or display fireworks in a building unless the provisions of the Ontario Fire Code, the Explosives Act of Canada, this By-law and all other Regulations have been complied with. 3.6 No person shall sell or supply fireworks to any person under the age of eighteen (18) years. 3.7 No person shall sell consumer fireworks from a motor vehicle as defined in the Highway Traffic Act. 3.8 No person shall sell consumer fireworks from a temporary sales unit. 3.9 No person shall sell any Display Fireworks to any person unless the purchaser provides evidence of certification at the appropriate level by Natural Resources Canada – Explosives Regulatory Division as a Display Fireworks Supervisor. 4. Sale of Fireworks – Permit Required4.1. Every fireworks sale permit application shall be submitted to the Fire Chief and be accompanied by: 4.1.1. The appropriate non-refundable fee as set out in City’s User Fee Bylaw, as amended from time to time; 4.1.2. If the applicant is a corporation, a copy of the incorporating document and a copy of the last annual information filed or, if a registered partnership, a copy of the registered declaration of partnership and a copy of the business name registration; 4.1.3. A description of the Consumer Fireworks to be sold; 4.1.4. Detailed storage descriptions and plans; 4.1.5. Fire Safety Plan for the building (s) which may be involved in the storage of and sale of fireworks; 4.1.6. proof of insurance and indemnification in accordance with Sections 8 and 9 of this By-law. 4.2. The Fire Chief may revoke a Fireworks Sale Permit where, in his or her sole opinion, the applicant has not complied or is not complying with the provisions of this By-law. 4.3. Where a fireworks sale permit is revoked, the applicant is not entitled to a return of any fee paid to obtain the fireworks sale permit. 5. Storage of FireworksStorage within Buildings: 5.1. No person shall store fireworks within a building except as follows: 5.1.1. The storage of fireworks within buildings shall meet the requirements of the Explosives Act. Where there is any conflict between this By-law and the Explosives Act, the more restrictive provision shall apply. 5.1.2. A building may house up to 1000 kg gross weight of Consumer Fireworks provided that it is detached from a dwelling and that the building, or a dedicated portion of it is closed to public access, well-constructed, and used exclusively for Fireworks storage. 5.1.3. If the building does not meet the requirements of subsection 8.1.2. of this by-law, the fireworks may be kept in a lockable secure purposely built bin within the building, but in this case the storage limit is reduced to 100 kg gross weight. At any time when not in use, the bin shall be locked. 5.1.4. The storage facility must display warning signs marked “FIREWORKS” and “NO SMOKING”. 5.1.5. At least one fire extinguisher of suitable size shall be mounted in accordance with Section 6 of the Ontario Fire Code, O. Reg. 213/97, as amended. Storage within Vehicles: 5.2. Storage of fireworks in a vehicle is prohibited. Storage within Trailers 5.3. No person shall store fireworks in any trailer in amounts exceeding 1000 kg unless the wholesaler or retailer is licensed by the Explosives Division, Natural Resources Canada 5.3.1. No person shall allow or permit an ignition source within six (6) metres of a trailer in which any fireworks are kept or displayed for sale 5.3.2. Permit access by customers to the fireworks stored within any trailer, unless the trailer has two separate operative doors and signs posted at every point of access to the trailer stating that all ignition sources are prohibited within six (6) metres of the trailer. 5.3.3. Locate any trailer containing fireworks less than twenty (20) metres from any road or parking space or less than forty (40) metres from buildings, dwellings and gas stations. 5.3.4. Permit more than ten (10) persons within the trailer at any one time. 5.3.5. Locate any portable electrical power supply and/or fuel supply less then twelve (12) metres from the trailer. 6. Discharge - Consumer fireworks – Permit Required – Specific Days6.1. No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged any consumer fireworks without first obtaining a permit from the Fire Chief and pay all associated fees as listed in the City’s User Fee By-law. The application criteria shall be determined by the Fire Chief. 6.2. No person shall discharge consumer fireworks except on the following days: 6.2.1. Victoria Day, the Saturday, and Sunday immediately preceding Victoria Day; 6.2.2. St-Jean Baptiste Day, the Saturday or Sunday immediately preceding St-Jean Baptiste Day if falls on a Monday or Tuesday, or the Saturday or Sunday immediately following the St-Jean Baptiste Day if it falls on a Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday; and 6.2.3. Canada Day, the Saturday, or Sunday immediately preceding Canada Day if Canada Day falls on a Monday or Tuesday, or the Saturday or Sunday immediately following Canada Day if Canada Day falls on a Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday. 6.2.4. New Year’s Day, the Saturday or Sunday immediately preceding New Year’s Day if it falls on a Monday or Tuesday, or the Saturday or Sunday immediately following New Year’s Day if it falls on a Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday. 6.3. No person shall discharge any consumer fireworks in such a manner as might create danger or constitute a nuisance to any person or property, or to do or cause or allow any unsafe act or omission at the time and place for the discharging of any fireworks. 6.4. No person shall discharge any consumer fireworks in or into any building, doorway, or automobile. 6.5. No person shall discharge any consumer fireworks in or on or into any highway, street, lane, square or other public place. 6.6. No person under the age of eighteen (18) years shall discharge any consumer fireworks except under the direct supervision of and control of a person eighteen years of age or over. 6.7. No person shall discharge or cause to be discharge any consumer fireworks within the limits of an urban area. 6.8. No person shall set off or cause to be set off any sky lanterns as defined. 6.9. No person shall discharge or cause to be discharge any consumer fireworks when a burn ban or a total burn ban has been issued by the Fire Chief. 7. Discharge - Display fireworks – Permit Required7.1. No person or group of persons shall set display fireworks in the City without first having obtained a permit to do so issued by the Fire Chief. 7.2. Every application for a permit shall be made to the Fire Chief a minimum of 30 days prior to the event when the proposed discharge of display fireworks is to occur. 7.3. Every application for a permit shall include: 7.3.1. a description of the event including, 7.3.2. the date and time of the proposed discharge of display fireworks, 7.3.3. the type and kind of display fireworks that may be discharged, 7.3.4. the discharge techniques to be used, 7.3.5. the manner and means of restraining unauthorized persons from attending too near the discharge site, 7.3.6. the manner in which unused display fireworks are to be disposed of, and 7.3.7. the number of persons authorized to handle and discharge the display fireworks; 7.3.8. a site plan providing a description of the discharge site to be used for the discharging of the display fireworks; 7.3.9. a description of the fire emergency procedures; 7.3.10. the name and address of the applicant and the sponsoring organization, if applicable; 7.3.11. proof of certification of the applicant as a Fireworks Supervisor; 7.3.12. proof of the consent of the owner of the property to the discharge of display fireworks in writing; 7.3.13. a processing fee as listed in the City’s User Fee By-law. 7.3.14. proof of insurance and indemnification in accordance with Sections 8 and 9 of this By-law; and 7.3.15. such other information as required by the Fire Chief. 7.4. An applicant for a permit is, subject to the provisions of this by-law, entitled to be issued the permit, except where: 7.4.1. the application is incomplete, 7.4.2. the applicant is not a Fireworks Supervisor, 7.4.3. the display is not being held under the auspices of an established club, association, or group of persons, 7.4.4. the purpose of the display is not of civic, national, or international significance, or not of special significance for particular interest groups, or 7.4.5. there are reasonable grounds for belief that the holding of the display fireworks will result in a breach of this by-law or the Act. 8. Insurance Requirement – Display fireworks8.1. The applicant shall provide and maintain Commercial General Liability insurance subject to limits of not less than Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000.00) inclusive per occurrence for bodily injury, death and damage to property including loss of use thereof. Such insurance shall be in the name of the applicant and shall name the City of Clarence-Rockland as an additional insured thereunder. Such insurance shall include permission to conduct displays of pyrotechnic special effects fireworks or display fireworks. Such insurance policy shall contain an endorsement to provide the City of Clarence-Rockland with (30) days prior written notice of cancellation or of a material change that would diminish coverage, and a Certificate of Insurance evidencing such insurance coverage shall be provided to the City of Clarence-Rockland prior to the issuance of a permit. 9. Indemnification Requirement – Display firework9.1. The applicant shall indemnify and save harmless the City of Clarence-Rockland from any and all claims, demands, causes of action, loss costs or damages that the City of Clarence-Rockland may suffer, incur or be liable for resulting from the performance of the applicant as set out in the by-law whether with or without negligence on the part of the applicant, the applicant's employees, directors, contractors, and agents. 10. Conditions – Display fireworks Permit10.1. The Fire Chief may issue permits for displays of fireworks on the conditions set forth in Section 7, and each such permit shall state the name of the sponsoring club, association or group, the purpose of the display, the place and date at which the same may be held, and the name of the person under whose supervision the display shall be held. 10.2. The following conditions shall apply to the holding of a display of display fireworks under a permit issued under this by-law: 10.2.1. the permit is valid only for the display at the place and on the date or dates set forth in the permit, 10.2.2. the permit holder shall supervise the display of display fireworks, 10.2.3. the permit holder shall discharge the display fireworks, 10.2.4. every permit holder shall provide and maintain fully operational, fire extinguishing equipment ready for immediate use, and 10.2.5. the permit holder shall comply at all times with the provisions of the Act, FPPA and the Display Fireworks Manual published by Natural Resources Canada or any successor publication. 10.3. No permit holder shall discharge display fireworks except in accordance with the conditions of the permit. 10.4. The permit holder holding the display of display fireworks shall ensure that all unused fireworks and all debris are removed. 11. Pyrotechnic special effects firework – Permit Required11.1 No person or group of persons shall hold a display of pyrotechnic special effect fireworks in the City of Clarence-Rockland without first having obtained a permit to do so issued by the Fire Chief. 11.2 No person or group of persons shall discharge any pyrotechnic special effect fireworks in the City of Clarence-Rockland, without first having obtained a permit issued by the Fire Chief authorizing the display of pyrotechnic special effect fireworks. 11.3 Every application for a permit pursuant to Section 11.1 shall be made to the Fire Chief a minimum of 30 days prior to the event where the proposed discharge of pyrotechnic special effect fireworks is to occur. 11.4 Every application for a permit shall include: 11.4.1 a description of the event including, a site plan of the facility and room capacity, the stage, and the pyrotechnic special effect fireworks storage area a list of all the pyrotechnic special effect fireworks to be employed, location of all pyrotechnic special effect fireworks, height, range of effect, fallout, and duration of the display of pyrotechnic special effect fireworks sequence of firing, location of the audience and all exits, and date and time of the proposed event using pyrotechnic special effect fireworks; 11.4.2 a description of fire emergency procedures; name and address of the applicant and the sponsoring business or organization, if applicable; 11.4.3 proof of certification of the applicant as a pyrotechnician; 11.4.4 proof of insurance and indemnification in accordance with Sections 8 and 9 of this By-law; 11.4.5 proof of consent of the owner of the property to the discharge of pyrotechnic special effect fireworks in writing if the applicant is not the owner of the property; 11.4.6 a processing fee as listed in the City’s User Fee By-law; 11.4.7 such other information as required by the Fire Chief 11.5 An applicant for a permit is, subject to the provisions of this by-law, entitled to be issued the permit, except where: 11.5.1 the application is incomplete, 11.5.2 the applicant is not a pyrotechnician under the Act, or 11.5.3 there are reasonable grounds for belief that the holding of the display fireworks will result in a breach of this by-law, the FPPA or the Act. 12. Conditions applying to permit for pyrotechnic special effects fireworks12.1. The Fire Chief may issue permits for displays of pyrotechnic special effect fireworks on the conditions set forth in Section 12.2 and each such permit shall state the name of the sponsoring business, club, association or group, the purpose of the display, the place and date at which the display may be held, and the name of the pyrotechnician under whose supervision the same shall be held. 12.2. The following conditions shall apply to the holding of a display of pyrotechnic special effect fireworks under a permit issued under this by-law: 12.2.1. the permit is valid only for the display at the place and on the date or dates set forth in the permit, 12.2.2. the permit holder shall supervise the display of pyrotechnic special effect fireworks, 12.2.3. the permit holder shall discharge the pyrotechnic special effects fireworks, 12.2.4. the permit holder shall provide and maintain fully operational, fire extinguishing equipment ready for immediate use, and 12.2.5. the permit holder shall comply at all times with the requirements of the Act, FPPA and the Pyrotechnics Special Effects Manual published by Natural Resources Canada or any successor publication. 12.3. No permit holder shall discharge pyrotechnic special effect fireworks except in accordance with the conditions of the permit.12.4. The permit holder holding the display of pyrotechnic special effect fireworks shall ensure that all unused fireworks and all debris are removed. 13. General Requirement13.1. Every holder of a display fireworks or pyrotechnic special effect fireworks permit shall produce his or her permit upon being so directed by the Fire Chief. 14. Enforcement14.1. The provisions of this By-law shall be enforced by the Fire Chief, or other individual duly appointed for the purpose of enforcing this By-law. 14.2. The Fire Chief may carry out an inspection to determine if the provisions of this Bylaw are being complied and shall have the right to enter lands pursuant to the Municipal Act, 2001. 15. Offences and Penalties15.1. Any person who contravenes any provision of this By-law shall be liable to pay the City an Administrative Monetary Penalty, upon issuance of a penalty notice in accordance with the City of Clarence-Rockland Administrative Monetary Penalties System (AMPS) By-law, as may be amended from time to time. 15.2. Any person who contravenes any provisions of this by-law is guilty of an offence and upon conviction shall forfeit and pay a penalty as provided for in the Provincial Offences Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter P.33 and amendments thereto. 15.3. Each day that a person contravenes with the provisions of this By-law, may constitute a separate offence. 16. Severability16.1. Any provision or part of this By-law is declared by any court or tribunal of competent jurisdiction to be illegal, inoperative, or ultra vires, in whole or in part, or inoperative in particular circumstances, the balance of the By-law, or its application in other circumstances, shall not be affected and shall continue to be in full force and effect. 17. Order Prohibiting17.1. When a person has been convicted of an offence under the provisions of this By-law, any court of competent jurisdiction thereafter may, in addition to any other penalty imposed on the person convicted, issue an order prohibiting the continuation or repetition of the offence or the doing of any act by person convicted directed towards the continuation or repetition of the offence. 18. Short Title18.1. This By-law may be referred to as the “Fireworks By-law”. 19. Amend19.1. That Schedule A-4 of By-law 2022-33, Administrative Monetary Penalties System By-law, shall be and is hereby replaced with Schedule A-4 attached hereto. 19.2. That Schedule F of By-Law 2024-118, 2025 User Fees By-Law, shall be and is hereby replaced with Schedule F attached hereto. 20. Repeal20.1. That By-law 2022-51, be and is hereby repealed. 21. Effective Date21.1. This By-law shall come into effect on the date of its adoption. Read, passed and adopted in open council this 19th day of March 2025. Mario Zanth, Mayor Monique Ouellet, Clerk |
Garage sale - 2001-23 |
Whereas Under The Provisions Of The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter m-45, section 257.2(1), and amendments thereto, the council of a municipality may pass by-laws with respect to licensing and regulating of any business carried on within the municipality; And whereas council deems it necessary to adopt such a by-law. It is therefore hereby enacted as follows: Definitions
(b) “municipal law enforcement officer” means a municipal law enforcement officer appointed under section 15 of the Police Services Act to enforce by-laws; (c) “property” means any private or public land including yards or vacant lots (d) “special sale” means any sale or intended sale at retail that represents, holds out or advertises that any goods, wares or merchandise are to be disposed of in a manner that is not in the ordinary course of retail business commonly known as but limited to “garage sales” or “yard sales”. All other definitions will be as provided for in the applicable Zoning By-Law. General Provisions1. No person shall conduct or operate a special sale within the limits of the City of Clarence-Rockland without first obtaining a licence from a municipal law enforcement officer of the City of Clarence-Rockland. 2. The licence may be issued to the owners and/or tenants occupying the property on a full-time basis within the limits of the City of Clarence-Rockland upon completion of the necessary form. 3. Special sales shall be permitted for a maximum period of four (4) days per year per property, unless otherwise permitted by the council of the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland. 4. The permit shall be free of charge. 5. Every permit shall be personal to the permit holder and shall not be transferable. 6. A special sale shall be deemed to be a business for purposes of the Municipal Act and any other act that contains provisions with respect to the licensing, revoking of a licence, regulating, governing, prohibiting or limiting of any business or the person carrying on or engaged in it. 7. The municipal law enforcement officer of the City of Clarence-Rockland shall be responsible for the administration and the enforcement of the provisions of this by-law. Penalties1. Every person who contravenes the provisions of this by-law is guilty of an offence and is liable, upon conviction, to a fine as provided for under the Provincial Offences Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter 33, and amendments thereto. 2. In addition to imposing a fine, a court of competent jurisdiction may, upon conviction of an offence under this by-law, issue an order prohibiting the continuation or repetition of the violation by the person convicted. SeverabilityIf a court of competent jurisdiction should declare any section or part of a section of this by-law to be invalid, such section or part thereof shall not be construed as having persuaded or influenced council to pass the remainder of this by-law and it is hereby declared that the remainder of this by-law shall be valid and shall remain in force. By-law repealedBy-law number 1997-043 of the former Town of Rockland is hereby repealed. By-law to take effectThis by-law shall take force on the day it is adopted by Council of the City of Clarence-Rockland. Read a first, second and duly passed upon the third reading, this 10th day of April, 2001. Jean Pierre Pierre, Mayor Daniel Gatien, Clerk
Graffiti - By-Law 2021-60 |
A by-law of the City of Clarence-Rockland to prohibit the placement of graffiti on property and to require property be kept free of graffiti. Whereas the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, as amended provides that a municipality may prohibit and regulate with respect to public nuisances, including matters that, in the opinion of council are or could become public nuisances; And whereas in the opinion of the council of the City of Clarence-Rockland, graffiti is a public nuisance; Therefore, the council of the City of Clarence-Rockland enacts as follows: Definitions1. In this by-law, “City” means the municipal corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland or the geographic area of the City of Clarence-Rockland as the context requires; “Customer Service Box” means either a publication distribution box or a courier drop box; “Courier Drop Box” means an unattended box into which any member of the general public may deposit letters or parcels to be delivered by courier companies; “Director” means the director of by-law department of the City of Clarence-Rockland or authorized assistants or By-law Officers; “Graffiti” means one or more letters, symbols, etchings, figures, inscriptions, stains howsoever made or otherwise affixed to a property or other markings that disfigure or deface a property but does not include a mural sign permitted in accordance with any signs by-law, adopted by the City of Clarence-Rockland; “Interior Space” includes an interior wall, ceiling, floor and any other partition that defines the interior space of a property; “Mural Sign” means a decorative mural that is painted directly onto the exterior fabric of a building and that serves as an expression of public art; “Officer” means a police officer or municipal law enforcement officer appointed by the council of the City of Clarence-Rockland to enforce the provisions of this by-law; “Owner” includes, a) The person who for the time being is managing or receiving the rent of the land or premises in connection with which the word is used, whether on the person’s own account or as agent or trustee of any other person, who would receive the rent if the land and premises were let; b) The lessee or occupant of the property who, under the terms of a lease, is required to repair and maintain the property; “Property” means a building or structure or part of a building or structure, and includes the lands and premises appurtenant thereto and all mobile homes, mobile buildings, mobile structures including customer service boxes and courier drop boxes, out-buildings, fences and erections thereon whether heretofore or hereafter erected, and includes vacant property. Interpretation1) The rules in this section apply to this by-law, unless a contrary intention is evident from the context. 2) Unless otherwise defined, the words and phrases used in this by-law have their normal and ordinary meaning. 3) This by-law is gender-neutral and, accordingly, any reference to one gender includes the other. 4) Words in the singular include the plural and words in the plural include the singular. 5) It is declared that any section, subsection or part thereof be declared by any court of law to be bad, illegal or ultra vires, such section, subsection part or parts shall be deemed to be severable and all parts hereof are declared to be separate and independent and enacted as such. 6) Headings are inserted for convenience of reference purposes only, form no part of this by-law and shall not affect in any way the meaning or interpretation of the provisions of this by-law. Interior Space1. This by-law does not apply to an interior space on a property or to a thing located entirely within the interior space on a property. Graffiti Prohibited1. No person shall place or cause or permit graffiti to be placed on property. 2. No owner of property shall fail to maintain such property free of graffiti. Notice to Comply1. An officer who finds a contravention of this by-law may give written notice to the owner of the property requiring compliance with this by-law within the time period specified in the notice but not sooner than 7 calendar days after the notice is given. 2. The notice may be served personally on the person to whom it is directed or by registered mail to the last known address of that person, in which case it shall be deemed to have been given on the third day after it was mailed. 3. If there is evidence that the owner in possession of the property is not the registered owner of the property, the notice shall be served on both the registered owner of the property and owner in possession of the property. 4. If the address of the owner is unknown or the city is unable to effect service on the registered owner or the owner, a placard stating the terms of the notice is placed in a conspicuous place upon the land on or near the property shall be sufficient notice to the owner. Failure to Comply1. No person shall fail to comply with a notice given under section 6 of this by-law. Removal of Graffiti1. If the owner fails to comply with a notice, the director of by-law department or persons acting upon his or her instructions, may enter upon the lands at any reasonable time for the purposes of carrying out the work described in the notice. 2. Costs incurred by the city in doing the work required to be done by the notice may be recovered by action or by adding the costs to the tax roll and collecting them in the same manner as property taxes. Offences and Penalties1) Every person who contravenes any of the provisions of this by-law is guilty of an offence. 2) Every person who is convicted of an offence under this by-law is liable to a fine as provided for in the Provincial Offences Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter P. 33, as amended. 3) When a person has been convicted of an offence under this by-law, a) The Ontario Court of Justice, or b) Any court of competent jurisdiction thereafter, may, in addition to any other penalty imposed on the person convicted, make an order prohibiting the continuation or repetition of the offence by the person convicted. Short TitleThis by-law may be referred to as the “Graffiti Management By-law” Read, done and passed in open council, this 14th day of May 2012. Marcel Guibord, Mayor Monique Ouellet, Clerk |
Lodging houses - 2000-94 |
Being a by-law to license, regulate and govern lodging houses (commonly known as group homes or retired homes) and keepers of lodging houses. Whereas pursuant to the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M. 45 sections 257.2 and 257.3 and amendments thereto, Councils of municipalities may enact by-laws for licensing, regulating and governing lodging houses and the keepers of lodging houses and for revocation of any such licenses. And whereas the Council of the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland deems it expedient to enact such a by-law for the aforementioned purposes. Now therefore be it enacted: Definitions
(i) a person eligible for benefits under the Family Benefits Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter F.2, as amended and the regulations thereunder; or (ii) a person eligible for general assistance under the GeneralWelfareAssistance Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter G.6, as amended and the regulations thereunder; or (iii) a person whose daily income, as determined by the Social Services Department in accordance with the General Welfare Assistance Act, by reason of financial hardship, inability to obtain regular employment, lack of a principal family provider, illness, disability or old age, is less than the per diem cost of providing residential care services to a resident; 7. “Resident” means a person, other than the operator or staff, over the age of 18 years, accommodated in a Hostel; 8. “Residential Care” means the supervision of and, where required, assistance with the routines of daily life, including assistance in providing access to social and recreational services, which is made necessary due to the effects of advanced age or disability of the body or mind, and given to a resident having the following characteristics: (i) independent mobility, which may include mobility derived from mechanical aids or a wheelchair; (ii) a medical condition which is stabilized or under clinical control by means of a standardized treatment in the nature of maintenance, preventive services and the taking of medication. General provisions2. No person shall operate or be the keeper of a lodging house within the City of Clarence- Rockland without having first obtained a license from the City of Clarence-Rockland. 3. No license shall be issued unless the applicant provides the Eastern Ontario Health Unit with:
4. No license shall be issued by the City of Clarence-Rockland before approval has been received from the Eastern Ontario Health Unit. 5. Licenses shall be issued upon the payment of a fee of $65.00 per year in respect of a location and the person licensed under this by-law shall be subject to the provisions of this by-law and shall not use any such license for a different location or for any purpose other than for which it was issued. 6. Each license shall be issued in respect of a definite number of persons and the person licensed shall not permit any greater number of persons than the number provided in the license to be harbored, received or lodged for hire at the location in respect of which the license was issued. 7. The keeper shall not permit any lodger to occupy for sleeping purposes any space in a building used as a lobby, hallway, closet, bathroom, stairway, kitchen, nor any room having a floor area of less than seventy-five (75) square feet, nor any room the floor of which is more than four (4) feet below the finished grade of the land adjoining the building. 8. No room shall be utilized for sleeping purposes unless such room has a minimum floor area of seventy-five (75) square feet and at least six hundred (600) cubic feet of air space for each occupant. 9. The keeper shall not permit any room in such lodging house to be used for sleeping purposes unless it contains a window opening directly to the outside air, which window shall be glazed, shall not be less than ten per centum of the floor area of the room in size, shall be provided with suitable hardware and be capable of being opened to the extent of not less than five per centum of the floor area of such room or provided the room is ventilated by natural or mechanical means satisfactory to the Medical Officer of Health. 10. The keeper shall regulate and control the lodging house so that it shall not be a nuisance to the owners or occupants of premises in the vicinity thereof, and shall take such action as may be necessary to prevent any noise, disturbance or trespass by lodgers of the lodging house which might interfere with the quiet and peaceful enjoyment of such premises. 11. The keeper of a lodging house shall provide and maintain a sufficient number of employees to ensure proper personal care of the lodgers at all times and adequate housekeeping, including the preparation and serving of meals and proper cleaning of rooms and equipment. 12. The keeper shall maintain the lodging house in a thoroughly clean, safe and sanitary condition and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, he shall:
13. Every applicant for a license shall submit to the Eastern Ontario Health Unit the following information:
14. The Eastern Ontario Health Unit may, at their discretion, require periodical inspections of the lodging houses, either by officers of the local Board of Health or by an officer authorized to inspect buildings under The Fire Marshals Act. 15. The Eastern Ontario Health Unit shall have the right to determine the number of persons whom it may consider advisable to accommodate in the building in respect of which the license is to be issued. 16. Every owner or keeper of a lodging house shall permit officials of the Eastern Ontario Health Unit to examine the premises from time to time. 17. A license issued to one person can not be transferred to another person and any person acquiring a lodging house from a licensed keeper shall apply to the City of Clarence- Rockland for a new license before completing his or her purchase. 18. The City of Clarence-Rockland may at any time revoke any license issued under this by-law and notice thereof shall be given by registered mail to the license holder at the address in respect of which the license was issued. If, in the opinion of the Medical Officer of Health and/or Fire Prevention Officer, the keeper of Lodging House is in contravention of providing adequate care and safety procedures to its occupants, the Medical Officer of Health may proceed with the revocation of the Lodging Home License and recommend that funding, by the office of Social Services be withheld until such time as the keeper complies with the regulations required under the Lodging House By-law. 19. All licenses issued by the City of Clarence-Rockland shall expire on the 30th day of September of each year. 20. No license shall be issued to operate a lodging house if the operation of the same does not comply with any local, provincial, federal laws, or by-laws of the City of Clarence-Rockland. 21. Medical Care1. Notwithstanding a resident’s right to retain his or her own physician at all times, the operator shall retain a physician who agrees to assume responsibility for the health care of all residents. 2. The operator shall keep a file with respect to each resident in which the following information is listed: (i) name; (ii) age; (iii) sex; (iv) address and telephone number of next-of-kin; (v) former place of residence; (vi) date and nature of recent hospital admission; (vii) special health requirements (diet, activity, aids, etc.) and pertinent medical history; (viii) a list of all medication prescribed and orders made by physicians; (ix) funeral pre-arrangements. 22. Personal Care
23. Medication Control
24. Healthy LifestylesFood preparation and intake should be in accordance with the Canada Food Guide to ensure a healthy status and an adequate caloric value for body requirement. Common areas should be smoke free, and non-smokers shall not be accommodated in the same room as smokers. A smoking room, if separately ventilated to the outside, may be made available to residents who wish to smoke. 25. Occupational and Physical ActivitiesThe Operator should ensure that occupational and physical activities are planned, organized and implemented for the physical and psycho-social well being of the residents. 26. Personal Hygiene and Safety
(i) 1 water closet/wash basin per 8 occupants (ii) 1 tub or shower per 8 occupants 2. There shall be sufficient linen supplies provided to ensure that bed linen is changed at least once a week and more often if required. 3. Each resident shall be provided with a separate clothes closet. 4. (i) All bathrooms shall have readily accessible handrails alongside the toilets and bathtubs. (ii) A small stepping stool shall be placed beside the toilets and bathtubs. (iii) Non-skid material shall be provided on the bottom of all bathtubs. 27. The Medical Officer of Health of the Eastern Ontario Health Unit shall be the person authorized to have the provisions of this by-law respected. Penalties28. (a) Any person who contravenes any provision of this by-law is guilty of an offence and is subject to the penalty provisions of the General Welfare Assistance Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter G.6, as amended. Prohibition Order29. In addition to imposing a fine, a Court of competent jurisdiction may, upon conviction of an offence under this by-law, issue an order prohibiting the continuation or repetition of the violation by the person convicted. Severability30. It is declared that if any section, subsection or part(s) thereof be declared by any court of law to be bad, illegal or ultra virus, such section, subsection or part(s) shall be deemed to be separate and independent and enacted as such. Interpretation31. In this by-law, words importing the singular number or masculine gender shall only include more persons, parties or things of the same kind than one, and females as well as males and the converse. By-Law To Take Effect32. This by-law shall take force and effect on the passing thereof and the provisions of any previous by-laws heretofore passed inconsistent with the foregoing are of any previous by- laws heretofore passed inconsistent with the foregoing are hereby repealed. Read a first, second and duly passed upon the third reading, this 9th day of January, 2001. Mayor, Jean-Pierre Pierre Clerk, Daniel Gatien |
Loitering - 2007-06 |
Being a by-law to prohibit loitering on any highways, sidewalks, public places andparks. Whereas section 128.(1) of the Municipal Act S.O. 2001, C.25, provides authority for a local municipality to prohibit and regulate with respect to public nuisances, including matters that in the opinion of council, are or could become public nuisances. And whereas the Council of the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland deems it necessary and desirable to pass a by-law to prohibit loitering and like practices on highways, sidewalks, on any public places or parks of the Corporation; Now therefore the Council of the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland hereby enacts as follows; Definition and interpretationIn this By-law:
6. “Parent” includes, in respect of another person, any person who is under a legal duty to provide for that other person or any person who has, in law or in fact, the custody or control of that other person. 7. “Park” means an area consisting largely of open space, which may include a recreational area, play ground, play field or similar use but does not include a mobile home park, a campground or trailer park. 8. “Young Person” means a person who is or in the absence of evidence to the contrary, appears to be twelve years of age or more, but under (18) eighteen years of age. General Interpretation
(b) No person shall loiter, stand as an idler or remain in a park of the corporation without due cause in excess of ten (10) minutes. (c) No person shall loiter, stand as an idler or remain in a park of the corporation without due cause between the hours of 10 p.m. until 6 a.m. 2. (a) No person (16) sixteen years of age or less shall loiter in a public place between the hours of 12 a.m. (midnight) and 6 a.m.; or (b) be in a place of public entertainment between the hours of 12 a.m. (midnight) and 6 a.m., unless accompanied by a parent or a specified individual authorized by the parent who is (18) eighteen years of age or older to accompany the child or young person. 3. No person shall obstruct, hinder or interfere with the Municipal Law Enforcement Officer in the lawful performance of their duties. 4. Every person who is convicted of an offence under this by-law is liable to a fine as provided for in the Provincial Offences Act R.S.O. 1999, Chap. P.33 as amended. 5. If declared that if any section, subsection or part or parts thereof be declared by any Court or Law to be bad, or parts shall be deemed to be severable and all parts hereof are declared to be separate and independent and enacted as such. 6. That by-law Number 1999-49 is hereby repealed. 7. That this by-law shall come into force on the day it is adopted by Council. Read, done and passed in open council this 15th day of January 2007. Mayor, Richard Lalonde Clerk, Daniel Gatien |
Mobile Canteens - 2006-16 |
Whereas under the provisions of the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, Chapter 25, Section 150(1), a local municipality may license, regulate and govern any business wholly and partly carried in within the municipality even if the business is being carried on from a location outside the municipality; And whereas without limiting the powers of section 150(1) of the Municipal Act S.O. 2001, Chapter 25, to license, regulate and govern a business includes the power, (a) to prohibit the carrying on of or engaging in business without a license; (b) to fix the expiry date for a license; (c) to impose conditions as a requirement of obtaining, continuing to hold or renewing a license, including conditions; (d) requiring the payment of license fees; (e) restricting the hours of operation of the business; and (f) to regulate or govern the equipment, vehicles and other personal property used or kept for hire in connection with the carrying on or engaging in the business. Now therefore the Council of the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland enacts as follows: Definitions
(a) "Applicant" means a person making an application for a licence under this by-law; (b) "Boulevard" means all the parts of the highway save and except any street; (c) “Corporation” means the corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland; (d) “Pedal -Powered Vehicle” means a vehicle that is propelled by muscular power; (e) “Highway” includes the entire right-of-way of a common and public highway, street, avenue, parkway, driveway, square, place, bridge, viaduct, or trestle, designed and intended for, or used by, the general public for the passage of vehicles; (f) “Intersection” means the area embraced within the prolongation or connection of the lateral curb lines or if none, then of the lateral boundary lines of two (2) or more streets which join one another at an angle, whether or not one (1) street crosses the other; (g) “Medical Officer of Health” shall mean the Medical Officer of Health of the Counties of Prescott and Russell or his subordinates to whom he may designate such authority from time to time; (h) “Municipal Law Enforcement Director” shall mean the Municipal Law Enforcement Officer appointed by the City Council as the director to administer and enforce the provisions of this by-law; (i) “Physical Department Director” means a person appointed as the Director of Physical Services for the City of Clarence-Rockland or his duly appointed representative; (j) “Private Property” means all property in the City and includes property of the municipal, federal and provincial government, but does not include any of the sidewalks; (k) “Sidewalk” includes all such parts of a highway as are set aside by the Corporation for the use of pedestrians or used by the general public for the passage of pedestrians, and includes the boulevard and a pedestrian walkway, and; (l) “Street” means that part of the highway that is improved, designed or ordinarily used for vehicular traffic. Interpretation(2) The content of this by-law applies to the Municipal Road System under the jurisdiction of the City of Clarence-Rockland and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing and for ease of reference, is as follows: (a) If, in the opinion of the Physical Services Director, the maintenance and use of such encroachments do not hinder or impede the proper use, maintenance and operation of the Municipal Road System, this part shall not apply to the following uses and encroachments: tables, chairs, umbrellas, wagons, carts, Pedal -powered vehicles, information kiosks, temporary entrance shelters and other similar equipment located on a highway. Classes of Licenses2. (1) The following licenses may be issued pursuant to this schedule: (a) License "A" to a vendor selling ice-cream, frozen milk products and beverages only from: (i) the streets or on private property in the City, from a pedal-powered vehicle. (b) License "B" to a person selling food products that are prepared and cooked elsewhere than in the motor vehicle, from a motor vehicle that is currently licensed to be driven on the highway pursuant to the Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chap. H.8, as amended, on private property. (c) License "C" to a person selling ice cream and frozen milk products, from a motor vehicle that is currently licensed to be driven on the highway pursuant to the said Highway Traffic Act, on private property in the City. (d) License "D" to a person selling food products from a refreshment vehicle as set out in any of the above license categories who vends for or at a “specific event”, said event being held for a period of not more than ten (10) days, in lieu of issuing one of the licenses in the categories as set out in paragraphs (a) to (c) herein. Conditions For Issuance of a License3. No applicant for a refreshment vehicle license shall be issued a license unless: (a) the applicant is at least sixteen (16) years of age, for a license “A”. (b) where the application is for a License “B”, License “C”, or License “D”, the applicant shall be at least eighteen (18) years of age and shall: (i) apply in person, and; (ii) filed one (1) full-faced photograph of the applicant, of a size 1.5 inches square, taken not more thirty (30) days prior to the date of the application. (c) the Medical Officer of Health has reported in writing that the refreshment vehicle or vending equipment is suitable for the purpose of the license application and is in a sanitary condition. (d) the Fire Chief has reported in writing that, where applicable, the refreshment vehicle or vending equipment is suitable for the purpose of the license application and is in a fire safe condition. (e) the applicant has specified the make, style, model and serial number of the refreshment vehicle. (f) the applicant is the holder of a current motor vehicle permit issued pursuant to the said Highway Traffic Act that permits it to be driven on any highway, where applicable. (g)the applicant has filed proof of insurance in accordance with Section 16 hereof, (h) where an applicant proposes to vend on the sidewalks of the City, the applicant has furnished the description: (i) of the Pedal -powered vehicle or vending equipment including its serial number, and; (ii) of the method by which the refreshments are to be vended, in sufficient detail to indicate compliance with the standards in the by-law. (i) a license may be issued for a specific event provided that: (i) the event is being held for a period of not more than ten (10) days, and (ii) the applicant has furnished details as to the specific event including its location, and the license shall indicate which one of the categories specified in paragraphs (a) to (d) of subsection (1) of Section 2 the license is issued in lieu of, and; (j) the refreshment vehicle to be used by the applicant for vending complies with the standards and dimensions prescribed by Sections 19, 20, 21 , 22, and 23. (k) pay the Corporation a license fee as set out in schedule “A” fixed by this by-law. 4. The Municipal Law Enforcement Director is authorized to require that each pedal-powered vehicle or other refreshment vehicle or vending equipment to be used by the applicant for vending be submitted for inspection prior to the issuance of the license. 5. Every person who provides or operates a refreshment vehicle shall obtain a separate license for each refreshment vehicle to be operated pursuant to this by-law. 6. A separate license shall be obtained for each vendor who vends refreshments from his or her person. 7. Where reports have been received from the Medical Officer of Health or the Fire Chief in respect of the pedal-powered vehicle or other vehicle or vending equipment, and the Municipal Law Enforcement Director has issued the license based on the reports, the licensee shall ensure that no modifications are made to the pedal-powered vehicle or other vehicle, or equipment placed in the vehicle without the prior approval of the Municipal Law Enforcement Director. Issuance of License8. The Municipal Law Enforcement Director shall, upon issuing the license, furnish to the licensee, in addition to the license, one (1) plate bearing an identifying number, and the category for which the license was issued, and the words "Refreshment Vehicle" and "Clarence-Rockland" and a serial number to be encoded on the vehicle if the vehicle does not have one. 9. Despite Section 8, the Municipal Law Enforcement Director shall not furnish a plate if the vendor is carrying the refreshments on his or her person. 10. Despite Section 8, the Municipal Law Enforcement Director shall not furnish a plate for License “D” for special events. 11. The onus of obtaining the necessary approval to vend from a particular location on private property from the owner of such property is on the licensee. 12. No person shall vend refreshments on any property of the Corporation without first obtaining a written permission from the Municipal Law Enforcement Director or his authorized representative. 13. (1) No person shall vend on private property without the consent of the owner or occupant of such property. (2) Every person who vends on private property with the consent of the owner or occupant of such property shall: (a) ensure that he or she has a written the consent in his or her possession, and; (b) when so requested by Municipal Law Enforcement Director, or the Chief of Police, produce the consent for inspection. 14. No person shall vend with or from a refreshment vehicle on a boulevard without first obtaining a written permission from the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland. Transfers of License15. No person shall transfer a license issued pursuant to this By-law in any manner, including leasing agreement or assignment. Insurance16. (1) Every owner of a refreshment vehicle or vending equipment shall file with the Municipal Law Enforcement Director proof of insurance for public liability in the amount of not less than Five Hundred Thousand ($500,000.00) Dollars public liability inclusive of bodily injuries, property damage and accident benefits and including damage occasioned by any accident arising out of the operation of the refreshment vehicle or vending equipment in respect of which a license is applied for. (2) The proof of insurance shall include a provision therein or an endorsement thereon that the insurance company will endeavour to give the Municipal Law Enforcement Director at least fifteen (15) days notice in writing of any cancellation of or amendment to the policy. Renewal of License17. (1) The licensee shall ensure that, during the period of sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of the license, his or her refreshment vehicle or vending equipment is submitted for inspection, where applicable, to, (a) the Medical Officer of Health, and (b) the Fire Chief, as if the applicant was filing an original application. (2) The Municipal Law Enforcement Director shall not renew the refreshment license unless and until, (a) the Medical Officer of Health has reported in writing that the refreshment vehicle or vending equipment is suitable for the purpose of the license renewal application and is in a sanitary condition, and (b) the Fire Chief has reported in writing that, where applicable, the refreshment vehicle or vending equipment is suitable for the purpose of the license application and is in a fire safe condition. 18. Where the application is for a License “B", License “C”, or License “D”, the Municipal Law Enforcement Director shall not renew the license unless the applicant has, (a) applied in person, and (b) filed one (1) full-faced photograph of the applicant, of a size 1.5 inches square, taken not more thirty (30) days prior to the date of the application. Pedal-powered vehicle or other vehicle standards19. (1) Every pedal-powered vehicle shall, (a) have, (i) at least two (2) wheels, (ii) two (2) handles or a push-bar, and (b) be mobile so that it may be propelled by muscular power by the person who is vending, and (c) be structured so as to be safe and stable with or without refreshments or other goods therein. (2) The pedal-powered vehicle may have a canopy so long as the canopy conforms to the provisions of subsection (3). (3) The canopy may not extend beyond the dimensions of the pedal-powered vehicle. (4) A table with castors shall not constitute a pedal-powered vehicle as prescribed by subsection (1). (5) The maximum height of the display on or in the pedal-powered vehicle shall not exceed a height of one point four (1.4 m) metres as measured from the ground to the top of the display. (6) No person shall vend with or from a pedal-powered vehicle that does not comply with the provisions of this By-law. 20. Refreshment vehicle license “B”, “C” or “D” that is currently licensed to be driven on the highway pursuant to the Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chap. H.8, as amended, may have a canopy that extends beyond the dimensions of the vehicle provided that: (a) the extension of the canopy is at the height of not less than one point nine eight (1.98 m) metres measured from the ground, and (b) the extension of the canopy does not extend beyond the dimensions of the vehicle by more than one (1 m) metre on any one (1) side. Dimensions of Pedal -Powered Vehicle or Other Vehicle21. No person shall use a pedal -powered vehicle that exceeds the dimensions of three (3 m) meters in length, by one (1 m) metre in width, by two point five (2.5 m) metres in height. 22. No person shall use a Pedal-powered vehicle for vending that is, (a) not structured so as to be safe and stable with or without goods, wares or merchandise therein, or (b) not capable of easy relocation by the user. Regulations23. Every licensee who vends on private property or a part thereof that is, (a) outdoors, (b) improved, designed or ordinarily used for pedestrian passage, and (c) visible to the public as sidewalk space, shall vend with a pedal-powered vehicle and the provisions respecting vendors on sidewalks shall apply to every vendor. 24. Every licensee who vends on a sidewalk shall, (a) operate from a Pedal -powered vehicle, and (b) ensure that all refreshments or other goods whether on display or not on display are contained within the Pedal-powered vehicle. 25. Sections 23 and 24 do not apply to a person licensed to vend ice-cream, frozen milk products or beverages from his or her person. 26. Every person who vends from his or her person shall ensure that all refreshments or other goods whether on display or not on display are contained within the vending equipment. 27. Every licensee shall ensure that the plate furnished pursuant to Section 8 is attached by bolts to the rear of the cart or vehicle so as to be clearly visible to the public during the currency of the license. 28. Every licensee shall keep his or her refreshment vehicle or vending equipment at all times in a clean and sanitary condition and in a state of good repair and appearance. 29. Every licensee using a refreshment vehicle with a food heating capability shall ensure that his or her vehicle is adequately equipped with a fire extinguisher having a 10 B.C. rating. 30. No person licensed pursuant to this schedule shall carry, sell, offer or expose for sale any or all of the food products which are prohibited from time to time by the Medical Officer of Health. 31. Every licensee shall ensure that: (a) he or she conforms, where applicable, with the provisions of the Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chap. H.8, as amended, (c) he or she does not interfere with the normal movement of pedestrian or vehicular traffic or the maintenance of the sidewalks or streets in the City. 32. The licensee shall ensure that any person vending refreshments has available on his or her person the license issued by the Municipal Law Enforcement Director. 33. Every person who vends under the authority of a license shall ensure that he or she has the license in his or her possession. 34. Every person who vends refreshments shall produce his or her license for the vehicle or vending equipment for inspection, when requested by any municipal law enforcement officer. 35. Every person who vends under the authority of a license shall ensure that the license corresponds with the plate furnished by the Municipal Law Enforcement Director pursuant to Section 8. 36. Every licensee who vends on a street shall restrict such sales to occur between 6:00 o'clock in the forenoon (6:00 a.m.) and 11:00 o'clock in the afternoon (11:00 p.m.) of the same day. 37. Every licensee shall ensure that his or her Pedal-powered vehicle or other vehicle or any article used in the business is removed from the sidewalk or street from the hours of 11:00 o'clock in the afternoon (11:00 p.m.) of one day to 6:00 o'clock in the forenoon (6:00 a.m.) of the next following day. 38. No person who vends shall leave the any refreshment vehicle or anything on the sidewalk or street after the vending activity has ceased, or after 11:00 o'clock in the afternoon (11:00 p.m.), whichever occurs first. 39. No licensee shall leave his or her Pedal-powered vehicle unattended on the sidewalk. 40. Despite Sections 36 and 37, every licensee may vend until midnight on Canada Day. 41. The holder of a License in a category set out in subsection (1) of Section 2 shall not use that license for the purposes of any other category unless specifically permitted herein. 42. Every person to whom this By-law relates shall be governed by the Health Protection and Promotion Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chap. H.7, as amended, and regulations enacted thereunder. 43. No person shall cook food in a refreshment vehicle licensed as a License "A", “C" or "D" class. 44. Every licensee shall ensure that his or her refreshment vehicle is a fit motor vehicle under the said Highway Traffic Act. 45. Where a refreshment vehicle is a combination unit of a motor vehicle and trailer, every licensee shall ensure that, (a) the combination unit of motor vehicle and trailer shall be treated as one motor vehicle, and (b) the trailer must remain hitched to the motor vehicle at all times in such a way that the combination unit of motor vehicle and trailer is capable of being moved at all times as a single unit, and (c) the motor vehicle shall be sufficient to tow the trailer to which it is hitched. 46. Despite the provisions of Section 45, a holder of a License "D" for a refreshment vehicle that is a combination unit of a motor vehicle and a trailer, may permit the trailer to be unhitched from the motor vehicle for the duration of the specific event provided that the trailer is located on and all vending activities are confined to private property. 47. Any holder of a License "A", "B", or "C" class may change his or her particular place during the currency of the license without notification to the Municipal Law Enforcement Director. 48. No person shall use, (a) an external gasoline-powered generator, (b) an external propane-powered generator, (c) an external diesel-powered generator, or (d) an external natural gas-powered generator, in conjunction with a refreshment vehicle. 49. No person who vends with or from a refreshment vehicle shall place or locate any carton, box or other article, other than a garbage receptacle, outside of the refreshment vehicle. 50. (1) Every person who vends shall ensure that the garbage or litter resulting from his or her vending activity is collected and removed from the vending area. (2) For the purposes of subsection (1), the placing of the garbage or litter in a sidewalk refuse container provided by the Corporation is not sufficient to constitute removal. (3) Every person who vends with or from a refreshment vehicle shall ensure that the garbage receptacle placed outside the vehicle is taken away with the vehicle and that the garbage is disposed of in a proper manner. 51. Each licensee shall ensure that a garbage receptacle is placed outside of the refreshment vehicle while he or she is vending, and that the garbage is disposed of as required. 52. No person shall vend with or from a refreshment vehicle without first placing a garbage receptacle outside of the refreshment vehicle. Location Regulations53. Every person who vends shall ensure that: (a) he or she does not vend within fifty (100m) metres of a licensed restaurant. 54. (1) No holder of a License "B", "C" or ”D” class shall vend with or from a refreshment vehicle in any of the following areas: (a) Urban Policy Area, and (b) Community Policy Area, as provided for under the provisions of the Zoning By-law of the City of Clarence- Rockland. (2) Despite the provision of section 54.(1), a holder of a License "B", "C" or ”D” class may vend on a construction site during periods of construction. 55. Any holder of a License "A" may remain up to thirty (30) minutes at a location on a street. 56. No person who vends shall place or locate himself or herself or anything on a street or sidewalk so as to be within nine (9 m) meters from the nearest street intersection. 57. No licensee who is vending on a street from or with a Pedal -powered vehicle shall occupy or utilize an area that exceeds three (3 m) metres in length, by one (1 m) metre in width, by two point five (2.5 m) metres in height. 58. No person shall vend within three (3 m) metres of any other itinerant seller or refreshment vending activity on the sidewalk or street or on private property that is described in Section 23. Administration and Enforcement59. Nothing in this By-law shall exempt any person from complying with the requirements of any other by-law or regulation or any other law in force within the area affected by this by-law. It is the responsibility of the licensee and the owner to ensure that the refreshment vehicle complies with all legislation and regulation pertaining to such a business. 60. The provisions of this by-law shall be administered and enforced by the Municipal Law Enforcement Services. 61. No person who is licensed or required to be licensed, shall hinder or obstruct the Municipal Law Enforcement Officer during any inspection or cause any inspections to be hindered or obstructed. Penalties62. Each day that a person operates a business in contravention of the provisions of this By-law shall constitute a separate offence. 63. Any person who contravenes any of the provisions of this By-Law is guilty of an offence and upon conviction shall forfeit and pay a penalty as provided for in the Provincial Offences Act, 1990, R.S.O., Chapter P. 33. and amendments thereto Order Prohibiting64. When a person has been convicted of an offence under the provisions of this By-law, any court of competent jurisdiction thereafter may in addition to any other penalty imposed on the person convicted, issue an order prohibiting the continuation or repetition of the offence or the doing of any act by person convicted directed towards the continuation or repetition of the offence. Severability65. It is declared that if any section or subsection or part or parts thereof be declared by any competent Court of Law to be illegal shall be deemed to be severable and all parts hereof are declared to be separate and independent and enacted as such. By-Law Enforce66. This By-law shall come into force and take effect on the day it s duly pass in Council . Schedule Adopted67. The schedule referred to in this by-law shall form part of this by-law and be read in conjunction with the entry across there from, and not otherwise. Former By-Law Repeal68. That the Town of Rockland By-law No.1985-11, for the licensing, regulating, and governing of refreshment vehicles. Read a first, second and duly passed upon the third reading, this 13th day of March 2006 Read A First, Second And Duly Passed Upon The Third Reading, This 13th Day Of March, 2006 Richard Lalonde, Mayor Daniel Gatien, Clerk
Noise - 1999-55 |
Being a by-law of the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland to prohibit or regulate certain noises and to prohibit and abate public nuisance; Whereas pursuant to the provisions of Section 210 Subsections 138 and 140 of the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.45, Council of local municipalities may pass a by-law to prohibit and abate public nuisances; Whereas the purpose of this by-law is to provide for an environment free from unusual, unnecessary or excessive noises which may degrade the quality and tranquillity of life, and cause a public nuisance; Now therefore the council of the corporation of the city of Clarence-Rockland enacts as follows: 1. InterpretationIn this By-law Adverse effectMeans one or more of, a) harms or material discomfort to any person, b) an adverse effect on health of any person, c) loss of enjoyment of normal use of property, and d) interference with the normal conduct of business. AgricultureMeans the practice of cultivating the soil or the keeping/raising of animals; Air ConditionerIncludes an air conditioner, a fan, a heat pump or other similar device. Attached HousingMeans a building otherwise complete in itself which is connected to, and which depends for structural support upon a division wall or walls shaped in common with adjacent building or buildings; Auxiliary EquipmentMeans any device, attachment, delivery body or apparatus attached to a motor vehicle, either permanently or temporarily, for the purpose of: (i) hauling property, vehicles or animals; (ii) mixing concrete or like material; or (iii) preserving perishable cargo through the use of heating or refrigerating systems. ConstructionIncludes erection, alteration, repair, dismantling, demolition, structural maintenance, painting, moving, land clearing, earth moving, grading, excavating, the laying of pipe and conduit whether above or below ground level, street and highway building, concreting, equipment installation and alteration and the structural installation of construction components and materials in any form or for any purpose and includes any work in connection therewith; Construction EquipmentMeans any equipment or device designed and intended for use in construction or material handling, including but not limited to, air compressors, pile drivers, pneumatic or hydraulic tools, bulldozers, tractors, excavators, trenchers, cranes, drills, loaders, scrapers, pavers, generators, off-highway hauliers or trucks, ditchers, compactors and rollers, pumps, concrete mixers, graders or other material handling equipment; CouncilMeans the Council of the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland; InhabitantsMeans any owner, tenant, occupier or licensee of real property within the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland; IntermittentMeans to cause to cease for a time or at intervals; Leisure VehicleMeans any all-terrain vehicle or snowmobile; Motor VehicleIncludes an automobile, motorcycle, and any other vehicle propelled or driven otherwise than by muscular power; but does not include all-terrain vehicles, snowmobiles or other motor vehicles running only upon rails, construction equipment, farm tractor or a self-propelled implement of husbandry; Municipal Law Enforcement OfficerMeans a peace officer for the purpose of enforcing municipal by-laws; MunicipalityMeans the land within the geographic limit of the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland; NoiseMeans any loud, unnecessary or unusual noise or any noise whatsoever which either annoys, disturbs or injures, endangers or detracts from the comfort, repose, health, peace or safety of other persons within the limits of the municipality; PersonIncludes any physical or corporate entity, partnership or any association and the heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns or other legal representative thereof to whom the context may apply; Point of ReceptionMeans any point on the premises of a person where sound or vibration originating from other than those premises is received; Residential AreaMeans all properties within the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland designated as "Residential A" area under the Zoning By-Law, as amended; Rural AreaMeans all properties within the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland designated as "Rural Area" under the Zoning By-law, as amended; Solid Waste Bulk LiftMeans a vehicle designated to load, unload and transport containers for handling refuse; Sound Amplifying DeviceMeans any device which is primarily used or intended to be used to amplify or create sound and includes, but is not limited to, radios, phonographs, televisions, musical instruments, loud speakers and electronic devices or electro-mechanical transducers, used in the reproduction or amplification of music, speech or other sounds, but does not include fire alarms, smoke detectors or security alarms; TrailerMeans any vehicle so constructed that it is suitable for being attached to a motor vehicle for the purpose of being self propelled, drawn or propelled by the motor vehicle and capable of being used for the living, sleeping or eating accommodation of persons; Urban AreaMeans all properties within the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland designated as "Urban Area" under the Zoning By-law, as amended; 2. General Prohibitions(1) No person shall make, cause or permit the emission of noise that disturbs or may disturb the quiet, peace, rest, enjoyment, comfort or convenience of the inhabitants. (2) Notwithstanding the generality of the provisions of Section 2(1), no person shall make, cause or permit the emission of noise resulting from an activity listed herein, if clearly audible at a point of reception located in an area of the Municipality, indicated within the prohibited time shown for such an area, as such noise is deemed objectionable or liable to disturb the peace, quiet, rest, enjoyment, comfort or convenience of the inhabitants and is hereby strictly prohibited.
3. Exemption(1) Public SafetyNotwithstanding any other provision of this by-law, it shall be lawful to emit or cause or permit the emission of sound or vibration in connection with emergency measures undertaken: (a) for the immediate health, safety or welfare of the inhabitants or any of them; or (b) for the preservation or restoration of property. (2) Attached HousingThis by-Law does not apply to noise between a common shared wall of floor by two adjacent dwelling units within an apartment, condominium or townhouse building, row buildings or carriage homes unless the sound can be clearly audible from the exterior of the building. (3) Snow RemovalThis by-Law does not apply to noise generating from the operation of removing or clearing of snow or of sanding and salting. (4) FireworksNotwithstanding any other provisions of this by-law, this by-law does not apply to a person who emits or causes or permits the emission of sounds or vibrations in connections with fireworks during any of the listed traditional festive activities such as Canada day, Victoria day and St-Jean Batiste day. (5) Farming OperationThis by-Law does not apply to any noise generated from the operation of any agricultural machinery, equipment and implement of husbandry whether self-propelled or motorized, which is used in accordance with normal farm practice for the cultivation of land, production and harvesting of agricultural crops (including mushrooms, greenhouse crops and nursery stock), raising of livestock, poultry, fur-bearing animals and game birds and includes but is not limited to any noise generated from: (i) irrigation pumps; (ii) the application of fertilizers, conditioners and pesticides; (iii) the storage, disposal or use of organic wastes for farm purposes; and (iv) grain dryers (6) Grant of Exemption by Council(1) Application to CouncilNotwithstanding anything contained in this by-law, any person may make application to Council to be granted an exemption from any of the provisions of this by-law with respect to any source of sound or vibration for which he might be prosecuted and Council, by resolution, may refuse to grant any exception or may grant the exemption applied for or any exemption applied for or any exemption of lesser effect and any exemption granted shall specify the time period, not in excess of six months, during which it is effective and may contain such terms and conditions as Council sees fit. (2) DecisionIn deciding whether to grant the exemption, Council shall give the applicant and any person opposed to the application an opportunity to be heard and may consider such other matters as it sees fit. (3) BreachBreach by the applicant of any of the terms or conditions of any exemption granted by Council shall render the exemption null and void. (4) The Director of Protective Services shall be delegated the authority to grant an exemption on behalf of Council in any circumtances as he/she may see fit, providing that such exemptions is immediately reported to the Mayor and the affected Ward Councillor(s). (amended by 2021-77) (7) Exemption - City construction project (as amended by 2021-77)The Director of protective Services is delegated the authority to grant an exemption in relation to any Section of this by-law, subject to the following conditions: (ii) the exemption is in respect of a City Construction Project; (iii) a requirement that during the exemption period, the noise caused by the particular project for which the exemption is sought does not exceed 85 dB(A) when measured at the point of reception; (iv) public notification of the particulars of the exemption is provided to affected parties by the appropriate Coordinator of the City Construction Project; and (v) the Director, Protective Services, has notified the Councillor of the Ward or Wards in which the work is to occur of the application for the exemption. An application for an exemption shall be made in writing to the Director of protective Services as soon as the exemption is deemed necessary, and prior to the commencement of the activity for which the exemption is sought, and shall include the following: (i) the name and contact information of the City staff representative associated with the project; (ii) the source of the sound or vibration in respect of which the exemption is sought; (iii) the provision or provisions of this by-law for which the exemption is sought; (iv) the rationale for the exemption; (v) the date and time of commencement of the activity for which the exemption is sought; (vi) the time of conclusion for each day for the activity for which the 16 exemption is sought; (vii) the duration of activity for which the exemption is sought; (viii) the location of the activity for which the exemption is sought; (ix) the name and contact information of the contact person or persons who will be supervising the activities for which the exemption is sought; and (x) any other information requested by the Manager of By-law Enforcement Services. 4. SeverabilityIt is hereby declared that each and every of the foregoing provisions of this by-law is severable and that, if any provisions of this by-law should for any reason be declared invalid by any Court, it is the intention and desire of this Council that each and every of the remaining provisions hereof shall remain in full force and effect. 5. PenaltyEvery person who contravenes any of the provisions of this by-law is guilty of an offence and upon conviction is liable to a fine as set out in the Provincial Offences Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter P.33, as amended. In addition to the imposition of a fine or other remedy, a court of competent jurisdiction may, upon conviction of an offence under this by-law, issue an order prohibiting the continuation or repetition of the violation by the person convicted. By-law No.1989-10, as amended (City of Rockland) and By-law No. 1992-106, as amended (Clarence township) are hereby repealed. This By-law shall come into effect on the day it is adopted by Council. Read a first, second and duly passed upon the third reading, this 14th day of September 1999. Mayor Clerk |
Open fires - 2022-59 |
A by-law to regulate the setting of fires in open air within the City of Clarence-Rockland and to amend by-law 2022-33, being a by-law to establish an Administrative Monetary Penalty System. Whereas Council of the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland is empowered under section 7.1(1) (a) of the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, as amended, to pass by-laws regulating fire prevention, including the prevention of the spreading of fires; and Whereas Council is empowered under section 7.1(1) (b) of the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, to pass by-laws regulating the setting of open-air fires, including establishing the times during which open air fires may be set; and Whereas Council is empowered under section 128 of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, to pass by-laws to prohibit and regulate public nuisances, including matters that, in the opinion of Council, are, or could become or cause public nuisances. Therefore, the Council of the City of Clarence-Rockland enacts as follows: Definitions In this By-law:1.1. Applicant means the person making an application for a permit under this by-law; 1.2. Barbeque means a portable or fixed device designed and intended solely for the cooking of food in the open air, including a wood burning barbeque, or a smoker, but does not include burn barrels, fire pits, outdoor fireplaces, or campfires; 1.3. Burn Barrel means a 'clean' (not chemically contaminated), non- combustible, enclosed container barrel, intended to hold a small fire for burning wood and small branches, the size of which does not exceed 76cm in diameter (30in) and 88cm in height (35in); 1.4. Campfire means an open-air fire where the size of burn area (containing all burning and burnt materials) does not exceed 76cm (30 in) in width/diameter and 60cm (24 in) in height, is not covered by a spark arresting cover, and that is set and maintained solely forthe purposes of cooking food, providing warmth and recreational enjoyment; 1.5. Compost material means waste material of Type III, as defined in the City of Clarence-Rockland Waste Management By-Law, as amended from time to time; 1.6. City means the municipal corporation of the City of Clarence- Rockland; 1.7. Fire Ban means a ban put in place by the Fire Chief or designate to prohibit setting or maintaining of open-air fires (including campfires), but does not include burn barrels, wood burning barbeques, fire pits, or outdoor fireplaces, provided they are constantly monitored; 1.8. Fire Chief means a person appointed by the Council of the City of Clarence-Rockland to carry out the duties and responsibilities of fire prevention and any person who has been designated to administer and enforce this By-law; 1.9. Fire Department means the Fire Department for the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland 1.10. Fire Pit means a constructed fire pit (e.g., a circular pit such as a rim), where the burning section is not more than 75cm (29.5 in) in diameter which is set and maintained solely for the purposes of cooking food, providing warmth and recreational enjoyment; 1.11. Highway includes a common and public highway, a main road or thoroughfare, such as a street, boulevard, or parkway, available to the public for use for travel or transportation and includes the area between the lateral property lines thereof; 1.12. Land Clearing materials means trees, roots, stumps, and dirt resulting from the clearing of lands covering an area of 0.5 hectare (1.2 acres) or more; 1.13. Maintain means to allow a fire, including an open-air fire, to continue to burn and "maintained" and "maintaining" have the corresponding meaning; 1.14. Municipal Law Enforcement Officer means an officer appointed to enforce the provisions of City By-Laws by virtue of Section 15 of the Police Services Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter P.15, as amended; 1.15. Open air fire means the burning of material such as wood, tree limbs and branches in a burn pile no bigger than 5m (15ft) in width/diameter, and no more than 3m (10ft) in height, where the flame is not wholly contained and/or there is no spark arrester in place and includes campfires, but does not include fire pits, outdoor fireplaces, burn barrels or barbecues; 1.16. Outdoor fireplace means a manufactured, non-combustible, enclosed container designed to hold a small fire for decorative purposes and the size of which does not exceed 76cm (30in) in any direction and includes, but is not limited to a chiminea; 1.17. Permit means a burning permit issued under this by-law which grants a privilege to set an open- ai r fire (including a campfire) or usea burn barrel, fire pit, or an outdoor fireplace; 1.18. Permit Holder means the person to whom a burning permit is issued; 1.19. Set means to light a fire, including an open- air fire, and "setting" has the corresponding meaning; 1.20. Total Fire Ban means a ban put in place by the Fire Chief or designate which shall prohibit the setting or maintaining of any type of fire, including open air fires, burn barrels, wood burning barbeques, fire pits, and outdoor fireplaces; 1.21. Urban Area means the area set out in the current Clarence- Rockland Zoning By-Law. 1.22. Waterbody means a natural bay, lake, watercourse, or canal otherthan a drainage or irrigation channel; 1.23. Woodlands means land as specified in accordance with the Forestry Act, R.S.O. 1990 C.F.26. General interpretation2.1. No person shall set or maintain a fire of any kind, including an open-air fire, a burn barrel, a fire pit, or an outdoor fireplace, without having obtained a permit issued by the Fire Chief or their designate. 2.2. The Fire Chief or their designate is hereby responsible and authorized to: a) issue permits as provided in this by-law; b) sign all permits on behalf of the City; c) limit the time for which a permit is issued for open air fires to a maximum of one calendar year; d) undertake any investigation or inspection for the purpose of administering this by-law; and e) advise the applicant of any additional precaution(s) to be taken in order to keep the fire under control at all times. 2.3. The permit referred to in this by-law is to grant, to an applicant, the permission to set a fire as outlined in the permit. 2.4. The Fire Chief or their designate shall evaluate an application for a permit under this By-law and may require that the applicant provide a bond or other security sufficient to cover the cost of extinguishing such fire. 2.5. The Fire Chief or the Municipal Law Enforcement Officer may: a) demand that a permit issued under this bylaw be produced for inspection from any permit holder; b) inspect any premises for which a permit has been applied for, or issued under this bylaw; or c) enter, at all reasonable times, upon any property in order to ascertain whether the provisions of this by-law are obeyed and to enforce or carry into effect this by-law. General requirements3.1. A burn barrel shall: a) be in good condition; and b) be equipped with, and may only be used with a spark arresting heavy metal screen which completely covers the top of the barrel (the burning area); and;
c) sit on and be ringed by a non-combustible material, separated from grass and any other vegetation or combustible material by a distanceof at least 50cm (18 in) by means of clean earth, sand, gravel or other non- combustible medium; and d) be a minimum of 5m (15 ft) from any property line, building, deck, porch, tree, shrub, etc. (including the 5m (15 ft) diameter in the airspace above the burn barrel). For further clarity, should a burn barrel be used without the screen mesh, it would be considered an open-air fire and would need to comply with permits and other requirements for such a fire. 3.2. A campfire shall: a) be contained within an area established for such purpose; and b) be set on and be ringed by a non-combustible material, separated from grass and any other vegetation or combustible material by a distance of at least 50cm (18 in) by means of clean earth, sand, gravel or other non- combustible medium; and c) be at a minimum of 5m (15 ft) from any property line, building, deck, porch, tree, shrub, etc. (including the 5m (15 ft) diameter in the airspace above the campfire). 3.3. A fire pit shall: a) be equipped and used with a spark arresting heavy metal screen which completely covers the burning area and all burning/burnt material with openings no bigger than 1.3cm (0.5 in) designed to stop sparks and embers from leaving the burn area; and b) be resting on/in and ringed by a non-combustible material, separatedfrom grass and any other vegetation or combustible material by a distance of at least 50cm (18 in) by means of clean earth, sand, gravel or other non-combustible medium; and c) be at a minimum of 3m (10ft) from any property line, building, deck, porch, tree, shrub, etc. (including the 3m (10ft) diameter in the airspace above the fire pit). 3.4. An open-air fire (excluding a campfire) shall be a minimum of 10m (30ft) from any property line, building, deck, tree, shrub, etc. (including the airspace above the open-air fire that equals the size of the burn pile. 3.5. An outdoor fireplace shall: a) be equipped and used with a spark arresting heavy metal screen which completely covers the burning area and all burning/burnt material with openings no bigger than 1.3cm (0.5 in) designed to stop sparks and embers from leaving the burn area; and b) be set on and ringed by a non-combustible material, separated from grass and any other vegetation or combustible material by a distanceof at least 50cm (18 in) by means of clean earth, sand, gravel or other non- combustible medium; and c) be at a minimum of 3m (10ft) from any property line, building, deck, porch, tree, shrub, etc. (including the 3m (10ft) diameter in the airspace above the outdoor fireplace). General prohibitions4.1 No person shall set or maintain a fire, including an open-air fire, between dusk and dawn except for a burn barrel, barbeque, campfire, fire pit andan outdoor fireplace. 4.2 No person shall set or maintain a fire, including an open-air fire for the purpose of burning compost or toxic material. 4.3 No person shall set or maintain a fire of any kind unless it is competently supervised at all times. 4.4 No person shall place into a fire, or otherwise allow the burning of compost, plastic, rubber, or other toxic materials. 4.5 No person shall set or maintain a fire, including an open-air fire for the purpose of burning leaves, grass, hay, or any other debris from land clearing activities. 4.6 No person shall set or maintain a fire in the open air so as to cause nuisance smoke to neighboring properties or highways. 4.7 No person shall set or maintain an open- a i r fire which includes a campfire when a fire ban on open air fires has been issued by the Fire Chief. 4.8 No person shall set or maintain a fire of any kind, including wood burning barbeques, burn barrels, fire pits, outdoor fireplaces, or any other type of open- air fire when a total fire ban has been issued by the Fire Chief. Restricted areas5.1 No person shall set or maintain an open- air fire which includes a campfire or set a fire in a burn barrel within the limits of an urban area, except for a propane or natural gas outdoor fireplace approved and bearing the Canadian Safety Association or Underwriters Laboratories of Canada marking, or a fire for which a special permit is issued under this by- law; a) Section 5 .1 . shall not apply to properties or lots abutting a waterbody. 5.2 No person shall: a) set or maintain a fire in a fire pit or outdoor fireplace within 30m(100ft) from woodlands; or b) set or maintain a fire in a burn barrel, an open- air fire, or any otherfire within 100m (300ft) from woodlands. If the ground is completely snow covered, the distances referred to in this sections 5.2 a) and 5.3 b) shall be reduced to 15m (50ft) from woodlands. Exemption – permit not required6.1 No permit shall be required for the following: a) the use of a barbecue as defined, for the sole purpose of cooking food, provided the barbeque is supervised at all times while lit and is placed a minimum of 1m (3ft) from any structure (excluding a deck or porch); b) the use of an outdoor propane or natural gas fireplace, approved and bearing the Canadian Safety Association or Underwriters Laboratories of Canada marking and be located a minimum of 1m (3ft) from any property line, building, deck, porch, tree, shrub, etc.; c) for training and educational purposes conducted by the City's fire department; and d) for fires related to City municipal operations. Obstruction7.1 No person shall obstruct, hinder, or interfere with the Fire Chief or a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer in the lawful performance of their duties. 7.2 No permit holder shall: a) fail or refuse to produce the permit upon demand; or b) use the permit to set and/or maintain a type of open-air fire other than the type allowed by the type of permit in their possession.
7.3 If any person or permit holder contravenes any provisions of this by-law, the Fire Department may enter upon any land to extinguish the fire. The City may recover expenses for extinguishing such fire in conformance with the current municipal User Fee bylaw, as amended. Applications8.1. No person shall be deemed to have been issued a permit until the FireChief has issued the permit. 8.2. Every permit issued under this by-law shall remain the property of theCity and such permit is not transferable to any other person or property. 8.3. No person shall give false or incorrect information for the purpose ofobtaining a permit. 8.4. The onus of procuring a permit shall be that of the person requiring apermit.
9.1. A fire permit shall be issued when the Fire Chief is satisfied of thefollowing: a) That the fire will be controlled by the permit holder at all times; b) That the proposed fire complies with the requirements set out in this by-law; c) That firefighting equipment to control fire, such as a rake, shovel orwater is immediately available on site; d) That the burning material will not cause excessive smoke or fumes;and e) That the applicant has duly paid the permit fee as prescribed in thecurrent City of Clarence-Rockland's User Fee By-law. 9.2 A special occasion permit may be issued for proposed fires that may deviate from the requirements of this by-law, for a specific date or a determined period, if the Fire Chief is satisfied of the following: a) That the applicant possesses a valid Fire Permit; b) That an inspection of the proposed location and circumstance of the fire reveals that the proposed fire will not cause any undue fire hazard; c) That appropriate restrictions have been imposed as a condition to the permit, including but not limited to, time of day, size of fire area, requirements for fire control, as may be warranted in order to reduce any potential fire risk; d) That the applicant who has applied for more than three (3) special permits in the current calendar year, has duly paid a special inspection fee as prescribed in the current City of Clarence-Rockland's User Fee By-law. 9.3 A permanent fire permit for a fire pit or outdoor fireplace may be issued if the Fire Chief is satisfied of the following: a) That the applicant has duly paid a special inspection fee as prescribedin the current City of Clarence-Rockland's User Fee By-law; b) That the inspection of the property provides that all requirements under this by-law are met and will continue to be met for the duration of the permit. 9.4. A permanent fire permit, as issued, shall remain with the permit holderand shall not be transferable to a new owner or tenant of the affected property. 9.5. Every permit holder shall contact the Open-Air Fire phone line as indicated on their permit or register their intention on setting an open-air fire by logging in their account. before setting an open air, fire and must follow the instructions provided. 9.6 Every permit holder shall consent to having their contact phone numbers entered into a mass notification system maintained by the City for the purpose of advising permit holders of fire bans, and/or total fire bans. It shall remain the responsibility of the permit holder to be aware at all times as to whether a fire ban is in place prior to setting a fire of any kind. 9.7 The applicant shall indemnify and save harmless the City of Clarence- Rockland from any and all claims, demands, causes of action, losses, costs, or damages that the City of Clarence- Rockland may suffer, incur orbe liable for resulting from a fire, including open air fires as set out in the by-law whether with or without negligence on the part of the applicant, the applicant's employees, directors, contractors, and agents. Suspension/revocation10.1 The Fire Chief may, by notice, suspend any burning at any given time due to adverse weather condition that may increase fire hazards. 10.2 The Municipal Law Enforcement Officer or the Fire Chief or their designate may revoke or suspend any or each of the permits issued to any person for cause and without limiting the generality of the foregoing for: a) a breach of the law; or b) any violation of the provisions of this by-law. 10.3. The provisions of Section 36 may be exercised in addition to anyprosecution or other legal action. Enforcement11.1. The provisions of this By-law shall be enforced by the Fire Chief, or other individual duly appointed for the purpose of enforcing this By-law. 11.2. The Fire Chief may carry out an inspection to determine if the provisions of this Bylaw are being complied and shall have the right to enter lands pursuant to the Municipal Act, 2001.
12.1. Any person who contravenes any provision of this By-law shall be liable to pay the City an Administrative Monetary Penalty, upon issuance of a penalty notice in accordance with the City of Clarence-Rockland Administrative Monetary Penalties System (AMPS) By-law, as may be amended from time to time. 12.2. Any person who contravenes any provisions of this by-law is guilty of an offence and upon conviction shall forfeit and pay a penalty as provided for in the Provincial Offences Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter P.33 and amendments thereto; 12.3. Each day that a person contravenes with the provisions of this By- law, may constitute a separate offence. Severability13.1. If any provision or part of this By-law is declared by any court or tribunal of competent jurisdiction to be illegal, inoperative, or ultra vires, in whole or in part, or inoperative in particular circumstances, the balance of the By-law, or its application in other circumstances, shall not be affected and shall continue to be in full force and effect. Order Prohibiting15.1. When a person has been convicted of an offence under the provisions of this By-law, any court of competent jurisdiction thereafter may, in addition to any other penalty imposed on the person convicted, issue an order prohibiting the continuation or repetition of the offence or the doing of any act by person convicted directed towards the continuation or repetition of the offence. Short Title16.1. This By-law may be referred to as the “Open Air Burning By- law”. Amendment to AMPS By-law No. 2022-3317.1. That By-Law No. 2022-33 be amended in order to add Schedule A-5, being the Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS) Penalty Schedule for Open Air Fires By-Law. Repeal18.1. That By-law No. 2017-92 is hereby repealed on the date this By- law comes in force and effect. Effective date19.1. This By-law shall take effect on July 5, 2022. Read, passed, and adopted in open council this 20th day of June 2022. Mario Zanth, Mayor Monique Ouellet, Clerk
Parks - 2010 - 36 |
Whereas pursuant to the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, as amended council of a local municipality may pass a By-law to regulate and control all public parks and park buildings in the City of Clarence-Rockland and to protect these lands on behalf of the public interest; And whereas the Municipal Act 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, provides the City of Clarence-Rockland with broad authority to pass by-laws within various “spheres of jurisdiction”, including a by-law with regard to the health, safety and well-being of persons in public parks and park buildings in the city; And whereas this by-law applies to all parks and park buildings owned by or under the control and management of the city. And whereas the council of the City of Clarence-Rockland deems it expedient to regulate the use of parks and park facilities within the limits of the city. Now therefore the council of the City of Clarence-Rockland enacts as follows: Definitions:1. in this by-law: “Alcoholic Beverage” means spirits, liquor, beer, wine or any combination thereof and includes any alcohol in a form appropriate for human consumption as a beverage alone or in combination with any other substance; “Animal” means any member of the animal kingdom, other than a human, and includes birds; “Barbecue” means a portable or fixed device designed and intended solely for the cooking of food in the open air, but does not include outdoor fireplaces and campfires; “Boat” includes a canoe, rowboat, punt, sailboat, outboard and inboard motor boat, and personal water craft; “Camp” means to erect a structure, hut or tent for the purpose of providing shelter; “City” means the municipal corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland or the geographic area of the City of Clarence-Rockland as the context requires; “Director” means the director of parks and recreation of the City of Clarence-Rockland or authorized designates, unless otherwise specified; “Facility” means any area, pool, building or structure in a park under the jurisdiction of the community services and recreation department of the City of Clarence-Rockland; “Motorized Vehicle” means an automobile, truck, motorcycle or any other vehicle propelled or driven by means other than muscular power but does not include a wheelchair or motorized vehicles operating pursuant to the approval of the director; “Municipal Law Enforcement Officer” means a peace officer for the purpose of enforcing municipal by-law, as set out in the Police Services Act. “Organized Team sport” means a team sport which operates under the auspices of a league, club or association and has a registration process with designated player rosters; “Park” means a playground, playing field, ball diamond, sports field, boat launch, recreation centre, community building, facility, square, garden, water, pedestrian walkway or any other area owned, leased or used by the city and devoted to active or passive recreation and includes any lane or walkway or public parking area leading thereto; “Person” means any individual, association, firm, partnership, corporation, agent or trustee and the heirs, executors, or other legal representatives of a person to whom the context can apply according to law; “Service Animal” means an animal trained by a recognized school for service as a guide dog for the blind or visually-impaired, a guide dog for the deaf or hearing-impaired, or a special skills dog for other disabled persons and includes an animal used in therapy, registered with a recognized organization for that purpose; “Sports Field” means an area in a park set aside for use in sports, such as football, soccer, rugby and cricket, requiring an open field space; “Waste” means paper, bottles, broken glass, cans, rags, garbage, rubbish, debris or refuse of any kind. “Wheelchair” means a chair mounted on wheels, which is propelled by muscular power or any other type of power and is used for the carriage of a person who has a disability. Interpretation2. (1) In this by-law, a word interpreted in the singular number has a corresponding meaning when used in the plural. (2) It is declared that if any section, subsection or part or parts thereof be declared by any court of law to be bad, illegal or ultra vires, such section, subsection or part or parts shall be deemed to be severable and all parts hereof are declared to be separate and independent and enacted as such. Hours of Operation3. (1) No person shall: (a) Remain or enter into any park between the hours of 10:00 o’clock in the afternoon (p.m.) and 5:00 o’clock in the forenoon (a.m.) except as a participant or spectator of a function approved by the director; (b) Remain in the park upon completion of an activity as a participant or spectator no more than (1) on hour after the end of any function; (c) Enter any place in a park where a sign prohibiting admittance or trespassing is displayed or where admission is otherwise prohibited or restricted. (2) Despite subsection (1), where the hours of operation in a park are posted and differ from those in subsection (1), no person shall remain or enter into the park outside of the posted hours provided that the posted hours are no later than 11:00 o’clock in the afternoon (p.m.) or earlier than 5:00 o’clock in the forenoon (a.m.). (3) where the posted hours are later than 11:00 o’clock in the afternoon (p.m.) or earlier than 5:00 o’clock in the forenoon (a.m.), clauses (a) and (b) of subsection (1) shall apply. Animals4. (1) No person being the owner or having care and custody of an animal shall permit such animal to be in a park without having physical control of such animal by means of a leash not exceeding eight (8) feet. (2) Subsection (1) shall not apply to a person with a service animal. (3) Despite subsection (1) and subject to other applicable municipal by-laws, the director may permit animals to be brought into a park for specific events, if the applicant files with the director request for a specific event indicating the time, date, place and purpose together with any additional information requested by the director. (4) No person being the owner or having care and custody of an animal shall fail to pick up the animal excrements. Sports and Activities5. (1) No person shall participate in or play baseball, softball, basketball, volleyball, football, soccer, rugby, tennis, croquet, cricket, badminton, ultimate frisbee, disk golf, skateboarding or any other sport or activity in a park except in an area designated by the director for such respective purpose and in accordance with subsection (2). (2) No person shall use a ball diamond or a use a sports field on any day between the 30th day of November and the 30th day of April of any year, except as provided for in subsection (6). (3) Despite subsection (2), the director may, at his or her discretion, amend the dates on which a ball diamond and sports field may be used, on the basis of the ground conditions of the ball diamond or sports field. (4) Despite subsection (2), the director may, at his or her discretion, restrict or permit access, at any time and to any one ball diamond or sports field, on the basis of the ground conditions of the ball diamond or sports field. (4.1) Subject to subsections (3) and (4), no person shall use or access a ball diamond or sports field to which access has been restricted by the director. (5) No person shall engage in any horse race or ride a horse in a park in an area not designated for that purpose by the director. (6) No person shall access or engage in casual winter sports during the winter months unless, a. the ground is snow covered, b. the site is not altered, and c. there is no damage to the field. (7) No person shall play golf, drive a golf ball or use golf clubs or other like equipment or drive a golf cart in a park except in an area designated by the director for that purpose. (8) No person shall use a tennis court located in a park unless such person is a participant or a spectator. (9) No person shall possess any bows or arrows or discharge arrows in or into a park except in an area designated by the director as an archery range. (10) No person shall operate a motor driven model airplane, helicopter or rocket except in an area designated by the director for that purpose. (11) No person shall use a barbecue in a park except in areas designated by the director for that purpose. (12) No person shall engage in any sport or activity that may endanger any park user. (13) No person shall restrict the use of any portion of the park without the written approval of the director. Cycling, Skateboarding, Rollerblading, Motorized Vehicles6. (1) The director may designate a park or part thereof as a place in which the riding of bicycles is prohibited and shall provide signage to indicate the park or part thereof to which the designation applies. (2) No person shall ride a bicycle or participate in skateboarding or rollerblading in a park, or part thereof, designated by the director as prohibiting cycling, skateboarding or rollerblading. (3) No person shall drive a motorized vehicle in a park, except in areas and during hours designated by the director for that purpose. (4) No person shall drive, park or stop a motorized snow vehicle or an all terrain vehicle in a park except in areas and during the hours designated by the director for that purpose. (5) No person shall drive a motorized vehicle in a park in such as fashion as to create a hazard condition or cause damage to its infrastructure Permits7. (1) No person shall, in a park and without a permit issued by the director: a. sell, or offer, expose or advertise for sale any: i. food or drink, ii. newspaper, magazine or publication, iii.goods, wares or merchandise,, skill or service; b. Practice, carry on, conduct or solicit for any trade, calling, business or occupation; c. Distribute any flyers or circulars, or post any bills, notices or advertising devices, including signs, of any kind; d. Convene, conduct or participate in any parade or procession; e. Convene, conduct or hold a public meeting, or deliver a speech as a member of or to members of any group or to members of the general public; f. Have in his/her possession any alcoholic beverage; g. Ignite, discharge or set off any fireworks or firecrackers; h. Light any open air fire in any park, except in places, specifically provided by the city; i. Camp in any park, or construct any tent or other structure; j. Use a public address system or other device or equipment for amplifying sounds in a park; k. Play any music whether individually or in a band, or l. Allow a hot air balloon to land or take off from a park, except in emergency situations only. (2) No person without a permit shall refuse to vacate a park, or portion of a park, in the event that a holder of a permit for that park, or portion of the park, wishes to access the area in accordance with the terms and conditions of his or her permit. (3) No permit holder shall undertake to use a park or its facilities unless the permit holder: a. Maintains, at his or her own expense, liability insurance coverage related to the holding of the event and subject to limits of not less than two million dollars ($2,000,000.00), inclusive per occurrence, for bodily injury, death and damage to property, and such insurance shall be in the name of the permit holder or the sponsoring organizer of the event and, where applicable, shall name the City of Clarence-Rockland as an additional insured; b. Is eighteen (18) years of age or older; c. Does not charge admission or sell refreshments except as authorized by the director; d. Follows the incident reporting procedures outlined in the permit in the event of an incident, including the contacting of on-site city staff, police , paramedic or fire services, as appropriate; and e. Complies with any other conditions of the permit issued by the director pursuant to subsection (6). (4) A permit issued by the director is valid on the date or dates shown on the permit. (5) No holder of a permit issued by the director shall access or use a park unless the permit holder: a. Accesses or uses the area of the park designated by the director for the permitted use; b. Produces his or her permit upon being so directed by the director or a municipal law enforcement officer; c. Immediately vacates the park upon being so ordered by the director or a municipal law enforcement officer; and d. Complies with the conditions of the permit, including any additional conditions imposed by the director pursuant to subsection (6). (6) The director may attach such additional conditions to a permit as deemed necessary to ensure public safety, protect city property or maintain the enjoyment of the park for the public. (7) A permit for park use issued by the director is not transferable. (8) The permit holder shall comply at all times with all other applicable municipal by-laws and provincial and federal laws. Encroachment8. No person, being the owner or tenant of land adjacent to a park property, shall allow, cause or permit the following on park property: a. planting of any hedge, tree, shrub or garden, b. construction of any fence, storage shed, retaining wall or other structure of any kind, c. keeping of any composting receptacle or pile, or placing of any string, wire, chain, rope or similar material. Asset Protection9. (1) No person shall, in a park, cut, climb, break, injure, deface, disturb or remove any property including: a. a tree, shrub, bush, flower, plant, grass, wood, soil, sand, rock or gravel, b. building, cage, pen, or monument. (2) No person shall, in a park, mark or write upon, damage or otherwise injure any property of the city including: a. any part of the interior or exterior of a building, b. any monument, fence, bench or other structure. (3) No person shall throw a stone or other object that may cause injury or damage to any person or to property. (4) No person shall, in a park: a. disturb, injure, wound, hunt, trap, attempt to kill or kill any animal, b. touch, interfere with, remove or injure any bird’s nest, the eggs or the young birds contained therein, or c. provide, cause to be provided, deposit or leave any food that may be used by wildlife in a park. (5) No person shall, in a park: a. Leave or deposit any waste, except in a receptacle provided for that purpose, b. Deposit or leave any paint, grease, oil, offal or any dangerous matter that has an odour or appearance found to be offensive by users of the park, c. Scatter any paper, cardboard, or any other material; or undertake any maintenance activities or alter existing grounds or facilities unless authorized to do so by the director. (6) No person shall discharge, dump or leave any construction material, earth, dirt, rock, snow, stone or any other materials in a park, or in any ravine, slope, or other land access way to a park, except with the written consent of the director. (7) No person shall use a park or any part thereof for the purpose of: a. Washing, cleaning, polishing, servicing, maintaining or, with the exception of any emergency, repairing any motorized vehicle, or b. Instructing, teaching or coaching any person in the driving or operation of a motorized vehicle. (8) No person shall transport across, launch, beach or dock a boat in any park except on a portion of land specified for such purposes and with proper authorization by the director. Skating10. No person using a skating rink in a park shall: a. race or speed so as to endanger or interfere with any other person using the rink, b. carry a cane, stick or any other object that is, or is likely to be, dangerous to other persons on a rink, except such equipment as may be required for any sport or activity approved by the director; c. use the rink during the preparation period; or d. fail to obey the instructions of a person employed by the City of Clarence-Rockland or any other person appointed by the director to oversee the operation and use of skating rinks. Swimming11. No person shall swim, bathe, wade in or enter the waters off a boat launch pad. General12. (1) No person shall engage in loud, boisterous, threatening, abusive, insulting or indecent language, or engage in any disorderly conduct or behavior in a park. (2) No person shall engage in any activity so as to interfere with or become a nuisance to the general public using the park. (3) No person shall discharge any firearm in a park. (4) No person shall smoke within nine metres (9m) of the entrance or exit of a facility or any other building that is owned or leased by the city. (5) For the purposes of subsection (1), “smoke” includes the carrying of a lighted cigar, cigarette, pipe or any other lighted smoking equipment and “facility” includes only a building or structure. (6) No person shall engage in any casual or unscheduled games that may interfere with regular or scheduled authorized activities by the director. (7) No person shall use any park in such a manner as to endanger, interfere, or jostle other persons using such park or facility with the exception of when such interference is permitted during organized events Restriction of Use13. (1) The director may, at any time and at his or her discretion, temporarily or permanently close to the public a park, a portion of a park or a building in a park due to inclement weather or other circumstances deemed appropriate by the director. (2) Where the director has temporarily or permanently closed to the public a park, a portion of a park or a building in a park pursuant to subsection (1), no person shall remain in or enter the closed area. Indemnification14. The applicant for a permit to access any park shall indemnify and save harmless the City of Clarence-Rockland from any and all claims, demands, causes of action, losses, costs or damages that the City of Clarence-Rockland may suffer, incur or be liable for resulting from the use of the park whether with or without negligence on the part of the applicant, the applicant’s employees, directors, contractors and agents. Revocation15. Permits issued to a permit holder under this by-law may be revoked by the director if, in the opinion of the director, the permit holder fails to comply with the requirements of the permit or any other provisions of this by-law. Exemptions16. (1) The provisions of this by-law shall not apply to the City of Clarence-Rockland or its agents, employees or contractors during the course of performing their duties in relation to park construction, maintenance enforcement or other necessary activities. (2) The provisions of this by-law shall not apply to the any bona fide emergency service providers. Enforcement17. (1) This by-law shall be enforced by the municipal law enforcement officers of the city. (2) No person shall obstruct, hinder or interfere with the municipal law enforcement officer in the lawful performance of his duties. Offences and Penalties18. (1) Every person who contravenes any of the provisions of this by-law is guilty of an offence. (2) Every person who is convicted of an offence under this by-law is liable to a fine as provided for in the Provincial Offences Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter p.33. (3) Where a person has been convicted of an offence under this by-law: a. the Ontario Court of Justice, or b.any court of competent jurisdiction thereafter may, in addition to any other penalty imposed on the person convicted, issue an order prohibiting the continuation or repetition of the offence or the doing of any act or thing by the person convicted directed towards the continuation or repetition of the offence. 19. Every person who acts in contravention of this by-law so as to cause the city to incur costs due to his or her actions shall, in addition to any penalty provided for herein, be liable to the city for all expenses incurred for the purpose of repairing or replacing damaged property or removing unauthorized materials, and such expenses may be recovered by court action or in a like manner as municipal taxes. By-law Repealed20. By-law number 2000-65 of the City of Clarence-Rockland “being a by-law to regulate the use of parks” is hereby repealed. Effective Date21. This by-law shall come into force on June 1st, 2010. Read, done and passed in open council, this 12th day of April 2010. Richard Lalonde, Mayor Monique Ouellet, Clerk
Parks and Recreation Area 2022 - 68 |
A by-law relating to the use, protection and regulation of public parks and recreation in the City of Clarence-Rockland and to amend by-law 2022-33, being a by-law to establish an Administrative Monetary Penalty System 1. DefinitionsIn this by-law: 2. By-law application and administration2.1. By-law applicability 3. General prohibited activities3.1. Activities - prohibited 4. Activities - subject to approvalUnless authorized by the Director, Operations, no person shall engage in any of the following activities in a park or recreation area: 5. Special prohibitions5.1. Special prohibitions – applicability 6. Enforcement6.1. Recreation Area Permit Holders 7. Offence and penalties7.1. Any person who contravenes any provision of this By-law shall be liable to pay the City an Administrative Monetary Penalty, upon issuance of a penalty notice in accordance with the City of Clarence-Rockland Administrative Monetary Penalties System (AMPS) By-law, as may be amended from time to time. 8. Severability8.1. If any provision or part of this By-law is declared by any court or tribunal of competent jurisdiction to be illegal, inoperative, or ultra vires, in whole or in part, or inoperative in particular circumstances, the balance of the By-law, or its application in other circumstances, shall not be affected and shall continue to be in full force and effect. 9. Order Prohibiting9.1. When a person has been convicted of an offence under the provisions of this By-law, any court of competent jurisdiction thereafter may, in addition to any other penalty imposed on the person convicted, issue an order prohibiting the continuation or repetition of the offence or the doing of any act by person convicted directed towards the continuation or repetition of the offence. 10. Short title10.1. This by-law may be referred to “Parks and Recreation Area By-Law”. 11. Amended11.1. That By-Law No. 2022-33 be amended in order to add Schedule A-7, being the Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS) Penalty Schedule for Parks and Recreation Area By-Law. 12. Repeal12.1. That By-law 2010-36 is hereby repealed on the date this By-law comes in force and effect. 13. Effective date13.1. This By-law shall come into force and effect on July 18th, 2022. Mario Zanth, Mayor Monique Ouellet, Clerk |
Parkland 2018-61 |
Being a by-law to provide for the conveyance of land for park or other recreational purposes, or cash-in-lieu of parkland conveyance Whereas section 42, 51.1 and 53 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P13, as amended, authorize local municipalities to pass by-laws requiring that land or cash-in-lieu thereof be conveyed to the local municipality as a condition of development or redevelopment of land, the subdivision of land, or the granting of provisional consent over land; And whereas the Council of the Corporation of the City of Clarence Rockland has adopted policies within its Official Plan pertaining to the conveyance of land or cash-in-lieu thereof to the City as a condition of development or redevelopment of land, the subdivision of land, or the granting of provisional consent over land under the Planning Act; And whereas the Council of the Corporation of the City of Clarence Rockland deems it necessary and expedient to enact a by-law to provide for the provision of lands for park or other public recreational purposes and the use of alternative requirements therefore; Now therefore the Council of the Corporation of the City of Clarence Rockland enacts as follows: 1. Title, Scope and Intent1.1 This By-law shall be known and cited as the "Parkland Dedication By-law" of the City of Clarence-Rockland. 1.2 This By-law shall apply to all lands within the geographic boundary of the City of Clarence-Rockland. 1.3 The intent of this By-law is to enable the City of Clarence-Rockland to provide land for public parks or other public recreation purposes. The City is permitted to require the conveyance of parkland or cash in-lieu of parkland as a condition of development or redevelopment, subdivision of land, or the granting of provisional consent as regulated under the Planning Act. Land conveyed to the City under this By-law shall be used for Parkland or other public recreational purposes, subject to the policies of the Official Plan and this By-law and provincial laws. Definitions1.4 For the purposes of interpretation of this By-law, the following definitions shall apply: (a) "Affordable Housing" means:
(b) "Cash-in-Lieu" means a payment of money for park or other public recreational purposes which is collected in lieu of a conveyance of land which would otherwise be required to be conveyed pursuant to the parkland provisions of the Planning Act. (c) "City" means the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland, as represented by the Director of Infrastructure and Planning. (d) "City User Fees By-law" means the City of Clarence-Rockland User Fees By-law. (e) "Convey /Conveyed" means to deed or transfer land for park or other public recreational purposes. (f) "Development" means:
and includes redevelopment. (g) "Director of Infrastructure and Planning" means the Director of the Infrastructure and Planning Department of the City of Clarence-Rockland or his authorized agent. (h) "Director of Community Services" means the Director of the Community Services Department of the City of Clarence Rockland or his authorized agent. (i) "Dwelling Unit" means a place of residence with one or more habitable rooms containing separate kitchen and bathroom facilities for private use as a single housekeeping unit. (j) "Gross Floor Area" means the aggregate area of a building contained within the exterior walls, but does not include attic or basement space unless otherwise specified. Where attic space is located adjacent to floor area as described above and exceeds a headroom clearance of 1.8 metres at any given point, the entire attic space shall be included as floor area. (k) "Gross Land Area" means the land area of the entire development site, including the parcel of land which is to be dedicated for park purposes, including any easements, driveways, parking areas, and stormwater management facilities etc., but excluding public and private roads, road rights-of-way, hazard lands, and areas that have been dedicated to the local municipality or other public agency for conservation or environmental protection. (amended by 2022-115) (I) "Market Appraisal" means a written opinion of fair market value of one or more parcels of land supported by presentation and analysis of relevant data by a certified accredited appraiser. (m) "Market Value" means the monetary price a property would be expected to bring in a competitive and open market, as of the specified date, under all conditions requisite to a fair sale, the buyer and seller each acting prudently, knowledgeably and assuming price is not affected by undue stimulus. (n) "Mixed Use" means the physical integration of residential and commercial, industrial or others uses within a building or structure or separate buildings or structures on the lands proposed for Development. (o) "Not-for-Profit Organization" means a corporation registered as a charity and regulated under the Not-for-Profit Corporations Act, 2010 or regulated by one or more provincial and/or federal act(s). (p) "Official Plan" means the Official Plan of the Urban Area of the City of Clarence Rockland in effect at the time, the Bourget Official Plan in effect at the time, and the Official Plan of the United Counties of Prescott and Russell in effect at the time. (q) "Parkland" means developable lands that are suitable for the development of a recreational area, playground, playing fields or similar use and may also include community recreational and leisure facilities, accessory buildings or structures such as a maintenance building, washroom or canteen. (r) "Planning Act" means the Planning Act, R. S. 0. 1990 as amended or replaced. (s) "Second Unit" means:
(t) "Subsidized Housing" means rental dwelling units where rent is based on rentgeared- to-income (RGI) and does not exceed 30 per cent of gross annual household income up to a defined minimum. Interpretation1.5 Unless otherwise defined, the words and phrases used in this By-law have their normal and ordinary meaning. 1.6 This By-law is gender neutral and, accordingly, any reference to one gender includes the other. 1.7 Words in the singular include the plural and words in the plural include the singular. 1.8 Headings and the table of contents are inserted for convenience of reference purposes only, form no part of this by-law and shall not affect in any way the meaning or interpretation of the provisions of this by-law. 2. Parkland dedication2.1 As a condition Development, the City shall require the conveyance of land for park or other public recreational purpose at the rates defined herein. Commercial and Industrial uses2.2 Where land is developed for commercial or industrial use, the City shall require the conveyance of land for park or other public recreational purpose at a rate of 2% of the gross land area being developed, redeveloped or subdivided. Residential uses and other uses2.3 Where land is developed for residential use, the City shall require the conveyance of land for park or other public recreational purpose at a rate of 5% of the gross land area being developed, redeveloped or subdivided. 2.4 Where land is developed for residential use and where the density is greater than 35 units per hectare, the City may require that the rate used to determine the parkland conveyance be one (1) hectare for each 300 dwelling units proposed, but for mid-high rise apartments, as defined by the City's Zoning by-law, this parkland conveyance will not exceed a maximum of 10% of the land area of the site being developed. Mixed Uses2.5 When land is developed for Mixed Uses, the land to be conveyed shall be as follows: (a) For Mixed uses on a site, the land to be Conveyed shall be the sum of the requirements proportionate to the site area allocated to each use at the rates set out in sections 4.2, 4.3, and 4.4. (b) For Mixed Uses within a building, the land to be conveyed shall be the sum of the requirements proportionate to the gross floor area allocated to each use at the rates set out in sections 4.2, 4.3, and 4.4. Single lot created by consent2.6 Where land is severed for commercial or industrial use, the City shall require the conveyance of land for park or other public recreational purpose at a rate of 2% of the gross land area being severed. 2.7 Where land is severed for residential use, the City shall require the conveyance of land for park or other public recreational purpose at a rate of 5% of the gross land area being severed. City's determination2.8 The parkland conveyance requirements will be determined at the time of development review and the amount of land will be identified as a condition of approval. 2.9 The location and configuration of land required to be conveyed shall be determined by and at the discretion of the City. All conveyances shall be free of any and all encumbrances. 3. Lands Suitable for Parkland Conveyance3.1 The City may accept land for passive and active Parkland and other public recreational purposes. These lands conveyed to the City shall be in a location and physical condition satisfactory to the Director of Infrastructure and Planning and to the Director of Community Services. Any land parcel configuration, size or location that is constrained or deemed undesirable, as determined by the Director of Infrastructure and Planning or by the Director of Community Services, shall not be acceptable as Parkland Conveyance. Factors that will be considered in determining suitability for conveyance include, but are not limited to the following: (a) Open frontage on a public road which provides visibility and accessibility; (b) Adequate size and configuration to accommodate park amenities such as sports fields, playgrounds, and programmable open space as required; (c) Physical state, including lot grading and drainage, to accommodate park amenities such as sports fields, playgrounds, and programmable open space as required; (d) Abutting complementary land uses; (e) Consistent with the Official Plan policies for the area and for parks and leisure areas; (f) Connectivity to the existing trail system, where possible; (g) Pedestrian and cyclist access, including direct access to existing or planned Parkland; (h) Opportunities to co-locate with schools; (i) Public access to the Ottawa River; (j) Equitable distribution within the community; and (k) Connectivity to existing and planned parks and open spaces. 4. Lands Not Suitable for Parkland Conveyance4.1 Land that is considered not suitable for park or other public recreational purpose will not be counted towards the amount of land required to be conveyed in order to fulfill the requirements in Section 4 of this By-law. Such land may include, but is not limited to: (a) Hazardous or flood prone areas; (b) Steep or unstable slopes; (c) Any land having unsuitable or unstable soil conditions for intended recreation facilities; (d) Utility rights-of-way or easements; (e) Any land containing an easement, encumbrance or right-of-use that limits or restricts the City's use of the land; (f) Any land subject to a no-touch/no-development setback; (g) Stormwater management facilities; (h) Provincial or locally significant wetlands or woodlands; (i) Required setbacks and buffer lands from natural features such as wetlands and watercourses; (j) Roadways or walkways being conveyed for non-parkland purposes; (k) Lands that are deemed to be contaminated; and (I) Lands determined to be unsuitable as Parkland by the Director of Infrastructure and Planning or by the Director of Community Services. 4.2 Any land that has been or is to be conveyed to the City for stormwater management facilities, for flood plain or conservation purposes, for roadways, walkways or any other non-parkland purpose, will not be credited against the required parkland conveyance or cash-in-lieu thereof. 4.3 Where conveyance of land for park purposes is not feasible within the site being developed, the City may consider the conveyance of land outside of the site being developed if the City is satisfied that the land provides a benefit to the residents of the land being developed. 5. Cash-In-Lieu of Parkland Dedication5.1 As an alternative to the conveyance of land, the City may require, at its discretion, the payment of money equal to the value of lands otherwise required to be conveyed under this By-law, or a combination of land and money. 5.2 Generally, the City may, in the following circumstances, require the payment of cash-in-lieu instead of accepting a conveyance of land: (a) Where there is no land that is either usable or functional on the site for parkland or recreational purposes; (b) Where the conveyance of parkland from the site would reduce the number of dwelling units or the floor space area of the development to the extent that the development is unfeasible; (c) Where the City has identified land in a more appropriate or accessible location and that has been or is to be acquired by the City; (d) Where the area being developed or redeveloped is already well served with parkland; or (e) For the creation of a lot by consent. 5.3 The decision whether or not to require a conveyance of land, payment of cash-in-lieu of accepting a conveyance or combination therein, will be made by the Director of Infrastructure and Planning on the advice of the Director of Community Services at the time of development review. 5.4 Where Cash-in-Lieu of Parkland is required, the City shall require that the payment be in the amount of the value of the land otherwise to be conveyed as per section 4 of this By-law. 5.5 Notwithstanding section 7.4, where the conveyance of Parkland for residential uses is required at a rate of 1 hectare per 300 Dwelling Units, the Cash-in-Lieu payment shall be calculated based on the value of land required to be conveyed at a rate of 1 hectare per 500 Dwelling Units. 6. Valuation of Land6.1 Where Cash-in-Lieu of Parkland is required, the value of the land shall be determined by: (a) A market appraisal or a letter of opinion, obtained by and at the owner's expense, approved by the Director of Infrastructure and Planning, as of the day before the granting of the draft approval for development by way of plan of subdivision or condominium, and the day before the granting of provisional consent for a consent application; or (b) A market appraisal or a letter of opinion, obtained by and at the owner's expense, approved by the Director of Infrastructure and Planning, as of the day before planning approval is given for a development by way of site plan control; or (a) The most recent land sale record of the subject property, no more than 12 months prior to the date of the agreement, reviewed and accepted by the Director of Infrastructure and Planning; provided the sale was at market value and there has been no change that may impact the land value, including but not limited to changes in the zoning, Official Plan designation, or severance. 7. Exemptions7.1 No conveyance of land or payment of cash-in-lieu under this by-law is required in the case of the development of a building that was accidentally damaged or demolished so long as: (a) The building continues to be used for the same purpose after it is repaired, replaced or rebuilt; and (b) There is no increase in number of dwelling units or (gross) floor area. 7.2 No conveyance of land or payment of cash-in-lieu under this by-law is required in the case of the development of: (a) An addition or alteration to an existing residential building that does not result in an increase in dwelling units; (b) A new agricultural lot; (c) A place of worship; (d) A cemetery; (e) A non-profit rental or not-for-profit sponsored ownership residential development or other development that provides public facilities or services and that is undertaken by a non profit organization; (f) A college or university or a school as defined by subsection 1(1) of the Education Act, where the school provides· for the student's outdoor recreational needs on-site at the time of development; (g) A municipal or other government use; (h) A second unit as defined in this By-law or a garden suite as defined in the City's Zoning By-law; (i) A home-based business or a home industry as defined in the City's Zoning By-law; (j) An addition or alteration to an existing commercial or industrial building that does not require site plan control approval as per the Planning Act or the Site Plan Control By-law; (k) A temporary use for which an approval has been granted under section 39 of the Planning Act; or (I) Any development of a use undertaken in partnership with the City. 7.3 No conveyance of land or payment of cash-in-lieu under this by-law is required for: (a) A change of use from residential to commercial or industrial or for the alteration of an existing building from a change of use from residential to commercial or industrial; or (b) A change of use from commercial or industrial to another commercial or industrial use, or for the alteration of an existing building resulting in a change of use from commercial or industrial to another commercial or industrial use. 7.4 Parkland requirements for Conveyance shall be reduced for Developments and Redevelopments by Not-for-Profit Organizations for Subsidized and Affordable Housing. The reduction in Parkland required for Conveyance or the equivalent Cash-in-Lieu will be proportionate to the percentage of Affordable and/or Subsidized Dwelling Units. This reduction shall be calculated as one per cent of the land area of the land to be conveyed or one percent of the total payment of Cash-in-Lieu for each one per cent of the total number of units in the development which are Affordable and/or Subsidized Dwelling Units. 8. Credits for Previous Conveyances8.1 Notwithstanding Sections 4 and 7 of this By-law, where it is known or can be demonstrated that the required parkland conveyance or cash-in-lieu thereof has been previously satisfied in accordance with the Planning Act, no additional conveyance or payment will be required in respect of subsequent Development unless: (a) There is a change in the proposed Development which would increase the density of the development providing a net unit gain; or (b) Land originally proposed for Development for commercial or industrial purposes is now proposed for Development for other purposes. 8.2 Land or Cash-in-Lieu required to be conveyed or paid to the City for park or other public recreation purposes pursuant to Sections 4 or 7 of this By-law shall be reduced by the amount of land or Cash-in Lieu previously received by the City in accordance with the Planning Act in respect of the land being Developed. 9. Timing Of Parkland Conveyance or of Cash-In-Lieu Payment9.1 Where land is required to be conveyed to the City in accordance with Section 4 of this By-law, the lands shall be conveyed as follows: (a) In the case of Development to be approved pursuant to sections 51 or 53 of the Planning Act, the City may require the Conveyance of land as a condition of approval, and said lands shall be Conveyed to the City either prior to or immediately upon registration of the plan or the consent being given, as determined by the Director of Infrastructure and Planning or by the Director of Community Services; (b) In the case of Development where land has not been conveyed or has not been required pursuant to sections 51. 1 or 53 of the Planning Act, the City shall require the conveyance of land as a condition of Development prior to building permit issuance, in accordance with section 41 of the Planning Act. 9.2 Where Cash-in-Lieu of Parkland is required to be paid to the City in accordance with Sections 7 and 8 of this By-law, the payment shall be made as follows: (a) For Development where the City has required the payment of Cash-in-Lieu of Parkland as a condition of an approval or consent, pursuant to sections 51.1 or 53 of the Planning Act, the Cash-in- Lieu payment shall be paid prior to plan registration or the consent being given; (b) For Development approved via Site Plan Control pursuant to section 41 of the Planning Act, where Cash-in-Lieu has not been required pursuant to sections 51.1 or 53 of the Planning act, the Cash-in-Lieu payment shall be paid upon signing of a Site Plan Agreement or prior to the issuance of the first building permit in respect of the Development as per section 42 (6.1) of the Planning Act. 10. Disputes10.1 In the event of a dispute between the City and the Owner on the value of land as determined under Section 8 of this By-law: (a) Either party may apply to the Local Planning Appeals Tribunal to have the value of the land determined. (b) For development, the Owner may pay the amount required under protest and shall make an application to the Local Planning Appeals Tribunal in accordance with the provisions under Section 42 of the Planning Act. 11. Administration11.1 This By-law will be administered by the Director of Infrastructure and Planning, the Director of Community Services, and the Treasurer. 11.2 All money received by the City as a requirement under section 7, and all money received on the sale of any land required to be conveyed under section 4, less any amount spent by the City out of its general funds in respect of the land, shall be paid into a special account referred to as the Cash-in-lieu - Parkland Account, and spent only for the acquisition of land to be used for park or other public recreational purposes, including the erection, improvement or repair of buildings and the acquisition of machinery for park or other public recreational purposes. 11.3 The money in the Cash-in-lieu - Parkland Account may be invested in securities in which the City is permitted to invest under the Municipal Act 2001, and the earnings derived from the investment of the money shall be paid into the Cash-in-lieu - Parkland Account, and the auditor in the auditor's annual report shall report on the activities and status of the account. 11.4 The Treasurer shall maintain a record of all lands and cash-in-lieu received including all expenditures from the cash-in-lieu of parkland reserve fund and shall present this information to Council in the form of an annual financial statement which shall be made available to the public. 11.5 The statement required under section 13.4 shall include, for the preceding year: (a) Statements of the opening and closing balances of the special account and of the transactions relating to the account; (b) Statements identifying:
(c) Any other information that is prescribed. 11.6 Council may, by resolution, vary any of the requirements for parkland dedication or payment in lieu thereof set out in this By law. 11.7 Should any section or part of this by-law be declared or determined by a court or tribunal of competent jurisdiction to be invalid that portion of this by-law shall be considered to be severed from the balance of this by-law, which will continue to operate in full force and effect. Read, passed and adopted by council, this 23rd day of May 2018. Guy Desjardins, Mayor Monique Ouellet, Clerk |
Private Entrances 2017-44 |
A by-law to regulate the construction of private entrances on city roads and to prohibit the obstruction of ditches, watercourses and other water outlets.
Whereas Section 8 (1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, provides that the powers of a municipality shall be interpreted broadly so as to confer broad authority on municipalities, a) To enable them to govern their affairs as they consider appropriate; and b) To enhance their ability to respond to municipal issues; And whereas Section 11(3) of the Municipal Act, 2001, provides that the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland may pass by-laws with respect to the use of its highways and matters concerning drainage; And whereas Section 391(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, provides that without limiting sections 9, 10 and 11, those sections authorise the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland to impose fees or charges on person, for a) Services or activities provided or done by or on behalf of it; b) Costs payable by it for services or activities provided or done by or on behalf of any other municipality or any local board; and c) The use of its property including property under its control. And whereas Section 27 (1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, authorises the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland to pass by-laws in respect of a highway under its jurisdiction; And whereas Section 446 of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, provides that, where the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland has the authority under the Act or under a By-law under the Act to direct or require a person to do a matter or thing, the Corporation may also provide that, in default of it being done by the person directed or required to do it, the matter or thing shall be done at the person’s expense, and the Corporation may recover the costs of doing such matter or thing by action or by adding the costs to the tax roll and collecting them in the same manner as property taxes; And whereas Council deems it expedient to regulate the construction of entrances upon any City road forming part of the roads’ system of the Corporation of City of Clarence-Rockland; And whereas Council deems it expedient to prohibit the obstruction of drainage ditches, watercourses and other water outlets within the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland as follows: Now therefore be it enacted by the Council of the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland that:
1.1 “entrance” means any driveway, laneway, private road, entrance or other structure or facility constructed or used as a mean of access and/or egress to and/or from a highway under the jurisdiction of the Corporation, herein defined as a City Road; 1 .2 “front yard ditch filling” means the tiling and covering or filling in, of a City roadside ditch, in front of the property for the purpose of improving a lawn or other frontage; 1.3 “Corporation” or “City” means the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland; 1.4 “applicant” means any person, group or corporate body who applies to the Corporation for permission to construct an entrance or a front yard ditch filling; 1.5 “Director” means the Director of Infrastructure and Planning of the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland appointed to administer and manage the provisions of this by-law and includes his authorized subordinates and assistants. 1.6 “Local Collector” means Maisonneuve Road, Baseline Road (from Canaan Road to Joanisse Road and St-Jean Street to Landry Road), Canaan Road (from Vinette Road to Baseline Road) and Vinette Road (from Joanisse Road to Bouvier Road). Classification of Entrances:2.1 “Public Entrance” means an entrance opening onto a City road from a public road, street or highway or other thoroughfare, maintained by a municipality or other authority; 2.2 “Residential Entrance” means an entrance opening onto a City Road from one or more residential dwelling units where there is no common parking area; 2.3 “Commercial Entrance” means an entrance opening onto a City Road from a property used for commercial, industrial or institutional use or a combination thereof and includes residential properties such as apartments, townhouse developments and other multiple dwelling unit developments having common parking areas; 2.4 “Farm Entrance” means an entrance opening onto a City Road from a farm or other agricultural use, primarily for access to barns and outbuildings; 2.5 “Field Entrance” means an opening onto a City Road from a field or bush forming part of a farm. It shall be used only for the passage of animals and for agricultural related activities, but not for access to buildings of any type; 2.6 “Field Entrance for crop harvesting” means an opening onto a City Road from a field forming part of a farm. It shall be used only for the purpose of harvesting crops, but not for access to buildings of any type; 2.7 “Temporary Entrance” means an entrance that will be used for a limited period of time to permit construction or other short term access. 3. No person, group or corporate body shall undertake to construct, alter or change an entrance or the use of an entrance or shall proceed with the filling or alteration of a front yard ditch adjacent to a City Road, until he has obtained a permit issued from the Corporation and paid the prescribed fees. 4. Each application for a permit shall be made on the form provided by the Director. 5. The installation permit shall be issued on behalf of the Corporation by the Director subject to the terms and conditions provided herein and shall be valid only upon the completion of the terms and conditions contained therein. 6. The cost of construction or alteration of all entrances or front yard ditch filling, including the construction of catch basins, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, islands, granular, pipes, vegetation or other necessary appurtenances shall be borne entirely by the applicant. 7. Every application for a permit shall be subject to a fee and shall be accompanied by a security deposit, as set out in Schedule “A”. No permit shall be issued until the required security has been deposited and the fee has been paid. No fee paid for a permit shall be refunded. If the Director is satisfied that all the requirements of the permits have been met, the applicant’s security deposit will be returned. In the event that a permit is not approved by the City for issuance, the security deposit is refundable. 8. In the event that an entrance or front yard ditch filling has not been constructed or installed in accordance with the permit, it shall be removed by the applicant upon written direction issued by the City. Failure to do so will result in the removal by the City at the expense of the applicant, all subject to the enforcement provisions of this By-Law. All costs incurred by the City shall be paid by the applicant and may be drawn from the security deposit deposited at the time of the permit issuance. 9. Each application for a permit shall be accompanied by proof of ownership of the subject property, in a form satisfactory to the Director and shall provide and maintain Comprehensive/ Commercial General Liability insurance acceptable to the Corporation and subject to limits specified in Schedule “E”. 10. In order to do the works, the permit holder shall hire a “competent person” as defined under the Occupational Health and Safety Act and shall submit a Traffic Control Plan to the Director. No works shall occur until such time as the Director has approved of the Traffic Control Plan. 11. Where the applicant wishes to construct an entrance, the Director shall determine the size, location and mode of construction of the culvert, bridge, pipe or other structure to be used in the construction of an entrance and he shall state these requirements and any other special provisions he deems necessary on the permit issued to the applicant. 12. Where the applicant wishes to construct a front yard ditch filling, the Director shall determine the size, location and mode of construction of the culvert, bridge, pipe or other structure to be used in the construction of a front yard ditch filling and he shall state these requirements and any other special provision he deems necessary on the permit issued to the applicant. 13. No person shall obstruct any ditch, drain, watercourse or culvert either situated on or adjacent to a City road or any ditch, drain, watercourse or culvert providing an outlet for water discharged from a City road. 14. Any person found to be obstructing a drain, ditch, watercourse or culvert, shall, when requested by the Director to do so, remove the obstruction within such time as is reasonable having regards to all circumstances but, in any event, within twenty-four (24) hours, and in default thereof, same shall be done by the Corporation at the person’s expense as provided in Section 446(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O., 2001, Chapter 25, as amended. 15. Each entrance or front yard ditch filling on to a City Road must be designed, constructed and maintained in a manner that will prevent surface water from adjoining properties being discharged via the entrance on to the travelled portion of the City Road. Restrictions regarding location of entrances16. An entrance will not be permitted in a location that in the opinion of the Director would cause a traffic hazard. 17. A Residential Entrance, Agricultural Entrance or Field Entrance may be refused if it fails to meet all of the minimum requirements listed in Schedule “B”. 18. A Commercial Entrance may be refused if it fails to meet all of the minimum requirements listed in Schedule “B”. 19. Subject to the unfettered discretion of the Director, a maximum of one entrance may be approved for each existing lot of record. A second entrance shall not be permitted unless it is an auxiliary Field entrance, an auxiliary Farm entrance or an auxiliary Field entrance for crop harvesting used solely for agricultural purposes or is replacing an existing entrance which is not an auxiliary field entrance and meets all of the requirements listed in Schedule “B”. 20. No new (additional) entrance permits shall be granted to existing lots of record which have an existing approved entrance whether shared or otherwise onto a City Road. Should a lot of record have more than one existing entrance, the Director, in its sole discretion, reserves the right to eliminate as many entrances as required in order to comply with the provisions of this By-law and the owner shall be required to apply for a permit to remove such entrance(s). 21. Subject to the unfettered discretion of the Director, no new entrance for lots of record or severed lots shall be permitted on a City road where the average minimum spacing is less than those established in Schedule “B”. 22. Where it is not possible to meet a minimum spacing between adjacent entrances as noted in this by-law, a shared mutual entrance may be granted. A shared mutual entrance shall straddle the shared mutual property line between the two land parcels. If a property cannot be serviced by a shared mutual entrance, approval of an entrance will be denied. 23. A new entrance may be permitted for existing lots of record where no entrance has previously been provided, subject to the provisions of this By-Law. 24. A new entrance may be permitted where such a new entrance would replace an existing entrance and would establish superior entrance standards over existing conditions. 25. When an entrance is to be changed or altered or where the property is used for any purpose other than its original use, a permit shall be required and the installation must comply and be subject to all of the provisions set out in this by-law including but not limited to the standards established in Schedule “B”. Maintenance26. Property owners having access to a City Road are solely responsible for the maintenance and replacement of the access including but not limited to the removal of snow and ice, shoulder gravel and winter sand, keeping the portion of the access within the right-of-way in a safe condition for vehicular traffic. Such property owner shall ensure the replacement of all portions of the access as and when necessary. A culvert pipe or any other structure installed under the terms of this by-law shall be the property of the property owner and all subsequent maintenance, repairs, alterations, replacements, etc., shall be the responsibility of the property owner. 27. Any existing entrance or any entrance installed under the terms of this by-law shall be the property of the property owner upon acceptance of the work and all subsequent maintenance, repairs, alterations, replacements, surface repairs etc., shall be the responsibility of the property owner. The applicant or his successor shall maintain and replace from time to time, as required, any works installed under the provisions of this By-Law and installed prior to the passing of this By-Law. 28. Any existing front yard ditch filling or any front yard ditch filling installed under the terms of this by-law shall be the property of the property owner upon acceptance of the work and all subsequent maintenance, repairs, alterations, surface repairs etc., shall be the responsibility of the property owner. The property owner shall maintain and replace from time to time, as required, any works installed under the provisions of this By-Law and works installed prior to the passing of this By-Law. 29. Head walls, retaining walls or structures (ie pillars, timber/railway tie/ block/ stone/ brick walls or any other type of material) at culverts shall not be permitted within the City road allowance. These shall be removed by the applicant upon written direction issued by the Director. The Public Works Department shall not be responsible for replacing any structures connected with any entrance while doing any maintenance work within the road allowance. 30. Curbing shall be permitted for commercial and/or urban entrances provided it conforms to the Ontario Provincial Standard Drawings and Specifications. 31. Where an existing entrance or any ditch infilling pipe works is affected solely by the reconstruction of a City Road or the reconstruction or cleaning of a ditch, the City shall reinstate, at the City’s cost, the affected entrance and ditch infilling pipe when the reconstruction of the entrance or the cleaning or reconstruction of the ditch is required by the City or for City purposes. Any original materials of construction salvaged shall remain the property of the City. 32. The City shall maintain the authority to relocate/close any entrance that does not comply with any section of the by-law. 33. Temporary Entrances33.1 Notwithstanding the provisions of this by-law, Temporary Entrances may be permitted by the Director. The Director shall specify the mode of construction, establish the standards and specifications of construction and establish the time period the Temporary Entrance shall be permitted to exist. 33.2 If at the end of the specified time period for which a Temporary Entrance installation permit was issued, the said permit is not renewed by the Director, or the structure of the entrance removed, the applicant to which the permit was issued shall be deemed to be causing an obstruction and the provisions of this by-law shall be applied. 34. Time LimitThe construction of an entrance or a front yard ditch filling, in accordance with the specifications established in this By-Law, shall be completed within six (6) months from the date of issuance of the installation permit. The Director may, upon application, renew or extend any permit issued under this By-Law, at no charge to the applicant, if it is deemed appropriate by the Director, in his sole discretion. 35. The City reserves the right to refuse approval of any application or remove an existing entrance should it be determined that any one of the objectives or requirements of the By-Law is or will be compromised as determined at the sole discretion of the Director. Appeal of refusal of entrance36. Entrance applications that do not conform to this By-law shall be denied and the applicant shall be so informed in writing within five days of the Director’s decision. The applicant’s security deposit shall also be returned at this time. A person who wishes to appeal a decision of the Director made pursuant to this By-law may appeal the Director’s decision in accordance with the following: a) An application for an appeal shall be made to the Director and shall be accompanied by an administrative fee of $500.00 for each denied application under the provisions of this By-law; said fee is non-refundable. b) City Council (or a Committee to whom this function has been delegated) shall, within a reasonable time after receiving an application for an appeal, hold a hearing at a place and time determined by City Council in order to allow the applicant an opportunity to make representations. A written summary of the applicant’s presentation to the Committee or Council must be submitted to the Director no less than ten business days before the date of the hearing. The applicant’s summary shall be distributed to City Council (or the applicable committee). The applicant’s verbal presentation to City Council (or the applicable committee) shall be no longer than ten minutes. c)Should the applicant’s appeal be granted, the original application fee ($200.00) shall be waived or returned, however, the applicant will have to re-submit the security deposit as specified in Schedule “A” of this by-law. Remedial Action37. Every person who fails to comply with the requirements set out in this By-law, shall by the date specified within any notice by the City, take all necessary steps to comply. 38. In the event that a person fails to comply with the notice provided by the City, the City may do the work at the expense of the owner by adding the costs incurred by the City to the tax roll for that property and collecting them in the same manner as taxes. Offence and Penalty Provisions39. Any person who contravenes the provisions of this By-law is guilty of an offence and, upon conviction, is subject to a fine as provided in the Provincial Offences Act and to any other applicable penalties. 40. If this By-law is contravened and a conviction entered, the court in which the conviction has been entered and any court of competent jurisdiction thereafter may, in addition to any other remedy and to any penalty that is imposed, make an order prohibiting the continuation or repetition of the offence by the person convicted. 41. Each day of default by the owner in complying with any of the provisions of this By-law shall constitute a separate offence. 42. This By-Law is subject to and in furtherance of The Drainage Act, R.S.O., 1990, Chapter D.17 as amended. Indemnification43. The applicant (being the owner and/or contractor as the case may be) shall defend, indemnify and save harmless the City, its elected officials, officers, employees and agents from and against any and all claims of any nature, actions, causes of action, losses, expenses, fines, costs (including legal costs), interest or damages of every nature and kind whatsoever, including but not limited to bodily injury, sickness, disease or death or to damage to or destruction of tangible property including loss of revenue or incurred expense resulting from disruption of service, arising out of or allegedly attributable to the negligence, acts, errors, omissions, misfeasance, nonfeasance, fraud or willful misconduct of the Supplier, its directors, officers, employees, agents, contractors and subcontractors, or any of them, in connection with or in any way related to the performance of work pursuant to this By-law and any permit issued by the City thereunder. This indemnity shall be in addition to and not in lieu of any insurance to be provided by the applicant in accordance with this By-law, and shall survive completion of the works. 44. The applicant agrees to defend, indemnify and save harmless the City and against any and all claims of any nature, actions, causes of action, losses, expenses, fines, costs (including legal costs), interest or damages of every nature and kind whatsoever arising out of or related to the contractor’s status with WSIB. This indemnity shall be in addition to and not in lieu of any proof of WSIB status and compliance to be provided by the contractor in accordance with this By-law, and shall survive the completion of the works. Validity45. If a court of competent jurisdiction declares any provision, or any part of a provision, of this by-law to be invalid, or to be of no force and effect, it is the intention of Council in enacting this by-law that each and every provision of this bylaw authorized by law be applied and enforced in accordance with its terms to the extent possible according to law. 46. By-Law Number 2005-84 is hereby repealed. Read and passed in open council this 3rd day of April, 2017. Guy Desjardins, Mayor Monique Ouellet, Clerk
Procedure - 2022-118* |
Being a by-law to govern the proceedings of the Council and the committees of the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland and to repeal By-law no. 2017-154, as amended. Whereas pursuant to Section 238, Chapter 25, of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, every municipality shall pass a procedure by-law for governing the calling, place, proceedings and public notice of meetings; and Whereas it is necessary and expedient to make and establish rules and regulations for the conduct of its members and to set out certain standing policies to more efficiently transact the business of Council; and Whereas Council now deems it expedient to enact a new by-law to govern the proceedings of Council and the Committees of the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland; Now therefore be it resolved that the Council of the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland enacts as follows: PART I – INTERPRETATION1. RULES OF PROCEDURE – (SUSPENSION OF)1.1. The proceedings of the Council and of its Committees, the conduct of the members and the calling of meetings will be governed by the provisions of the Municipal Act and the rules and regulations contained in this by-law, and, except as provided herein, the rules of parliamentary procedures as contained in Robert’s Rules of Order, shall be followed for governing the proceedings of Council and the Committees thereof and the conduct of its members.1.2. Notwithstanding subsection 1.1 hereof, the rules and regulations contained in this by-law may be suspended by a two-third (2/3) vote of the members present and voting, but by not less than a majority of the whole Council voting in favour thereof. 2. DEFINITIONS2.1. Act means the Municipal Act as amended from time to time.2.2. Ad Hoc Committee means a special purpose committee of limited duration, created by Council to inquire into and report on a particular matter or concern and which dissolves automatically upon submitting its final report unless otherwise directed by Council. 2.3. Agenda means a list of items of business which have been approved to come before a meeting for decision. 2.4. Chief Administrative Officer means the Chief Administrative Officer referred to in Section 229 of the Municipal Act, 2001. 2.5. Clerk means the person appointed pursuant to Section 228 of the Municipal Act, 2001, or the Deputy-Clerk in his/her absence. 2.6. Chair or Chairperson means the presiding officer of a Committee. 2.7. City means the City of Clarence-Rockland. 2.8. Closed Meeting means a meeting of the Council or Committee, which is not open to the public and which is provided for in accordance with the Municipal Act and with the provisions of this by-law. 2022-118 Procedural By-law 2.9. Committee means a Committee of Council and includes Standing Committees, Joint Committees, Ad Hoc Committees, Advisory Committees and Special Committees. 2.10. Committee of the Whole means a committee comprised of all the members of Council. 2.11. Consent Items Motion means a motion which allows items which do not require discussion or debate to be grouped together on the agenda and to be dealt with one resolution of Council. Any member of Council, without a second may request that an item so grouped be removed from the Consent Item Motion and dealt with separately. 2.12. Council means the Council of the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland. 2.13. Council Chamber means the Council Chamber of the City of Clarence-Rockland located at 415 Lemay Street, Clarence Creek. 2.14. Councillor means a person elected or appointed as a member of Council but does not include the Mayor. 2.15. Day does not include Saturday, Sunday or a holiday. 2.16. Department Head means the official responsible for a department within the Corporation. 2.17. Deputy-Mayor means a Councillor appointed to act in place of the Mayor as defined in a By-law adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland. 2.18. Holiday means a holiday as defined by the Interpretation Act, R.S.O., 1990, Chapter 1.11, as amended. 2.19. Local Board means a Board established by the City of Clarence Rockland and includes the Clarence-Rockland Public Library board. 2.20. Mayor means the Head of Council of the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland or the Deputy-Mayor in his/her absence as defined in the current appointing By-law, if any. 2.21. Meeting means a gathering of the members of the Council, Committee or local board where quorum is achieved and either public business or public policy over which the Council or committee has jurisdiction or control is discussed or deliberated in a way that may materially advance the business or decision-making of Council, committee or local board. 2.22. Member means a member of Council or Committee. 2.23. Motion (Privileged) means any motion considered important enough to be dealt with immediately. The following motions are privileged motions and shall take precedence as follows: 2.23.1. To set the time to continue the meeting; 2.23.2. To adjourn (if made after the time set to conclude the meeting); 2.23.3. To recess; 2.23.4. To raise a question of privilege affecting an individual or affecting the assembly. 2.24. Motion (Incidental or Procedural) means any motion concerning the manner or time of consideration of any matter before the Council as opposed to the substance thereof, and include motions relating to the following categories: 2.24.1. Rules; 2.24.2. Information; 2.24.3. Efficiency; 2.24.4. Voting. 2022-118 Procedural By-law 2.25. Motion to Receive and File means a motion, which is made for the purpose of acknowledging the particular item, report or recommendation under consideration, and of having the item, report or recommendation placed in the records of the Clerk for future reference, with no additional action being taken at that time. 2.26. Motion (Substantive or Main) means an independent motion complete in itself. UA substantive or main motionU is a motion to bring before the assembly any particular subject; it cannot be made when any other motion is on the floor; it takes precedence of no other motions. 2.27. Motion (Subsidiary) means a motion which affects the disposition of a substantive or main motion, by bringing it to an immediate vote, by delaying or by deferring a decision thereon. 2.27.1. To Postpone Temporarily (Lay on the Table): If there is a reason for the assembly to lay the main motion aside temporarily without setting a time for resuming its consideration, but with the provision that it will be taken up again before the end of the meeting. 2.27.2. To Close debate (put the motion to a vote): If it is desired to close debate of a motion or pending motion so that it will come to an immediate vote. 2.27.3. To Limit or Extend Limits of Debate : If it is desired to continue consideration of a motion but debate is consuming too much time, a member can move to place a limit on the debate, on the other hand, if special circumstances make it advisable to permit more or longer speeches than under the normal rules, a motion to do so can be made; or, it may sometimes be desirable to combine the elements of limitation and extension, as in limiting the length of speeches but allowing more speeches per member. 2.27.4. To Postpone to a Certain Time: If it is desired to consider the main motion later in the same meeting or at another meeting. 2.27.5. To Commit or to Refer: It may be that much time would be required to amend the main motion properly, or that additional information is needed, so that it would be better to turn the motion or resolution over to a committee for study or redrafting by staff before the assembly considers it further. 2.27.6. To Amend: A main motion might be more suitable or acceptable in an altered form, a proposal to change its wording (either to clarify or, within limits, to modify the meaning before the main motion is voted on. (refer to item 57) 2.27.7. To Postpone Indefinitely: If a member wishes to dispose of a motion that has been brought before the assembly without bringing it to a direct vote, the member can do so by moving to Postpone Indefinitely. 2.28. Municipal Office means the Municipal Office located at 1560 Laurier Street in Rockland, Ontario. 2.29. Municipality means the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland. 2.30. Notice of Motion means a written notice, including the names of the mover and seconder, advising Council that the motion described therein will be brought at a subsequent meeting. 2.31. Personal Privilege means the raising of a question, which concerns a member of Council, or the Council collectively, when a member believes that their rights, immunities or integrity or the rights, immunities or integrity of the Council as a whole have been impugned. 2.32. Point of Order means a statement made by a member of Council during a meeting, drawing to the attention of the Mayor a breach of the Rules of Procedure. 2.33. Presiding Officer means the Mayor or the Chairperson of a committee, or a member of Council or a member of a Committee appointed amongst its members to preside at a meeting in the absence of the Mayor or the Committee’s Chairperson. 2.34. Quorum means a majority of members of Council or Committee. 2.35. Recorded Vote means the recording of the name and vote in the minutes of every member voting on any matter or motion. 2.36. Resolution means a formal determination made by Council on the basis of a main motion, duly placed before a regularly constituted meeting of the Council for debate and decision, and duly passed. 2.37. Rule or Rules of Procedure means the rules and regulations provided in this by-law. 2.38. Standing Committee means such Committees of Council as are so designated by the Council by by-law or resolution and includes Committee of the Whole. 2.39. Teleconference means a conference made up of participants in different locations who communicate by telephone. 2.40. Two-thirds Vote means the affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of the members present and eligible to vote and by not less than a majority of the whole Council voting in favour thereof. 2.41. Videoconference means a conference made of participants in different locations who communicate by electronically sending video and sound. 2.42. Whole Council means all members of Council whether present or absent from a meeting. PART II – DUTIES OF THE MAYOR3. MAYOR’S DUTIESIt shall be the duty of the Mayor to carry out the responsibilities set forth in the Municipal Act, section 225 and:3.1. To open the meeting of the Council by taking the chair and calling the members to order; 3.2. To preside at all Council meetings; 3.3. To announce the business before the Council and the order in which it is to be acted upon; 3.4. To receive and submit, in the proper manner, all motions presented by the members of Council; 3.5. To put to a vote all motions, which are moved and seconded, or necessarily arise in the course of the proceedings, and to announce the results; 3.6. To sit as an ex officio member of all Standing and other Committees of the Council and be entitled to vote at meetings; 3.7. To select members of all Standing Committees and to appoint Committee Chairs when deemed necessary. 3.8. To decline to put to a vote, motions which infringe upon the Rules of Procedure; 3.9. To enforce the Rules of Procedure; 3.10. To restrain the members, when engaged in debate, within the Rules of Procedure; 3.11. To enforce on all occasions, the observance of order and decorum at a meeting; 3.12. To call by name any member persisting in a breach of the Rules of Procedure and order the member to vacate the Council Chamber; 3.13. To permit questions to be asked of any officer of the Municipality, through the Chair, in order to provide information to assist any debate when he/she deems it proper; 3.14. To provide information to members of Council on any matter touching on the business of the Municipality; 3.15. To receive all messages and other communications and announce them to the Council; 3.16. To authenticate by signature, when necessary, all by-laws and resolutions of Council; 3.17. To rule on any points of order raised by the members of Council; 3.18. To inform the members of Council of the proper procedure to be followed; 3.19. To represent and support the Council, declaring its will and implicitly obeying its decisions in all matters; 3.20. Where it is not possible to maintain order, the Mayor may, without any motion being put, adjourn the meeting to a time to be fixed by the Mayor; and 3.21. To order any person or group in attendance at the meeting to cease and desist any behaviour which disrupts the order and decorum of the meeting and to order the person or group to vacate the Council Chamber where such behaviour persists; 3.22. To answer, redirect, or refer questions and enquiries from the public accordingly. 3.23. To adjourn the meeting when the business is concluded. 4. PARTICIPATION OF THE MAYOR IN DEBATE4.1. The Mayor may state relevant facts and his/her position on any matter before the Council without leaving the chair, but to move a motion or debate a motion, he/she must first leave the chair.4.2. If the Mayor desires to leave the chair to move a motion or to take part in the debate pursuant to subsection 4.1, or otherwise, the Mayor will call upon a member to preside until the issue is resolved. PART III – DUTIES OF A MEMBER OF COUNCIL5. COUNCIL MEMBERS’ DUTIES5.1. To prepare for meetings, including reviewing the agenda and background information prior to the meeting;5.2. To deliberate on the business submitted to Council; 5.3. To vote when a motion is put to a vote, unless prohibited from voting by law; 5.4. To abide by Council’s decision once a decision is made; 5.5. To attend Local Board and Committee Meetings to which the member has been appointed by the Mayor and accepted by the Council member; 5.6. To respect the Rules of Procedure. 5.7. To act in accordance with the Oath of Allegiance and Oath of Elected Office. PART IV – FOLLOWING AN ELECTION6. ORIENTATION SESSION6.1. In the case of an election year, an orientation session shall be held between November 1st and the first day of the term of the newly elected Council to welcome new members of Council.6.2. A copy of the procedural by-law shall be provided to newly elected members of council prior to the inaugural meeting. 7. INAUGURAL MEETING7.1. The inaugural meeting of the Council following a regular election, shall be considered the Council’s first meeting and shall be held at 7:00 p.m., on the first day of the term of a new Council that is not a Friday, Saturday or Sunday, in the Council Chambers of the City of Clarence-Rockland or in a location as may be determined by the Clerk, in consultation with the incoming Mayor.7.2. At the first meeting of the new term of office, pursuant to Section 232(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, a member of Council shall not take his/her seat until the person takes the declaration of office in the English or French version of the form established by the Minister for that purpose. 7.3. The Clerk shall be responsible for the content of the agenda of the Inaugural Meeting and the arrangements for the inaugural proceedings. 8. AGENDA - INAUGURAL MEETING8.1. At the inaugural meeting of the Council, in an election year, the Agenda shall be printed as follows:8.1.1. Opening of the Meeting 8.1.2. Mayor’s Declaration of Office and Oath of Allegiance 8.1.3. Councillors’ Declaration of Office and Oath of Allegiance 8.1.4. Councillors’ Inaugural Address 8.1.5. Mayor’s Inaugural Address 8.1.6. Adjournment PART V – COUNCIL9. REGULAR MEETINGS9.1. The regular meetings of Council will be held on the second Wednesday of every month. In the month of January, the Council meeting shall be held on the third Wednesday. All meetings shall be scheduled for 7:15 p.m., however when a closed session is planned, the closed session may be held prior to 7:15 p.m., but not earlier than 6:00 p.m. Except for opening the meeting, approving the agenda, obtaining declarations of pecuniary interest and the holding of a closed session, all other matters on the agenda shall not be addressed prior to 7:15 p.m.9.1.1. Notwithstanding section 9.1, the Mayor may call an additional Regular meeting on the fourth Wednesday if deemed necessary. 9.2. The date, place and time of the meeting may be changed by the Mayor, if deemed necessary. 9.3. Prior to the end of each calendar year, the Clerk shall prepare and distribute a regular public meeting schedule for the incoming year, which shall be approved by Council. The schedule shall incorporate any necessary adjustments, including but not limited to public or civic holidays, March Break and scheduled conferences. When the day for a regular meeting is a holiday, the schedule shall incorporate any necessary adjustments to the meeting dates. 10. SPECIAL MEETINGS10.1. A special meeting of the Council will be convened:10.1.1. Upon being summoned by the Mayor; or 10.1.2. Upon receipt of a petition of the majority of the members of Council. 10.2. Upon receipt of a petition set out in Section 10.1.1, the Clerk shall summon a special meeting for the purpose(s) and at the time stated in the petition. No member may add or remove his/her name from the petition filed under this section. 10.3. The special meeting agenda will be prepared by the Clerk as directed by the Mayor and if the meeting is called by a petition of the majority of the members, the Agenda will be prepared by the Clerk for the purpose stated in the petition. 10.4. Notice of all special meetings of the Council setting forth the matters to be considered at such special meeting will be given to all members of Council, not less than two (2) business days in advance of the time fixed for the meeting by electronic mail and the Clerk shall attempt to give such other notice of the meeting to the member by telephone or as otherwise practical within the circumstances. 10.5. Notice of all special meetings of Council shall be given to the public by posting the meeting date link on the city’s website not less than forty-eight hours (48) in advance of the time fixed for the meeting. Notice shall also be sent to newsletter subscribers. 10.6. The Council will not consider or decide any matter not set forth in the notice calling the special meeting. 11. EMERGENCY MEETING11.1. Notwithstanding the notice requirement set out in Section 10.4 above, in urgent or extraordinary circumstances, an emergency special meeting of the Council may be called by the Mayor without notice, to consider and deal with such urgent and extraordinary matters.12. PLACE OF MEETING12.1. All the meetings will be held in the Council Chambers and/or by electronic participation, as decided upon by the Mayor or by the majority of Council.12.2. In the event of special circumstances or a declared state of emergency, all meetings may be held at any convenient location, within or outside the municipality, which is accessible to Members of Council and staff and/or by electronic participation. 13. CANCELLATION OF MEETINGS13.1. Council may cancel a regularly scheduled meeting by passing a motion to this effect at a meeting preceding the cancelled meeting.13.1.1. The meeting date link on the city’s website shall be removed and a notice of the meeting cancellation shall also be sent to newsletter subscribers. 13.2. The Mayor may cancel any meeting of Council if he/she is of the opinion that an existing situation warrants same and in such a situation, the Clerk shall inform all members of Council and newsletter subscribers prior to the scheduled time of the subject meeting. In such a situation, the meeting shall be rescheduled to take place on the 4th Wednesday at 7:15 p.m. or at another time determined by the Mayor. 14. SEATING AT THE COUNCIL TABLE14.1. Seating at the Council table shall be determined by the Mayor, however the Mayor shall sit in the centre seat at the Council table.15. MEETINGS OPEN TO PUBLIC15.1. The meetings of the Council shall be open to the public;15.2. The Mayor may expel any person for improper conduct at a meeting (Rules of order and decorum) 15.3. Notwithstanding section 15.1, if a meeting is held by electronic participation, the meeting may be accessible by broadcasting only, which broadcasting shall be established by the Administration according to the circumstances. This Section does not apply to closed meetings. 16. CLOSED MEETINGS16.1. Council, local board or Committee may, with or without notice, by resolution, close a meeting or part of a meeting to members of the public if the subject matter being considered is:16.1.1. The security of the property of the Municipality or local board; 16.1.2. Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal employees; 16.1.3. A proposed or pending acquisition of land by the municipality; 16.1.4. Labour relations or employee negotiations; 16.1.5. Litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals; 16.1.6. Advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose; 16.1.7. A matter in respect of which the Council, may hold a closed meeting under another Act; 16.1.8. Information explicitly supplied in confidence to the municipality or local board by Canada, a province or territory or a Crown agency of any of them; 16.1.9. A trade secret or scientific, technical, commercial, financial or labour relations information, supplied in confidence to the municipality or local board, which, if disclosed, could reasonably be expected to prejudice significantly the competitive position or interfere significantly with the contractual or other negotiations of a person, group of persons, or organization; 16.1.10. A trade secret or scientific, technical, commercial or financial information that belongs to the municipality or local board and has monetary value or potential monetary value; 16.1.11. A position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board; 16.1.12. The meeting is held for the purpose of educating or training the members and, at the meeting, no member discusses or otherwise deals with any matter in a way that materially advances the business or decision-making of the council, local board or committee. 16.2. Council shall, by resolution, close a meeting or part of a meeting to the public where the subject matter relates to: 16.2.1. The consideration of a request under the “Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act”; 16.2.2. An ongoing investigation respecting the municipality, a local board or a municipally controlled corporation by the Ombudsman appointed under the Ombudsman Act, an Ombudsman referred to in subsection 223.13(1) of the Municipal Act (a municipal ombudsman) or the investigator referred to in subsection 239.2(1) of the Municipal Act (a municipal closed meeting investigator). 17. PROCEDURE – CLOSED MEETING17.1. Before holding a meeting or part of a meeting that is closed to the public, the Council, local board or committee shall state by resolution the fact of the holding of the closed meeting and the general nature of the matter to be considered, including a closed meeting for educational or training purposes.17.2. Where a meeting or part of a meeting is closed to the public, members of Council may retire from the Council Chambers to an adjacent meeting room and all persons not specifically invited to attend the closed meeting may remain in the Council Chambers. When in closed session, no one shall leave and re-enter the meeting room without the approval of the Mayor or Committee Chairman. 17.2.1. Notwithstanding section 17.2, if a meeting is held by electronic participation, the closed meeting may also be held by electronic participation, subject to the following conditions: That access codes for electronic participation shall be published on the closed meeting agenda and made available exclusively to authorized participants; and That each participant shall, at the beginning of the closed meeting confirm that he or she is located in a private area which allows him or her to certify that the confidentiality of the information and discussions will be kept. 17.3. Upon resuming in open meeting, the Mayor shall provide a verbal report to the public on the disposition of items discussed in closed meeting without revealing any confidential security, personal, personnel or legal matters. 17.3.1. Notwithstanding 17.3, when a closed meeting is held at the end of an open meeting, the Mayor shall provide the verbal report at the opening of the next regular meeting. 17.3.2. Notwithstanding 17.3, when a special closed meeting is held by electronic participation, the Mayor shall provide the verbal report at the opening of the next regular meeting. 17.4. A meeting shall not be closed to the public during the taking of a vote. However, a meeting may be closed to the public during a vote if both conditions are satisfied: 17.4.1. Subsection 16.1 or 16.2 permits or requires a meeting to be closed to the public; and 17.4.2. The vote is for a procedural matter or for giving directions or instructions to officers, employees or agents of the Municipality or persons retained by or under contract with the Municipality. 17.5. Minutes of closed meetings shall be adopted at the next scheduled closed meeting and kept in confidence by the Clerk. 18. COMMENCEMENT OF MEETING18.1. As soon as there is quorum after the hour set for the meeting, the Mayor shall take the chair and call the members present to order.19. ABSENCE OF THE MAYOR OR REFUSAL OF THE MAYOR TO PRESIDE19.1. Should the Mayor not be in attendance within fifteen (15) minutes after the time fixed for a meeting, and there is a quorum present, the Deputy Mayor shall call the meeting to order.19.2. When the Mayor refuses to act, or the office is vacant, the Deputy Mayor shall act in the place and stead of the head. 19.3. Should the Mayor and the Deputy Mayor not be in attendance, refuse to act, or the offices are vacant, the members may appoint another presiding officer from among themselves for the purpose of chairing a particular meeting. 19.4. While so acting, the Deputy Mayor or the appointed presiding officer will have all the powers of the mayor and will be entitled to vote as a member. 20. NO QUORUM AT BEGINNING OF THE MEETING20.1. The quorum for a Council meeting is five members of Council.20.2. If no quorum is present to enable a meeting to commence thirty (30) minutes after the time fixed for a meeting of the Council, the Clerk shall record the names of the members present and the members will stand discharged from waiting further. 20.3. If a meeting does not take place because of the lack of a quorum under subsection (1) hereof, the Council will meet at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Council or at such other time and place as the Mayor shall announce. 20.4. The Clerk shall attempt to give notice of any meeting so rescheduled by telephone, electronic mail or as is otherwise practical within the time available. 21. UNFINISHED BUSINESS – QUORUM LOST21.1. If during the course of a meeting, a quorum is lost then the meeting will stand adjourned, not ended, to reconvene at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Council or at such other time and place as the Mayor shall announce.21.2. If, in the Mayor’s opinion, it is not essential that the balance of the agenda be dealt with before the next regularly scheduled meeting, then the Mayor shall announce that the unfinished business of the Council will be taken up at its next regularly scheduled meeting. 21.3. The Clerk shall give notice of any meeting so adjourned and to be reconvened by telephone or as is otherwise practical within the time available. 22. CURFEW22.1. Council and Committee meetings shall stand adjourned at 10:30 p.m. but business may be continued upon consent of the majority of all members present.23. COUNCIL CHAMBERS23.1. No person, except a member of Council or an authorized employee of the Municipality shall be allowed to come on the Council floor, without permission of the Mayor.23.2. No person except a member of Council or an authorized employee of the Municipality shall, before or during a meeting of the Council, place on the desks of members or otherwise distribute any material whatsoever. All material is to be submitted to the Clerk for distribution to Council upon approval of the Mayor. 24. LEAVING CHAMBERS ON ADJOURNMENT24.1. At the end of a meeting, the members of Council shall not leave their places until the meeting has been adjourned.PART VI – ORDER OF PROCEEDINGS – AGENDA AND MINUTES25. COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA25.1. Agendas shall be generally formatted as follows but modifications to the matters to be included or the order of business may be made without requiring an amendment to this by-law:25.1.1. Call to Order As soon as there is quorum after the hour set for the meeting, the Mayor shall take the chair and call the members present to order. 25.1.2. Land Acknowledgement 25.1.3. Moment of Reflection 25.1.4. Adoption of the Agenda Amendment and/or additions to the proposed agenda may be permitted by majority approval of the members present. 25.1.5. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest It is at this point that any member of Council may disclose any possible conflict of interest dealing either with any item on the agenda or with a matter discussed at a previous meeting from which a member was absent. 25.1.6. Closed Meeting (if applicable) 25.1.7. Closed Meeting Report (if applicable) 25.1.8. Announcements / Special Presentations 25.1.9. Committee of the Whole Items Delegations/Presentations Any delegation requests received that have been approved. Petitions and Correspondence Any petitions and correspondence items that lead to an action or decision of Council will be introduced for discussion. Also, the weekly correspondence package previously distributed to members of Council will be acknowledged. Notice of motions A notice of motion will introduce business that the member intends Council to deal with at the next regular Council meeting and shall be introduced in writing and signed by the mover and seconder. Staff Reports Reports that may be subject to public consultation, or that may require additional discussions amongst members of Council. 25.1.10. Committee of the Whole Report (if applicable) Upon resuming in regular meeting, Council may immediately consider specific items from the Committee of the Whole, as recommended. 25.1.11. Council Members’ Items At this point, consideration is given to all motions introduced by the members of Council through ‘Notice of Motion’ at a previous meeting. Such a motion shall not be considered or otherwise disposed of by the Council unless the mover of the motion is in attendance at the meeting. Any member may agree to second the motion if the seconder is absent from the meeting when the motion is called for by the chair. 25.1.12. Consent Items All of the items listed in the consent items section of the agenda shall be the subject of one motion and that motion shall be neither debatable nor amendable; provided however, that any member of Council may ask for any item(s) included in the consent item motion to be separated from that motion whereupon the consent motion without the separated item(s) shall be put, and the separated item(s) shall each be considered immediately thereafter. Consent items include but are not necessarily limited to the following types of matters: Minutes of Council, Committees and Boards Staff and/or Committee reports previously presented at the Committee of the Whole Meeting for which Council did not request additional information. Resolution to approve accounts/salaries paid and accounts payable Proclamations Routine matters. The following note shall be added under Consent Items in the agenda: All items listed under the Consent Items will be enacted by one motion. A unanimous vote is required for consent items. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a request is made prior to the time Council votes on the motion that a consent item be separated from the motion. The separated item(s) shall be considered immediately thereafter. 25.1.13. Staff / Committees Reports not included under consent items Every Staff/Committee report shall be introduced with a resolution to receive the report or to adopt the recommendation(s) as presented. The department heads or Committee Chair may be required to provide some clarifications during debate. If a By-law needs to be considered as a result of the recommendation, it shall be considered under By-law items. 25.1.14. By-laws Every by-law is generally introduced either by means of the Department Head’s Report or Committee Report. One motion is in order to give all by-laws first, second and third readings. If a member of Council has a question on a particular by-law, he/she may move that Council exempt a particular by-law from the main motion to allow for further debate. After all by-laws have passed, the Clerk shall be responsible for their correctness should they be amended. 25.1.15. Confirmatory By-law A confirmation by-law shall be passed at each regular or special meeting of Council to confirm the decisions of Council. 25.1.16. Adjournment 25.2. The business of the Council shall be considered in the order set forth on the agenda; however the Presiding Officer, with the approval of the majority of the members of Council present may vary the order in which the items are presented to better deal with matters before the Council. 26. PREPARATION AND PUBLISHING OF THE AGENDA26.1. Subjects to be included on the agenda, should be approved by the department heads no later than 12:00 p.m. on the Monday of the week prior to the scheduled regular meeting of Council.26.2. Insofar as it is practicable, the Clerk shall ensure that an agenda package is distributed to each member of Council and appropriate staff before the end of the day on the Wednesday of the week prior to the scheduled regular meeting. 26.3. Insofar as is practicable, agenda packages are to be made available for public viewing on the city’s website before the end of the workday on the Friday before the scheduled regular meeting. 27. MINUTES27.1. Minutes shall be kept by the Clerk and shall record, in both official languages (English and French), with the English version being considered the official version, the following:27.1.1. The place, date and time of the meeting; 27.1.2. The names of the Presiding Officer, Councillors and staff in attendance (motivated absences shall be identified); 27.1.3. The late arrivals and early departures of members; 27.1.4. The reading, if requested, correction and adoption of the minutes of prior meetings; 27.1.5. Declarations of pecuniary interest; and 27.1.6. All other proceedings of the meeting without note or comment. Once adopted, the minutes shall be signed by the Mayor and by the Clerk. 28. DELEGATIONS28.1. All delegations will address Council during the Committee of the Whole portion of the meeting and an effort will be made to allow no more than two (2) delegations at any one meeting.28.1.1. Delegations shall be limited to a maximum of ten (10) minutes. 28.2. Anyone desiring to address the Council shall complete and submit to the Clerk, a delegation form (attached as Schedule ‘A’). 28.2.1. Any and all material to be presented or distributed (including, but not limited to slide or handouts) during the delegation be provided to the Clerk seven (7) days prior to the Committee of the Whole meeting and distributed to members of Council in advance of the Committee of the Whole meeting. Only the material provided to the Clerk will be allowed to be presented. 28.2.2. Delegation requests regarding any aspect of an official plan amendment, zoning by-law amendment or plans of subdivisions or condominiums will not be accepted between the conclusion of a public consultation meeting which was conducted in accordance with the Planning Act and final reading of the by-law. 28.2.3. Requests from delegations who have previously addressed Council on a topic shall not be granted unless they can prove that they have new information to present to Council. 29. RULES OF ORDER AND DECORUM29.1. The following rules of order and decorum shall be adhered to at all times during meetings.29.1.1. The public shall: Remain seated at all times, except for the person who has been given permission to speak. Refrain from making noise, comments, or engage in a conversation between one another; Listen to the person who is speaking and shall not interrupt said person; Respect the fact that no person shall address Council without having been recognized by the Presiding Officer. Address questions and remarks to the Presiding Officer; 29.1.2. No person is allowed to speak unless they have first been recognized by the Presiding Officer. 29.1.3. Any person making personal impertinent, slanderous and profane remarks will be ordered to vacate the room by the Presiding Officer. 29.1.4. No person shall make remarks or complain to the Presiding Officer by using offensive or abusive language, and if the person refuses to apologize, the person will be ordered to vacate the room immediately. 29.1.5. Persons may address themselves in English or French when they have the floor. 29.1.6. Persons may not display or have in their possession, picket signs or placards in the Council Chamber or Meeting Rooms. PART VII – RULES OF CONDUCT AND DEBATE30. ADDRESS THE MAYOR30.1. Any member desiring to speak, shall so signify their intent in such a manner as the Mayor may direct, and, upon being recognized, will address the Chair.31. ORDER OF SPEAKING31.1. When two or more members signify their desire to speak, the Mayor will recognize the member, who, in his/her opinion, signified first and next recognize the other member(s).32. CONDUCT OF MEMBERS32.1. No member shall:32.1.1. Speak until he/she has addressed himself/herself and has been recognized by the Mayor; 32.1.2. Disturb another member, or the Council itself, by any disorderly behaviour disconcerting to any member speaking; 32.1.3. Use offensive words during the Council or committee meetings against the Council or staff; 32.1.4. Speak on any subject other than the subject in debate; 32.1.5. Where a matter has been discussed in camera, and where the matter remains confidential, disclose the content of the matter or the substance of the deliberations of the in camera meeting; 32.1.6. Disobey the Rules of Procedure or a decision of the Mayor or of the Council on questions of order or practice or upon the interpretation of the Rules of Procedure. 32.2. Where a member has been called to order by the Mayor for failing to observe the provisions of subsection 32.1 and the member persists in any such disobedience after having been called to order by the Mayor, the Mayor may immediately order the member to leave the Council Chambers for improper conduct, and if the member apologizes, the Mayor may permit the member to retake his/her seat. 33. PRIVILEGE33.1. Where a member considers that the member’s rights, immunities or integrity or the rights, immunities or integrity of the Council as a whole has been impugned, the member may, as a matter of privilege, rise at any time, with the consent of the Mayor, for the purpose of drawing the attention of the Council to the matter.33.2. Upon being recognized by the Mayor, the member shall state the question of privilege. 33.3. The Mayor shall resolve the question of privilege, or require that the question be seconded and permit a debate and a vote to be held on the question. 34. POINTS OF ORDER34.1. The Mayor shall preserve order and decide points of order.34.1.1. When a member desires to address a point of order, he/she shall ask leave of the Mayor to raise a point of order and, after leave is granted, he/she shall state the point of order to the Mayor; 34.1.2. The Mayor rules on the point of order; 34.1.3. Thereafter, a member shall only address the Mayor for the purpose of appealing the Mayor’s decision to the Council; 34.1.4. If no member appeals, the decision of the mayor shall be final; 34.1.5. The Council, if appealed to, shall call a vote without debate on the following question: ‘Shall the Mayor’s decision be sustained?”, and its decision shall be final. 35. MEMBERS SPEAKING35.1. When a member is speaking, no other member will interrupt the member except to raise a point of order or to raise a question of privilege.36. MOTION READ36.1. Any member may require the motion under discussion to be read at any time during the debate but not so as to interrupt a member while speaking.37. TIME LIMITED37.1. During Regular Council meetings, no member, without leave of the Mayor, shall speak to the same motion, or in reply, for longer than five minutes. If a speaker yields to another member for a question, the time consumed by the question is charged to the speaker.38. MOTION PUT – NO FURTHER DEBATE38.1. After any motion is put by the Mayor, no member shall speak to the motion, nor shall any other motion be made until after the result is declared, and the decision of the Mayor as to whether the motion has been put, is conclusive.PART VIII – VOTING DURING COUNCIL MEETINGS39. SECRET BALLOT39.1. No vote shall be taken during a meeting of the Council by secret ballot or other form of secret vote.40. ALL MEMBERS VOTE40.1. Every member present at a meeting of the Council, when a motion is put, shall vote thereon, unless prohibited by statute, in which case it shall be recorded.40.2. Any member may abstain from voting, but the vote shall be recorded as a negative vote. 40.3. When a vote is taken, and no dissent is declared, such vote is deemed to be unanimously in favour of the motion approved. 41. UNRECORDED VOTE41.1. The manner of determining the decision of the Council on a motion is at the discretion of the Mayor and may be by voice, show of hands, standing or otherwise.42. DIVISION OF THE MOTION42.1. When the matter under consideration contains distinct recommendations or propositions, a member may request that the motion be divided. The proposer must delineate clearly the division proposed. The proposer may also suggest that a single motion be removed from the composite motion to be debated and voted on separately.42.2. If the individual motions are truly independent, the motion must be divided on the demand of one member. The Presiding officer will decide if the composite motion is divisible but may, if unsure, seek guidance from the assembly. The Presiding officer’s decision is subject to appeal. 42.3. Upon allowing the division, the Presiding officer puts each component parts of the motion and presents them as individual motions to be debated and voted on separately. 43. RECORDED VOTE43.1. Any member, prior to or immediately subsequent to the taking of the vote, may require that the vote be recorded.43.2. When a member on any matter or motion requests a recorded vote, the Mayor shall ask each member to announce his/her vote openly to be recorded in the minutes, starting with the member who has requested the recorded vote, with the Chair voting last. 43.3. If a vote is to be recorded as herein provided, the Mayor shall announce the result, and the Clerk shall record them in the minutes. 44. DISPUTING VOTE44.1. If a member disagrees with the announcement of the Mayor that a motion is carried or lost, the member may, but only immediately after the declaration by the Mayor, object to the Mayor’s decision and require a recorded vote to be taken.45. TIE VOTE45.1. A resolution on which the voting results are a tie shall be declared lost.46. VOTING46.1. When the Mayor calls for the vote on a motion, each member shall occupy their seat until the result of the vote has been declared by the Mayor, and during such time, no member shall walk across the room, speak to any other member, or make any noise or disturbance. A member who is absent from his/her seat does not have the right to vote.47. TWO-THIRDS VOTE47.1. A two-thirds vote shall be deemed to have been accomplished with the following voting in the affirmative.47.1.1. Six of nine members 47.1.2. Six of eight members 47.1.3. Five of seven members 47.1.4. Five of six members 47.1.5. Five of five members 48. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST48.1. At all times and under all circumstances, members shall be guided by and shall have regard to the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act.48.2. If a member has any pecuniary interest, direct or indirect, in any matter in which the Council is concerned and if he/she is present at a meeting at which the said matter is the subject of consideration, then he/she shall: 48.2.1. Disclose his/her interest and is required to file a written statement of the interest at the meeting or as soon as possible afterwards; 48.2.2. Leave his/her seat and is required to leave the Chambers/Meeting room; If participating electronically, the member shall ensure that their camera and microphone are turned off during the portion of the meeting which applies the disclosed interest; 48.2.3. Not take part in the consideration or discussion of the said matter; 48.2.4. Not vote on any motion in regard to the said matter; 48.2.5. Not attempt in any way before, during and/or after the meeting to influence the voting on any such motion. 48.3. When a meeting is not open to the public, in addition to complying with the requirements of Section (1) hereof, the member shall forthwith leave the meeting for the part of the meeting during which the matter is under consideration. 48.4. Where the interest of a member has not been disclosed by reason of his/her absence from the particular meeting, the member shall disclose his/her interest and otherwise comply at the first meeting of council or committee as the case may be, attended after the particular meeting. 48.5. The Clerk shall record the particulars of any disclosure of pecuniary interest made by members of council, as the case may be, and any such record shall appear in the minutes of that particular meeting. 48.6. The Clerk shall establish and maintain a registry of statements and declarations of interests of members, and make it available for public inspection. 48.7. The failure of one or more members to comply with Section (1) hereof shall not affect the validity of the meeting in regards to the said matter. PART IX – COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE49. PROCEDURE49.1. While sitting in Committee of the Whole, the rules governing the procedure of the Council and the conduct of the members shall be observed except that the number of times of speaking on any motion shall be limited to two times without permission from the chair, provided that no member speaks more than once until every member who desires to speak has spoken.49.2. The Committee of the Whole will receive and vote on recommendations to be put before Council for formal approval at the next Council meeting. 49.2.1. Notwithstanding Section 49.2, upon resuming in regular meeting, Council may immediately consider specific items from the Committee of the Whole, as recommended. 49.3. The Committee of the Whole may go into closed session under the same policy/procedures set out in this by-law. PART X – RESOLUTIONS AND MOTIONS50. READING50.1. Every motion shall be read by the mover, after which the Mayor asks if there is a seconder for the motion. Once seconded, the Mayor opens the floor for discussion and/or debate.50.2. Immediately prior to voting on a motion, the Mayor or Presiding Officer shall state the motion in the precise form it is to be recorded in the minutes, including any amendments to the motion. 51. REQUEST FOR PERMISSION TO WITHDRAW OR MODIFY A MOTION51.1. Before the motion is stated by the Chair, it belongs to the mover of the motion and he/she can withdraw it or modify it without the permission of the assembly. The mover either repeats the motion in the modified version or states that the motion is withdrawn.51.2. If the person who seconds the motion withdraws his/her second from the modified form, the chair can ask for another seconder to the motion. 51.3. Before the chair opens the discussion and/or debate on the motion, another member can ask the chair if the mover of the motion will accept a change in the motion. The mover can either accept or reject the proposed change. (This may be referred to as a ‘Friendly Amendment’). If the mover rejects the proposed change, the member suggesting the change can propose a formal amendment after the motion has been open for discussion and/or debate by the Mayor. 51.4. If the motion is under discussion and the mover wants to withdraw it, he/she must ask permission of the Council. Permission to withdraw is not debatable. If there is an objection, the presiding officer puts it to a vote. 51.5. A withdrawn motion is not recorded in the minutes unless the motion has been properly moved and seconded. 52. NO DEBATE UNTIL READ52.1. No member shall speak on any motion until it is first read and seconded, and the mover is entitled to speak first if the member so elects. If debated, the motion shall be read again before being put.53. MOTIONS RULED OUT OF ORDER53.1. Wherever the Mayor is of the opinion that a motion or resolution is contrary to the Rules of Procedure, or is not within its jurisdiction, the Mayor shall rule the motion or resolution out of order.54. MOTIONS54.1. Privileged and Subsidiary motions may be introduced orally without notice and without leave, except as otherwise provided by the Rules of Procedure.54.2. All main motions and resolutions shall be in writing and include the name of the mover and seconder. 54.3. A mover may withdraw his/her motion or his/her Notice of Motion at any time prior to being read by the Chair and commencement of debate thereon. 54.4. There shall never be more than one main motion before the Council at one time. 54.5. When the resolution under consideration contains two or more proposals, the same shall, at the request of any members of Council, be divided. Members can only divide motions that can stand by themselves. 54.6. Any Member may require the resolution under discussion to be read a second time for his/her information, at any time during debate, but not so as to interrupt a member speaking. 55. ORDER OF CONSIDERATION55.1. When a motion is under consideration, no motion shall be received except a privileged, subsidiary or incidental/procedural motion which takes precedence over the motion to which they apply at the time they are made.55.2. Privileged and Subsidiary motions shall be considered immediately upon receipt and shall have precedence and are subject to debate as follows: 55.2.1. To set the time to continue the meeting (debatable): 55.2.2. To adjourn – if moved after time set for concluding the meeting (not debatable): 55.2.3. To recess (debatable): 55.2.4. To raise a question of privilege – if raised in the form of a motion (debatable): 55.2.5. Postpone temporarily - To lay on the table (not debatable): 55.2.6. To close debate - move the motion be put (not debatable); 55.2.7. To limit or extend debate (debatable); 55.2.8. To postpone (defer) to a certain time (debatable); 55.2.9. To refer (debatable); 55.2.10. To amend (debatable if the motion to which it is applied is debatable); 55.2.11. To postpone indefinitely (debatable); 56. POSTPONE INDEFINITELY56.1. The motion to “Postpone Indefinitely” allows Council to avoid making a decision on a main motion by delaying the decision to an undetermined time beyond the current meeting.56.2. If the motion to “Postpone Indefinitely” is carried, the matter may not be brought back at the same meeting. If the motion is defeated, discussion on the main motion continues. 56.3. The motion is debatable (only to outline the reasons why the motion should or should not be dealt with immediately) but not amendable and requires a majority vote. 57. AMENDMENT57.1. A motion to amend proposes a formal change to the pending motion and shall be presented in writing at the request of the Presiding Officer.57.2. A motion to amend is debatable if the motion to which it is applied is debatable. 57.3. The amendment shall be relevant and not contrary to the principle of the motion under consideration. 57.4. Only one motion to amend the main motion shall be allowed at one time and only one motion to amend an amendment shall be allowed at one time; third level amendments are not permitted. 57.5. The motion to amend shall be put in the reverse order to the order in which it is moved. For example, the amendment to an amendment (secondary amendment) would be put first, then the amendment to the main motion (as amended, if a secondary amendment was carried), and finally the main motion (as amended, if the amendment was carried). 57.6. Notwithstanding subsection (57.4), any amendment(s) to a motion may be placed in the order to be determined by the Mayor as the most logical, practical and expeditious in all of the circumstances. 58. MOTION TO REFER58.1. A motion to refer to a Committee, Board, Official or Commission should include the following elements:58.1.1. The entity to which the subject or motion is being referred; 58.1.2. The instructions given to carry out its mandate; 58.1.3. When the entity is to finally report. 58.2. If the motion to postpone indefinitely is pending when a main motion is referred, the motion to postpone indefinitely is dropped from further consideration. Pending amendments, however, go to the committee with the main motion, and are reported with it. 58.3. A motion to refer is debatable and amendable and requires a majority vote. 59. MOTION TO POSTPONE (DEFER) TO A CERTAIN TIME59.1. A matter postponed or deferred to a certain date and time shall have precedence over all other business on such date and time, immediately following the completion of the pending business59.2. The motion to postpone (defer) to a certain time is debatable and amendable and requires a majority vote. 59.3. If the purpose is to set aside business for a short period of time, but no later than the end of the meeting, a member should make a motion to “postpone temporarily” (lay on the table). (see item 62). 59.4. If the purpose is to avoid making a decision on a main motion to an undetermined time beyond the current meeting, a member should make a motion “to postpone indefinitely”. (see item 57). 60. CLOSE DEBATE (PUT THE MOTION TO A VOTE)60.1. A motion to close debate stops all debate on the pending motion or a series of consecutive pending motions, and puts the motion to a vote immediately.60.2. The motion to close debate cannot be moved by a member who has already debated the motion, unless another member has subsequently debated the motion. 60.3. A motion to close debate, if carried without qualification, shall have an effect only on the immediately pending motion. 60.4. The motion to close debate is not debatable, but is amendable (as to the number of consecutive pending motions debate is being closed on), and requires a two-third (2/3) vote. 60.5. “the motion to close debate” is not allowed in committees. 61. POSTPONE TEMPORARILY (MOTION TO LAY ON THE TABLE)61.1. A motion to “Postpone temporarily” is in order to set aside business for a short period of time, but no later than the end of the meeting. It is used when an interruption in the meeting makes it expedient not to continue with the business at that time.61.2. The motion to “Postpone temporarily” is not debatable or amendable and requires a majority vote. 61.3. An item of business that has been “Postponed temporarily” may be taken up again through a motion to resume consideration. 61.4. If business has been “Postponed temporarily” in a meeting and no motion to resume consideration is made, or is not assumed by the Presiding officer before adjournment, the business falls to the floor and may only be initiated again at the next meeting through a new main motion. 61.5. The motion to “Postpone temporarily” is out of order if the evident intent is to kill or avoid dealing with the motion, in this case, it shall be treated as if it was a motion to “Postpone Indefinitely”. 62. NOTICE OF MOTION62.1. A Notice of Motion shall be in writing and include the name of the mover and seconder;62.2. All Notices of Motion received by the Clerk prior to or at the Notices of Motion segment of the Agenda may be read out by the mover or the Mayor during that segment. Consideration of a motion, of which notice was given pursuant to this section, shall be in order at the next regular meeting. 62.3. Prior to Council’s consideration of a motion of which notice has been given previously, a revised motion on the same subject, approved by both the mover and seconder, may be substituted for the original one contained in the Notice of Motion. 63. DISPENSING WITH NOTICE63.1. Any motion may be introduced without notice if the Council, without debate, dispenses with notice on the affirmative vote of at least two-thirds (2/3) of the whole Council.64. RECONSIDERATION64.1. A motion to reconsider a vote is a main motion. It permits Council to consider reversing a decision it has made at that meeting.64.2. Only a member that voted on the prevailing side can make the motion to reconsider, although anyone can second it. 64.3. A motion to reconsider is not amendable and requires a two-third (2/3) vote to be carried. 64.4. If there is no business pending, the motion is taken up immediately. If business is pending, the chair tells the Clerk to make a note that the motion to reconsider has been made; it isn’t taken up until the Chair or a member calls the motion to reconsider the vote when no other business is pending before the meeting concludes, as it would lose effect at adjournment. 64.5. If the motion to reconsider the vote is carried, the motion being reconsidered is placed before the Council as if it had never been voted on; procedurally, it is considered a newly made main motion and all rights of the members are renewed with regard to debate. 64.6. No motion shall be reconsidered more than once, nor shall a vote to reconsider be reconsidered. 65. AMEND OR RESCIND A PREVIOUS DECISION65.1. A motion to amend or rescind a previous decision is a main motion. It brings a substantive proposal that has been previously decided back before the meeting for a new decision by the members.65.2. A motion to amend or rescind a previous decision is subject to giving notice in accordance with Section 63. 65.3. The motion is debatable and amendable and requires the same vote as the original motion required. 65.4. A motion to rescind and to amend a previous decision is not in order in the following circumstances 65.4.1. When it has previously been moved to reconsider the vote on the main motion, and the motion can be reached by calling up the motion to reconsider; 65.4.2. When something has been done, as a result of the vote on the main motion, that is impossible to undo (the unexecuted part of an order, however, can be rescinded or amended). 66. MOTION TO ADJOURN66.1. A motion to adjourn is always privileged when made after the time set to conclude the meeting. As a privileged motion, the motion to adjourn is not debatable and requires a majority vote.66.2. A motion to adjourn is a main motion if made before the time set to conclude the meeting. As a main motion, the motion to adjourn is debatable, amendable and requires a majority vote. It shall always be in order except as provided as follows; 66.2.1. When another motion is pending; 66.2.2. When a member is speaking or during the verification of a vote; 66.2.3. When resolved in the negative, cannot be made again until after some intermediate proceedings have been completed by the Council; 66.3. A motion to adjourn without qualification, if carried, brings a meeting of the Council to an end. 66.4. A motion to adjourn to a specific time, or to reconvene upon the happening of a specific event, if carried, suspends the meeting of the Council to continue at such time. PART XI – BY-LAWS67. READING OF BY-LAWS AND RELATED PROCEEDINGS67.1. The Clerk shall endorse on all by-laws enacted by the Council, the dates of the several readings, if any.67.2. Every by-law, which has been enacted by the Council, shall be numbered, dated and deposited in the office of the Clerk for safekeeping. 67.3. Every by-law shall be under the seal of the Corporation and shall be signed by the Mayor and by the Clerk. PART XII – COMMITTEES68. PROCEDURE68.1. Except as otherwise provided for herein, a Committee shall conform to the rules governing protocol and procedure of Council.69. ESTABLISHMENT/APPOINTMENT OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS69.1. Standing Committees, Special or Ad Hoc Committees may be established by the Council at any time as is deemed necessary for the consideration of matters within the jurisdiction of Council.69.2. Council Members required to serve on any Committee of Council shall be appointed by the Mayor subject to the member’s acceptance. 69.3. Council Members to be appointed to any Board, Commission or other body to which the Council is required or empowered to appoint persons shall be appointed by the Mayor subject to the member’s acceptance and adopted by Council. 70. MAYOR EX OFFICIO70.1. The Mayor is an ex officio member of every Committee.70.2. Where a Committee is established by reference to a particular number of members without specifically providing for the membership of the Mayor, such number is automatically increased by one, being the Mayor, as provided for in subsection (1) hereof. 70.3. The Mayor may vote and otherwise participate in the business of the Committee, without any restriction, on the same basis as any other Committee member. 71. STANDING COMMITTEE71.1. The Mayor shall appoint the Chairman of each Standing Committee, unless the adopted Terms of Reference provides otherwise.71.2. The Chairman of each Standing Committee and the members thereof shall hold office for one (1) year or until their successors are appointed unless the adopted Terms of Reference provides otherwise. 71.3. A Planning Standing Committee shall be established as per the Terms of Reference attached hereto as Schedule ‘B2’. 72. TERMS OF REFERENCE72.1. Subject to the provision of any general or special act, the Council, in establishing any Committee, shall set forth the Terms of Reference of the Committee and such other provisions as the Council deems proper.72.2. The Council may consider any matter without referring it to a Standing Committee or may refer it to one or more Committees or refer it to the Committee of the Whole and may withdraw a matter from a Committee whether or not the Committee has entered into consideration. 72.3. Each member of Council shall have the opportunity to serve on a Committee. 72.4. The Terms of Reference for Committees of Council shall be those adopted by Council from time to time and included as a Schedule to this By-law. 72.5. All Committees, including Standing Committees shall be established by Terms of Reference, which are subject to this procedure by-law. 73. QUORUM73.1. A quorum in any Committee is the majority of the voting Members of the Committee as appointed, and the Mayor, if present, is a member to be included in determining the quorum.73.2. A Committee shall not consider any business if a quorum is not present. 73.3. If there is no quorum within fifteen minutes after the time fixed for the meeting, the meeting shall stand adjourned until the next regular meeting. 74. MEETINGS – STANDING COMMITTEES74.1. Standing Committees shall meet once a month at such time and place as defined in its Terms of Reference, subject to the direction of the Council. Prior to the end of each calendar year, a schedule of standing committee meetings shall be prepared and posted on the City’s website.74.2. The Chair may cancel one or more regular meetings of the Standing Committee if in the Chair’s opinion such meetings are not necessary for the proper conduct of the business of the Committee. 74.3. In case of an emergency and in the absence of the Committee Chair and of the Mayor, a Standing Committee meeting may be called by the Chief Administrative Officer in such a way as he/she may deem best without regard to any length of notice to the Members. 74.4. The Standing Committee Chair shall preside and, in the absence of the Committee Chair, an Acting-Chair, selected amongst the members of the Committee shall preside. 74.5. The Chair of the Standing Committee may vote on any motion before the Committee, and, in the event of an equality of votes, the motion being voted upon is deemed lost. 74.6. Members of Council who are not members of a Standing Committee may attend meetings of the Committee and take part in any discussion or debate, but shall not be allowed to vote and shall not be seated at the Committee table but in the public area. 74.7. The Standing Committee shall consider and report on such matters only as have been referred to them by the Council or such matters as identified within their Terms of Reference and jurisdiction. 74.8. Members may speak more than once to the same motion. 74.9. The meetings of the Standing Committees shall be open to the public and the provisions of Section 16 and 17 shall apply. 74.10. The Standing committee agenda shall be established by the responsible department representative in consultation with the Chairperson of the committee. The Chairperson shall report the recommendations of the Standing Committee to Council at a Committee of the Whole meeting or at a Council meeting. 75. GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR COMMITTEES75.1. Anyone wishing to address a Standing Committee shall notify the Clerk or the Secretary of the Committee, at least seven (7) days prior to the date of the meeting, and shall specify the nature of the business to be discussed. No person, without leave of the Committee shall speak for no longer than 10 minutes.75.2. Each Standing Committee shall diligently pursue its duties and shall report to Council on every matter and motion coming before it within its Terms of Reference and jurisdiction. 75.3. When a point of order is raised or when a member is called to order in a Committee, the same procedure shall be adopted as in Council, except that the question shall be decided by the Committee Chair, subject to an appeal to the members of the Committee. 75.4. When an Ad Hoc Committee has completed its work and submitted its final report, it dissolves automatically, unless otherwise directed by the Council. 75.5. The Department Head or an employee of the Department designated by the Department Head, shall act as Secretary to the Committee to which he/she is responsible and he/she is to prepare the agenda in consultation with the Department Head and Committee Chairperson and shall also prepare the meeting minutes. 76. MINUTES AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF COMMITTEES76.1. Each Standing Committee shall submit its recommendations in the form of a written report to Council at a Committee of the Whole for further discussion, or at a Council meeting for consideration.76.2. The Chairman or representative of the Committee may be called upon to further explain the recommendation. 76.3. Minutes of committees shall be submitted to Council for information purposes, once approved by the Committee. 77. VACANCY ON COMMITTEES AND BOARDS77.1. Should any member of a Committee fail to attend three (3) consecutive regular or special meetings without being excused by the Committee, the Committee may certify such failure and the membership of such person on the Committee may be terminated and the Mayor may appoint another member to fill the vacancy, subject to the member’s acceptance.77.2. Should a member of a Committee or Board die, resign or be otherwise disqualified, the Council shall, by resolution, declare his/her seat vacant and, upon the recommendation of the Mayor, appoint another member to fill the vacancy, subject to the member’s acceptance. 77.3. Should any Committee neglect or refuse to give due attention to any matter before it, the Council may by resolution, discharge such Committee and appoint another Committee in its place. 77.4. Should the Chair of any Committee neglect or refuse to call meetings necessary to conduct the business of the Committee, or he/she conducts the business of the committee without the knowledge or consent of its members, or contrary to their wishes or sanction, the Committee may report such neglect, refusal or action to the Mayor, who may remove such Chair from office and appoint another member as Chair, subject to the member’s acceptance. PART XIII – GENERAL PROVISIONS78. RECORDING EQUIPMENT78.1. At the meetings of Council only, the use of cameras, electric lighting equipment, flash bulbs, recording equipment, television cameras and any other device of a mechanical, electronic or similar nature used for transcribing of recording proceedings by auditory or visual means by members of the public, including accredited and other representatives of any new media whatsoever, may be permitted as long as it does not interfere with the proceedings and shall be subject to the approval and/or direction of the Mayor unless otherwise decided by the Council.79. SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES AND STATE OF EMERGENCY79.1. If special circumstances exist or in the event of a declared state of emergency, all the procedures outlined in the present Procedure By-Law apply.80. NOTICE OF COUNCIL AND COMMITTEE MEETINGS80.1. The Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland will provide notice of Council meetings and committee meetings by posting the meeting date link on the city’s website. Notices shall also be sent to newsletter subscribers.81. EXECUTION OF DOCUMENTS81.1. Whenever the execution of any document is required to give effect to any resolution or by-law of the Municipality, the Mayor and the Clerk have general authority for and in the name of the Municipality to execute and to affix the seal of the Municipality to such documents.82. AMENDMENT OR REPEAL82.1. No amendment or repeal of this by-law or any part thereof shall be considered at any meeting of the Council unless notice of the proposed amendment or repeal is given as prescribed in the City’s current notice By-law, and the waiving of the notice is prohibited.83. REPEAL83.1. That the City of Clarence-Rockland By-law No. 2017-154 as amended, is hereby repealed.84. EFFECT84.1. This by-law will come in full force and effect on the 1st day of January 2023.85. SHORT TITLE85.1. This By-law may be referred to as the “Procedure By-Law”.Read, passed and adopted in open council this 5th day of December 2022. Mario Zanth, Mayor Monique Ouellet, Clerk
Procurement 2022-67 |
By-Law Procurement 2022-67 - A by-law to establish procurement policy and procedures for the corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland and to repeal by-law 2019-41. |
Property standards - 2024-76 |
A by-law to prescribe standards for the maintenance and occupancy of property within the City of Clarence-Rockland and for prohibiting the occupancy or use of such property that does not conform with the standards. Whereas the Official Plan for the City of Clarence-Rockland includes provisions relating to conditions of maintenance and occupancy of properties; and Whereas Section 15.1 of the Building Code Act provides that the Council may pass a by-law with respect to prescribing standards for the maintenance and occupancy of property, and requiring property that does not conform with the standards to be repaired and maintained with the standards on the site to be cleared of all buildings, structures, debris or refuse and left in graded and levelled condition; and Whereas the offence and penalty provisions for contraventions are as set out in section 36 of the Building Code Act, the Administrative Monetary Penalty System By-law, and the Administrative Penalties provisions in section 15.4.1 of the Building Code Act; and Whereas Section 15.4.1 of the Building Code Act authorizes a municipality to require a person to pay an administrative penalty if the municipality is satisfied that the person has failed to comply with a by-law of the municipality passed under section 15.1, or an order of an officer under ss. 15.2(2) as deemed confirmed or as confirmed or modified by the committee or a judge under section 15.3; and Whereas Section 391(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001 provides that a municipality may impose fees or charges on persons for services and activities provided or done by or on behalf of it; for costs payable by it for services or activities provided or done by or on behalf of any other municipality or any local board; and Whereas the Council of the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland deems it expedient to enact such by-law; Therefore, the Council of the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland enacts as follows: 1. DefinitionsIn this by-law, 1.1. Acceptable means a) Accepted by the Chief Building Official of the municipality with respect to matters under the Building Code; b) Accepted by the Chief Fire Official of the municipality with respect to matters under the Fire Code; c) Accepted by the Property Standards Officer with respect to the standards set out in this by-law. 1.2. Act means the Building Code Act, 1992, S.O. 1992, c.23, as amended; 1.3. Building Code means the regulations made under section 34 of the Act; 1.4. City or City of Clarence-Rockland means the municipal corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland or the geographic area of the City of Clarence-Rockland as the context requires. 1.5. Committee means a Property Standards Committee established under this By-law referred to in Section 15.6 of the Building Code Act, 1992, S.O. 1992, c.23, as amended, to hear appeals of Property Standards orders 1.6. Composting means the biological degradation or breakdown of organic material into a dark soil-like material called humus;. 1.7. Containers for composting means a container designed, constructed and maintained for the specific use of composting 1.8. Concealed space agreement means a document signed by the property owner or authorizing agent in which an agreement is registered on title to prohibit use or occupancy of a finished space that does not comply with the regulations outlined in this By-law; 1.9. Duct type smoke interlock detector means a device used to detect the presence of smoke in the airstream of ductwork sections of the HVAC air handling systems; 1.10. Exterior property areas means the property excluding buildings; 1.11. Fence includes a privacy or other screen; 1.12. Ground cover means organic or non-organic material applied to prevent erosion such as concrete, flagstone, gravel, asphalt, grass or other equivalent landscaping; 1.13. Habitable space means a room or area used or intended to be used for living, sleeping, cooking or eating purposes and includes a washroom; 1.14. Heritage attributes means, in relation to real property, and to the buildings and structures on the real property, the attributes of the property, buildings and structures that contribute to their cultural heritage value or interest and that is defined or described: a) in a by-law designating a property passed under section 29, Part IV, of the Ontario Heritage Act and identified as a heritage attribute, reason for designation or otherwise; b) in a Minister’s order made under section 34.5, Part IV, of the Ontario Heritage Actand identified as a heritage attribute or otherwise; c) in a by-law designating a heritage conservation district passed under section 41, Part V, of the Ontario Heritage Act and identified as a heritage attribute or otherwise; or d) in the supporting documentation required for a by-law designating a heritage conservation district, including but not limited to a heritage conservation district plan, assessment or inventory, and identified as heritage attributes or otherwise. 1.15. Maintained means to carry out any repairs, reconstruction, refinishing, or replacement of any part or parts of a structure or building or appurtenances including mechanical equipment required so they may properly perform the intended function; 1.16. Officer means a Property Standards Officer who has been assigned by Council with the responsibility of administering and enforcing this by-law; 1.17. Occupant, means a person or entity occupying or holding possession of a building or premises pursuant to a rental agreement; 1.18. Owner, means, a) the registered owner of the land on which the building is located or, if the building is owned separately from the land on which the building is located, the owner of the building, unless the person is a person prescribed in the building code; b) the person that is responsible for maintaining the building or part of the building subject to a building condition evaluation program, unless the person is a person prescribed in the building code, and c) such other persons as may be prescribed under the building Code 1.19. Part IV Heritage Property means real property, including all buildings and structures thereon, which has been designated by a municipality under section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, or which has been designated by the Minister under section 34.5 of the Ontario Heritage Act; 1.20. Part V Heritage Property means real property, including all buildings and structures thereon, which is located in a heritage conservation district designated under section 41 of the Ontario Heritage Act; 1.21. Unfinished Space/Area means an exposed ceiling, walls and/or incomplete flooring; 1.22. Vacant Building means a building or part of a building that is not used by an owner or is not occupied by an owner; Any word or term not defined in this by-law shall have the meaning ascribed to it that is provided for in the Act or the O.Reg. 332/12 of Building Code Act, 1992, S.O. 1992, c.3 Every person shall ensure that their property conforms with the standards prescribed in this by-law. 2. General Duty to Repair2.1 Owners of property that does not conform to the standards of this By-law, shall repair and maintain the property to conform with the standards of this By-law or to clear it of all buildings, structures, debris or refuse and left in a graded and levelled condition except that no building or structure on a Part IV heritage property or a Part V heritage property shall be altered or cleared, including but not limited to removed, demolished or relocated, except in accordance with the Ontario Heritage Act. 2.2 Repairs – Manner Acceptable 2.2.1. All repairs to comply with this by-law shall be carried out in a good and workmanlike manner for the trades concerned; and 2.2.2. For the purposes of this section, and without limiting section 2.2.1, “good and workmanlike manner” includes: carried out with materials suitable and sufficient for that purpose and free from defects; carried out with a degree of efficiency and knowledge possessed by those with a skill set, competency, and standing in a particular trade and in accordance with recognized industry best practices; and where required by law, carried out by a duly qualified and/or licensed person. 2.3 Application – All Property This By-law applies to all property within the City of Clarence-Rockland. 2.4 Repairs – Vacant Building – Occupied All repairs to be carried out inside a vacant building or inside a vacant part thereof shall be carried out before the vacant building or vacant part is used or occupied. 2.5 Repairs Required – Section 15.1 – Act This By-law is applicable to repairs required under Section 15.1 of the Act, and sections 35.3 and 45.1 of the Ontario Heritage Act, but not any other section of the Act, Fire Code or any other provincial act or regulations. 2.6 Dimension – Specified – Officer Accept – Level of Performance Whenever a dimension, either maximum or minimum is specified, the Officer may accept a dimension that is more or less than the requirement provided it will not reduce the level of performance required by the By-law. 2.7 Standard for Heritage Properties 2.7.1. In section 2.7 only, “maintained” in respect of heritage attributes means maintained, preserved, protected, repaired, reconstructed, refinished, or replaced, in compliance with the Ontario Heritage Act. Subject to the requirements in the Ontario Heritage Act, maintenance may include using the same types of material as the original exterior heritage fabric of the building or structure, in order to maintain the character and visual integrity of the heritage attributes of the building or structure, in keeping with the design, colour, texture and any other distinctive feature of the original material that is being maintained. 2.7.2. In addition to the minimum standards for the maintenance of property set out in this By-law, all of the heritage attributes of a Part IV heritage property and a Part V heritage property shall be maintained. 2.7.3. For a Part IV heritage property, the owner must comply with the provisions of the Ontario Heritage Act if the alteration is likely to affect the property’s heritage attributes, and the owner must apply to Council under the Ontario Heritage Act to obtain written consent, or receive the Minister’s consent, as the case may be. 2.7.4. For a Part V heritage property, the owner must comply with the provisions of the Ontario Heritage Act and obtain a permit when altering or permitting the alteration of any part of the property, other than the interior of any structure or building on the property, or when erecting, demolishing, or removing any building or structure on the property, or permitting same, unless excepted from such requirement under the Ontario Heritage Act. 2.7.5. No building or structure on a Part IV heritage property or a Part V heritage property may be altered or cleared, including but not limited to removed, demolished, or relocated, except in accordance with the Ontario Heritage Act. 2.7.6. No order made under section 15.2 of the Building Code Act in respect of a Part IV heritage property, or a Part V heritage property shall state that the site is to be cleared of all buildings or structures and left in a graded and levelled condition. That part of an order in respect of a Part IV heritage property or a Part V heritage property that states that a site is to be cleared of all buildings or structures and left in a graded and levelled condition is of no force or effect. 2.8 Vacant Buildings on Designated Heritage Properties 2.8.1. This section applies only to vacant buildings on a Part IV heritage property or a Part V heritage property. 2.8.2. Despite section 4.3, in order to minimize the potential of deterioration of a building, where the exterior doors, windows or other openings are missing, broken, improperly fitted, unsecure or in disrepair, or where the property remains vacant for a period of 30 days or more, the property shall be boarded in compliance with the following requirements: a) all boards used in the boarding shall be installed from the exterior and shall be properly fitted in a watertight manner to fit within the side jambs, head jamb and the exterior bottom sill of the door or window so that any exterior trim remains uncovered and undamaged by the boarding; b) all boards should be at least 12.7mm (0.5 in.) weatherproofed sheet plywood secured with nails or screws at least 50 millimetres (2 inches) in length and be installed at appropriate intervals on centre; c) all boards shall be painted or otherwise treated so that the colour blends with the exterior of the building or structure. 2.8.3. In addition to section 4.6, the exterior of the building shall be maintained to prevent moisture penetration and damage from the elements. 2.8.4. In addition to section 5.2, once a vacant heritage building is secured, the building must be individually evaluated by professionals specializing in the area of building science, heritage conservation, fire prevention, and life safety to determine a heating and ventilation installation and maintenance plan in an effort to conserve the heritage attributes of the structure. 3. Environment Exterior Property Areas3.8. Exterior – Neat and Tidy 3.1.1. Exterior property areas shall be maintained in a neat and tidy condition. 3.1.2. Neat and Tidy Includes Without restricting the generality of subsection 3.1.1., maintained in a neat and tidy condition includes removal of: a) rubbish, garbage, brush, waste, litter and debris; b) injurious insects, termites, rodents, vermin and other pests; c) growth of weeds in excess of 20 cm (8"); d) ground cover, hedges and bushes which are unreasonably overgrown; e) dead, decayed or damaged trees or other growth and the branches and limbs thereof which create an unsafe condition; f) wrecked, dismantled, inoperative, discarded, unused, or unlicensed vehicles or trailers, except in an establishment licensed or authorized to conduct or operate a wrecking business; g) containers for composting shall be designed, constructed so as to prevent the entry of rodents or other animals the entry of rodents or other animals, and shall be provided with a tight-fitting cover which shall be kept closed at all times except when material is being placed therein, and shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition. h) machinery or parts thereof, or other objects or parts thereof, or accumulation of material that creates an unsafe condition or which is not in keeping with the neighbouring properties; i) dilapidated or collapsed structures or erections, and the filling or protecting of any uncovered cavities such as wells, cisterns, septic tanks, sink holes, or impressions. 3.1.3. Drives, Ramps – Surfaced – Marked Driveways, ramps, parking areas, paths, outside stairs and landings, except for those on properties zoned and used for agricultural purposes, shall be: a) surfaced, resurfaced, repaired or regraded to provide a uniform surface for pedestrian or vehicle use; b) provided with markings or islands, to indicate parking spaces, ingress and egress routes and snow piling areas; 3.1.4. Exterior – Regraded – Prevent Unstable Soil Exterior property areas shall be regraded and/or provided with ground cover as appropriate to prevent unstable soil conditions, or erosion. 3.1.5. Lighting – Maintained Lighting fixtures, lamps and their supports and connections shall be maintained in a safe and complete condition, without visible deterioration and in working order. 3.1.6. All Conditions – Maintained All conditions of development and redevelopment including, but not limited to, drainage, ground cover, hedges, trees, landscaping, and recreation equipment shall be maintained. The Officer may accept alternatives provided the intent of the original conditions of approval are maintained. 3.1.7. Furniture – Exterior Use All furniture used for exterior use that becomes dilapidated shall be disposed of. 3.2. Accessory buildings 3.2.1. Accessory Buildings – Maintained Accessory buildings unless they are unsafe shall be maintained. 3.3. Fences 3.3.1. Fences – Maintained Fences, except for those on properties zoned and used for agricultural purposes, shall be maintained. 3.4. Retaining walls 3.4.1. Retaining Walls – Maintained Retaining walls shall be maintained and where a retaining wall in excess of 1 metre (39 inches) forms part or is adjacent to a means of egress, a guard shall be provided unless access is restricted to the retaining wall. 3.5. Refuse storage and disposal 3.5.1. Refuse – Collected – Stored All refuse shall be collected, stored, and placed for pick-up and disposal, in accordance with the Municipal Waste & Resource Materials Collection policies, or any successor by-law. 3.5.2. Refuse Collection – Comply Without limiting the generality of subsection 3.5.1, the collection, handling, storage, and disposal of refuse shall comply with the following: a) it shall facilitate collection and disposal as required by the municipal corporation or private collecting agency, as applicable; b) refuse storage facilities within a building shall be readily accessible to all occupants for whom the storage facility is provided, or in the alternative be readily accessible by an operable refuse chute provided for this purpose in compliance with all regulations applicable thereto; c) refuse storage facilities shall be maintained in a clean, sanitary and odour controlled condition; d) it shall not obstruct an emergency route, recreation facility, parking area, driveway, or walkway; and e) where a refuse compactor is provided it shall not be connected to an electrical or other source of power unless provisions are made to prevent unauthorized operation. 3.5.3. Outside – Storage of Refuse Where refuse is permitted by an owner to be stored for disposal outside the enclosing walls of a building, the storage of refuse by that owner shall: a) be kept at all times in a litter free condition and in a manner that will not attract pests or create a health or safety hazard due to the nature of b) the storage or through deterioration, wind, or misuse of the storage facility. c) except for single and semi-detached residential buildings be screened if less than 60 m (196 ft) from a public highway, street, walkway, park, or residential property so as not to be visible from such locations; and (c) the required screening in (b) above shall: d) extend from grade to a height of 0.3 m (1 ft) above the height of the storage container(s), e) consist of a continuous opaque visual barrier when viewed at 90° to the surface, f) be maintained in a clean, sanitary and odour-controlled condition. 3.5.4. Refuse – Inside Where refuse is stored or placed for disposal inside the enclosing walls of a building the storage and placement for disposal shall be large enough to contain all refuse generated between collections by the occupants served. 3.5.5. Refuse Chute System – Maintained Where a refuse chute system was originally provided in a multiple floor building, the system shall be maintained except that an acceptable alternative may be provided if readily accessible to occupants. 3.5.6. Temporary Storage – Provided Notwithstanding the requirements of this section, temporary storage resulting solely from the construction, demolition or alteration of a building or part thereof may be placed on the property provided: a) it is removed frequently and in its entirety from the property. b) it will not cause risk to the health or safety of any person. c) material contained within temporary storage is covered or kept from freely moving. 4. Buildings4.1 Structural 4.1.1 Structural System – Capable A building, and every structural system or component serving a part thereof, shall be capable of sustaining its own weight together with the loads that may be imposed by the use and occupancy therein and by natural causes such as snow and winds. 4.1.2 Doubt – Structural Condition – Engineer’s Report If, in the opinion of the officer, there is doubt as to the structural condition of a building or structure or parts thereof, the officer may order that such building or structure or parts thereof be examined by a professional engineer, licensed to practice in Ontario and employed by the owner of the building or authorized agent, and that a written report, which may include drawings for any recommended remedial work designed by the engineer, and giving details of the findings of such examination to be submitted to the officer. 4.1.3 Report Acceptance The officer may accept the findings in the report pursuant to subsection 4.1.2 as the requirements for compliance with the required repairs provided the officer is satisfied all deficiencies have been identified and appropriately dealt with by the report. 4.2 Foundation, walls, colomns, beams, floor and roof slabs 4.2.1 Foundations, Walls – Maintained The foundations, walls, columns, beams, floor, and roof slabs of a building including ancillary structures such as parking garages shall be maintained. 4.2.2. Without restricting the generality of subsection 4.2.1 the maintenance may include: a) extension of the wall foundations below grade or regrading to provide adequate frost cover. b) installing subsoil drains where such would be beneficial. c) repairing or replacing decayed, damaged, or weakened sills, piers, posts or other supports. d) grouting, waterproofing, cladding or replacing as necessary so as to be weather tight. e) the replacement, cladding or treatment with other methods to restore the wall to its original or acceptable equivalent appearance. f) the applying of acceptable materials to preserve all wood, metal work or other materials not inherently resistant to weathering or wear; (g) the restoring, or replacing of: g) the foundations, walls, columns, beams, floor, and roof slabs; and h) components, cladding, finishes, and trims forming a part thereof. i) the carrying out of such other work as may be required to overcome any existing settlement detrimental to the appearance of the building. j) removing or replacing loose or unsecured objects and materials. 4.3 Doors, windows and skylights 4.3.1 Apertures – Provided – Perform Apertures on the exterior surface of a building designed for doors, windows or skylights shall be provided with a door, window, or skylight capable of performing the intended function. 4.3.2 Doors, Windows – Maintained All doors, windows, skylights, and shutters, including storm and screen doors and windows shall be maintained. 4.3.3 Without restricting the generality of subsection 4.3.2, the maintenance includes: a) the refitting, replacing, or renewing of damaged, decaying or defective doors, windows, frames, sashes, casings, shutters, hatchways or screens. b) reglazing cracked, broken or missing glass. c) replacing or providing defective or missing hardware. d) re-screening or weatherstripping where such is defective or missing. e) painting or the applying of a similarly effective preservative 4.3.4 Required Opening – Protected When an opening is used or required for ventilation or illumination and is not required to be protected by a door, window, or similar closure it shall be protected with a: a) wire mesh screen, metal grille or other equivalent durable material; or b) other protection so as to effectively prevent the entry of rodents or vermin. 4.3.5 Door/Window – Latched or Secure All entrance doors to a dwelling and all opening windows in a dwelling unit shall be provided with the means of being latched or secured from within. 4.3.6 Windows – Screens All windows that can be or are required to be openable in a dwelling unit shall be provided with screens to effectively prevent the entry of insects, from May 1st to September 30th annually. 4.3.7 Screens – Acceptable Where compliance with subsection 4.3.6 is not practicable screens shall be installed in an acceptable manner. 4.3.8 Vacant Building – Exception Nothing in Part 4.3 shall be construed as restricting any door, window, or other opening in the exterior of a vacant building from being protected by preventing entry thereto as required by the City of Clarence-Rockland’s By-law to Regulate Vacant Buildings. 4.4 Roofs and roof structures 4.4.1 Roof/Related Roof Structure – Maintained Every roof including related roof structures, fascia’s, soffits, eavestroughs, roof gutters, downpipes, guards, and lightning arrestors shall be maintained. 4.4.2 Chimneys – Maintained Chimneys, smoke or vent stacks and other roof structures shall be maintained and free from: a) loose bricks and mortar and loose or broken capping. b) loose or rusted stanchions, guy wires, braces and attachments or other unsafe conditions. 4.5 Floors, stairs, verandas, porches, decks, loading docks and balconies 4.5.1 Floors, Stairs – Maintained Every floor, stair, verandah, porch, deck, balcony and every appurtenance and surface finishing attached or laid thereto shall be maintained. 4.5.2 Without restricting the generality of subsection 4.5.1, the maintenance includes: a) repairing or replacing floors, treads and risers, including finishes such as linoleum and carpet that contain depressions, protrusions or are broken, torn, warped, loose or otherwise defective; b) renewing or strengthening structural members that are rotted, deteriorated or loose; c) repainting or the re-applying of other equivalent preservative, if required. 4.5.3 Guard – Provided A guard with a minimum height of 900 mm (35 inches) shall be provided and maintained along the open sides of balconies, mezzanines, landings, or other areas where the vertical drop exceeds 600 mm (24 inches), except that a guard of 710 mm (28 inches) minimum height is acceptable for exterior porches, decks and balconies where the vertical drop from the open side exceeds 600 mm (24 inches) but does not exceed 1 800 mm (71 inches). 4.5.4 Stairs – Guard Required Except as provided in subsection 4.5.5, every exterior stair with more than 6 risers and every interior stair with more than 2 risers shall be protected with guards on all open sides having a minimum height of 800 mm (31 inches) measured vertically above a line drawn through the outside edge of the stair nosing except that a guard of 710 mm (28 inches) minimum height is acceptable where the stair serves an exterior porch, deck, balcony or exterior landing with a floor height less than 1 800 mm (71 inches) above finished grade. 4.5.5 Stair – Unfinished Space/Area – Guard A stair within a dwelling unit serving an unfinished space/area need only have a guard or a wall on one side. 4.5.6 Guard – Openings Guards for residential occupancies shall have no openings which would permit the passage of a spherical object having a diameter of 100 mm (4 inches) unless it can be shown that the location and size of such openings which exceed this limit does not represent a hazard. 4.5.7 Guards – Not to Facilitate Climbing Guards around exterior balconies, porches, and decks of buildings of residential occupancy shall be constructed not to facilitate climbing. 4.5.8 Handrails a) Handrail – Provided – Maintained A handrail shall be provided and maintained on all stairs having more than three risers. Handrails shall have a maximum uniform height of 965 mm (38 inches) when measured vertically from a line drawn through the outside edge of the stair nosing and minimum uniform height of 800 mm (31"). b) Handrail – Both Sides A handrail shall be provided on both sides for any stair wider than 1100 mm (3' 7") unless serving a single dwelling unit on all stairs with more than 3 risers. c) One Handrail – Central Except as provided in, one handrail may be provided centrally for stairs up to 2.4 metres (8') wide on all stairs with more than 3 risers. 4.5.9 Stairs a) Stairs – Interior – Single Dwelling The stair tread rise and run for residential interior single dwelling unit shall not exceed these dimensions:
b) Stairs – Residential – Not within The stair tread rise and run for residential stairs not within dwelling unit shall not exceed these dimensions:
c) Stairs – Non-residential The stair tread rise and run for non-residential stairs shall not exceed these dimensions;
d) Stairs – Service Rooms – Curved/Spiral Stairs may exceed the requirements in,, if serving only service rooms, service spaces and other rooms used in industrial occupancies serving equipment and machinery; or existing curved and spiral stairs in dwelling units. 4.6 Exterior surfaces 4.6.1 Exterior Surfaces – Maintained All exterior surfaces on a building shall be maintained. 4.6.2 Remove – Stains – Defacement Appropriate measures shall be taken to remove any stains or other defacement occurring on the exposed finished exterior surfaces and, where necessary, to restore the surface and adjacent areas to, as near as possible, their appearance before the staining or defacement occurred. 4.6.3 Temporary Barricades – Finish Compatible Exterior surfaces of materials used for the temporary barricading of openings to the interior of a building shall be surfaced with a finish compatible with the surrounding finishes. 4.7 Interior cladding and finishes 4.7.1 Interior – Maintained Interior cladding and finishes of all walls and ceilings including elevator cages shall be maintained. 4.7.2 Interior – Free – Stains, Defacement Interior cladding and finishes of all walls and ceilings of common areas shall be kept free of stains and other defacement. 4.8 Human habitation and occupancy standards 4.8.1 Habitable Space – Human Habitation Only habitable space shall be used for human habitation. 4.8.2 Dwelling – Use – Human Habitation No dwelling unit or lodging unit shall be used for human habitation unless: a) interior cladding and finishes of walls, ceilings and floors are in accordance with sections 4.5 and 4.7; b) doors and windows are in accordance with section 4.3; c) a heating system is provided and maintained in accordance with section 5.2; d) plumbing and drainage systems are maintained in accordance with section 5.3; e) electrical systems are maintained in accordance with section 5.4; f) the minimum floor areas are in accordance with subsection 4.8.11 or 4.9.2; g) the minimum headroom is in accordance with subsection 4.8.5. 4.8.3 No Owner – Disconnect – Any Service No owner, nor anyone acting on his behalf, shall cease, disconnect, or caused to be disconnected any service, supply of fuel or utility providing light, heat, refrigeration, water, or cooking facilities for a dwelling unit occupied by a occupant or lessee, except for such reasonable period of time as may be required for the purpose of repairing, replacing or altering such service or utility. 4.8.4 No Toilet – Located No toilet or urinal shall be located in a room used for or intended to be used for sleeping or preparing, consuming, or storing food. 4.8.5 Headroom – Heights The minimum floor to ceiling headroom for habitable space shall: a) not be less than 1.95 m (6 ft 5 in) over the floor area and in any location that would normally be used as a means of egress; or b) not be less than 1.95 m (6 ft 5 in) over at least 50% of the floor area, provided that any part of the floor having a clear height of less than 1.4 m (4 ft 7 in) shall not be considered in computing the floor area. However, a minimum height of 1.95 m (6 ft 5 in) shall be required for all floor area used as a means of egress. c) Headroom – Height exceptions Minimum floor to ceiling headroom for habitable space shall follow provisions in 4.8.5, with the following exceptions:
4.8.6 Ventilation – Provided – Maintained Every habitable room except for a living room and a dining room shall be provided and maintained with natural ventilation which shall: a) consist of an opening or openings with a minimum aggregate unobstructed free flow area of 0.278 m2 (3 sq ft), and b) be located in the exterior walls or through openable parts of skylights, or c) mechanical ventilation which shall change the air once each hour; d) every washroom shall be provided with an opening or openings for natural ventilation located in an exterior wall or through openable parts of skylights and all such openings shall have a minimum aggregate unobstructed free flow area of 0.092 m2 (1 sq ft); e) an opening for natural ventilation may be omitted from a bathroom or toilet room where a system of mechanical ventilation has been provided, such as an exhaust fan with a duct leading to outside the dwelling; f) every enclosed attic or roof space shall be vented by openings to the exterior to provide at least 0.092 m2 (1 sq ft) of unobstructed vent area for every 27.9 m2 (300 sq ft) of attic or roof space; g) the vents required by clause (c) may be roof, eave or gable-end type or any combination thereof; h) a crawl space or non-habitable basement space shall be adequately ventilated to the exterior by natural or mechanical means; i) in residential buildings with multiple dwelling units, every laundry room, garbage disposal room, boiler room, storage garage, public corridors and other similar public rooms or spaces of the building shall be adequately ventilated. 4.8.7 Occupancy – Maximum The maximum number of residents in a dwelling unit or lodging house shall not exceed one (1) person per 9.3 m2 (100 ft2) of habitable floor space. 4.8.8 Windows – Provided Living rooms, dining rooms and bedrooms shall be provided with one or more windows and/or skylights that have a total natural light transmitting area of 5% of the floor area in the case of living and dining rooms and 2.5% of the floor area in the case of bedrooms. 4.8.9 Cooking Facilities – Equipped Each dwelling unit shall have cooking facilities: a) equipped with a sink that:
b) equipped with electrical or other service, fuel or utility outlets suitable for refrigerator and cooking stove; and c) equipped with an impervious splash back and countertop around the kitchen sink; and d) when equipped with a refrigerator, cooking stove, kitchen fixtures and fittings have such appliances, fixtures and fittings maintained. 4.8.10 Enclosed Sanitary Facilities – One Containing Each dwelling unit shall have enclosed sanitary facilities with at least one containing: a) toilet; b) wash basin; c) bathtub or shower; d) water resistant floor; e) water resistant wall around the bathtub or shower; and f) a door in the enclosure that can be secured from the inside and can be opened from the outside in an emergency. 4.8.11 Minimum – Area – Dwellings The minimum floor areas for a dwelling unit shall be as follows: a) living areas within dwelling units, either as separate rooms or in combination with other spaces, shall have an area not less than 13.5 m2 (145 ft2). b) where the area of a living space is combined with a kitchen and dining area, the living area alone in a dwelling unit that contains sleeping accommodation for not more than 2 persons shall be not less than 11 m2 (118 ft2); c) a dining space in combination with other space shall have an area of not less than 3.25 m2 (35 ft2); d) dining rooms not combined with other space shall have a minimum area of 7 m2 (75 ft2); e) kitchen areas within dwelling units either separate from or in combination with other spaces, shall have an area of not less than 4.2 m2 (45 ft2) including the area occupied by the base cabinets, except that in dwelling units containing sleeping accommodation for not more f) than 2 persons, the minimum area shall be 3.7 m2 (40 ft 2); g) except as provided in clause (g) and (h), bedrooms in dwelling units shall have an area not less than 7 m2 (75 ft2) where built-in cabinets are not provided and not less than 6 m2 (65 ft2) where built-in cabinets are provided; h) except as provided in clause (h), not less than one bedroom in every dwelling unit shall have an area of not less than 9.8 m2 (105 ft2) where built-in cabinets are not provided and not less than 8.8 m2 (95 ft2) where built-in cabinets are provided; i) bedroom spaces in combination with other spaces in dwelling units shall have an area not less than 4.2 m2 (45 ft2); and j) in every dwelling unit, an enclosed space of sufficient size shall be provided to accommodate a water closet, wash basin and bathtub or shower stall. 4.8.12 Multi-Unit Security Devices In multiple dwellings where a voice communications system between each dwelling unit and the front lobby and security locking and release facilities for the entrance, have been provided and are controlled from each dwelling unit, such facilities shall be maintained. 4.9 Lodging houses 4.9.1 Lodging House – Requirement Each lodging house shall have at least one toilet, one wash basin and one bathtub or shower for every five occupants and all occupants shall have access to a kitchen sink. 4.9.2 Floor Area – Required The minimum floor areas for a lodging unit shall be as follows: a) sleeping rooms shall have an area not less than 7 m2 (75 ft2) per person for single occupancy and 4.6 m2 (50 ft2) per person for multiple occupancy. 4.9.3 Cooking Facilities – Equipped Where a lodging house has cooking facilities, they shall be; a) equipped with a sink that:
b) equipped with electrical or other service, fuel, or utility outlets suitable for refrigerator and cooking stove; and c) equipped with an impervious splash back and countertop around the kitchen sink; and d) when equipped by the owner with a refrigerator, cooking stove, kitchen fixtures and fittings have such appliances, fixtures and fittings maintained. 4.9.4 Sanitary Facilities – Contained Each lodging house shall have enclosed sanitary facilities containing: a) toilet; b) wash basin; c) bathtub or shower; d) water resistant floor; e) water resistant wall around the bathtub or shower; and f) a door in the enclosure that can be secured from the inside and can be opened from the outside in an emergency. 4.10 Pest infestation 4.10.1 Free of Pests All buildings shall be kept free of rodents, vermin, insects, and other pests at all times and methods used for exterminating rodents or insects or both shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Pesticides Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter P.11, as amended, and all regulations enacted pursuant thereto. 5. Building Services, Systems and Facilities5.1. Elevating devices 5.1.1. Elevating Devises – Maintained Elevating devices shall be maintained: a) in accordance with the requirements of the Elevating Devices Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter E.8 and the Fire Code; b) with all parts and appendages, including lighting fixtures, lamps, elevator buttons, floor indicators and ventilation fans in good repair and operational; and c) repaired as expeditiously as possible. 5.2. Heating, ventilating and mechanical systems 5.2.1. Heating, Ventilating and Mechanical Systems – Maintained Heating, ventilating and mechanical systems including factory-built stoves, fireplaces and chimneys, fans, air conditioners, pumps, filtration and other equipment provided to supply heat and air conditioning or other services shall be maintained. 5.2.2. Heating System – Capable – Temperatures The heating system shall be capable of maintaining the temperatures specified in the City of Clarence-Rockland Vital Services By-law. 5.2.3. Portable Heating – Not Used – Primary Source Where there are multiple units within a building that are sharing one furnace, a duct type smoke interlock detector shall be installed and maintained. 5.2.4. Duct Type Smoke Detector – Multi Unit Where there are multiple units within a building that are sharing one furnace, a duct type smoke interlock detector shall be installed and maintained. 5.3. Plumbing and drainage systems 5.3.1. Plumbing and Drainage – Maintained Plumbing and drainage systems shall be provided and installed so that such systems: a) are free from leaks and adequately protected from freezing; b) supply potable hot and cold water commensurate with the normal requirements of the use and or occupancy served; and c) operated to provide at the hot water outlets in each dwelling unit hot water at a temperature of not less than 43°C (109°F). 5.3.2. Washing Machine and Plumbing Fixtures – Maintained Where washing machines and plumbing fixtures are provided, they shall be maintained. 5.3.3. Air Conditioners – Prevent Condensation Air conditioners shall be equipped with proper devices to prevent condensation draining onto publicly owned sidewalks, walkways, entrances, and other pedestrian routes. 5.3.4. Septic Tanks – Field Beds – Maintain Septic tanks, field beds and dry wells shall be maintained 5.3.5. Decommissioning – Septic Tanks – Drywell To decommission, tanks or dry wells, they shall be pumped dry, and contents disposed at a suitable disposal site and a receipt of the disposal fee shall be submitted to the City of Clarence-Rockland Property Standards Officer. The tanks or dry wells may be broken up and buried, cavities shall be filled with sand or another suitable material and the ground graded to match existing grades. Existing building drain(s) not being reused shall be removed from the foundation wall and the foundation wall shall be repaired and made impervious to water. 5.4. Electrical systems 5.4.1. Provide – Outlets Dwelling units and, where required by the Ontario Electrical Code, buildings and all parts thereof shall be provided with outlets to receive electricity from an electrical supply system. 5.4.2. Wall Switch – Provided Except as provided in Subsection 5.4.3, a lighting outlet with fixture controlled by a wall switch shall be provided in kitchens, bedrooms, living rooms, dining rooms, washrooms, vestibules, and hallways in dwelling units. 5.4.3. Receptacle Controlled Where a receptacle controlled by a wall switch is provided in bedrooms or living rooms, such rooms need not conform to the requirements of Subsection 5.4.2. 5.4.4. Capacity of Connection – Conform – Ontario Electrical Code The capacity of the connection to the building or parts thereof and the system of circuits and electrical outlets distributing the electrical supply within the building shall conform to the Ontario Electrical Code. 5.4.5. Lighting Outlet – Provided – Maintained A lighting outlet with a fixture shall be provided and maintained in every laundry room, furnace room, garbage room, utility room, storage room, service room, unfinished basements in dwelling units and any other public spaces in residential buildings. 5.4.6. Exit, Public Corridor or Corridor – Access – Lighting – Provided – Maintained Every exit, public corridor or corridor providing access to exit for the public and storage garages shall be provided and maintained with lighting fixtures which furnish an average illumination level of 50 lux (4.6 foot candles) at floor or tread level. 5.4.7. Electrical Systems – Central Station – Maintained Electrical systems and central station connections shall be maintained as required by the Ontario Electrical Code and the Fire Code. 6. Vacant – Damaged - Demolition6.1. Vacant land 6.1.1. Vacant land shall be maintained to the standards as described in section 3, of this By-law. 6.1.2. Vacant land shall be graded, filled or otherwise drained so as to prevent recurrent ponding of water. 6.2. Vacant building 6.2.1. If any building is unoccupied, the owner or the agent shall protect every such building against the risk of fire, accident, or other hazards. 6.2.2. Every owner of a vacant building shall: a) ensure that the property complies with all applicable statutes, regulations and By-laws, including but not limited to the Building Code Act, 1992, the Fire Protection and Prevention Act,1997, the Vacant Building By-law and the Yard Maintenance By-law; and, b) satisfy the Supervisor that an individual retained by the owner attends the property to monitor the building condition minimum of once every 2 weeks or more frequently as required in writing by the supervisor; c) board-up all exterior openings, including those located on all floor levels and any other openings that may allow access to the interior; d) use tamper proof board-up hardware; e) weather proof board-up materials by painting and similar; f) paint board-up material in colours comparable with the surrounding walls and so as to be esthetically pleasing. 6.2.3. Prior to boarding-up, every owner shall: a) remove all combustible waste and stored materials to the satisfaction of the Supervisor and the Fire Department; b) disconnect and cap all services to the building (gas, water, electricity and such); c) ensure the absence of human and wild life (birds, raccoons, etc) within interior spaces and cavities but not limited to crawlspaces, basements, attics and soffit. 6.3. Damage by fire - storm - other causes 6.3.1. Every owner of a building, accessory building or structure that is damaged by fire, storm or other causes shall: a) take immediate steps to prevent or remove any condition that may endanger persons on or near the property; b) properly support and/or barricade the building or structure until necessary repairs or a demolition can be carried out; and c) remove any smoke damage or other defacement from the exterior walls of the building or structure. 6.3.2. Any structure, buildings or portions thereof that has been damaged by fire, storm or other causes shall be repaired to their original condition or shall be demolished fourteen (14) days; for insurance investigative purposes and such, the Chief Official may authorise an extension to this period. 6.4. Demolition 6.4.1. Where a building, accessory building, fence or other structure is demolished, the property shall be cleared of all rubbish, waste, waste, refuse, masonry, lumber, wood, and other materials and left in a graded and leveled condition. 6.4.2. Every owner who has partially demolished a building, accessory building, fence, or structure shall maintain the remaining portion of the building, accessory building, fence or structure in compliance with all requirements of this by-law. 6.4.3. Every owner who is demolishing or partially demolishing a building, accessory building, or structure shall: a) take every precaution to protect neighbouring properties; b) take every precaution to protect members of the public; and c) if necessary to protect neighbouring properties or members of the public, erect fences, barricades, covered way for pedestrians and any other means of protection. 7. Appeal to Committee7.1. Fee for Appeal – Required An owner or occupant who appeals an Order shall pay a non-refundable fee as provided for under the Fees and Charges By-law, or any successor by-law. 7.2. Timelines for Appeal An owner or occupant who has been served with a property standard order and who is not satisfied with the terms or conditions of the order may appeal to the Committee by sending a notice of appeal, including grounds for the appeal and the applicable fee as set out in the Fees and Charges By-law, by registered mail to the secretary of the Committee within 14 days after being served with the order. A property standard order that is not appealed within the time referred to in this section is deemed to be confirmed. 8. Establishment of a Committee8.1. Council – Establish – Committee A committee to be known as the Property Standards Committee is established. The purpose of the Committee is to hear appeals of Property Standards Orders. 8.2. Committee – Term and Composition The Committee shall consist of no less than three persons as appointed by By-law for the Term of Council but shall remain appointed until the next Council appoints new members. 8.3. Committee Member – Prior Appointments Rescinded 8.4. Any appointment of a person to a property standards committee made prior to the passing of this by-law is rescinded. 8.5. Forthwith Fill – Vacancy Council shall forthwith fill any vacancy that occurs in the membership of the Committee during its term. 8.6. Council – Remuneration – Committee Council shall remunerate each Committee member at a rate of $100 per attendance at a Hearing. 8.7. Committee – Elect – Chair The Committee shall elect a chair from among themselves and when the chair is absent through illness or otherwise, may appoint another member as acting chair. 8.8. Majority – Quorum A majority of members constitutes a quorum for transacting the Committee’s business. 8.9. Secretary – Committee The Committee members shall provide for a secretary for the Committee who shall be the City Clerk or Designate. 8.10. Secretary – Retain – Records The secretary shall keep on file the records of all official business of all applications and minutes of all decisions respecting those applications, and section 253 of the Municipal Act, 2001 applies with necessary modifications to the minutes and records. 8.11. Committee – Rules and Procedures The Committee may adopt its own rules and procedures. 8.12. Committee – Notice of Hearing The Committee shall give notice or direct that notice be given of the hearing of an appeal to such persons as the Committee considers advisable. 8.13. Powers of Committee On an appeal, the Committee has all the powers and functions of the officer who made the order, and the Committee may do any of the following things if, in the Committee’s opinion, doing so would maintain the general intent and purpose of the by-law and of the official plan or policy statement: a) Confirm, modify, or rescind the order to demolish or repair; b) Extend the time for complying with the order. 9. Enforcement9.1. The provisions of this By-law shall be enforced by an Officer, or other individual duly appointed for the purpose of enforcing this By-law. 9.2. Every Officer may carry out an inspection to determine if the provisions of this Bylaw are being complied and shall have the right to enter lands pursuant to the Municipal Act, 2001. 9.3. Investigation of infractions of standards set in this By-law shall be initiated upon receipt of a written complaint form from the person making the complaint or initiated by the Officer. The written complaint shall be filled in such form as provided in Schedule B. 10. Offence and penalties10.1. Any person who contravenes any provision of this By-law shall be liable to pay the City an Administrative Monetary Penalty, upon issuance of a penalty notice in accordance with the City of Clarence-Rockland Administrative Monetary Penalties System (AMPS) By-law, as may be amended from time to time. 10.2. Any person who contravenes any provisions of this by-law is guilty of an offence and upon conviction shall forfeit and pay a penalty as provided for in the Provincial Offences Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter P.33 and amendments thereto; 10.3. Each day that a person contravenes with the provisions of this By-law, may constitute a separate offence. 11. Severability11.1. If any provision or part of this By-law is declared by any court or tribunal of competent jurisdiction to be illegal, inoperative, or ultra vires, in whole or in part, or inoperative in particular circumstances, the balance of the By-law, or its application in other circumstances, shall not be affected and shall continue to be in full force and effect. 12. Order Prohibiting12.1. When a person has been convicted of an offence under the provisions of this By-law, any court of competent jurisdiction thereafter may, in addition to any other penalty imposed on the person convicted, issue an order prohibiting the continuation or repetition of the offence or the doing of any act by person convicted directed towards the continuation or repetition of the offence. 13. Short title13.1. This By-law may be referred to as the Property Standards By-law. 14. Amended14.1. By-Law No. 2022-33 shall be amended in order to add this By-law as Schedule A-8, being the Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS) Penalty Schedule for Property Standards By-Law. 14.2. By-law No. 2023-97 shall be amended in order to add Fee Schedule ‘M’ – Property Standards which shall determine the appeal processing fee as well as the fee to issue a certificate of compliance. 15. Repealed15.1. By-law No. 2022-69 is hereby repealed on the date this By-law comes in force and effect.
16.1. This by-law shall come into effect on the day of its adoption.
Read, passed, and adopted in open council this 14th day of August, 2024. Mario Zanth, Mayor Monique Ouellet, Clerk
Public Nuisance - 2022-50 |
A by-law to provide to regulate public nuisances in the City of Clarence-RocklandWhereas section 8 of the Municipal Act, 2001 provides that the powers of a Municipality under this or any other Act shall be interpreted broadly so as to confer broad authority on municipalities to enable them to govern their affairs as they consider appropriate, and to enhance their ability to respond to municipal issues; and Whereas section 9 of the Municipal Act, 2001 provides that a Municipality has the capacity, rights, powers, and privileges of a natural person for the purpose of exercising its authority under this or any other Act; and Whereas section 11 (1) of the Municipal Act, 2001 provides that a lower-tier municipality may pass by-laws respecting: Economic, social, and environmental well-being of the municipality; Health, safety, and well-being of persons; Protection of persons and property; Structures, including fences and signs; and Whereas section 128 of the Municipal Act, 2001 provides that, without limiting sections 9 and 11, a local municipality may prohibit and regulate with respect to public nuisances, including matters that, in the opinion of Council, are or could become or cause public nuisances, and the opinion of Council under this section, if arrived at in good faith, is not subject to review by any court; and Whereas, in the opinion of Council, nuisance parties, public urination and defecation, knocking over objects on the Highway, unnecessary interference with use and enjoyment of public places, and nuisance feeding of wildlife are or could become or cause public nuisances; and Whereas section 425 of the Municipal Act, 2001 establishes that any person who contravenes any by-law of the municipality is guilty of an offence; and Whereas section 435 of the Municipal Act, 2001 and By-law A-30 provide for the exercise of powers of entry by municipal law enforcement officers and police officers; and Whereas section 444 of the Municipal Act, 2001 provides that a municipality may make an order requiring a person who contravened a by-law or who caused or permitted the contravention or the owner or occupier of the land on which the contravention occurred to discontinue the contravening activity. Now therefore the Council of The Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland enacts as follows: 1. DefinitionsIn this By-law, 1.1. Building means any permanent structure consisting of a roof supported by walls or columns that is used or intended to be used for the shelter, accommodation or enclosure of persons, animals, goods, chattels, or equipment; 1.2. City means The Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland; 1.3. Dwelling means a Building containing one or more dwelling units; 1.4. Feed and Feeding includes the regular or intermittent supply of food; 1.5. Food means anything that can be consumed by an animal for sustenance, but does not include:
1.6. Highway includes a common and public highway, highway, avenue, parkway, driveway, square, place, bridge, viaduct or trestle, any part of which is intended for or used by the general public for the passage of vehicles or persons, and includes the area between the lateral property lines thereof, including sidewalks and boulevards, and Highways shall have a corresponding meaning; 1.7. Manager means the City of Clarence-Rockland’s Manager, Municipal Law Enforcement or designate; 1.8. Officer means a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer or other person appointed by or under the authority of a City by-law and a police officer employed by the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP); 1.9. Municipality means the land within the geographic limit of the City of Clarence-Rockland; 1.10. Nuisance Feeding of Wildlife means feeding or permitting the feeding of wildlife, or leaving food that is accessible by wildlife, which results in one or more of the following occurring so as to constitute a public nuisance whether occurring on public or private property:
1.11. Nuisance Party means a social gathering on Premises within the Municipality and which, by reason of the conduct of the persons in attendance, results in any one or more of the following activities occurring so as to constitute a public nuisance whether occurring on neighboring public or private property:
1.12. Premises means any public or private place in the Municipality, including but not limited to Highways, parks, parking lots, yards appurtenant to a Building or Dwelling or vacant lands, but does not mean a Building or Dwelling. 1.13. Wildlife means an animal that belongs to a species that is wild by nature. 2. Public urination / public defecation2.1. In Section 2 only, Public Place includes a Highway, public park, parking lot or other lands to which the public has access as of right or by invitation and includes private property that is exposed to public view but does not include an enclosed washroom facility. 2.2. No person shall urinate or defecate in a Public Place. 3. Mailboxes etc. on highway3.1. No person shall knock over or attempt to knock over a Canada Post mailbox, Canada Post relay box, newspaper box, Blue Box, or garbage container, lawfully located on a Highway. This section shall not apply to City employees, or any person under contract with the City, acting under the City’s Waste Management By-law. 4. Nuisance parties4.1. No person shall sponsor, conduct, continue, host, create, attend, allow, cause, or permit a Nuisance Party. 4.2. No person who, individually or jointly with others, is an owner, occupant, tenant, or who otherwise has rightful possession of or possessory control of any Premises, shall allow, cause, or permit a Nuisance Party on said Premises under their possession or control. 4.3. Every person who sponsors, conducts, continues, hosts, creates, or causes a Nuisance Party shall take all reasonable and lawful actions to end a Nuisance Party. 4.4. Where anything required to be done in accordance with subsection 4.3 is not done, the City may do such thing at the expense of the person required to do it, and such expense may be recovered by action or by adding the costs to the tax roll and collecting them in the same manner as property taxes. For the purposes of this subsection, the City may enter upon land at any reasonable time. 4.5. In addition to any remedial costs incurred as per Section 4.4, Administrative Monetary Penalties, other fees, or charges may be imposed as per the current User fee By-law. 5. Unnecessary Interference with Use and Enjoyment of Public Place5.1. In section 5 only, Public Place includes a Highway, public park, or other lands to which the public has access as of right or by invitation and includes private property that is exposed to public view. 5.2. No person shall, in a Public Place, unnecessarily interfere with another person’s use and enjoyment of the Public Place by using abusive or insulting language as a personal invective. 6. Nuisance feeding of wildlife6.1. No person shall engage in or permit Nuisance Feeding of Wildlife. 6.2. Subsection 6.1. shall not apply to:
6.3. Every person who engages in or permits Nuisance Feeding of Wildlife shall immediately remove such food when directed to do so by the City, and if the person fails to do so, the City may enter upon the Premises at any reasonable time to remove the food at the person’s expense. The City may recover the costs (plus interest) of removing the food from the person required to do it, by action or by adding the costs to the tax roll and collecting them in the same manner as property taxes. The amount of costs including interest constitutes a lien on the land upon the registration in the proper land registry office of the notice of lien. 7. Order to discontinue activity7.1. Upon the order of the Manager, Municipal Law Enforcement or their designate, a Nuisance Party shall cease and all persons not residing on the Premises shall leave the Premises where it is occurring. 7.2. An order under this section shall identify:
7.3. An order under this section may be given verbally or may be served personally on the person to whom it is directed. If the order is given by regular mail to the last known address of that person, and if given by registered mail, it shall be deemed to have been given on the third day after it is mailed. Service on a corporation can be effected by registered mail to the corporate mailing address. 7.4. No person shall fail to leave the Premises after having been directed to leave the Premises by an order to discontinue activity under this By-law. 8. Close public highway8.1. A Municipal Law Enforcement officer may temporarily close any Highway or portion thereof to public travel under this By-law where a Nuisance Party is occurring or a Nuisance Party is planned to occur on or adjacent to the Highway, by placing a notice on the Highway to be closed in accordance with the Municipal Act, 2001. 8.2. Where a Highway or portion of a Highway has been closed under this By-law, the common law right of passage by the public over the Highway and the common law right of access to the Highway by an owner of land abutting the Highway are restricted, as directed by the Municipal Law Enforcement Officer. 8.3. No person shall use a Highway, or portion of a Highway that has been closed under this By-law except with lawful authority or in accordance with the direction of an Officer pursuant to this section. 8.4. No person shall, without lawful authority, remove or deface any barricade, device, detour sign or notice placed on a Highway pursuant to this By-law. 9. Enforcement9.1. The provisions of this By-law shall be enforced by a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer, or other individual duly appointed for the purpose of enforcing this By-law. 9.2. Every Municipal Law Enforcement Officer may carry out an inspection to determine if the provisions of this Bylaw are being complied and shall have the right to enter lands pursuant to the Municipal Act, 2001. 10. Offence and penalties10.1. Any person who contravenes any provision of this By-law shall be liable to pay the City an Administrative Monetary Penalty, upon issuance of a penalty notice in accordance with the City of Clarence-Rockland Administrative Monetary Penalties System (AMPS) By-law, as may be amended from time to time. 10.2. Any person who contravenes any provisions of this by-law is guilty of an offence and upon conviction shall forfeit and pay a penalty as provided for in the Provincial Offences Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter P.33 and amendments thereto; 10.3. Each day that a person contravenes with the provisions of this By-law, may constitute a separate offence. 11. Severability11.1. If any provision or part of this By-law is declared by any court or tribunal of competent jurisdiction to be illegal, inoperative, or ultra vires, in whole or in part, or inoperative in particular circumstances, the balance of the By-law, or its application in other circumstances, shall not be affected and shall continue to be in full force and effect. 12. Order Prohibiting12.1. When a person has been convicted of an offence under the provisions of this By-law, any court of competent jurisdiction thereafter may, in addition to any other penalty imposed on the person convicted, issue an order prohibiting the continuation or repetition of the offence or the doing of any act by person convicted directed towards the continuation or repetition of the offence. 13. Short Title13.1. This By-law may be referred to as the “Public Nuisance By-law”. 14. Effective Date14.1. This By-law shall come into force and effect on May 24, 2022. Read, passed, and adopted in open council this 16th day of May 2022. Mario Zanth, Mayor Monique Ouellet, Clerk |
Rate of speed - 2009-108 |
Being a by-law to regulate the rate of speed on highways under the jurisdiction of the City of Clarence-Rockland. Whereas section 128. (2) of the highway traffic act, r.s.o. 1990, c. H.8 provides that the council of a municipality may, for motor vehicles driven on a highway or portion of highway under its jurisdiction, by by-law prescribe a rate of speed no greater than 100 kilometres per hour and may prescribe different rates of speed for different times of day; And whereas section 128. (5) of the highway traffic act, r.s.o. 1990, c. H.8 provides that a municipality may by by-law designate a portion of a highway under it's jurisdiction that adjoins the entrance to or exit from school and that is within 150 metres along the highway in either direction beyond the limits of the land used for the purposes of the school; and for motor vehicles driven, on the days on which school is regularly held, on the portion of the highway so designated, prescribe a rate of speed that is lower than the rate of speed otherwise prescribed under subsection (1) or (2) for that portion of highway, and prescribe the times at which the speed limit is effective; And whereas section 128. (6) of the highway traffic act, r.s.o. 1990, c. H.8 provides that if a council of a municipality by by-law prescribes a lower rate of speed for motor vehicles passing over a bridge on a highway under it jurisdiction than is prescribe under subsection (1), signs indicating the maximum rate of speed shall be posted in a conspicuous place at each approach to the bridge; And whereas the council of the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland desires to regulate the rate of speed on it's highways to ensure safe and the free flow of travelling vehicles on highways under its jurisdiction; And whereas the council of the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland deems it expedient to regulate the rate of speed; Now therefore the council of the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland enacts as follows: Definitions and InterpretationDefinitions
(1) "Chief of police" means the chief of police of the police force or authorized representative and includes the officer in charge of any detachment of the Ontario provincial police either providing police services to an area municipality by agreement. (2) "Council " means the council of the Corporation of the City of Clarence Rockland. (3) "Corporation" means the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland. (4) "Highway" includes a common and public highway, street, avenue, parkway, driveway, square, place, bridge, viaduct, the general public for the passage of vehicles and includes the area between the lateral property lines thereof. (5) "Motor vehicle" includes an automobile, motorcycle, motor-assisted bicycle unless otherwise indicated in the highway traffic act, and any other vehicle propelled or driven otherwise than by muscular power, but does not include a streetcar, or other motor vehicles running only upon rails, or a motorized snow vehicle, traction engine, farm road-building machine within the meaning of the highway traffic act. (6) "Official sign" means a sign approved by the ministry of transportation of Ontario. Interpretation - General
(a) Words importing the singular number or the masculine gender only, include more persons, parties or things of the. Same kind than one and females as well as males and the converse. (b) A word interpreted in the singular number has a corresponding meaning when used in the plural. (c) "may" shall be construed as permissive. (d) "shall" shall be construed as imperative. (2) Abbreviations In the schedules to this by-law, the following abbreviations, definitions and symbols stand for the words respectively set forth opposite thereto as follows: a)
Increased and decreased speed limits - schedule "i"3. When any highway set out in column 1 of schedule "i" to this by-law, between the limits set out in column 2 of the said schedule "i", is marked in compliance with the regulations under the highway traffic act, the maximum rate of speed on such highway or part of highway shall be the rate of speed set out in column 3 of the said schedule "i". Decreased speed limits on bridges - schedule "ii"4. When signs have been erected, no person shall drive, move or operate any vehicle on a bridge or part of bridge set out in column 1 of schedule "ii" at a greater rate of speed than the rate of speed set out in column 2 of the said schedule "ii" during the times or days set out in column 3 of the said schedule "ii". Decreased speed limits adjacent to schools - schedule"iii"5. When any highway set out in column 1 of schedule "iii" to this by-law, between the limits set out in column 2 of the said schedule "iii" is marked in compliance with the regulations under the highway traffic act, the maximum rate of speed on such highway or part of highway shall be the rate of speed set out in column 3 of the said schedule "iii" during the times or days set out in column 4 of the said schedule "iii". Official signs6. Speed limits signs on highways shall be posted pursuant to the highway traffic act and regulations thereto. By-law subject to the highway traffic act7. The provisions of this by-law are subject to the provisions of the highway traffic act. Schedules adopted8. The schedules referred to in this by-law and shall form part of this by-law and each entry in a column of such a schedule shall be read in conjunction with the entry or entries across there from, and not otherwise. By-law in force9. This by-law shall come into force and take effect on 10t1 august, 2009. Read, done and passed in open council, this 10th day of august 2009. Richard Lalonde, Mayor Daniel Gatien, Clerk
Schedule i
Road Cut - 2002-29 |
Whereas Council may pass such By-law pursuant to Section 308 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter M-45 as amended to authorize placing or permitting any person under such conditions as may be agreed upon to place, construct, install, maintain and use objects in, on, under or over sidewalks and highways under its jurisdiction;
Whereas Council deems it expedient to repeal By-Laws # 1988-62 and 1996-011; Now therefore the council of the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland hereby enacts that: DefinitionRoadMeans a road allowance and includes all lands and structures contained within the outer limits of the allowance including grassed areas, ditches, curbs, gutters, sidewalks and other structures; SecurityMeans cash, certified cheque, letter or credit or bearer bonds approved by the City of Clarence-Rockland; EngineerMeans the Municipal Engineer of the City of Clarence-Rockland or his authorized representative. Road CutNo person shall cut, break, bore, jack or tunnel under, excavate or remove any part of the road without first obtaining a road cut permit. Issuance of Road Cut PermitEvery person requiring a Road Cut Permit shall apply in writing on forms provided by the Engineer. The permit fee for each road cut shall be $200.00 and is not refundable. Inspection will be required. Fees for inspection will be based on hourly rates established by the City of Clarence-Rockland. If for any reason, the services of the Public Works are required, these services will be charged on an hourly rate established by the City of Clarence-Rockland. No permit shall be issued until: (a) The permit fee has been paid; (b) The applicant has certified that all public utilities, including the Fire Department, have been informed and that no work will commence until all public utilities have given the applicant the position of all underground public services; (c) Proof has been provided to show that the agent applying for the permit is a duly authorized representative of the applicant; (d) A telephone number is provided and maintained for the time the permit holder is responsible for the road cut; (e) A security deposit is provided for the sum specified in Schedule “A”. Charges for inspections or Public Works services shall be deducted from the said deposit. ExemptionsThis by-law shall not apply so as to require a permit fee from a public utility service adjusting the grades of surface iron work such as manhole covers, valve chamber covers, catch basin tops, when the adjustment requires excavation less than three hundred (300 mm) millimeters in depth. Scheduling(a) A road cut shall not be commenced until at least twenty-four (24) hours notice has been given to the Engineer; (b) A road cut permit shall become null and void if the work authorized by the permit is not commenced within thirty (30) days of the date of issue of the permit; (c) A permit holder shall not allow a road cut to remain open for more than twenty-four (24) hours unless the work is actively in progress. Barricades, Warning Devices and Traffic SignsThe permit holder shall erect, maintain and remove once completed, adequate barricades, traffic signs and warning devices. All barricades around excavations shall be lighted from sunset to sunrise with amber-coloured lights and be perceptible at a distance of one hundred and fifty (150) meters under normal atmospheric conditions. Maximum spacing for flashing lights is 1.2 meters as per the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, Ministry of Transportation Ontario’s latest edition. ExcavationExcavation to conform with Occupational Health and Safety Act Ontario Regulation 213/91 (Construction Projects). No excavated material which is unsuitable for backfill shall be placed on any roadway, sidewalk at any time where it will create a traffic hazard. BackfillingEvery road cut shall be backfilled with approved materials compacted by mechanical means to obtain a degree of compaction of not less than 95% of maximum density and shall be reinstated to a condition as nearly as possible equal to the condition prevailing prior to the road cut being made and in no cases shall be less than the minimum standard of 95%. Test results from an independent laboratory shall be submitted to the City of Clarence-Rockland. If native on site material is not of a quality or condition acceptable to the Engineer, imported Granular “C” or Granular “D” shall be used for backfill to a level one hundred and fifty (150 mm) millimeters below the top of the asphalt for an asphalt surfaced road. For a gravel roadway, the top one hundred and fifty (150 mm) millimeters of the road cut shall be backfilled with Granular “A” material. For an asphalt surfaced road, an equivalent thickness as existing in the road cut area but not less than a forty (40 mm) millimeters thickness of hot mix asphaltic material (HL3 or HL4) shall be placed over the one hundred and fifty (150 mm) millimeters of compacted Granular “A”. Safety regulations in the workplace are to be upheld and applied. The application of such regulations remains the responsibility of the permit holder. Side safety slopes are to be maintained or trench boxes are to be used throughout the excavation whenever the work within the trench is in progress. Paving reinstatement of a road cut will be mandatory within a period of ten (10) days following the backfill and the compaction as specified under clause 8 of this By-law. WarrantyThe permit holder shall remain responsible for satisfactory performance of the reinstated road cut for a period of one (1) year following the date of preliminary acceptance. In the event of unsatisfactory performance by the reinstated road cut during the one-year period referred to in clause 9 hereof or of unsatisfactory condition on final inspection, the permit holder shall be notified of remedial works required and if such required work has not been satisfactorily completed within five (5) working days from notification, the Engineer or his representative shall have the required work completed and the cost thereof shall be deducted from the security deposit held. ContractorsAll contractors who conduct work within the City of Clarence-Rockland’s right-of-way must obtain a Third Party Public Liability and Property Damage including Products and Completed Operations insurance to the minimum limit of $1,000,000.00. Final AcceptanceAfter the expiration of one (1) calendar year from the date of preliminary acceptance, the reinstated road cut shall be re-inspected and, if approved for final acceptance, the Engineer shall prepare a statement of all inspection, repair or reinstatement costs incurred and shall deduct all such costs from the security deposit then held and shall release any balance remaining to the permit holder. Responsibility for ClaimsA permit holder shall be responsible for all loss or damage arising directly or indirectly from settlement of the surface of a road within a one (1) year period or until final acceptance is given by the Engineer. PenaltyThat every person who is convicted of an offence under this by-law is liable to a fine as provided for in the Provincial Offence Act R.S.O. 1990, Chapter 33 as amended. That By-Laws # 1988-62 and 1996-011 of the former Town of Rockland are hereby repealed.This By-Law shall come into effect on the day of passing. Read and passed in open council this 10th day of september 2002. Jean-Pierre Pierre Mayor Daniel Gatien Clerk |
Signs - 2015-160 * |
Office consolidation – june 2018 Being a by-law for governing permanent signs, temporary signs and billboards installed on the territory of the corporation of the city of Clarence-Rockland; Whereas the municipal act 2001, s.o., chapter 25, section 99, provides that municipalities may pass by-laws respecting advertising devices, including signs; And whereas the council of the corporation of the city of Clarence-Rockland deems it desirable to regulate the erection, display and maintenance of signs and other advertising devices within the limits of the corporation of the city of Clarence-Rockland; Now therefore the council of the corporation of the city of Clarence-Rockland enacts as follows: Section 1 – Short Title1.1 This by-law may be referred to as the "signs by-law". Section 2 – Interpretation2.1 Unless otherwise defined, the words and phrases used in this by-law have their normal and ordinary meaning. 2.2 Where a situation arises that is not covered by a specific regulation, or where two or more regulations are equally applicable, all provisions shall be complied with or, where it is not possible to comply with all the provisions applicable, the most restrictive provisions shall prevail. 2.3 This by-law is gender-neutral and, accordingly, any reference to one gender includes the other. 2.4 Words in the singular include the plural and words in the plural include the singular. 2.5 The following abbreviations and symbols stand for the words respectively set forth opposite thereto as follows: Cm - centimeter m - meter M2 - square meter % - per cent 2.6 It is declared that any section, subsection or part thereof be declared by any court of law to be bad, illegal or ultra vires, such section, subsection, part or parts shall be deemed to be severable and all parts hereof are declared to be separate and independent and enacted as such. 2.7 Headings are inserted for convenience of reference purposes only, form no part of this by-law and shall not affect in any way the meaning or interpretation of the provisions of this by-law. Section 3 – DefinitionsIn this by-law: 3.1 “A-Frame sign” means a mobile self-supporting structure shaped like an "a" with one (1) or two (2) sign faces, placed on, in front of, or adjacent to the premises of the business or organization it promotes; 3.2 “Access” means a way of ingress or egress to or from a street, and includes a private road, a driveway and any other private way; 3.3 “Alteration” means any change to the sign structure and the sign face but does not include a change in the message or maintenance; 3.4 “Animated” in reference to a sign, means movement, motion or the appearance of motion by way of motion picture, streaming video, television, led screens or any technology that would facilitate motion or the appearance of motion; 3.5 “Applicant” means the company or individual whose name is listed in the applicant information section of a sign permit application form or other person who submits an application for a sign permit, sign variance or encroachment permit on his own behalf; 3.6 “Banner sign” means a temporary sign other than a poster sign that is of a decorative nature and made of cloth, canvas or other lightweight, non-rigid material that is used or that functions as a sign; 3.7 “Billboard sign” means a large, outdoor, off-premises advertising sign that is mounted on the ground; 3.8 “Building code” means the building code act, 1992, s.o. 1992, chap. 23, the regulations made under the act, and a by-law enacted by council under the act, all as amended or re-enacted from time to time; 3.9 “Canopy sign” means a canopy or awning that is or functions as a sign; 3.10 “City” means the municipal corporation of the city of Clarence-Rockland or the geographic area of the corporation of the city of Clarence-Rockland, as the context requires; 3.11 “City Property” means any land or building owned by the city other than a street; 3.12 “Contractor sign” means a sign that has the purpose of advertising a construction company (interlock, roofing, windows, etc. ) or a property maintenance company (lawn maintenance, snow clearing, etc.) That is located on the property where renovations, construction and maintenance is being undertaken by the company advertised; 3.13 “Council” means the council of the corporation of the city of Clarence- Rockland; 3.14 “Development sign” means a sign that includes information relating to a new subdivision, development or the construction of a building or structure where lots or units will be or are available for sale or lease; 3.15 “Director” means the director of the protective services department or his authorized agent; 3.16 “Election sign” means a temporary sign advertising a candidate or political party in a municipal, school board, public utility company, provincial or federal election; 3.17 “Encroachment permit” means a permit issued under this by-law as an endorsement on the sign permit, authorizing a sign to project from private property on or over a street or city property; 3.18 “Farm sign” means a sign that is erected on a premises that is zoned agricultural or rural and advertises or identifies the name of a farm or the farm related products or services offered on the premises or types of crops grown on the premises; 3.19 “For sale/garage sale sign” means a sign that advertises or provides directions to the temporary sale of used or unwanted household goods or personal items in a residential garage or on a residential front yard; 3.20 “Free-standing” means placed on the ground and self-supporting without supports constructed and driven into the ground; 3.21 “Gasoline pump island sign” means a sign that is located on or over a single gasoline pump island; 3.22 “Ground sign” means a sign that is affixed to the ground by a self- supporting structure that includes a permanent foundation below grade or above grade; 3.23 “Home based business” means an occupation, trade, business, profession or craft carried on as an accessory use to the use of a dwelling and includes a home occupation and home industry as defined by the zoning by-law; 3.24 “Incidental sign” means a sign whose primary function is directional or informative for the control of traffic or designation of areas such as entrance, exit, parking, loading or similar information pertinent to the function of the premises at which it is located, and includes "no trespassing" signs and similar signs; 3.25 “Inflatable sign” means a non-rigid, gas or air filled bag or balloon designed or used as an advertising device; 3.26 “Manager” means the manager of development or other agent authorized by the director of the infrastructure and planning services department to review and approve sign permit applications. 3.27 “Message centre sign” means an advertising or information sign that is designed to have a digital or analogue message in which the display changes from time to time and where that change can be made either manually or automatically; 3.28 “Mobile sign” means a sign that is designed for the manual rearrangement of copy on the sign face and part of, or attached to, a readily relocatable wheeled trailer or frame without wheels, for use in another location; 3.29 “Officer” means a person appointed by the council of the corporation of the city of Clarence-Rockland to enforce the provisions of this by-law and shall include a by-law enforcement officer or the director of the protective services department; 3.30 “Official sign” means a sign erected by a public body under the auspices or authority of a statute, by-law or regulation; 3.31 “Owner” means the permit holder of a sign for which a permit has been issued or the person or company whose business is advertised or on whose property the sign is posted in the case of a sign for which no permit is issued; 3.32 “Permanent sign” means a sign which is intended to remain in place for an extended period of time, exceeding 2 months, and which is securely attached either to a building face or window or attached to the ground, and may include a ground sign, wall sign, window sign, canopy or awning, projecting sign, development sign, billboard sign, or farm sign; 3.33 “Permit holder” means the person or company whose name is listed on a sign permit or whose name is listed as the applicant on the application form for which the permit was issued; 3.34 “Person” means an individual, association, firm, partnership, incorporated company, corporation, agent or trustee, and the heirs, executor or other legal representatives of a person and for the purposes of this by-law includes an owner, or any person in temporary possession of the property; 3.35 “Projecting sign” means a sign that projects on the perpendicular from the surface to which it is attached; 3.36 “Real estate sign” means a sign advertising the sale, rent or lease of the premises on which it is located; 3.37 “Registered non-profit organization” means a non-profit organization registered as such with the federal or provincial government and may include churches, public schools, public charities, public clinics and hospitals, political organizations, legal aid societies, volunteer services organizations, labour unions, professional associations, research institutes, museums, and some governmental agencies; 3.38 “Sign” means any visual medium used to convey information by way of words, pictures, graphics, emblems or symbols or any device used for the purpose of providing direction, information, identification, advertisement, business promotion or the promotion of a product, activity, service or idea; 3.39 “Sign face” means that portion of the sign upon, against or through which the message of the sign is displayed, but does not include the sign structure; 3.40 “Sign face area” means the total area of all sign faces on one sign structure; 3.41 “Sign height” means the vertical distance measured from the highest point of the sign to grade and includes any support structure; 3.42 Removed – (by-law 2018-67) 3.43 “Tear drop sign” means a free-standing temporary sign composed of a metal or plastic stand and a vertical banner in the shape of a tear drop that is attached to the stand along one side and along the top; 3.44 “Temporary sign” means a sign which is intended to be in place for a period not exceeding 60 days and which is not permanently attached to a building or to the ground and may include a banner sign, an inflatable sign, a tear drop sign, a mobile sign, or other free standing sign; 3.45 “Wall sign” means a permanent sign that is attached to the wall of a building and includes a canopy or awning which is or functions as a sign; 3.46 “Window sign” means a permanent sign where a message is painted directly on or affixed as a sticker to the interior or exterior window of a building; 3.47 “Zone” means any zone established in the zoning by-law of the corporation of the city of Clarence-Rockland and includes all special exceptions to the zones and “zoned” has a corresponding meaning; 3.48 “Zoning by-law” means the zoning by-law of the corporation of the city of Clarence-Rockland, as amended and includes any by-law enacted in substitution therefore. Section 4 – AdministrationDepartment responsible4.1 The protective services department is responsible for the enforcement of this by-law. Zoning4.2 A property which benefits from a status as a legal non-conforming commercial use within any other zone shall be deemed to be within a commercial zone for the purposes of the application of the regulations of this by-law. 4.3 A residential building in a residential zone includes the dwelling located on any property in a rural or agricultural zone where the primary use of the lot is residential. Lawfully existing signs4.4 This by-law does not apply to a sign that was lawfully erected or displayed before the day the by-law came into force if the sign is not altered and the maintenance and repair of the sign shall be deemed not in itself to constitute as an alteration. (by-law 2018-67) Exemptions4.5 The provisions of this by-law do not apply to signs erected by federal, provincial or municipal government. 4.6 The provisions of this by-law do not apply to the corporation of the city of Clarence-Rockland notification signs that are supplied and installed by or for any department of the city and that are commonly referred to as on site signs. Section 5 – PermitsSign permits5.1 No person shall erect a sign on private or public property within the city of Clarence-Rockland without first having obtained a permit for the sign. 5.2 Every applicant shall complete a sign permit application as set out in annex a, submit all necessary plans and drawings and pay all applicable fees as set out in the city of Clarence-Rockland fee by-law. 5.3 Despite section 5.2, before issuing a permit under this section, the manager may require the applicant to submit such plans, specifications, documents or other information as the manager determines is necessary to ascertain whether or not a permit may be issued and those plans, specifications, documents or other information may be different for different signs or types of signs or signs in different zones or signs used for different purposes. 5.4 The manager may issue the permit: (a) With a term imposed by this by-law, or (b) With a term or with restrictions imposed by council or the manager, as a condition of granting a variance to this by-law. 5.5 The manager may approve variations of up to 10% of the height and sign face area regulations required in this by-law, without requiring an application for a variance, where a variance is warranted due to: (a) Physical impediments or obstructions; (b) Topography; (c) Sign visibility; or (d) Public safety. 5.6 The plans, specifications, documents and other information submitted with an application under this by-law are the property of the city and, upon issuance of the permit, become public information. Permit revoked5.7 The manager shall revoke a permit issued under this by-law if: (a) The permit was issued in error; (b) The permit was issued on false, misleading, mistaken or incorrect information; or (c) The permit holder requests in writing that the permit be revoked. 5.8 The manager shall notify the permit holder of the revocation of the permit under subsections 5.7(a) or 5.7(b) and said notice may be given in the manner prescribed by section 12.3. Encroachment permits5.9 No person shall erect a sign or any part of a sign on city property or that projects over a city property or right-of-way of a city street without first having obtained an encroachment permit. 5.10 The manager may include the encroachment permit as an endorsement on the sign permit and no additional permit is required for the sign encroachment. 5.11 The manager may issue an encroachment permit subject to such terms, conditions and restrictions as he may determine to be necessary, or are set out by council. 5.12 Any part of an unpaid encroachment permit fee is a debt due to the city and may be recovered: (a) In any court of competent jurisdiction; or (b) By adding the cost to the tax roll and collecting the fee in the same manner as taxes. Encroachment permit renewals5.13 The holder of an encroachment permit shall pay an annual encroachment permit fee in the form of an encroachment permit renewal fee in order to be granted the right by the city to erect or maintain a sign on city property or that projects over a city property or right-of-way of a city street. Section 6 –Variances6.1 The city may authorize a variance from this by-law by approval of the manager or by resolution of council, upon submission of a variance application as set out in annex b, if, in the opinion of the city, the general intent and purpose of the by-law are maintained. 6.2 An application under section 6.1shall be deemed to be complete when it is: (a) Submitted to the manager; and (b) Accompanied by: (i) A complete sign permit application, (ii) Such plans, specifications, documents or other information as the manager may require, (iii) The full application fee as set out in the city of Clarence-Rockland fee by-law, and (iv) Any supporting documentation that the applicant considers appropriate. 6.3 An application under section 6.1 may be refused if it is not deemed complete. 6.4 A permit is required for any sign that received approval through a variance. 6.5 Council is the approval authority for any variance to this by-law pertaining to: (a) Billboard signs; (b) Sign types that are not defined in this by-law; (c) Signs that vary from the setback or sign face area provisions of this by-law by more than 400%; or (d) Any other sign application that is deemed by the manager to require public consultation and input from council prior to approval. 6.6 Where council or the manager approves an application for a variance to permit a sign, the manager shall issue a permit for that sign subject to any conditions imposed by him or by council within 10 days of the date of the decision. Section 7 – Fees, Charges and Refunds7.1 The manager shall not process an application for a sign permit, encroachment permit, encroachment permit renewal, or variance until the applicable fees as set out in the city of Clarence-Rockland fees by-law have been received. 7.2 Section 7.1 does not apply to a permit for a temporary sign where the applicant is a registered non-profit organization and where the purpose of the sign is to advertise an event or a program registration period. Refunds7.3 Where an applicant withdraws an application prior to the issuance of the permit, he or she may be entitled to a refund of a portion up to 50% of the permit fee as determined by the manager. 7.4 Where a permit has been cancelled or revoked, as described under section 5.7, no refund is payable. Section 8 – General ProvisionsProhibited signs8.1 No person shall erect any of the following signs: (a) A roof sign; (b) A sign that is affixed to a shed, tree, pole, hydro or telephone pole, city post, traffic light, lamp post, fence, another sign or any other structure or painted on a rock surface if that sign is visible from either a street or a private road; (c) A sign that imitates, resembles or could reasonably be mistaken for a traffic control signal or an official sign; (d) A sign that obstructs the flow of a ditch, drain, or water course; (e) A sign that could obstruct the view or the visibility of: (i) Vehicular or pedestrian traffic using or entering a street or railway crossing, (ii) A traffic control signal, or (iii) An official sign; (f) A sign that interferes with vehicular or pedestrian movement to such a degree that it becomes or creates a nuisance or a hazard for any vehicle or person; (g) A sign located within a visibility triangle, including: (i) A sign measuring more than 0.3 m2 at a street corner within a visibility triangle formed by measuring 6 m along the lot lines from the intersection of any two streets or at the intersection of two parts of the same street meeting at an angle of not more than 135 degrees, (ii) A sign that is greater than 75 cm in height at any point within a visibility triangle formed by measuring 2 m along the lot line and a driveway, at the intersection of the driveway and the lot line abutting the street, and (iii) A sign within 6 m of a traffic control signal; (h) A sign that is illuminated or animated or creates noise in such a way that it constitutes a hazardous distraction for vehicular or pedestrian traffic; (i) A sign structure that could, in any manner, endanger a person or property; (j) A sign that interferes with electrical light, power or telephone wires; (k) A sign that obstructs: (i) An entrance or exit to a building, (ii) An emergency exit, (iii) An emergency standpipe, (iv) A fire hydrant, or (v) Any means of access by an emergency service to any part of a building. 8.2 No person shall use or park a vehicle or any part of a vehicle on any premises for the sole purpose of an advertising device. Maintenance of signs8.3 Every owner of a permanent or temporary sign shall ensure that the sign is maintained in a proper state of repair so that such sign does not become unsafe, structurally unsound, unsightly or dangerous. 8.4 Every owner of the premises on which a permanent or temporary sign that has been defaced, damaged or destroyed is located shall immediately repair the sign to its original condition or remove it. 8.5 Where a sign structure has a missing face, the owner of a permanent sign shall ensure that, in lieu thereof, it has a solid, opaque or translucent panel completely covering the sign face opening. 8.6 Every owner of a permanent or temporary sign shall ensure that the materials and structures comply with all governing requirements of the building code, the electrical safety authority or any other code or legislation having jurisdiction over such matters. 8.7 Despite any provision of this by-law, the owner of a permanent or temporary sign shall locate the sign so as to be serviceable entirely from the premises upon which the sign is located. Content8.8 The message and content of any new permanent or temporary sign shall be written in both official languages of canada. The lettering of a permanent or temporary sign (dimension and style) must be identical in French and in English; however the name of the business can be unilingual. 8.8.1 Unilingual schools and churches shall be exempt from conforming with section 8.8 of this by-law. (as amended by by-law 2017-66) 8.9 For the purpose of section 8.8, a double-faced sign may have the message or content written in English on one side and French on the other side. 8.10 For the purpose of section 8.8, two otherwise identical wall signs placed adjacent to one another may have the message or content written in English on one sign and French on the other sign. 8.11 For the purpose of section 8.8, a billboard sign with a changing message may have the message content written in English or in French at any given time, however all messages must be available in both languages within the same day. 8.12 The message, logos, graphics displayed on any sign shall not promote violence, hatred and discrimination on the basis of race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, family status, disability or contempt against any identifiable group. 8.13 The message, logos, graphics displayed on any sign shall not be disrespectful or contain profanity or obscenity. 8.14 The message, logos, graphics displayed on any sign shall not promote unlawful activity. 8.15 Signs depicting gruesome pictures such as skulls, skeletons and signs depicting pornographic scenes are prohibited. Message Centre8.16 A message centre sign may be incorporated as a portion of a ground sign or as a portion of a wall sign, provided that: (a) The area of the message centre portion of the sign face is no greater than twenty-five per cent (25%) of the permitted area of the sign. Illumination8.17 In a commercial, industrial, or community facilities zone, a sign for which a valid permit has been issued may be illuminated either internally or externally, unless it is within 30 m of a residential building in a residential zone and it is visible from a residential building in a residential zone. 8.18 Externally illuminated signs shall be designed such that the lighting is directed to shine down and away from abutting residential uses as well as streets or pathways. 8.19 A temporary sign may be illuminated through indirect lighting reflected off the sign message only. Section 9 – permanent signs9.1 No person shall erect a permanent sign without first obtaining a permit and such signs shall be in compliance with the provisions of this section. Home based business and bed and breakfast signs9.2 A sign for a bed and breakfast or home based business may be a wall sign, a window sign, a projecting sign, or a ground sign, provided it is: (a) No larger than 0.5 m2; (b) In the case of a ground sign, no more than 1.5 m in height; (c) In the case of a wall sign, a window sign, or a projecting sign, located on the ground floor of the dwelling or accessory building in which the business is located; (d) The only sign on the property. 9.3 A sign for a bed and breakfast or home based business shall not be a ground sign if located within the urban area or a community policy area. Wall/window/projecting signs9.4 Wall signs, window signs, and projecting signs are permitted in the following zones: residential, commercial, industrial, core area, institutional, rural, agricultural. 9.5 No person shall erect a wall sign or a window sign unless it complies with the regulations set out in table 9.1 as follows:
9.6 Any number of wall signs shall be permitted on a single building, provided the total sign face area of all signs does not exceed the permitted percentage of the wall area indicated in table 9.1. 9.7 No person shall erect a projecting sign larger than 2 m2. 9.8 A wall, window, or projecting sign must be located on the side of the building which faces the street or the parking area for the business or organization to which it relates and must be visible from the street. 9.9 No person shall erect a wall, window, or projecting sign in a location other than on the first or second storey. Ground signs9.10 Ground signs are permitted in the following zones: residential, commercial, industrial, institutional, rural, agricultural. 9.11 No person shall erect a ground sign unless it complies with the regulations set out in table 9.2 as follows:
9.12 In a residential zone, the only ground signs permitted shall be those for home based businesses in conformity with the provisions of section 9.2 and those for the identification of apartment buildings. 9.13 No more than one ground sign shall be permitted relating to the same business or organization on the same property. 9.14 A ground sign shall be located on the premises of the business or organization to which it relates. 9.14.1 registered non-profit organizations shall be exempt from conforming to section 9.14 of this by-law. (by-law 2018-67) 9.15 No ground sign shall be erected within 25 m of another ground sign. 9.16 Every ground sign shall be: (a) At least 1.5 m from any property line; and (b) At least 0.5 m from a parking lot or other area usually travelled or used by motor vehicles. Development signs9.17 Development signs are permitted in the following zones: residential, commercial, industrial, rural. 9.18 No person shall erect a development sign unless it complies with the regulations set out in table 9.3 as follows:
9.19 A development sign shall be a minimum of 3 m from any property line, driveway, parking lot or other area usually travelled or used by motor vehicles. 9.20 A development sign shall be removed within 30 days of all units being built. 9.21 A maximum of 4 directional development signs may be permitted for a single development with each sign having a maximum area of 1 m2, and a maximum height of 1.5 m. 9.22 A directional development sign shall be a minimum of 1.5 m from any property line, driveway, parking lot or other area usually travelled or used by motor vehicles. 9.23 A development sign must be located on the same property as the development and a directional development sign must be located within 3 km of the development to which it relates. Billboard signs9.24 Billboards are only permitted to be erected along county roads in the following zones: commercial, industrial, rural. 9.25 Billboards shall have a maximum sign face area of 18.5 m2 and a maximum height of 9 m. 9.26 No person shall erect a billboard sign within: (a) 25 m of a county road right-of-way, (b) 15 m of a traffic control signal, (c) 60 m of a residential building in a residential zone or a vacant lot in a residential zone, (d) 300 m of another billboard sign, or (e) 15 m of another permanent sign of any type. 9.27 No permit is required to change the content of a billboard sign. Section 10 – Temporary Signs10.1 No person shall erect a temporary sign without first obtaining a permit and such signs shall be in compliance with the provisions of this section. 10.2 Every temporary sign shall be located on the premises of the business or organization to which it relates. Banner signs and mobile signs10.3 Mobile signs and banner signs are not permitted in a residential or agricultural zone.
10.4 A mobile sign shall have a height not exceeding 2.7 m as measured from grade. 10.5 The sign face area of a mobile sign or a banner sign shall not exceed 4.5 m2. 10.6 A banner sign shall be affixed to the exterior wall of a building on the subject premises or business. 10.7 No mobile sign shall be erected within 25 m of another mobile sign. 10.8 A mobile sign shall be: (a) At least 1.5 m from any property line; and (b) At least 0.5 m from a parking lot or other area usually travelled or used by motor vehicles. 10.9 A mobile sign or a banner sign may be permitted for a period of time not exceeding 120 days commencing on the date indicated on the permit. 10.10 A maximum of 4 temporary sign permits may be issued for a mobile sign or a banner sign for the same business on the same premises within a one year period, provided that the cumulative total of the time periods for which the signs are permitted does not exceed 120 days within a one year period commending on the date indicated on the permit. 10.11 No more than one mobile sign and no more than one banner sign shall be permitted relating to the same business or organization on the same property at the same time. 10.12 A maximum of two mobile signs per event or program organized by a not for profit organization shall be permitted to be displayed at the same time, provided they are located on different properties. 10.13 Notwithstanding section 10.2, a mobile sign for an event or program organized by a not for profit organization may be permitted on any private or public property with permission from the property owner. Inflatable signs10.14 An inflatable sign shall have a maximum height of 3 m measured from grade and a maximum width of 3 m. 10.15 An inflatable sign shall be located: (a) On a premises having a frontage of at least 15 m, (b) At least 3 m from any property line, (c) At least 3 m from any driveway entrance and exit, (d) At least 10 m from any other temporary sign on the same premises or abutting premises, and (e) At least 60 m from a residential building in a residential zone. 10.16 An inflatable sign shall be affixed to the ground and properly secured to the satisfaction of the manager and shall not be placed in such a way that it extends above a roof line of a building or structure. 10.17 A temporary sign permit that is issued for an inflatable sign shall permit the placement of the inflatable sign for a period of no more than seven consecutive days within a six month period from the first day the temporary inflatable sign is erected. Other temporary signs10.18 Any temporary sign that is a free-standing ground sign but not a mobile sign must be a free standing sign which is placed on the ground but is not affixed to the ground or embedded in the ground. 10.19 Such a temporary sign shall have a maximum height not exceeding 2.7 m and shall have a maximum sign face area not exceeding 4.5 m2. 10.20 Such a temporary sign may be permitted for the opening of a new business or for the advertisement of a public event in the following zones: commercial, core area, industrial, rural. 10.21 A temporary sign shall be: (a) At least 1.5 m from any property line; and (b) At least 0.5 m from a parking lot or other area usually travelled or used by motor vehicles. 10.22 A permit for such a temporary sign may be given for a time period not exceeding 60 days. Section 11 – Signs That do Not Require a Permit11.1 Notwithstanding the requirements of section 5.1, section 9.1, and section 10.1, the following signs listed in column a of table 11.1 do not require a sign permit if erected for the period of time specified in column b, in the zone specified in column c, not exceeding the dimensions specified in column d, and not exceeding the number of signs specified in column e.
11.2 Every gasoline pump island sign, farm sign, real estate sign, or farm produce sales sign shall be located on the premises where the advertised item is being sold. 11.3 the following signs are permitted on public property without an encroachment permit and are exempt from the requirements of section 5.9 of this by-law, provided they conform to the time limit, zone, and dimension requirements of table 11.1: (a) Election signs; (b) For sale/garage sale signs; (c) A-frame signs; (d) Signs advertising a local public event organized by a non-profit or governmental organization. 11.4 Despite the provisions of table 11.1, a maximum of two contractor signs which have the dual purpose of advertising snow removal and acting as a marker to identify the edge of a driveway may be permitted on a single property provided that: (a) They are placed at the edges of a legal driveway, (b) They are not erected prior to November 1st and do not remain on the premises after April 30th of any year, (c) The total sign face area of the two signs does not exceed 0.3 m2, and (d) The width of each sign be no more than 15 cm. 11.5 A real estate sign shall be located on the property that is advertised for sale. 11.6 Despite section 11.5, for a condominium property, the real estate sign advertising the sale of a condominium unit may be located within the municipal right of way of the public street on which the property has frontage or access, provided it is a minimum of 1.0 m from the edge of the pavement or sidewalk. 11.7 In addition to section 11.6, the location of a real estate sign on city property for the sale of a condominium unit is also subject to any condominium corporation’s by-laws or regulations. 11.8 In addition to other permitted real estate signs, a maximum of two temporary real estate signs for the purpose of advertising an open house at a property which is listed as being for sale may be permitted on public property within the road right of way of an adjacent street, provided: (a) The sign must be located a maximum of 1km from the property it advertises; and (b) The sign must be either (i) An a-frame sign with a maximum width of 60 cm, a maximum length of 75 cm, and a maximum height of 1 m, or (ii) A sign temporarily affixed to the ground with a maximum area of 0.3 m2. 11.9. Temporary election signs pertaining to municipal, county, provincial or federal elections. i) No person shall place or permit to be placed an election sign earlier than 60 days prior to election day. ii) No person shall fail to remove their election signs within 7 days following election day. iii) No person shall place or permit to be placed an election sign that: a) Is illuminated; b) Interferes with the safe operation of vehicular traffic or the safety of pedestrians; or c) Impedes or obstructs the city’s maintenance operations iv) No person shall place or permit to be placed an election on or in a voting place as designated by the clerk. v) No person shall place or permit to be placed an election sign on any tree, bridge, traffic control sign, guardrail or other form of traffic safety structure or facility, utility pole or equipment, or any other similar type of sign, structure, facility or equipment located within the limits of a road allowance. vi) No person shall place or permit to be placed an election sign municipal properties, including but not limited to parkland, and other lands, buildings and facilities owned by the city of Clarence-Rockland. vii) No election sign shall display a logo, trademark or official mark, in whole or in part, owned or licensed by the city. viii) An election sign purchased by or under the direction of a candidate, shall display the name of the candidate and include a telephone number, mailing address or email address at which the candidate may be contacted regarding the sign. ix) An election sign purchased by or under the direction of a registered third party, as defined in the Municipal elections act, shall predominantly display the name of the candidate, but shall display the name of the registered third party and include a telephone number, mailing address or email address at which the registered third party may be contacted regarding the sign. Section 12 – EnforcementEntry12.1 The director or an officer may, at any reasonable time, enter upon any land and into any building for the purpose of: (a) Inspecting a sign; (b) Determining whether the sign has been erected or maintained in compliance with: (i) This by-law, (ii) A condition of a permit issued under this by-law, or (iii) An order made under this by-law. Notice of violation12.2 Where a sign is not erected or maintained in compliance with a provision of this by-law, or in accordance with the conditions of a permit issued under this by-law, or is in an unsafe condition, the director or an officer may make a notice of violation, requiring the contravener to remove the sign or correct the violation and bring the sign into conformity in the manner and within the time specified in the notice. 12.3 The notice of violation referred to in section 12.2or a notice of revocation referred to in section 5.8shall be served by registered mail or in person to the permit holder, property owner or owner, or other persons whom the manager, director or an officer believes is contravening this by-law. Contents of notice of violation12.4 The notice of violation referred to in sections 12.2and 12.3shall: (a) Include the name of the permit holder or owner, if applicable; (b) Set out the contravention or unsafe condition; (c) Identify the required corrective action; (d) Provide a deadline for compliance; and (e) Include a statement that if the requirements of the notice of violation have not been complied with within the time specified, the director, their contractor or other agent may enter the property and pull down or remove the sign and in so far as possible restore the site to its original condition at the expense of the owner without any further notice. Non-compliance with notice of violation12.5 In addition to any other enforcement action, where a notice of violation under section 12.4 is not complied with within the time specified in the notice, the director may have the sign removed and the site restored as reasonably as possible to its original condition and, for this purpose, the director, their contractor or other agent may at any time enter upon the land containing the sign in respect of which the notice was made. 12.6 After making a notice of violation under sections 12.2and 12.3, and where the sign is in an unsafe condition, the director may, either before or after the notice is served, have the sign removed and in so doing may take any intermediate measures as are considered necessary to terminate any immediate danger and, for this purpose, the director, their contractor or other agent may at any time enter upon the land containing the sign in respect of which the notice was made. Removal of sign12.7 Where a permanent or temporary sign is placed contrary to any provisions of this by-law, the director may pull down or remove the sign or cause the sign to be pulled down or removed at the expense of the owner. Sign to be stored12.8 A permanent or temporary sign that is caused to be removed by the director pursuant to this by-law shall be stored by the city for at least thirty (30) days, during which time the owner or agent may claim and retrieve the sign. Sign may be destroyed12.9 If the permanent or temporary sign that is removed pursuant to this by-law is not claimed and retrieved by the owner or agent within thirty (30) days of its removal: (a) The director shall be authorized to destroy or otherwise dispose of any sign without any notice or compensation to the owner thereof. Costs to be recovered12.10 The costs incurred by the city in removing a sign, restoring a site or destroying a stored sign under sections 12.5, 12.6, 12.7, 12.8, and 12.9, including an administrative fee of ten (10) per cent and the cost of any intermediate measures taken to terminate an immediate danger, is a debt due to the city by the permit holder, property owner, or other person deemed responsible, and may be recovered in any court of competent jurisdiction.
12.11 Despite section 12.10, the costs incurred by the city under sections 12.2, 12.3, and 12.7 may be recovered by adding the costs and an additional administrative fee of ten (10) per cent to the tax roll and collecting them in the same manner as taxes. Liability12.12 The owner of a permanent or temporary sign and any person erecting, causing to be erected, or maintaining any permanent or temporary sign or sign structure shall be liable and responsible for such sign or sign structure. Immunity and indemnity12.13 The city shall not be liable for any damage to or loss of a permanent or temporary sign that was erected in contravention of the provisions of this by- law and removed by the city. 12.14 The city shall not be liable for any loss of revenue resulting from the removal of a sign pursuant to the provisions of this by-law. 12.15 The city is hereby indemnified and saved harmless from and against any and all claims, demands, causes of action, loss, costs, damages, expenses or otherwise arising from the erection, maintenance, removal or falling of such sign, sign structure or part thereof. General12.16 Every person who contravenes any of the provisions of this by-law is guilty of an offence. 12.17 No person shall knowingly provide false or incorrect information for the purposes of obtaining a permit. 12.18 No person shall contravene a term, provision or restriction in a permit that was imposed by the manager, the director, or by council as a condition of issuing the permit. 12.19 No person shall obstruct, hinder or otherwise interfere with an officer in the performance of his or her duties under this by-law. 12.20 No permit holder shall fail to produce his or her permit for inspection upon the request of the manager, the director, or an officer. 12.21 No person shall fail to comply with a notice of violation made pursuant to section 12.2and served pursuant to section 12.3. 12.22 Every person who is convicted of an offence under this by-law is liable to a fine as provided for in the provincial offences act, r.s.o. 1990, chap. P.33, as amended. 12.23 When a person has been convicted of an offence under this by-law: (a) The Ontario court of justice; or (b) Any court of competent jurisdiction thereafter, May, in addition to any other penalty imposed on the person convicted, make an order prohibiting the continuation or repetition of the offence by the person convicted. Repeal12.24 The following by-law is repealed: (a) By-law no. 2012-35 of the corporation of the city of Clarence- Rockland entitled "signs by-law", as amended. Enacted and passed in open council, this 11th day of January, 2016. Guy Desjardins, Mayor Monique Ouellet, Clerk |
Site Plan Control - 2022-62 |
A by-law to establish controls on development plans. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Smoking - 2016-62 |
A by-law to legislate smoking in public places and workplaces.
Whereas section 115 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, as amended, provides that, without limiting sections 9, 10 and 11 a municipality may prohibit or regulate the smoking of tobacco in public places and workplaces, including defining “public place” for the purpose of the by-law; And whereas the Council of the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland has adopted by-laws no. 2003-141 and 2003-142 respecting smoking in public places and workplaces respectively; And whereas it has been determined that second-hand smoke continues to be a serious health hazard because of its adverse effects and risk to the health of inhabitants and workers in the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland; And whereas it is desirable for the purpose of promoting and protecting the health, safety and welfare of inhabitants and workers in the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland to repeal by-laws no. 2003-141 and no. 2003-142 and adopt a newly revised by-law in order to ensure that all public places and workplaces will be free from second hand smoke. Therefore, the council of the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland enacts as follows: Part 1 - definitionsIn this by-law: 1.1 By-law enforcement officer means an officer appointed by the City of Clarence-Rockland to enforce its municipal by-laws; 1.2 Children’s playgrounds means an area which is primarily used for the purposes of children’s recreation, and is equipped with children’s play equipment, such as, but without being limited to slides, swings, climbing apparatuses, splash pads, wading pools, or sandboxes. playgrounds at hotels, motels and inns are included, but does not apply to personal apartment or condominium properties; 1.3 City means the City of Clarence-Rockland; 1.4 Common area means any indoor area of a building that is open to the public for the purposes of access to a retail shop, establishment or office and includes corridors, passageways, unenclosed eating areas in corridors, passageways, public rest rooms, unenclosed public seating areas and unenclosed public standing areas, whether or not the eating area, seating area or standing area is leased 1.5 Council means the City Council of the City of Clarence-Rockland; 1.6 Employee includes a person who, i) performs any work for or supplies any services to an employer, or; ii) receives any instructions or training in the activity, business, work, trade, occupation or profession of the employer; 1.7 Employer includes any person who as the owner, proprietor, manager, superintendent or overseer of any activity, business, work, trade, occupation or profession, has control over or direction of, or is directly or indirectly responsible for the employment of a person herein; 1.8 Hookah means a single or multi-stemmed instrument for vaporizing and smoking flavored tobacco, called shisha, whose vapor or smoke is passed through a water basin—often glass-based—before inhalation. Tt may also mean an oriental tobacco pipe with a long, flexible tube that draws the smoke through water contained in a bowl. also refer to a “water pipe”; 1.9 Inspector means a person appointed by council as a municipal law enforcement officer to enforce this by-law; 1.10 Municipal building means any building that is owned or operated by the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland; 1.11 Narghile means a middle eastern tobacco pipe in which the smoke is drawn through water before reaching the lips. also refers to a “hookah”; 1.12 Person includes a corporation; 1.13 Proprietor or other person in charge means the person who controls, governs or directs the activity carried on within the premises designated as prohibited areas under this by-law and includes the person who is actually in charge thereof at any particular time; 1.14 Public place means any building, structure, vessel, vehicle or conveyance, or part thereof, whether covered by a roof or not, to which the public has access as of right or by invitation, expressed or implied, whether or not a fee is charged for entry but does not include a street, road or highway; 1.15 Sheesha or shisha may refer to a “hookah” or a “water pipe”; 1.16 Smoke or smoking includes the carrying of a lighted cigar, cigarette, pipe or any other lighted smoking equipment used to smoke any tobacco or non-tobacco substances; 1.17 Sports fields means an area used primarily for the purpose of sports such as, but without being limited to the following, but not including golf, whether or not a fee is paid for the use for soccer, football, basketball, tennis, baseball, softball or cricket, skating, beach volleyball, running swimming, skateboarding owned by a municipality, the province, or a post-secondary institution. It does not include recreational trails; 1.18 Water pipe means a device used for smoking tobacco, marijuana, etc., in which the smoke passes through water before it is inhaled, or a smoking device that consists of a bowl mounted on a vessel of water which is provided with along tube and arranged so that smoke is drawn through the water where it is cooled and up the tube to the mouth. 1.19 Workplace means a building, structure, vessel, vehicle or conveyance or part thereof in which one or more employees work, including any other area utilized by employees but does not include a street, road or highway. Part 2 - Interpretation2.1 This by-law applies to the smoking of tobacco in every designated public place and in every workplace within the geographic limits of the City of Clarence-Rockland. Part 3 - Administration3.1 The City of Clarence-Rockland by-law enforcement officers are responsible for the administration and enforcement of this by-law. Part 4 – Public Places4.1 The following are designated public places for the purposes of this by-law: a) the common area of a public building; b) an indoor service line or service counter in any premise to which the public has access; c) a place of public assembly; d) a public restroom; e) a food court; f) a public facility; g) a reception area; h) the public portion of an amusement arcade; i) a municipally owned building with the exception of a public facility; j) a bingo hall; k) a bowling alley; l) a billiard hall; m) the public portion of any restaurant; n) the public portion of any bar; o) an arena; p) the public portion of any retail shop; q) the common area of a shopping mall r) the public portion of any laundromat; s) the public portion of any barber shop or hairdressing establishment; t) a school bus; u) a taxicab; v) a limousine; w) a private club. 4.2 No person shall smoke in any public place that is designated in section 4.1 of this by-law, whether or not a no smoking sign is posted. 4.3 No person shall smoke or hold lighted tobacco within a nine (9) meters radius of any entrance of any municipal building. 4.4 For the purposes of patios, decks and porches or similar structures, they are considered an indoor area when covered by a roof and more than 50% of the perimeter is enclosed with walls or coverings or a similar nature. this calculation includes the main wall of the building when attached to the main building. Part 5 - Workplaces5.1 No person shall smoke in any workplace, whether or not a no smoking sign is posted, with the exception of private office of a company which has no employees. Part 6 - Signs6.1 Every proprietor or other person in charge of any public place designated or regulated under this by-law shall ensure that a sufficient number of signs as prescribed by section 6.4 are conspicuously posted so as to clearly identify that smoking is prohibited. 6.2 In addition to complying with the requirements of section 6.1, every proprietor or person in charge of a shopping mall or other public building referred to in section 4.1 shall ensure that,
6.3 Despite section 6.1, every proprietor or other person in charge of a bar, bingo hall, billiard and private club shall ensure that a sign or signs are posted at every entrance to the bar, bingo hall, billiard and private club that clearly identifies that smoking is prohibited. 6.4 Every sign that is posted and maintained in accordance with this by-law must comply with the following requirements as illustrated in schedule ‘a’: (i) The graphic symbol shall be on a white background with the circle and the interdictory stroke in red. (ii) The words “no smoking” must be included above the graphic and the words “City of Clarence-Rockland By-law / règlement municipal de la Cité de Clarence-Rockland’’ must be included below the graphic symbol in letters and figures at least five (5) percent of the diameter of the circle in the symbol; (iii) In addition to the graphic symbol required by subsection 6.4 (i), other appropriate symbols may be included, such as directional arrows. 6.5 Despite the fact that the symbol referred to in subsection 6.4 (i) is a cigarette, the provisions of this by-law that prohibit smoking in designated public places and workplaces apply to all forms of the smoking of tobacco, including cigarettes, cigars, hookahs, narghiles, pipes, sheeshas, shishas, water pipes or any other lighted smoking instrument. 6.6 With respect to size of the graphic symbol, the diameter of the circle in the symbol referred to in subsection 6.4 (i) shall be not less than the number of centimeters prescribed below, based upon the maximum viewing distance in direct line of sight, as follows: i) three (3 m) meters or less - ten (10 cm) centimeters, ii) six (6 m) meters or less - fifteen (15 cm) centimeters, iii) twelve (12 m) meters or less - twenty (20 cm) centimeters, iv) twenty-four (24 m) meters or less - thirty (30 cm) centimeters, v) forty-eight (48 m) meters or less - forty (40 cm) centimeters, vi) seventy-two (72 m) meters or less - sixty (60 cm) centimeters. 6.7 Despite subsection 6.6, the diameter of the circle in the symbol referred to in subsection 6.4 used pursuant to section 6.4 to be erected at the entrance to every shopping mall or other public building shall be a minimum of ten (10 cm) centimeters. 6.8 Deviations from the colour or content of the signs prescribed by this section that do not affect the substance or that are not calculated to mislead do not vitiate the signs. 6.9 Any sign prohibiting smoking that refers to a by-law of an old municipality is deemed to be referring to this by-law. 6.10 Despite subsection 6.6, with respect to taxicabs or limousines, the diameter of the circle in the graphic symbol referred to in subsection 6.4 (i) and used pursuant to section (7) shall be not less than ten (10) centimeters. Part 7 - Duties7.1 Every proprietor or other person in charge of a designated public place or a workplace in which smoking is prohibited shall ensure compliance with this by-law. 7.2 No proprietor or other person in charge of a public place or a workplace in which smoking is prohibited shall place ashtrays or cause or permit ashtrays to be placed or to remain in that designated public place or workplace. Part 8 – Offences8.1 Any person who contravenes any of the provisions of this by-law is guilty of an offence. 8.2 Any person who hinders or obstructs a person lawfully carrying out the enforcement of this by-law is guilty of an offence. Part 9 – Penalties9.1 Every person who contravenes any of the provisions of this by-law is guilty of an offence and upon conviction is liable to a fine as provided for in the Provincial Offences Act, R.S.O. 1990, chap. p.33, as amended. Part 10 – Enforcement10.1 The provisions of this by-law respecting the designation of non-smoking areas, the posting of signs and the duties imposed on the proprietor or other person in charge of a public place shall be enforced by inspectors. 10.2 An inspector may, at any reasonable time, enter any designated public place for the purposes of determining compliance with this by-law. Part 11 – Conflicts11.1 If a provision of this by-law conflict with an act or a regulation or another by-law, the provision that is the most restrictive of smoking shall prevail. Part 12 – Severability12.1 If any section or sections of this by-law or parts thereof are found in any court of law to be illegal or beyond the power of council to enact, such section or sections or parts thereof shall be deemed to be severable and all other sections or parts of this by-law shall be deemed to be separate and independent therefrom and to be enacted as such. Part 13 – Schedules13.1 Schedule “a”- “sign graphic symbol” forms part of this by-law; 13.2 Schedule "b"- "fine structure and short form wording" forms part of this by law. Part 14 - Repeal14.1 That by-law no. 2003-141 be and is hereby repealed; 14.2 That by-law no. 2003-142 be and is hereby repealed. Part 15 – Title15.1 This by-law may be referred to as the “smoking by-law”. Part 16 - Effective Date16.1 This by-law shall come into effect on the date of its adoption. Read, passed and adopted in open council this 6th day of September 2016. Guy Desjardins, Mayor Monique Ouellet, Clerk Shedule A
Store closing hours - 2018-41 |
The Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland by-law number 2018-41 Being a by-law to provide for certain classes of businesses to close during certain hours of certain days and during certain holidays, and to exempt certain classes of businesses therefrom. Whereas section 148 of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended provides that a local municipality may require that retail business establishments be closed to the public at any time; And whereas section 1.2 (1) of the Retail Business Holidays Act, r.s.o. 1990, provides that the retail business holidays act does not apply to a municipality and does not apply in respect of any by-law of the municipality, or any retail business establishment located in the municipality if there is in effect a by-law passed by the municipality providing that the act does not apply to it; And whereas section 1.2 (2) of the Retail Business Holidays Act, r.s.0. 1990, provides that a by-law passed under section 1.2 (1) of the retail business holidays act does not take effect until the municipality passes a by-law under section 148 of the municipal act, 2001 requiring that one or more classes of retail business establishments be closed on a holiday; And whereas the council of the corporation of Clarence-Rockland deems it expedient to adopt a by-law to regulate and govern the closing hours and the opening hours on statutory holidays of certain retail business establishment; Now therefore the council of the corporation of the city of Clarence-Rockland enacts as follows: Definitions
(a) "Closed" means not open for the serving of any customer; (b) "Corporation" means the corporation of the city of Clarence-Rockland; (c) "Council" means the council of the corporation of the city of Clarence Rockland; (d) "Holiday" means (a) New Year’s Day, (b) Family day (c) Good Friday, (d) Victoria Day, (e) Canada Day, (f) Labour Day, (g) Thanksgiving Day, (h) Christmas Day, (i) Easter Sunday, and (j) any other public holiday declared by proclamation of the Lieutenant Governor of the province of Ontario to be Holiday as defined in the Retail Business Holiday Act; (e) "Owner" means any person, persons or corporation who owns or manages a retail business establishment; (f) "Person" means an individual, a partnership, a body corporate and any association, and the heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns or other legal representatives thereof to whom the context means a human being; (g) "Retail business" means the selling or offering for sale goods or services by retail; (h) "Retail business establishment" means the premise where goods and services are sold or offered for sale by retail; (i) "Shop" means a premise with less than 2,400 sq. Feet where goods and services are sold or offered for sale by retail. Retail Business Holiday act Does Not Apply2. The Retail Business Holiday Act does not apply to the city of Clarence-Rockland; 3. All retail business establishments in the City of Clarence-Rockland may remain open on a holiday unless prohibited to do so under this by-law. Retail business hours4. Every retail business establishment within the city shall, during the whole of each year, be closed and remain closed on: a) Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday of every week during the hours often (10) o'clock in the afternoon and seven (7) o'clock in the forenoon of the following day unless otherwise permitted herein; and b) Sunday of every week during the hours of nine (9) o'clock in the afternoon and seven (7) o'clock in the forenoon of the following business day as permitted by statute unless otherwise permitted herein. 5. Every retail business establishment owner shall ensure that the retail business establishment be closed and remain closed in accordance with the provisions of this by-law. Holidays6. Every retail business establishment within the city shall remain closed on : a) New Years' Day b) Good Friday c) Easter Sunday d) Canada Day e) Labour Day f) Thanksgiving Day g) Christmas Day Prohibition7. No person carrying on a retail business establishment shall: a) Allow any customer to enter the retail business establishment after the appointed closing hour to make a purchase by retail; b) Allow any customer to enter the retail business establishment on Christmas day to make a purchase by retail; 8. No person employed by or acting on behalf of a person carrying on a retail business in a retail business establishment shall engage in any prohibited activity listed in section 7. 9. Nothing in this by-law renders unlawful the continuance in a retail business after the appointed hour for closing thereof to any customers who were in the retail business establishment immediately before that hour or the serving of such customers during their continuance therein. Extended Hours10. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 4 of this by-law, all classes of retail business establishments may open at seven (7) o'clock in the forenoon and close at eleven (11) o'clock in the afternoon commencing on the 1st day of December and terminating on the 31st day of December of each year unless otherwise permitted herein: a) All classes of retail business establishment may exercise the right to open at six (6) o'clock in the forenoon and close at eleven (11) o'clock in the afternoon the last Friday of November of each year; b) All classes of retail business establishment may exercise the right to open at six (6) o'clock in the forenoon on the 26th day of December of each year. Exemptions/exceptions11. The following classes of business are exempt from any provisions of this by-law: a) Shops under 2,400 square feet and with three or fewer employees where the only goods available for sale on the holiday are in one or more of the following categories:
b) Gasoline and motor oil service stations; c) Nurseries d) Flower shops e) Gardening centres f) Confectionery shops; g) Shops for retail sale of only fresh fruits and fresh vegetables or either of them; h) Shops for the retail sale of dairy products; i) Video rental shops; j) Pharmacies accredited under the drug and pharmacies regulation act, provided that the principal business of the retail business establishment is the sale of goods of a pharmaceutical or therapeutic nature or for hygienic or cosmetic purpose. Daylight Savings12. For the purposes of this by-law, so long as the time commonly observed in the city is one hour in advance of standard time, the times mentioned in this by-law shall be considered in accordance with the time so commonly observed and not standard time. Penalties13. Every person being a shopkeeper who contravenes any provisions of this by-law is guilty of an offence and is subject to the provisions of the provincial offences act, as amended. Prohibiting Order14. Any court of competent jurisdiction may, in addition to any other penalty, impose on the person convicted an order prohibiting the continuation or repetition of the offence or the doing of any act or thing by the person convicted directed towards the continuation or repetition of the offence. Severability15. If a court of competent jurisdiction should declare any section or part of a section of this by-law to be invalid, such section or part thereof shall not be construed as having persuaded or influenced council to pass the remainder of this by-law and it is hereby declared that the remainder of this by-law shall be valid and shall remain in force. By-Law Repealed16. By-law number 2007-123 and amendments hereto are hereby repealed. 17. This by-law shall take force on the day it is adopted by council. Read and passed in open council on this 17th day of April 2018. Guy Desjardins, Mayor Monique Ouellet, Clerk |
Swimming pools - 2025-27 |
A by-law to establish standards, regulations and maintenance requirements for privately-owned outdoor swimming pools, hot tub, their enclosures and equipment. WHEREAS Section 11 (2), paragraph 6, of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, as amended, (hereinafter the “Municipal Act 2001”) authorizes a municipality to pass by-laws respecting the health, safety and wellbeing of persons; and WHEREAS Section 11 (3), paragraph 7, of the Municipal Act 2001, authorizes a municipality to pass by-laws respecting structures, including fences and signs; and WHEREAS Section 8 (3) of the Municipal Act 2001, authorizes a municipality to regulate or prohibit in respect of matters within their jurisdiction, including fences, and to require persons to obtain permits and provide for a system of obtaining permits in relation to those matters; and WHEREAS Section 391.1 (a) of the Municipal Act 2001 provides that a municipality may pass bylaws imposing fees or charges on persons for services or activities provided or done by or on behalf of it including permit fees for pool enclosure permits; and WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland deems it necessary to regulate enclosures for outdoor pools within the City of Clarence-Rockland; Therefore, the Council of The Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland enacts as follows: 1. DefinitionsIn this by law: 1.1. Building Permit shall mean a permit issued under the Ontario Building Code. 1.2. Chief Building Official shall mean the person appointed by the City Council to such position pursuant to the Building Code Act. 1.3. City shall mean The Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland. 1.4. Construct means to do anything in the erection, installation and includes the installation of a pool unit fabricated or moved from elsewhere. 1.5. Double fence gate refers to a gate system comprised of two gate panels (or "leaves") that swing open in opposite directions from a central point, creating a wider opening than a single gate. 1.6. Fence shall mean a wall, a structure or a building which encloses a swimming pool or hot tub and can include a fence combined with a deck. A fence does not include a cedar hedge or any landscaping features. 1.7. Gate shall mean any part of a fence which opens on hinges and includes a door located in the wall of an attached or detached garage or carport which forms part of the fence, but does not include an overhead garage door, or slide to the side garage door. 1.8. Hedge means a continuous line of thick shrubs or trees, which is densely planted and intended to be maintained at an even height. 1.9. Hot tub shall include those pools commonly referred to as a whirlpool, a Jacuzzi, hydro massage pool, spa or a swim spa. 1.10. Lot line, front shall mean:
1.11. Lot line, rear shall mean the lot line opposite to, and most distant from, the front lot line, but where the side lot lines intersect, as in the case of a triangular lot, the rear lot line shall be represented by the apex of the triangle formed by the intersection of the side lot lines. 1.12. Lot line, side shall mean a lot line other than a front lot line or a rear lot line. 1.13. Maintain shall mean to carry out repairs of any part or parts of a fence so that it can properly perform the intended function. 1.14. Manager means the City of Clarence-Rockland’s Manager or designate. 1.15. Officer means the Chief Building Official, Building Inspector or Compliance Officer or designate. 1.16. Overhead garage door shall mean any garage door that opens overhead, which is intended to allow for vehicular entry to, and exit from, the garage. 1.17. Owner shall mean the registered owner of the land and includes a lessee, mortgagee in possession, or the person in charge of the property. 1.18. Permit shall mean a permit issued under this by-law, including:
1.19. Power cord shall mean an electrical cable that temporarily connects an appliance or a powered structure to the mains electricity supply via a wall socket or extension cord. 1.20. Replacement shall mean the construction of a fence that takes the place of a fence previously constructed. 1.21. Self-closing device shall mean a mechanical device or spring which returns a fence gate to its closed position within 30 seconds after it has been opened. 1.22. Self-latching device shall mean a mechanical device or latch which is engaged each time the fence gate is secured to its closed position, which will not allow the fence gate to be re-opened by pushing or pulling, and which will ensure the fence gate remains closed until unlatched by either lifting or turning the device itself directly or by a key. 1.23. Slide to the Side garage door shall mean any garage door that opens to the side instead of overhead, which is intended to allow for vehicular entry to, and exit from, the garage. 1.24. Swimming pool shall mean a structure, basin, chamber, or tank containing or capable of containing water, and is designed to be used for swimming or wading. This includes, any inground pool, above-ground pool, semi inground pool, seasonal pool, that;
2. General Provisions2.1. This by-law shall be administered by the Chief Building Official. 2.2. This by-law shall apply to all fences constructed or replaced within the limits of the City of Clarence-Rockland on the date that this by-law takes effect. 2.3. Any existing fence that was constructed prior to the adoption of this by-law, and in accordance with the existing regulations at the time, shall be considered legal, non-conforming, and may be maintained in accordance with such regulations. 2.4. Upon the replacement of an existing fence, such replacement shall be constructed in accordance with this current by-law. 2.5. When a fence is constructed so that it functions as a boundary fence between two or more adjacent properties, in addition to its function as a swimming pool or hot tub fence, the provisions of this by-law prevail over any other City by-law that regulates fences. 2.6. Where a fence has enclosed a swimming pool or hot tub in accordance with the regulations that existed before this by-law takes effect and that fence has been maintained continuously in accordance with those regulations, and which fence also marks the boundary between abutting properties, that fence shall be deemed to be in conformity should a swimming pool or hot tub be constructed on any of the abutting properties to the extent of the shared portion of the fence between the two abutting properties. All other portion of the fence that enclose the newly constructed swimming pool or hot tub shall meet the standards set out in this current by-law. 2.7. The permit holder shall be held liable for any cost incurred by the City to repair any damages caused to the City’s property during installation of a swimming pool, hot tub or fence. 2.8. Metric and imperial measurements are provided solely for the purpose of convenience. In the event of a conflict between the metric and imperial measurements provided in this by-law, the metric measurements shall prevail. 3. Permit requirements3.1. No person shall install, cause to be installed, have, keep or replace a swimming pool or hot tub without having first obtained a permit. 3.2. A Building Permit is also required for a new deck construction and the permit holder must comply with the Ontario Building Code Act. 3.3. A seasonal pool permit is valid for one year only. A new application must be submitted each year. 3.4. All related Permit Fees shall be in accordance with the City’s current User Fees By-law. 3.5. If any swimming pool or any hot tub are installed before first obtaining a permit, the permit fee shall be double as per the City’s current User Fees By-Law. 3.6. If the final inspection is failed, the permit holder shall be required to bring modifications to comply with this by-law and shall contact the construction department to schedule a new final inspection subject to an additional fee, as set out in the City’s current User Fee By-law. 3.7. A permit is valid for a maximum of 18 months from the date of issuance. The permit holder is responsible to contact the City to schedule a final inspection within the 18 months period. The Chief Building Official may extend the maximum 18 months period if the permit holder requests an extension in writing prior to the permit expiry. 3.8. If a permit has not been closed within the prescribed time, the permit holder shall pay an addition fee for the final inspection as per the City’s current User Fee By-law. 3.9. A pre-consultation inspection may be requested in writing by the permit holder. An additional fee is applicable as set out in City’s current User Fee By-law. 4. Application for permit4.1. An application for a permit to install a new swimming pool or hot tub or for the replacement of an existing swimming pool or hot tub shall be made in writing by completing a prescribed form available on the City’s website or at City Hall. 4.2. All such applications shall be accompanied by the following: 4.3. An application for a permit shall not be deemed to be received until all the required documents have been submitted. 4.4. No permit shall be issued until such time as the final grading inspection of the property has been completed and approved by the City’s Engineer, when applicable.
4.5. The Chief Building Official shall issue a permit where the plans submitted appear to comply with all applicable regulations and the requirements of the by-law have been met. 4.6. A grading plan is required for all inground swimming pools where the proposed surrounding apron of the pool is within 1.5 metres (5 ft) of the property lines. When required, a copy of the proposed grading plan must be submitted along with the pool application documents. The grading plan must illustrate both the existing and proposed drainage pattern. 4.7. The permit holder is responsible for contacting the City at least 24 hours in advance to schedule an inspection. 4.8. If the permit holder installs new electrical wiring, a copy of the ESA report must be provided before closing the permit. 5. Location and Fencing - Hot tubs/Swim spa/Spa5.1. No person shall install any hot tub in the front yard. 5.2. No person shall install any hot tub under a hydro line. 5.3. No person shall install a hot tub at no less than 1 metre (40 inches) to any interior or exterior side lot line and 1 metre (40 inches) to the rear lot line or within an easement. 5.4. No person shall construct a shed or an accessory building closer than 1.5 meters (5 ft) of any hot tub. 5.5. No person shall install a hot tub without being surrounded with a fence, according to the fence requirements under Section 7. 5.6. Not withstanding Section 5.5, if a hot tub is equipped with a locking lid, no fence is required. However, the lid must be in place and locked at all times when not in use. 6. Location - Inground pool/Above ground pool/Semi inground pool/Seasonal pool6.1. No person shall install any type of a swimming pool in the front yard. 6.2. No person shall install any swimming pool under a hydro line. 6.3. No person shall install a swimming pool at no less than 1.5 meters (5 ft) to any exterior side lot line, an interior side lot line or rear lot line or within an easement. 6.4. No person shall install a swimming pool’s pumping, filtration or heating equipment at no less than 1.0 meter (40 inches) of any interior property line, at no less than 1.0 meter (40 inches) of any rear property line, or at no less than 1.5 meters (5 ft) of all exterior property line, or within an easement. 6.5. No person shall construct a shed or an accessory building closer than 1.5 meters (5 ft) of any swimming pool. 6.6. No person shall install a swimming pool’s pumping, filtration or heating equipment at no less than 1.5 meter (5 ft) of all swimming pools, unless they are installed under a deck or inside a building adjacent to the swimming pool. 6.7. Seasonal pool filtration system may be eligible for an exemption in relation to the distance between the pool and the filtration system. 7. Fencing Requirements – Inground pool/Above ground pool/Semi inground pool/Seasonal pool/Hot tub7.1. No person shall install, cause to be installed, have or keep a swimming pool or hot tub which is not completely enclose by a fence, in accordance with this by-law. 7.2. No person shall install or cause to be installed a fence that does not conform to the requirements of this by-law. 7.3. No person shall fail to have, keep or maintain a fence in accordance with this by-law. 7.4. Every swimming pool or hot tub shall be enclosed by a fence which shall extend from the ground to a height of not less than 1.5 metres (5 ft) but not greater than the height allowed in the Fences and Privacy Screens By-law. 7.5. The height of the fence, including any gates, shall be measured from ground level or from any climbable fixture or feature on the exterior side of the fence. 7.6. Every gate on a fence shall be equipped with a self-closing device and a self-latching device with a lock. Every person shall have the fence gate closed and locked at all times when the swimming pool or hot tub is not being used. 7.7. No person shall install or maintain a self-latching device on a fence gate that can be opened without a key from the outside at less than 1.2 metres (4 ft) above ground level. 7.8. The fence that forms part of this enclosure shall: 7.9. No person shall place or store or cause to be place or store any materials against the outside of a fence. 7.10. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 7.1, a fence is not required to be erected upon lands abutting the Ottawa river provided that there is no access to the said lands by the public at large: it being provided however that this exception will only be permitted if side yard fences are erected along the boundary lines of the lands and premises where the swimming pool or hot tub is located which fence shall be minimum of 1.5 metres (5 ft) in height and which fence shall extend beyond the water’s edge. 7.11. Every swimming pool or hot tub facing overhead garage door, or swimming pool or hot tub facing side sliding garage door which makes up part of the fence, shall be equipped, with a device that automatically closes the overhead garage door, or side sliding garage door within one minute of being passed through; and where the garage contains both a front and rear overhead or side sliding garage door to create a through way, only one of the two doors may remain open following the clearance of a vehicle, object, or person. 7.12. No person shall install or maintain a double fence gate without one of the two gates having a self-closing device and a self-latching device with a lock. The gate of this double fence gate access without a self-closing device and a self-latching device must have a device permanently affixed to the ground or other non-movable object, that prevents access through this gate without lifting or removing this device and then releasing the latch. 8. Additional Fencing Requirements - Above Ground and Semi Inground Swimming Pool8.1. Above ground swimming pool vertical walls can be considered as a fence if the wall of an above ground pool has at least 1.5 meters (5 ft) in height or is equipped with a guard giving a minimal height of 1.5 meters (5 ft) measured from the finished grade of the property. 8.2. An above ground swimming pool totally or partially surrounded by a walkway adjacent to the pool wall must be surrounded by a guard conforming to the Ontario Building Code for height and to a minimum height of 1.5 meters (5 ft), measured from the finished grade of the property. Also, this walkway must not be built in a manner that will permit climbing. 8.3. Gates forming part of a deck or a patio must: 8.4. The ladder area, or deck, which provides access to the above ground pool, is enclosed by a gated enclosure that is self-latching and self-closing with a lock. 9. Temporary fence - New construction9.1. Every permit holder installing a new swimming pool or hot tub shall maintain temporary fencing surrounding the swimming pool or hot tub during all phases of construction, such that unauthorized access is prevented. 9.2. Every person installing a swimming pool or hot tub shall ensure that the temporary fencing required in section 9.1 above complies with all the following requirements: 9.3. Every permit holder having constructed temporary fencing, shall inform the City before the initial filing of the swimming pool or hot tub. 9.4. Every person having constructed temporary fencing, during a new swimming pool or hot tub installation, shall not allow temporary fencing to be in place for more than 120 days from the initial filling of the swimming pool or hot tub. 10. Temporary fence – Existing swimming pool or hot tub10.1. Where a swimming pool or hot tub is in existence on the date of the passing of this by-law, and fencing requires maintenance, repair or replacement, a person may fill a swimming pool or hot tub or cause or permit water to remain in the swimming pool or hot tub, if there is temporary fencing in place in compliance with section 9.2 of this by-law, but only where such temporary fencing is in place for no longer than 30 days, or such longer period of time if approved in writing by the Chief Building Official. 11. Water Fill11.1. No person shall fill any type of swimming pool or any hot tub or cause or permit water to remain within the swimming pool or hot tub, if not completely surrounded with a fence according to the provisions of this By-law. 12. Draining of wastewater12.1. No person shall discharge water from a swimming pool or hot tub into the municipal storm sewer or a catch basin unless it has been dechlorinated for 7-10 days prior to drainage. 12.2. No person shall discharge salt water from a swimming pool or hot tub into the storm sewer or catch basin. 12.3. No person shall drain discharge water from a swimming pool or hot tub as to cause this water to flow onto neighbouring properties, to cause ponding onto a road or street or to cause damages, erosion to any property. The drainage of wastewater shall be done as a slow trickle onto its own property as to be absorbed into the ground. 13. Ground Elevation13.1. No person shall install any swimming pool, hot tub, or a fence if the existing grades or landscaping patterns are modified, unless otherwise approved by the City’s Engineer. The finished grade of the premises, after the installation is completed, shall comply with the lot grades and drainage pattern approved by the City’s Engineer. 13.2. No person shall obstruct, block, or deviate a swale and/or the overland flow route as indicated on a plan of subdivision, if applicable. 14. Setback from the Septic treatment unit14.1. As per the Ontario Building Code, any swimming pool and hot tub shall be installed at no less than 5 meters (16.5 ft) from septic field and at no less than 1.5 meters (5 ft) from septic tank. Owner of such property shall be responsible to provide plan of location of these distances provided by the South Nation Conservation Authority. 15. ESA – Electrical Safety Authority Report15.1. Any filtration system must not be connected to a power cord. 15.2. All new electrical wiring must be inspected and approved by the electrical safety authority (ESA). 16. Enforcement and Inspection16.1. The provisions of this By-law shall be enforced by the Chief Building Official or appointed designate. 16.2. The Chief Building Official or appointed designate may carry out an inspection to determine if the provisions of this By-law are being complied with and shall have the right to enter lands pursuant to Paragraph 436 (1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, as amended. 16.3. An Officer may, for the purposes of an inspection under subsection (16.2): 16.4. An Officer may be accompanied by such persons as are necessary for conducting the inspection or for carrying out any required work. 16.5. No person shall hinder or obstruct or attempt to hinder or obstruct an Officer in the discharge of his or her duties under this by-law. 17. Enforcement Orders17.1. Where an Officer determines that a contravention of this by-law has occurred, the Officer may make an Order requiring the permit holder or the owner of the property on which the contravention occurred, to discontinue the contravening activity and to carry out such work to bring the enclosure into conformity with the requirements of this bylaw. 17.2. An Order under paragraph 17.1 shall set out: 17.3. No permit holder or property owner shall fail to comply with an Order issued pursuant to paragraph 17.1. 18. Service18.1. An Order issued pursuant to Section 17 shall be served personally, be posted in a conspicuous place on the property where the contravention occurred or be sent by registered mail to the last known address of the person contravening this by-law. 18.2. Where an Order issued pursuant to Section 17 is sent by registered mail, it shall be sent to the last known address of the owner or their agent who caused or permitted the contravention, and the Order shall be deemed to have been served on the fifth day after the Order is mailed. 18.3. Where an Order under Section 17 is served personally, it shall be deemed to have been served on the date of delivery to the person or persons named. 18.4. The posting of an Order issued pursuant to Section 17 on the affected property shall be deemed to be sufficient notice of the Order on the person to whom the order is directed on the date it is posted. 18.5. Where a person does not comply with an Order issued under this by-law, an Officer, with such assistance of others as may be required, may affect compliance at the expense of the owner. 18.6. The City has the authority to recover the costs incurred in ensuring compliance with an Order issued under Section 17 either through legal action or by adding the incurred costs to the property tax roll, where they will be collected in the same manner as property taxes. 19. Offence and penalties19.1. Any person who contravenes any provision of this By-law shall be liable to pay the City an Administrative Monetary Penalty, upon issuance of a penalty notice in accordance with the City of Clarence-Rockland Administrative Monetary Penalties System (AMPS) By-law, as may be amended from time to time. 19.2. Any person who contravenes any provisions of this by-law is guilty of an offence and upon conviction shall forfeit and pay a penalty as provided for in the Provincial Offences Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter P.33 and amendments thereto. 19.3. Each day that a person contravenes with the provisions of this Bylaw, may constitute a separate offence. 20. Severability20.1. If any provision or part of this By-law is declared by any court or tribunal of competent jurisdiction to be illegal, inoperative, or ultra vires, in whole or in part, or inoperative in particular circumstances, the balance of the By-law, or its application in other circumstances, shall not be affected and shall continue to be in full force and effect. 21. Order Prohibiting21.1. When a person has been convicted of an offence under the provisions of this By-law, any court of competent jurisdiction thereafter may, in addition to any other penalty imposed on the person convicted, issue an order prohibiting the continuation or repetition of the offence or the doing of any act by person convicted directed towards the continuation or repetition of the offence. 22. Short Title22.1. This By-law may be referred to as the “Swimming Pool By-law”. 23. Amend23.1. That Schedule A-2 of By-law 2022-33, Administrative Monetary Penalties System By-law, shall be and is hereby replaced with Schedule A-2 attached hereto. 23.2. That Schedule G of By-Law 2024-118, 2025 User Fees By-law, shall be and is hereby replaced with Schedule G attached hereto. 23.3. That Schedule A of By-Law 2015-172, Building By-law, shall be and is hereby replaced with Schedule A attached hereto. 24. Repeal24.1. That By-law No. 2022-49 shall be and is hereby repealed. 24.2. That By-law No. 2021-23 shall be and is hereby repealed. 25. Effective Date25.1. This By-law shall come into force and effect on the day of its adoption.
Read, passed and adopted in open council this 19th day of March 2025. __________________________ _________________________ Mario Zanth, Mayor Monique Ouellet, Clerk |
Temporary structures (Tempo) 2017-133 * |
Being a by-law to regulate the erection of temporary structures, commonly known as “tempo garages” Whereas council is empowered under section 128 of the Municipal Act, 2001, 5.0. 2001, c.25, as amended, to pass by-laws to prohibit and regulate public nuisances, including matters that, in the opinion of council, are, or could become or cause public nuisances; and Whereas the council does believe the proliferation of temporary storage structures made of plastic and metal or similar materials to be a detriment to the streetscapes and a visual nuisance; and Notwithstanding the functional nature of these structures, the council of the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland does believe a level of control should be placed on the installation of these structures in order to achieve a balance between function and the impact on the visual nature of the municipality. Therefore the council of the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland does enact as follows that: 1.0 Definitions:In this by-law: a) “City” means the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland. b) “Council” means the Council of the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland c) “Chief Building Official” means the agent or employee appointed by the City of Clarence-Rockland to enforce the provisions of the Building Code Act or any other by-law of the city, and includes employees acting under his/her direction. d) “Municipal Law Enforcement Officer” means a peace officer for the purpose of enforcing municipal by-law, as set out in the Police Services Act. e) “Person” means an individual, a partnership, a body corporate and any association, and the heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns or other legal representatives thereof to whom the context means a human being of the male or female gender; f) “Temporary Storage Structure” means any manufactured structure kit fabricated of plastic and metal or treated fabric and metal or any structure that is erected for the purpose of providing a tarp type roof cover and, or including side wall panels over goods, materials, motor vehicles or leisure vehicles. 2.0 General ProhibitionsTemporary storage structures as defined under this by-law shall be permitted in a residential zone and the following provisions shall apply: 2.1 No person shall erect a temporary storage structure closer than 1 meter to any front lot line and shall not be located closer than 3.0 meters to any exterior side lot line. 2.2 No person shall erect a temporary storage structure closer than 0.5 meter to any interior side lot line unless the opposite interior side yard is 1.2 meters or more. If the opposite interior side yard is less than 1.2 meters, no person shall erect a temporary storage structure closer than 1.0 meter from the interior side lot line closest to the temporary storage structure. 2.3 Only one (1) temporary storage structure shall be permitted within the front yard or exterior side yard. 2.4 No person shall erect a temporary storage structure on a vacant lot. 2.5 The owner or occupant of an occupied building or the owner of an unoccupied building within the limits of a residential zone may erect no more than (1) temporary storage structure in the rear yard. 2.5.1 section 2.6 and 2.7 of this by-law shall not apply to section 2.5. 2.6 No person shall erect a temporary storage structure prior to October 15 of any given year. 2.7 No person shall fail to dismantle and remove a temporary storage before April 30th, of every year. 2.8 No person shall erect or maintain a temporary storage structure in a manner deemed unsafe or create hazard conditions. 2.9 No person shall keep a temporary storage structure or any part of it in such condition as to be damage or dilapidated or out of character with the neighboring properties. 3.0 Exceptions3.1 Exemptions to this by-law may be granted on an individual basis (by resolution of council), only if such request is made in writing and that council gives consideration to the director of protective services’ report/recommendation. 4.0 Enforcement and Penalties4.1 The provisions of this by-law shall be administered and enforced by the municipal law enforcement officer. 4.2 Where any requirement in accordance with this by-law is not carried out, the municipal law enforcement officer or persons designated by the municipal law enforcement officer for the city may, upon such notice as he deems suitable, remove the temporary storage structure or do such thing at the expense of the person required to do it and, in so doing, may charge an administration fee of 15% of the amount expended by or on behalf of the municipality and such total shall be recovered by action or in like manners as municipal taxes. 4.3 Where any matter or material is removed in accordance with section 4.2, it may be immediately disposed of by the municipal law enforcement officer. 4.4 The removal of structures by the municipality shall not relieve any person from liability for the penalty for breach of any of the provisions herein, or for further compliance with any of the provisions herein contained. 4.5 Every person who contravenes any section of this By-law is guilty of an offence and upon conviction is liable to a fine as set out for in the Provincial Offence Act R.S.O. 1990, Chapter 33 as amended. 4.6 In addition to the imposition of a fine or other remedy, as court of competent jurisdiction may, upon conviction on an offence under this by-law, issue an order prohibiting the continuation or repetition of the violation by the person convicted. 5.0 Severability5.1 If a court of competent jurisdiction should declare any section or part of a section of this by-law to be invalid, such section or part thereof shall not be construed as having persuaded or influenced council to pass the remainder of this by-law and it is hereby declared that the remainder of this by-law shall be valid and shall remain in force. 6.0 Repeal6.1 That by-laws 2009-138 and 2011-156 are hereby repealed. 7.0 Effect7.1 This by-law shall come into force and take effect on the day it is duly adopted by the council of the corporation. Read, done and passed in open council, this 6th day of November 2017. Guy Desjardins, Mayor Monique Ouellet, Clerk |
Traffic and Parking - 2020-18 |
Being a by-law to regulate traffic and parking on the highways, private and municipal properties within the City of Clarence-Rockland. Whereas section 11. (3) of the Municipal Act, 2001, c. 25, provides that a municipality may pass by-laws for the purpose of regulating and prohibiting traffic and parking upon the highways under its jurisdiction; Whereas subsection 102.1 (1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, as amended, provides that a municipality may require a person to pay an administrative penalty if the municipality is satisfied that the person failed to comply with any by-laws respecting the parking, standing or stopping of vehicles; Whereas the province adopted the “administrative penalties” regulation, o. reg 333/07, pursuant to the Municipal Act, 2001 which applies to administrative penalties in respect of the parking, standing or stopping of vehicles; And whereas section 63. (1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, c. 25, provides that a municipality may provide for the removal and impounding or restraining and immobilising of vehicles placed, stopped, standing or parked on a highway in contravention of the by-law and subsection 170 (15) of the Highway Traffic Act applies with necessary modifications to the by-law; And whereas section 100 to 100.1(1) to (5) of the Municipal Act, 2001, Chap. c.25, provides that a local municipality may regulate and prohibit parking on private or municipal property; And whereas section 102 (a) to (b) of the Municipal Act, 2001, Chap. C.25, provides that a local municipality may require owners or operators of parking lots or other parking facilities to which public has access, to provide designated parking spaces for vehicles displaying a disabled parking permits and shall prescribe conditions of the use of disabled parking permits and prohibit the improper use of such permits; And whereas council desires to regulate traffic and parking on private and municipal property upon the highways within the municipality of the City of Clarence-Rockland; And whereas council of the City of Clarence-Rockland deems it expedient to regulate traffic and parking; Now therefore council of the City of Clarence-Rockland enacts as follows: Definitions1. in this by-law: (1) “Accessible parking permit” means, a)an accessible parking permit issued under the Highway Traffic Act; or b)a permit, number plate or other number or device issued by another jurisdiction and recognized under the Highway Traffic Act; (2)“Accessible-passenger vehicle” means a motor vehicle that,
(3) “Authorized sign” means any sign, or roadway, curb or sidewalk marking, or other device, placed or erected on a highway under the authority of this by-law for the purpose of regulating, warning or guiding traffic of the parking of vehicles; (4) “Authorized vehicle” means,
(5) "Bicycle" includes a tricycle and unicycle but does not include a motor-assisted bicycle or an e-bike. (6) "Boulevard" means all the parts of the highway save and except any roadway, shoulder or sidewalk. (7)"Bus stop" means a part of a highway designated as a point at which buses will stop to take on or let off passengers. (8) "Chief of police" means the chief of police of the police force or authorized representative and includes the officer in charge of any detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police either providing police services to an area municipality by agreement or not; (9) "Commercial motor vehicle" means a motor vehicle having permanently attached thereto a truck or delivery body and includes an ambulance, a hearse, a casket wagon, a fire apparatus, a bus and a tractor used for hauling purposes on a highway; (10)"Corner" with reference to a highway intersection means the point of intersection of the prolongation of the lateral curb lines or in the absence of curbs the prolongation of the edges of the roadways; (11)"Corporation" means the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland; (12)"Crosswalk" means: (a) That part of a highway at an intersection that is included within the connections of the lateral lines of the sidewalks on opposite sides of the highway measured from the curbs or, in the absence of curbs, from the edges of the roadway, or (b) Any portion of a roadway at an intersection or elsewhere distinctly indicated or pedestrian crossing by signs or by lines or other markings on the surface; (13) “Cul de sac” means a highway which is closed at one end where a turning circle of a basin is constructed to allow a vehicle to turn around and egress at the open end. (14) "Curb" means the edge of the travelled portion of the highway and includes a raised curb, a rolled curb or a depressed curb. (15) “Daytime” means the period of time from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. of the same day; (16) “Designated” means designated by a corporation by-law; (17) “Driver” means a person who drives a vehicle on a highway; (18) "Driveway" means a part of a highway improved to provide vehicular access from the roadway to a laneway or a parking area on adjacent land; (19) “Electric vehicle” includes any vehicle that is partially or entirely propelled by electricity and plugs in to recharge; (20) “Electric vehicle charging station” means any facility or equipment that is used to charge a battery or any other energy storage device of an electric vehicle; (21) “Electric vehicle parking space” means a parking space, the use of which is charging a battery or other storage device of an electric vehicle; (22) "Engineer" means the engineer designated by council of the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland for the time being or such other person or persons designated by the council of the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland; (23) "Gross weight" means the combined weight of vehicle and load; (24) "Heavy truck" or “heavy vehicle” means a commercial motor vehicle as defined in the Highway Traffic Act, as amended or re-enacted from time to time, and includes trucks, tractors, commercial vehicles exceeding a gross weight of 4,500.0 kilograms as licensed by the Ministry of Transportation, a bus and any other passenger motor vehicle with capacity for more than ten passengers, road-building machine or farm vehicle as defined in that Act, and all other types of construction equipment, but excludes a motor vehicle, an ambulance, a fire truck or a school bus. (25) "Highway" includes a common and public highway, street, avenue, parkway, driveway, square, place, bridge, viaduct, or trestle, any part of which is intended for, or used by, the general public for the passage of vehicles and includes the area between the lateral property lines thereof; (26) "Highway, one-way" means a highway upon which the movement of vehicular is limited to one direction; (27) “Holiday" includes New Year's Day, Family Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Victoria Day, Canada Day, the day proclaimed as a Civic holiday by the Corporation, Labour Day, Thanksgiving, Remembrance Day, Christmas Day, Boxing Day and any day appointed by proclamation of the Governor-General or the Lieutenant-Governor and the next following day when such holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday (28) “Hinder” means creating difficulties for someone or something, resulting in delay or obstruction. (29) "Intersection" means the area embraced within the prolongation or connection of the lateral curb lines or, if none, then of the lateral boundary lines of two or more highways which join one another at an angle, whether or not one highway cross the other. (30) "King's Highway" includes the secondary highways and tertiary roads designated by the province of Ontario under the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act, R.S.O. 1990 c. P.50 as amended; (31) "Laneway" means improved land adjacent to the highway which provides access from the highway to a parking area on adjacent land. (32) "Loading zone" means the part of a highway, private property or property of the Corporation, set apart for the exclusive purpose of parking a vehicle to load or unload the same. (33) "Motor assisted bicycle" means a bicycle, (a) That is fitted with pedals which are operable at all times to propel the bicycle, (b) That weighs not more than Fifty-five (55) kilograms, (c) That has no hand or foot operated clutch or gearbox driven by the motor and transferring power to the driven wheel, (d) That has an attached motor driven by electricity or having a piston displacement of not more than fifty cubic centimetres, and (e) That does not have sufficient power to enable the bicycle to attain a speed greater than 50 kilometres per hour on level ground within a distance two kilometres from a standing start; (34) "Motorcycle" means a self-propelled vehicle having a seat or saddle for the use of the driver and designed to travel on not more than three wheels in contact with the ground, and includes a motor scooter but does not include a motor-assisted bicycle; (35) "Motor vehicle" includes an automobile, motorcycle, motor-assisted bicycle unless otherwise indicated in the Highway Traffic Act, and any other vehicle propelled or driven otherwise than by muscular power, but does not include a streetcar, or other motor vehicles running only upon rails, or a motorized snow vehicle, traction engine, farm tractor, self-propelled implement of husbandry or road-building machine within the meaning of the Highway Traffic Act; (36) “Municipal law enforcement officer” means a peace officer for the purpose of enforcing municipal by-law, as set out in the Police Services Act; (37) “Official sign” means a sign on the highway approved by the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario; (38) “Overnight” means the period from 7:00 p.m. of one day to 7:00 a.m. of the following day; (39) "Park" or "parking" when prohibited means the standing of a vehicle, whether occupied or not, except when standing temporarily for the purpose of and while actually engaged in loading or unloading merchandise or passengers; (40) “Parking machine” means an electronic or mechanical device, for the purpose of controlling and regulating the parking of any motor vehicle in or on a parking lot; (41) “Parking space” means that part of the surface of the roadway, private property or property of the corporation for the purpose of vehicle parking; (42) “Parking space for persons with disabilities” means a parking space designated under this by-law for the exclusive use of a vehicle displaying a permit in accordance with the requirements of the Highway Traffic Act and the regulations made there under and this by-law. (43) "Peace officer" means a municipal law enforcement officer for the purpose of enforcing this by-Law. (44) "Pedestrian" means (a) a person on foot; (b) a person using an assistive device for his mobility, such as a wheelchair or a walker; or (c) a child in a carriage, stroller or play vehicle; (45) "Pedestrian crossover", means any portion of a roadway, designated by this by-law, at an intersection or elsewhere, distinctly indicated for pedestrian crossing by signs on the highway and lines or other markings on the surface of the roadway as prescribed by regulations made under the Highway Traffic Act; (46) “Person with a disability” means an individual who has been issued and holds a valid accessible parking permit under the Highway Traffic Act; (47) "Police officer", “constable” or “special constable” means a person so appointed by the Ontario Provincial Police and “constable” includes a municipal by-law enforcement officer appointed pursuant to subsection 15(1) of the Police Services Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P. 15 as amended; (48) "Police service" means the police force of the area municipality and includes any detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police providing police services to the corporation; (49) "Police vehicle" means a vehicle owned or operated by the police commission of an area municipality, the Ontario Provincial Police or the Royal Canadian Mounted Police; (50) "Public parking area" means an open area or structure, other than a street, used by the public at the invitation of the owner for the temporary parking of more than four (4) motor vehicles and available for public use whether free, for compensation, or as an accommodation for clients, customer or visitors; (51) "Public vehicle" means a motor vehicle operated on a highway by, for or on behalf of any person for the transportation for compensation of passengers, or passengers and express freight that might be carried in a passenger vehicle, but does not include taxicabs nor motor vehicles operated solely within the corporate limits of one urban municipality. (52) "Roadway" means that part of the highway that is improved, designed or ordinarily used for vehicular traffic, but does not include the shoulder, and, where a highway includes two or more separate roadways, the term "roadway" refers to any one roadway separately and not to all of the roadways collectively. (53) "Roadway, laned" means a highway which has been divided into separate lanes for vehicular traffic which lanes are indicated by lines or other markings on the surface of the roadway or in any other manner; (54) “Roundabout” is an intersection with one-way circulation counter-clockwise around a central island where entering traffic must yield the right-of-way to the traffic circulating within the intersection; (55) "Shoulder" means that part of the highway immediately adjacent to the travelled portion of the roadway and having a surface which has been improved for the use of vehicles with asphalt, concrete or gravel; (56) "Side, approach" means the side of a part of a highway to which vehicular traffic may lawfully approach; (57) "Side, leaving" means the side of a part of highway opposite the approach side; (58) "Sidewalk" means those parts of a highway set aside by the Corporation for the use of pedestrians; (59) "Stand" or "standing" when prohibited, means the halting of a vehicle, whether occupied or not, except for the purpose of and while actually engaged in receiving or discharging passengers; (60) "Stop" or "stopping" when prohibited, means the halting of a vehicle, even momentarily, whether occupied or not, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the directions of a peace officer, constable or other police officer or of a traffic control sign or signal; (61) "Traffic" includes pedestrians, animals which are ridden, led or herded, vehicles, and other conveyances either singly or together while using a highway for the purposes of travel; (62) "Traffic control device" means any sign, signal or other roadway, curb, or sidewalk marking, or any other device erected or placed under the authority of this by-law for the purpose of warning, regulating, guiding or directing traffic; (63) "Traffic control signal" means any device operated manually, electrically, mechanically or electronically for the regulation or control of traffic; (64) "Traffic, one-way" means movement by vehicles upon a highway in one direction only; (65) "Trailer" means a vehicle that is at any time drawn upon a highway by a motor vehicle, except an implement of husbandry, a mobile home, another motor vehicle, or any device or apparatus not designed to transport persons or property, temporarily drawn, propelled or moved upon such highway, and except a side car attached to a motorcycle, and shall be considered a separate vehicle and not part of the motor vehicle by which it is drawn; (66) "U-turn" means the turning of a vehicle within the highway so as to proceed in the opposite direction to that in which the vehicle was travelling immediately prior to making the turn; (67) "Vehicle" includes a motor vehicle, trailer, traction engine, farm tractor, road-building machine, bicycle and any vehicle drawn, propelled or driven by any kind of power, including muscular power, but does not include a motorized snow vehicle or a street car; Interpretation2. (1) In this by-law: (a) Words importing the singular number or the masculine gender only, include more persons, parties or things of the same kind than one and females as well as males and the converse; (b) A word interpreted in the singular number has a corresponding meaning when used in the plural; (c) "May" shall be construed as permissive; (d) "Shall" shall be construed as imperative; (e) “Vehicle”, when used as part of a prohibition of parking or stopping, includes any part thereof; and (f) “Subsection” when used without reference to another section, refers to a subsection contained in the same section in which the phrase is used. (2) In the schedules to this by-law, the following abbreviations, definitions and symbols stand for the words respectively set forth opposite thereto as follows: (a)
(3) Where a distance is used in this by-law as part of a prohibition of parking or stopping within a specified distance of an object, structure, land or a part of a highway, such distance shall be measured: (a) Along the curb or edge of the roadway from a point in such curb or edge of roadway opposite such object, structure, land or part of a highway, unless the context otherwise requires, and (b) From such point in the curb or edge of roadway in all directions. (4) The various prohibitions of this by-law are cumulative and not mutually self-exclusive. (5) It is declared that if any section, subsection or part or parts thereof be declared by any court of law to be bad, illegal or ultra vires, such section, subsection or part or parts shall be deemed to be severable and all parts hereof are declared to be separate and independent and enacted as such. (6) Where any provisions of this by-law is contravened and a conviction entered, the court in which the conviction has been entered and any court of competent jurisdiction thereafter may make an order prohibiting the continuation or repetition of the offence by the person convicted. 3. Where any expression of time occurs or where any hour or other period of time is stated, the time referred to shall be standard time, provided however, if what is known as “daylight saving time” has been generally adopted in the City of Clarence-Rockland for any period of the year, under any statute, order-in-council, by-law, resolution, or proclamation, whether the same is effective in law or not, such time shall be the time referred to during such period in any reference to time in this by-law. Part "a"Rules of the roadPart iErection of Signs, Traffic Control Devices, etc. - Regulations4. (1) The engineer is hereby authorized and directed to erect, install and maintain official signs, authorized signs, traffic control signals, markings, barricades, traffic control devices and other structures, plants and equipment as are required to give effect to this by-law and as are required to regulate, direct, warn or guide pedestrian and vehicular traffic for the safety and convenience of the public. Except for emergency situations, any changes to traffic and parking signs within the city of Clarence-Rockland shall be reported to and approved by the municipal council and such changes shall be in compliance with the present by-law and with established procures. (2) When official signs, authorized signs, traffic control signals, markings, barricades or traffic control devices have been erected, every person shall obey the instruction of or directions on such sign, traffic control signal, marking, barricade, so erected or installed and the sign, traffic control signal, marking, traffic control devices or other structures, plants and equipment are deemed to have been erected pursuant to the section that normally regulates or prohibits the matter. (3) All regulations identified through this by-law are in effect at all times, including holidays, except when the effective times and days are specified and identified on official or authorized signs. Part iiParking and Stopping5. (1) Subject to subsections 2 and 3, no person shall park or stop any vehicle or permit a vehicle or permit a vehicle to remain parked or stopped on any highway except as follows: (a) Where there is a curb, on the right side of the travelled portion of the highway, having regard to the direction in which the vehicle was travelling, with its right front and rear wheels parallel to and not more than fifteen (15cm) centimetres away from such curb; or (b) Where there is no curb on the right side of the highway having regard to the direction in which the vehicle was travelling, with the right front and rear wheels parallel to and as near to the right hand limit of the highway as is practicable without stopping over any part of a highway which is landscaped or which is not intended for the use of vehicles. (2) Subject to subsection 3, where parking is permitted on the left side of a highway designated for one-way traffic, a person may park or stop any vehicle provided the vehicle is parked: (a) Where there is a raised curb, on the left side of the travelled portion of the highway having regard to the direction in which the vehicle was travelling, with its left front and rear wheels parallel to and not more than fifteen (15 cm) centimetres away from such curb; or (b) Where there is no curb or a rolled curb, on the left side of the highway having regard to the direction in which the vehicle was travelling, with the left front and rear wheels parallel to and as near to the left hand limit of the highway as is practicable without stopping over any part of a highway as is practicable landscaped or which is not intended for use of vehicles. (3) Subsections 1 and 2 do not apply where angle parking is permitted under this by-law. 6. (1) Subject to the provisions of subsection (2), no person shall park a heavy truck, trailer or bus or permit any of them to be parked on any highway within the City of Clarence-Rockland for any continuous period of time exceeding two (2) hours. (2) Except as provided for in section 33, no person shall park a heavy truck, trailer or bus or permit any of them to be parked on any park of a highway where no heavy truck signs are erected or are on display on any highway. 7. When official or authorized signs have been erected, no person shall park a vehicle or permit a vehicle to remain parked on any highway, (a) in front of or within eight (8 m) metres of the entrance on which there is a fire hall, on the side of the highway on which the fire hall is located; (b) within six (6 m) metres of an intersection; (c) within eight (8 m) metres of an intersection controlled by a traffic control signal; (d) in front of or within one and one half (1.5) meters of the main entrance to, or any emergency exit from any hotel, hospital, nursing home, theatre, auditorium or other building or enclosed space in which persons may be expected to congregate in large numbers; (e) within ten (10m) metres of the approach side of a crosswalk that is controlled by a traffic control signal and not located at an intersection; (f) within eight (8m) metres of the leaving side of a crosswalk that is controlled by a traffic control signal and not located at an intersection; (g) so as to interfere with the formation of a funeral procession. (h) within a reserved taxicab parking zone; (i) within a reserved loading zone and, (j) where temporary “no parking” signs are erected, placed or posted along any highway or part of a highway by the engineer, a municipal law enforcement officer, a constable or an employee of the corporation. 8. No person shall park a vehicle or permit a vehicle to remain parked on any highway: (a) within six (6 m) metres of an intersection; (b) within three (3 m) metres of a point on the curb or edge of roadway opposite a fire hydrant; (c) in front of or within one and one-half (1.5 m) metres of a laneway or driveway; (d) so as to obstruct a vehicle in the use of any laneway or driveway; (e) in such a position that will prevent the convenient removal of any other vehicle previously parked or standing; (f) for the purpose of displaying the vehicle for sale; (g) if the vehicle is unlicensed; (h) for the purpose of greasing, or repairing the vehicle except where such repairs have been necessitated by an emergency; (i) for the purpose of stripping or partially stripping the vehicle except where such stripping has been necessitated by an emergency; (j) on a driveway within one half (0.5 m) metre of a sidewalk or if there is no sidewalk within one and one half (1.5 m) metres of the roadway; (k) on any sidewalk or in such a manner as to obstruct any sidewalk and, (l) so as to obstruct vehicular traffic. (m) within six (6m) metres of a traffic control device. (n) facing the wrong direction or facing oncoming traffic. (o) within the turning basin of a cul-de-sac, unless the motor vehicle is parked parallel to and not more than 15cm from the curb. nothing in this section shall deem to permit parking in or around the centre of the turning basin of a cul-de-sac, whether the centre portion is curbed or not. 9. Except as permitted elsewhere in this by-law and where official or authorized signs have been erected, no person shall park a vehicle or permit a vehicle to remain parked on any highway except as provided in the subsection below: (a) parking is allowed on both side of highways having a minimum width of ten (10m) meters; (b) parking is allowed on one side of highways having a minimum width of eight (8m) meters; (c) where official or authorized signs have been erected, parking is allowed on one side of highways having a minimum width of six (6m) meters and traffic volumes below 500 vehicles per day. 10. No person shall park a vehicle or permit a vehicle to remain parked on any highway so as to interfere in any manner with the work of, (a) removing snow; (b) removing ice; (c) clearing of snow; or (d) cleaning operations, including sweeping. 11. No person shall park a vehicle or permit a vehicle to remain parked on any highway contrary to official or authorized signs. 12. (1) The parts of the highway that are within fifteen (15 m) metres of the approach side of a school crosswalk designated by markings and authorized school crosswalk signs; and that are within ten (10 m) metres of the leaving side of a school crosswalk designated by markings and authorized school crosswalk signs, are hereby established as a school crosswalk zone. (2) No person shall stop a vehicle or permit a vehicle to remain stopped on any highway: (a) on or partly on or over a sidewalk; (b) within an intersection or crosswalk; (c) on or partly on grass; (d) on or partly on a bicycle lane or pathway; (e) between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. within a school crosswalk zone; (f) adjacent to or across from any excavation or obstruction in the roadway when the free flow of traffic would thereby be impeded; (g) on the roadway side of any stopped or parked vehicle; (h) upon any bridge or elevated structure or within thirty (30 m) metres of either end of any such structure except where parking in these locations is otherwise permitted by this by-law; 13. (1) The parts of the highway that are within fifteen (15 m) metres of the approach side of a pedestrian crossover and that are within ten (10 m) metres of the leaving side of a pedestrian crossover, are hereby established as a pedestrian crossover zone. (2) When official or authorized signs have been erected, no person shall stop a vehicle or permit a vehicle to remain stopped on any highway, (a) within a pedestrian crossover; (b) within a pedestrian crossover zone; (c) within the turning basin of a cul de sac; (d) within thirty (30m) meters of the approach or leaving side of a roundabout; (e) where temporary “no stopping” signs are erected, placed or posted along any highway or part of a highway by the engineer, a municipal law enforcement officer, a constable or an employee of the corporation. 14. (1) No person shall stop a vehicle or permit a vehicle to remain stopped on any highway at the side and within the limits contrary to official or authorized signs. (2) The provisions of sections 13(2) and 14(1) of this by-law relating to stopping do not apply to prevent the stopping of a taxi cab, provided: (a) it is operated under a valid taxi licence, and (b) it is stopped only while actively engaged in the process of receiving or discharging passengers, including the processing of fare payment. (3) The provisions of section 13(2) and 14(1) of this by-law relating to stopping do not apply to prevent the stopping of a motor vehicle for the purpose of and while actually engaged in receiving or discharging a person with disability provided that such motor vehicle has a valid accessible parking permit displayed upon its dashboard or on the sun visor in accordance with the provisions of the Highway Traffic Act. 15. The provisions of this by-law relating to parking, standing and stopping do not apply to prevent the parking, standing or stopping of passenger motor vehicles forming part of any funeral cortege, provided that all such vehicles are parked or stopped on only one side of a highway at one time. 16. (1) No person shall park or permit a vehicle to remain parked on a highway contrary to the permitted maximum duration during the times and days identified on official or authorized signs. (2) No person shall park a vehicle or permit a vehicle to remain parked on a highway within one (1) hour from the time of its removal from part of highway referred to in subsection 1 within three hundred (300 m) metres of such part of highway. 17. (1) No person shall park a vehicle or permit a vehicle to remain parked on a highway at any time between 1:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. from November 15th to April 1st. (2) On or after the 1st day of march in any year, the roads superintendent may, by his order, (a) suspend the operation of subsection (1), provided that in his opinion, the fall or accumulation of snow, ice or snow and ice removal functions, regular highway maintenance or the proper use and movement of vehicles on the highway; or (b) reinstate the operation of subsection (1). 18. (1) Where an angle parking space is designated by lines or other markings on the roadway, or otherwise, no person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle or permit a vehicle to remain parked or standing therein except entirely within the area so designated as a parking space. (2) Where angle parking is permitted on a highway, no person shall stop, stand or park any vehicle or permit a vehicle to remain parked or standing except at the angle designated by signs or markings on the roadway. (3) Where angle parking on a highway other than at an angle of 90 degrees to the curb or edge of roadway is permitted, no person shall park a vehicle or permit a vehicle to remain parked on such highway except with the front end of the vehicle at the curb or edge of the roadway. (4) No person shall park a vehicle or permit a vehicle to remain parked at an angle on a highway contrary to official or authorized signs. Part iiiLoading Zones19.(1) Official or authorized signs designate parts of a highway that are established as loading zones during the time or days identified on the signs. (2) When authorized signs have been erected, no person shall park or stop a vehicle or permit a vehicle to remain parked or stopped in a loading zone except for the purpose of, and while actually engaged in, loading thereon or unloading therefrom, passengers, freight or merchandise. 20. (1) Official or authorized signs shall designate the parts of highways that are established as school bus loading zones for use during the days and times identified on the signs. (2) No person shall park or stop a vehicle other than a school purposes vehicle, or permit a vehicle other than a school purposes vehicle to remain parked or stopped, in a school bus loading zone contrary to official or authorized signs. 21. The provisions of sections 16(1) and 16(2) of this by-law shall not apply to a motor vehicle displaying a valid accessible parking permit on the dashboard or on the sun visor in accordance with the provisions of the Highway Traffic Act provided that said vehicle does not remain parked for a period of time of more than four (4) hours. Part ivDriving and Related Rules22. The driver or operator of a vehicle emerging from a driveway, laneway, lot or building onto a highway shall, upon driving onto a sidewalk or onto the roadway, yield the right-of-way to pedestrians upon such sidewalk or roadway. 23. No person shall drive, operate or park a vehicle or permit a vehicle to remain parked on any highway barricaded and marked by corporation signs showing that its use is prohibited or restricted for a specified time. 24. No person shall coast on a roadway, whether on a sleigh, skateboard, roller skate, in-line skate, cart, children’s wagon or toboggan, by attaching it, them, himself or herself to a vehicle on a highway. 25. (1) No person shall drive or park a vehicle other than a peace officer or fire department vehicle on any highway within ninety (90m) metres of a fire scene, an accident scene, a fire apparatus or fire-fighting equipment, except as directed by a peace officer, police officer or officer of the fire department. (2) Unless directed by a peace officer, police officer or officer of the fire department, no person shall drive a vehicle over a fire hose on any highway. 26. Notwithstanding any provisions of this by-law to the contrary, a police officer, peace officer or the engineer may, during any emergency or special circumstance, by the erection of appropriate signs or signals, prohibit or regulate the movement of vehicles on any highway or part of a highway and no person shall drive or operate a vehicle in contravention of any such sign or signal. 27. Despite any provisions of this by-law, every person shall promptly obey all signals given by a traffic control signal, traffic control device or an official or authorized sign and all directions given by a police officer, municipal law enforcement officer or firefighter and nothing in this by-law shall affect the powers to regulate traffic held by the Ontario Provincial Police. 28. (1) No person shall drive a vehicle, or ride upon a skateboard, roller blade or roller skate, on a sidewalk except for the purpose of directly crossing the sidewalk. (2) No person shall drive a vehicle over a raised curb or sidewalk except at a place where there is a ramp, rolled curb or depressed curb. (3) Subsections (1) and (2) shall not apply to wheelchairs, baby carriages, children’s tricycles, children’s wagons, handcarts used for vending, or bicycles crossing between the roadway and any other cycling path or facility. (4) Subsection (1) shall not apply to prevent the driving of bicycles on a sidewalk where it is permitted by official or authorized signs. (5) Despite the provisions of subsection (4), a person driving a bicycle on a sidewalk shall yield the right-of-way to any pedestrian and shall give an audible signal before overtaking and passing such pedestrian. (6) Nothing in this section shall relieve the pedestrian from the obligation of taking all due care to avoid a collision. 29. No person shall board or alight from any vehicle while such vehicle is in motion. 30. The provisions of section 28 do not apply to municipal vehicles that are engaged in the performance of cleaning, clearing, maintenance, repair, construction or other work on any highway. 31. Parts i, ii and iii and sections 23, 25 and 28 shall not, in the case of an emergency, apply to ambulances, police vehicles, fire apparatuses, municipal law enforcement vehicles or public works vehicles in the performance of their duties. Part vNo Heavy Truck Route32. No person shall drive or cause to be driven a heavy truck on a highway or part of a highway where “no heavy truck signs” are erected or are on display on any highway. 33. (1) subject to subsections (2) and (3), section 32 shall not apply to prevent the deviation from a truck route for the following purposes: (a) deliveries by a heavy truck to premises not abutting a truck route; (b) the performance of services requiring a heavy truck at premises not abutting a truck route; (c) a heavy truck proceeding to or from a garage or other premises not abutting a truck route for the purpose of housing, storing or repairing such heavy truck; (d) the performance of public works by the corporation or a local board thereof or, (e) emergency services. (2) every such deviation shall be made from the point on a truck route nearest by highway distance to the premises or location of performance of services referred to in subsection (1). (3) when successive deliveries are to be made in an area bounded by truck routes, after the last delivery, the heavy truck shall be driven to the nearest truck route. Part viPedestrians34. Except where traffic control signals are in operation or where traffic is being controlled by a constable, no pedestrian shall cross a highway without yielding the right-of-way to all vehicles upon the roadway, but nothing in this section shall relieve the driver of a vehicle from the obligation of taking all due care to avoid a collision. 35. Except for the purpose of crossing a roadway, where there is a sidewalk that is reasonably passable on one side or on both sides of a roadway, a pedestrian shall use the available sidewalk. 36. No person shall go over or under a pedestrian barrier installed on a sidewalk, or at any other location within a highway. 37. (1) No person shall play or take part in any game or sport upon a roadway, except while engaged in ball hockey where a free flow of traffic is not impeded. (2) Where there are sidewalks, no person on or riding in or by means of any children's wagon, toboggan, or similar device shall go upon a roadway, except for the purpose of crossing it, and when so crossing, such person shall have the rights and be subject to the obligations of a pedestrian. 38. No pedestrian shall enter on or cross a roadway contrary to official or authorized signs. Part viiBicycles39. (1) A person driving a bicycle upon a roadway shall (a) Where practicable, drive in the right-hand lane when available for traffic or as close as practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway. (b) Exercise due care when passing a parked, stopped or standing vehicle or one proceeding in the same direction. (2) A person driving a bicycle upon a highway designated for one-way traffic shall: (a) Where practicable, drive in the right-hand or left-hand lane when available for traffic or as close as practicable to the right-end or left-hand curb or edge of the roadway. (b) Exercise due care when passing a parked, stopped or standing vehicle or one proceeding in the same direction. (3) Persons driving bicycles upon a roadway shall do so in single file. (4) No person driving a bicycle upon a highway shall carry any package, bundle or article which prevents the rider from keeping both hands on the handlebars or interferes with the normal operation of the bicycle. (5) No person shall place a bicycle upon a highway except in such a manner as to cause the least possible obstruction to pedestrian or vehicular traffic. (6) No person shall ride or cause to be ridden, or use, a bicycle, motor-assisted bicycle or animal on any highway or part of a highway contrary to official or authorized signs. Part viiiSigns40. No person shall place, maintain or display upon, or visible from, any highway, any sign, signal, marking, device or vegetation which, (a) Conceals a traffic control device, traffic control signal from view, (b) Interferes with the effectiveness of a traffic control device or traffic control signal. (c) Appears to be or is an imitation of or resembles any official or authorized sign, traffic control signal or traffic control device. 41. No person shall move, remove, deface or in any manner interfere with any authorized or official sign, traffic control signal, marking or other traffic control device placed, erected or maintained under this by-law. 42. (1) No person shall drive any vehicle over any marking on the roadway where markers such as pylons are in place to indicate that the marking material has been freshly applied. (2) No person shall drive any vehicle onto any marker such as pylons placed on the roadway. Part "b"Property - Private Property and Property of the Corporation43. in this part: (a) "owner", when used in relation to property, means, (i) the registered owner of the property, (ii) the registered owner of a condominium unit whose consent shall extend only to the control of the unit of which he is owner and any parking spaces allotted to him by the condominium corporation or reserved for his exclusive use in the declaration or description of the property, (iii) the spouse of a person described in subparagraph (i) or (ii) hereof, (iv) where the property is included in description registered under the condominium act, the board of directors of the condominium corporation, or (v) a person authorized in writing by the property owner as defined in subparagraph (i), (ii) or (iii) or (iv) hereof to act on the owner's behalf for requesting the enforcement of this part of the by-law; (b) "occupant" means, (i) the tenant of the property or part thereof whose consent shall extend only to the control of the land of which he is tenant and any parking spaces allotted to him under his lease or tenancy agreement, (ii) the spouse of a tenant, (iii) a person, the City of Clarence-Rockland, or a local board thereof having an interest in the property under an easement or right of way granted to or expropriated by the person, the City of Clarence-Rockland or local board whose consent shall extend only to the part of the property that is subject to the easement or right of way, or (iv) a person authorized in writing by an occupant as defined in subparagraph (i), (ii) or (iii) hereof to act on the occupant's behalf for requesting the enforcement of this part of the by-law. 44. (1) The driver of a motor vehicle, not being the owner, is liable to any penalty provided under this part of the by-law, and the owner of a motor vehicle is also liable to such a penalty unless at the time the offence was committed the motor vehicle was in the possession of a person other than the owner without the owner’s consent. (2) Subject to subsection 4, the driver or owner of a motor vehicle parked or left on private property is not liable to any penalty or to have the motor vehicle removed from such property or impounded under this part of the by-law, except upon the written complaint of the owner or occupant of the property given to a constable, a municipal by-law enforcement officer or officer appointed for the carrying out of the provisions of this part of the by-law; (3) Where an owner or occupant of property affected by this part of the by-law has posted signs stating conditions on which a motor vehicle may be parked or left on the property or prohibiting the parking or leaving of a motor vehicle on the property, a motor vehicle parked or left on the property contrary to such conditions or prohibition shall be deemed to have been parked or left without consent; (4) If it is alleged in a proceeding that a provision of part "b" of this by-law has been contravened, the oral or written evidence of a police officer, police cadet or municipal by-law enforcement officer is receivable in evidence as proof, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, of the facts stated therein in respect of, (a) the ownership of occupancy of the property, (b) the absence of the consent of the owner or occupant, and (c) whether any person is an owner or an occupant as defined in section 43. (5) A document offered as evidence under subsection (4) shall be admitted without notice under the Evidence Act. 45. No person shall park or leave any motor vehicle on private property without the consent of the owner or occupant of the property. 46. Whenever a motor vehicle is parked or left on private property without the express authority of the owner or occupant of such property, a police officer, police cadet, municipal law enforcement officer or an officer appointed for the carrying out of this by-law, upon the written complaint of the owner or occupant of the property, shall cause the said motor vehicle to be moved or taken to and placed or stored in a suitable place and all costs and charges for removing, care and storage thereof, if any, shall be paid by the owner of the said motor vehicle and such costs and charges shall be a lien upon the said motor vehicle which may be enforced in the manner provided by the Repair and Storage Liens Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter R.25. 47. The engineer, for the purpose of controlling and regulating parking in or on parking lots and for the purpose of measuring and recording the time during which a motor vehicle has been parked and for the amount of fee to be collected, is hereby authorized to: (a) erect, maintain and operate parking meters in or on municipal parking lots, (b) erect, maintain and operate parking machines or station attendances in or on municipal parking lots, and (c) designate parking spaces in connection therewith. 48. Where parking meters have been erected, no person shall park any motor vehicle in a parking space or in any municipal parking lots during the hours of operation unless the meter controlling such parking space is used and the fee deposited thereunder in accordance with the rate indicated for the parking space and the meter is set in operation in accordance with the instructions given thereon. 49. (1) municipal parking lots that are equipped with parking machines are designated as pay and display parking lots. (2) the corporation may erect and display signs and machines in any pay and display parking lot to require payment for parking for the times of operation. 50. (1) No person shall park a vehicle or permit it to remain parked in a pay and display parking lot unless: (a) a fee is deposited in the parking machine for the time the vehicle is parked and a receipt is obtained; and (b) the receipt is placed on the dashboard of the vehicle, face up, and easy to read from outside the vehicle and left there for the duration of the time paid for. (2) No driver of a vehicle shall allow a vehicle to be parked in a pay and display parking lot for a time of day that is later than the time of day indicated on the receipt. 51. (1) No person shall deposit or cause to be deposited in any parking machine any slug, device or other substitute for a coin of Canada or the United States of America. (2) No person shall deface, conceal, tamper with, open, break, destroy or impair the usefulness of any parking machine. (3) Nothing in this section shall permit a person to stop or park a vehicle at any location where stopping or parking is otherwise prohibited. 52. No person shall park or leave any motor vehicle on a property of the corporation which parking is by sign designated as an area in which parking is prohibited. 53. No person shall park or leave any motor vehicle on a property of the corporation where an area is by sign designated as reserved, unless the area is reserved for such person or class of persons. 54. No person shall park or leave any motor vehicle on a property of the corporation where parking is by sign regulated by time limits for a longer period of time than that set out on the sign. 55. No person shall park or stop a motor vehicle or permit a motor vehicle to remain parked or stopped on a property of the corporation in an area designated by sign as a loading zone, except for the purpose of and while actually engaged in loading thereon or unloading there from, passengers, freight or merchandise. 56. Where an electric vehicle parking space has been identified on a property of the corporation, no person shall park a motor vehicle or permit a motor vehicle to remain parked that does not conform to the following; (a) the electric vehicle charging station has been activated for its intended purpose; (b) any required fee is deposited therein in accordance with the rate displaced on each electric vehicle charging station; and (c) any other posted electric vehicle parking space restrictions. 57. Whenever a motor vehicle is parked or left in an unauthorized area on a property of the corporation and is in contravention of any provision of part "b" of this by-law, a police officer, police cadet, municipal law enforcement officer or an officer appointed for the carrying out of the provisions of this by-law, shall upon the written complaint of an authorized employee of the corporation may cause the said motor vehicle to be moved or taken to and placed or stored in a suitable place and all costs and charges for removing, care and storage thereof, if any, shall be paid by the owner of the said motor vehicle and such costs and charges shall be a lien upon the said motor vehicle, which may be enforced in the manner provided by the Repair and Storage Liens Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter R. 25 as amended. Part "c"Parking for persons with disability59. Reserved parking spaces for persons with disabilities shall be identified with authorized signs that comply with the signs described under section 11 of Ontario regulation 581 made under the Highway Traffic Act. 60. (1) The public parking area owner and operator shall be jointly responsible for the procurement and installation of the authorized signs referred to in section 59. (2) The public parking area owner and operator shall be jointly responsible: (a) for the maintenance of the authorized signs referred to in section 59, and (b) for ensuring that the shape, symbols and colours of the authorized signs conform to the provisions of section 59. 61. Persons with disabilities shall not be required to pay an amount in excess of the normal fee paid by other users of the same public parking facility. 62. (1) No person shall park or leave a motor vehicle in a public parking area in a parking space reserved persons with disabilities and identified by authorized signs unless a valid accessible parking permit is visibly displayed on its dashboard or on the sun visor in accordance with the provisions of the Highway Traffic Act. (2) The provisions respecting the placement of a valid accessible parking permit referred to in subsection (1) hereof shall be deemed to be satisfied if a valid accessible parking permit is visibly displayed on the dashboard or on the sun visor of the motor vehicle at the request of a constable, municipal law enforcement officer or a public parking area owner or operator. (3) No public parking area owner or operator shall authorize any person to park or leave a motor vehicle in a space reserved for persons with disabilities and identified by authorized signs unless, (a) the driver is a person with a disability or a person conveying a person with a disability; and (b) a valid accessible parking permit is visibly displayed on the dashboard or on the sun visor of said vehicle in accordance with the provisions of the Highway Traffic Act. (4) A displayed accessible parking permit shall not be valid when the motor vehicle in or on which it is displayed is not actually being used for the purposes of picking up or transporting a person with a disability. (5) No person, other than the person to whom it was issued or a person conveying the person to whom it was issued, or a person providing transportation services for a corporation or organization to whom it was issued to provide transportation services primarily to persons with disabilities shall use or display an accessible parking permit issued to a person with a disability. (6) Notwithstanding the other provisions of this by-law, a municipal law enforcement officer, a constable or an officer appointed for carrying out the provisions of part "c" of this by-law does not require a complaint of the public parking area owner or operator to enforce the provisions of subsection (1) hereof. (7) The appointment of municipal law enforcement officers to enforce part "c" of this by-law shall be deemed to be sufficient authority to enforce the provisions of subsection (1) hereof. 63. Public parking area owners and operators shall maintain unobstructed access to each parking space for persons with disabilities identified by authorized signs and each space shall be kept free of snow or otherwise maintained to the same standards as all other parking spaces in the same parking facility. Part “d”Requests for changes64. Members of the community may submit requests for changes to infrastructure elements such as authorized or official signs, traffic control signals, markings or other traffic control devices in accordance with the corporation’s established procedures. Part “e”Offences and penalties65. (1) Any person who contravenes any of the provisions of this by-law is guilty of an offence and is subject to the provisions of the Provincial Offences Act, R.S.O.1990, Chapter P.33, and amendments thereto. (2) Any person who contravenes any of the provisions of this by-law is guilty of an offence and is subject to the provisions of the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, c.25 as amended. (3) Any person who is issued a parking infraction notice for alleged violation of section 62(1) hereof because a valid accessible parking permit was not displayed and who within thirty (30) days (exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays) from the date of issue of the parking infraction notice obtains a valid accessible parking permit, upon presentation of the said notice and the said permit at the office of the issuer of the said notice, shall not be required to pay the penalty for the alleged violation of the provisions of the said notice. 66. In addition to any other penalties provided by this by-law, upon discovery of any vehicle parked, stopped or standing on any highway in contravention of the provisions of this by-law, a police officer, police cadet, municipal law enforcement officer or an officer appointed for the carrying out of the provisions of this by-law, may cause such vehicle to be moved or taken to and placed or stored in a suitable place and all costs and charges for the removing, care and storage thereof, if any, are a lien upon the vehicle being released and may be enforced in the manner provided by the Repair and Storage Liens Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter R.25 as amended. 67. (1) The owner of a vehicle that is parked, stopped or left standing in contravention of this by-law is guilty of an offence unless the owner proves to the satisfaction of the court that at the time of the offence, the vehicle was in the possession of another person without the owner's consent, express or implied. (2) The owner of a vehicle shall incur the penalties provided for any contravention of this by-law unless, at the time of the contravention, the vehicle was in the possession of some person other than the owner or his chauffeur without the owner's consent and the driver or operator of a vehicle not being the owner shall also incur the penalties provided for any such contravention. Part ixAdministrative Penalties68. All the provisions of this by-law are hereby designated for the purposes of section 3 (1) (b) of the Administrative Penalty Regulation, O. reg 333/07 as parts of the by-law to which the Corporation’s Penalty by-law applies. 69. Every person who contravenes a designated provision of this by-law shall, when given a penalty notice, in accordance with the corporation’s administrative penalty by-law, be liable to pay to the corporation an administrative penalty in the amount specified. 70. The Provincial Offences Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.33, as amended does not apply to a contravention of a provision in this by-law that is designated as part of this by-law to which the corporation’s administrative penalty by-law applies. Part xApplication and Administration71. (1) This by-law shall be enforced by the police or designate and the municipal law enforcement officers of the corporation. (2) The police or designate and the municipal law enforcement officers are exempt from complying with the provisions of this by-law while actively engaged in its enforcement on the parts thereof that they have been appointed to enforce when no suitable parking is available. (3) No person shall obstruct, hinder or interfere with the municipal law enforcement officer in the lawful performance of his/her duties. 72. This by-law applies to all highways under the jurisdiction of the corporation. 73. The provisions of this by-law are subject to the provisions of the Highway Traffic Act as amended. 74. By-law number 1998-85 and 2007-01 are hereby repealed on the day that by-law 2019- comes into force. 75. This by-law shall come into force and take effect on june 1st, 2020. read, done and passed in open council this 2nd day of March, 2020 Guy Desjardins, Mayor Monique Ouellet, Clerk |
Tree cutting - 2018-98 |
A by-law to prohibit or regulate the destruction or damage of trees located in the front yard of a built property or on any part of a vacant property, on significant woodland and for subdivision agreement. Whereas the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, s. 135, allows that by-laws be passed by the council of local municipalities in order to prohibit or regulate the destruction or damage of trees; and Whereas the Corporation of the United Counties of Prescott and Russell passed by-law 2018-08 delegating its power to pass a by-law respecting the destruction or injuring of trees in woodlands to the City of Clarence-Rockland; and Whereas it is considered desirable to regulate the destruction or damage of trees on the territory of Clarence-Rockland. Now therefore the council of the City of Clarence-Rockland enacts as follows: 1. Short TitleThis by-law may be cited as the tree cutting by-law. 2. Scopea) The provisions of this by-law shall prohibit the destruction or damage of trees located in the front yard of a built property or on any part of a vacant property along: i) Laurier Street (annex A) ii) Landry Road, Labonté Road or Champlain Road within the limits of the community policy area of Clarence creek (Annex B) iii) St-Pascal Road or Du Lac Road within the limits of the community policy area of St-Pascal (Annex C) iv) Laval Road or Champlain Road within the limits of the community policy area of Bourget (Annex D) v) Lacroix Road, Gagné Road or Gendron Road within the limits of the community policy area of Hammond (Annex E) vi) Indian Creek Road, Drouin Road or Russell Road within the limits of the community policy area of Cheney (Annex F). b) The provision of this by-law shall regulate the clear cutting within the limits of: i) The significant woodland designation of the official plan of the United Counties of Prescott and Russell. c) The provisions of this by-law shall preserve trees on site subject to: i) a subdivision approval (see clause 9). ii) an existing subdivision (regulated by the applicable subdivision agreement). 3. Definitions:In this by-law:“Building” means any structure used or intended for sheltering any uses or occupancy; “Built Property” means a part of land on which there is a building; “By-law Enforcement Officer” means a person duly authorized to carry out the enforcement of this by-law; “Circumference” means the measurement of the perimeter of the stem or of the tree with such measurement including the bark of the stem; “City” means the City of Clarence-Rockland; “Clear-cutting” means the harvesting of all merchantable trees from area of forested land representing the lesser of 4,047 square meters (1 acre) or 20% of the total area of the lot, within a 3 years period. “Council” means the council of the city; “DBH” means the diameter of the stem of a tree measured at a point that is 1.3 meter above the ground (diameter breast height); “Dead” deprived of life; - opposed to alive and living; reduced to that state of a being in which the organs of motion and life have irrevocably ceased to perform their functions as a dead tree; “Destroy” means any action which causes or results in the irreversible injury or death to a tree; “Diameter” means the diameter of stem of a tree measured outside the bark at a specified point of measurement; “Director” means the Director of the Planning department for the City; “Emergency work” includes work associated with drain repairs, utility repairs and structural repairs to a building or any other work of an emergency nature; “Front yard” means the space extending across the full width of a lot between the front line and the nearest part of any main building or structure on the lot; “Good forestry practice” means the proper implementation of harvest, renewal, and maintenance activities known to be appropriate for the forest and environmental conditions under which they are being applied and that minimize detriments to forest values including significant ecosystems, important fish and wildlife habitat, soil and water quality and quantity, forest productivity and health and the aesthetics and recreational opportunities of the landscape; And good forestry practices permit the destruction or injuring of trees that:
“Harvest” means the removal of a tree or trees by cutting which results in destruction of a tree by design for the purposes of extraction of some type of product; “Owner” means a person having any right, title, interest or equity in land; “Permit” means the written authorization from the director; “Person” means an individual, association, partnership, corporation, farming business as defined in the Farm Registration and Farm Organization Funding Act, 1993, S.O. 1993, c. 21, as amended, a municipal, provincial or federal agency, or an agent or employee thereof; “Qualified Practitioner” means someone who is operating within the generally accepted scope of practice of a natural ressources technician, a certified tree marker or an urban forester or an arborist or a landscape architect or a managed forest plan approver certified under the Assessment Act, S.O. 1990, c. 31, as amended, or the regulations thereto; “Significant Woodland” means treed areas that provide environmental and economic benefits such as erosion prevention, water retention, provision of habitat, recreation and the sustainable harvest of woodland products. woodlands include treed areas, woodlots or forested areas and vary in their level of significant; “Silviculture” means the theory and practice of controlling forest establishment, compositions, growth and quality of forests to achieve the objectives of management; “Tree” means any species of woody perennial plant, including its root system, which has reached or can reach a height of at least 4.5 meters at physiological maturity; “Vacant Property” means a part of land on which there is no building; “watercourse” means the natural channel for a perennial or intermittent stream of water. 4. Permit RequiredProperties identified in clause 2a) a) No person shall cut or damage a tree that is 50 cm or more in circumference (15 cm in diameter) measured at 1.3 meter above ground (dbh) and is located in the front yard of a built property or on any part of a vacant property without first obtaining a permit from the director. Properties identified in clause 2b) b) no person or corporation shall clear-cut on a property identified in clause 2b) without first obtaining a permit from the director. 5. No permit is required for properties identified in clause 2a) under the following circumstances: a) The tree is located in the rear yard, side yard or external side yard of a built property. b) The tree is of less than 50 cm in circumference (15 cm in diameter) measured at 1.3 meter above the ground (dbh). c) The tree intended for removal is dead; d) The tree intended for removal represents a potential health hazard for the property owner and the general public; e) The tree is a species of willow (“salix”), a poplar (“populus”), a silver maple (“acer saccharinum”), an american elm (“ulmus americana”), a manitoba maple (acer negundo), and is located less than 10 meters from each property line, unless the property line abuts to a water course; f) The tree is damaging a public or private property (perforated or obstructed pipe, cracked foundation etc.); g) The tree constitutes an inevitable obstacle to the realization of a construction project on a property that is not subject to site plan control or to the development of a parking area for which a permit was already issued; h) The purpose of the tree removal is for the thinning within a woodlot to promote the growth of the remaining standing trees and where the selective thinning has been authorized by a qualified practitioner and/or is part of an approved forest management plan for the woodlot; i) Emergency work; j) Activities or matters undertaken by a municipality or a local board of a municipality; k) The injuring, destruction or harvesting of trees is intended to prevent disease or insects from spreading to other trees; l) An individual or farm business owner of a site carrying on the injuring, destruction or harvesting of trees for fuel wood or own uses purposes; m) Orchards, Christmas tree plantation or tree nurseries; n) Routine maintenance and tree cutting activities within established golf course. 6. Replacement Treea) A permit to destroy or injured a tree on a property identified in clauses 2a) shall be subject to the following requirement: i) Replacement trees shall be planted and maintained to the satisfaction of the director. 7. Protection and Maintenance of Treesa) Any actions or works likely to have a negative effect on the health of trees, particularly backfilling, are prohibited. however, if backfilling or other works are necessary, the owner shall have to provide a document to the director providing a list of protective measures proposed to avoid damage to trees that should be preserved on the property (e.g. protection cage) 9. Preliminary Tree Conservation and Planting Plan for Land Subject To Subdivision Approvala) No tree shall be cut prior to the submission of the subdivision application. b) All applications for subdivision shall be supported by a tree conservation and planting plan. c) The tree conservation and planting plan shall be prepared by a qualified practitioner. d) Where the subdivision is within a designation requiring an environmental impact assessment, much of this work could be done as part of that study. e) The tree conservation and planting plan shall be prepared in accordance with “Annex H” of this by-law. 10. Administrationa) This by-law shall be administered by the director. 11. Enforcementa) This by-law shall be enforced by the by-law enforcement officer. 12. Conditions Imposed When Issuing a Permita) The director may impose special conditions to a permit relating to: i) Evidence, in the form of pictures or of a study undertaken by a qualified practitioner to justify the application for a permit. ii) Environmental impact assessments in accordance with provision 3.3.7 of the official plan of the United Counties of Prescott and Russell, for clear-cut activities on a property identified in clause 2 b) i) of this by-law. 13. Factor to be Considereda) The director shall have regards to good forestry practices as defined in the Forestry Act. 2001, c. 25. 135 (5); 2002, c. 17, shed. A, p. 27 (1). 14. Appeal to the Ontario Municipal Boarda) An applicant for a permit as required by section 5 of this by-law may appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board: i) If the director refuses to issue a permit, within 30 days after the refusal; ii) If the director fails to make a decision on the application, within 45 days after the application is received; and iii) If the applicant objects to a condition in the permit, within 30 days after the issuance of the permit. 15. Application for a Permita) An application for a permit shall be accompanied by the required information as set out in “Annex H” of this by-law. 16. FeesNo fees are required (Annex G). 17. Offences on a Property Identified in Clause 2a) of this By-lawa) Any person who contravenes the by-law is guilty of an offence and is liable: i) On a first contravention, to a written or a verbal warning and must replace the tree. the replacement tree shall be planted and maintained to the satisfaction of the city; i) On any subsequent conviction, to a fine of not more than $10,000.00 or $1,000.00 per tree, whichever is the lesser; ii) On any subsequent conviction, to a fine of not more than $25,000.00 or $2,500.00 per tree, whichever is lesser. 18. Offences on a Property Identified in Clause 2b) of this by-lawa) Any person who contravenes the by-law or an order issued under paragraph 137(3) of the Municipal act is guilty of an offence and is liable: i) on a first conviction, to a fine of not more than $10,000.00 or $1,000.00 per tree, whichever is the lesser; ii) on any subsequent conviction, to a fine of not more than $25,000.00 or $2,500.00 per tree, whichever is lesser. If a person to whom the order is directed is not satisfied with the terms of the order, the person may appeal via the council within thirty (30) days after the date of the order. the council may confirm, alter or revoke the order and the decision of the council shall be final. By-law 2005-102 is hereby repealed. This by-law shall come into force and effect on the date on which its adoption becomes complete. Enacted and passes in open council, this 18th day of June 2018. Guy Desjardins, Mayor Monique Ouellet, Clerk
Use and care of streets - 2003-26 |
Being a by-law to prohibit and regulate the depositing of waste on highways within the City Of Clarence-Rockland. Whereas section 27(1) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 2001, Chap. 25 as amended, states that a municipality may pass by-laws in respect of highways under its jurisdiction: And whereas section 63(1) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 2001, Chap. 25 as amended, states that a by-law passed for prohibiting or regulating the placing, stopping, standing or parking of an object or vehicle on a highway, may provide for the removal and impounding or restraining and immobilizing of any object or vehicle placed, stopped, standing or parked on a highway; And whereas section 63(2) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 2001, Chap. 25 as amended, states that any perishable object or vehicle removed from a highway is the property of the municipality upon being moved from a highway and may be destroyed or given to a charitable institution; And whereas section 127 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 2001, Chap. 25 as amended, states that a local municipality may prohibit the depositing of refuse or debris on land without the consent of the owner or occupant of the land, (highway). Now therefore the council of the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland enacts as follows: Definitions1. in this by-law: a) “Corporation” means the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland. b) “Domestic Waste” shall mean any article, thing, matter or effluent belonging to or associated with a residence, household or dwelling unit and includes but is not limited to the following classes of waste material: (i) grass clippings, tree cuttings, brush, leaves and garden refuse; (ii) paper, cardboard, clothing; (iii) all kitchen table waste of animal or vegetable origin, resulting from the preparation or consumption of food (iv) cans, glass, plastic containers, dishes; (v) new or used material resulting from or for the purpose of construction, alteration, repair or demolition of any building or structure; (vi) refrigerators, freezers, stoves or other appliances and furniture; (vii) furnaces, furnace parts, pipes, fittings to pipes, water or fuel tanks; (viii) discarded boats, aircraft or motor vehicles, vehicle parts and accessories, vehicle tires mounted or unmounted on rims, mechanical equipment; (ix) rubble, inert fill or fencing materials. c) “Industrial waste” shall mean any article, thing, matter or effluent belonging to or associated with industry or commerce or concerning or relating to manufacture or concerning or relating to any trade, business, calling or occupation that appears to be waste material and includes, but is not limited to, the following classes of waste material: iii) piping, tubing, conduits, cables, fittings or other accessories, or adjuncts to piping, tubing, conduits or cables; iv) containers of any size, type or composition; v) rubble, inert fill; vi) mechanical equipment, mechanical parts, accessories or adjunct to mechanical equipment; vii) articles, things, matter, effluent which is whole or in part or fragments thereof derived from or constituted from or consist of agricultural, animal, vegetable, paper, lumber or wood products; or mineral, metal or chemical products, whether or not the products are manufactured or otherwise processed; viii) bones, feathers, hides; ix) paper or cardboard packaging or wrapping; x) material resulting from, or as part of, construction or demolition projects; xi) discarded boats, aircraft, motor vehicles, vehicle parts and accessories, vehicle tires mounted or unmounted on rims or mechanical equipment. d) “Highway” includes a common and public highway, street, avenue, parkway, driveway, square, place bridge, viaduct or trestle, designed and intended for, or used by, the general public for the passage of vehicles and includes the area between the lateral property lines thereof. e) “Municipal Law Enforcement Officer” means a peace officer appointed under section 15 of the Police Services Act to enforce by-laws. f) “Owner” shall include lessee and occupant of the land. g) “Person” means an individual, a partnership, or a corporation, to whom or to which the context can apply. h) “Rubble” shall include broken concrete, bricks, broken asphalt, patio or sidewalk slabs. i) “Vehicle” includes a motor vehicle, trailer, traction engine, farm tractor, road-building machine, bicycle and any vehicle drawn, propelled or driven by any kind of power, including muscular power, but does not include a motorized snow vehicle, or the cars of electric or steam railways running only upon rails. General Provisions2. no person shall, unless otherwise authorized, in writing, by the corporation: a) Deposit, drop, scatter, spill, push, pile or throw any domestic waste or industrial waste, snow or ice, on or upon a highway or sidewalk; b) Encumber or damage a highway or sidewalk by an animal, vehicle or other means; c) Permit or allow any domestic waste or industrial waste to be blown from private property onto a highway or sidewalk; d) Obstruct a drain, gutter or water course along or upon a highway or sidewalk; e) Place a plank or other material in or over any gutter or ditch for the purpose of making a crossing; f) Walk upon, ride, drive, or load an animal, or move, drive, run or propel a vehicle upon, over or across a newly constructed sidewalk or pavement before it has been opened for use by the public; g) Operate a parking station, parking lot, used car lot, automobile service station or mechanical car wash, permit or allow water used for washing or cleaning a motor vehicle to escape upon, overflow, or run across or upon a highway or sidewalk; h) Throw, pile, or cause any cordwood, firewood, or construction material to be thrown or piled upon a highway, except for the purpose of having it immediately delivered upon adjacent premises; i) Saw or split any cordwood or firewood upon a highway or sidewalk; j) Place or expose, or cause any merchandise or articles of any kind to be placed or exposed upon a highway or sidewalk; k) Being the owner or occupier of land, allow any part of a tree, shrub, or sapling to extend over or upon any highway or sidewalk, so as to interfere with, impede or endanger persons using the highway or sidewalk; l) Move, or cause to be moved a vehicle equipped with cleats, flanges, or tracks on its wheels, or rollers, or any of them, on or along the travelled portion of the roadway or the sidewalk, except by means of a float, trailer, or other similar device, providing that a vehicle is so equipped including a vehicle for the digging and backfilling of trenches, may be moved directly across the travelled portion of the roadway or the sidewalk, if a preventive mat has first been laid on the surface of the portion of the roadway or sidewalk to be crossed, provided however that this subsection shall not apply when a vehicle is operating with the written permission of the director of physical services; m) Spit on any sidewalk, pavement or in the passages of a stairway of or entrance to any public building or any hall, building or place to which the public resort or in any public conveyance; n) Remove a barricade or notice or enter upon or use a highway or sidewalk temporarily closed; o) Remove or move a barricade, sign or light placed around any excavation in a highway or sidewalk; p) Erect or maintain any gate or door so that the same shall open or swing outward over any part of a sidewalk or street; q) Move or cause any building or structure to be moved into, along, or across a highway without having first obtained a permit from the chief building official; r) Place, push, deposit or pile any snow on any highway or sidewalk Enforcement and Penalties3. The provisions of this by-law shall be administered and enforced by the municipal law enforcement officer. 4. Every person who contravenes any section of this by-law is guilty of an offence and upon conviction is liable to a fine as set out for in the Provincial Offences Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter 33, as amended. 5. Where any requirement in accordance with this by-law is not carried out, the municipal law enforcement officer or persons designated by the municipal law enforcement officer for the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland may, upon such notice as he deems suitable, do such thing at the expense of the person required to do it and, in so doing, may charge an administration fee of 15% of the amount expended by or on behalf of the municipality and such total shall be recovered by action or in like manners as municipal taxes. 6. Where any matter or material is removed in accordance with section 5 of this by-law, it may be immediately disposed of by the municipal law enforcement officer. 7. In addition to the imposition of a fine or other remedy, as court of competent jurisdiction may, upon conviction on an offence under this by-law, issue an order prohibiting the continuation or repetition of the violation by the person convicted. By-law in Force8. This by-law shall come into force and take effect on the day it is duly adopted by the council of the corporation. Read a first, second and duly passed upon the third reading, this 8th day of April 2003. Jean-Pierre Pierre, Mayor Daniel Gatien, Clerk |
User fees - 2024-118 |
Whereas Sections 391 of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended provides that without limiting sections 9, 10 and 11, a municipality may impose fees or charges on persons, for services or activities provided or done on behalf of it, for costs payable by it for services or activities provided or done by or on behalf of any other municipality or any local board, for the use of its property including property under its control; and Whereas Section 398 (1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended provides that fees and charges imposed by a municipality on a person constitute a debt of the person to the municipality; and Whereas Section 398(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended provides that the treasurer of a local municipality may add fees and charges imposed by the municipality to the tax roll for the following property in the local municipality and collect them in the same manner as municipal taxes: 1. In the case of fees and charges for the supply of a service or thing to a property, the property to which the service or thing was supplied. 2. In all other cases, any property for which all of the owners are responsible for paying the fees and charges. Whereas Part VIII, section 35 of the “Fire Protection and Prevention Act 1997 S.O. 1997 , as amended, provides that the Fire Chief or an assistant of the Fire Marshall may impose the fees and charges fees for services or activities stemming from a fire department; and Whereas Section 7 of The Building Code Act 1992, as amended; empowers Council to enact certain by-laws respecting construction, demolition and change of use permits and inspections; and Whereas Section 69 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter P. 13 empowers the Council of a municipality to pass a by-law prescribing a tariff of fees for the processing of applications made in respect to planning matters; and Whereas the Council of the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland deems it expedient to actualize user fees to recover the costs of services or activities provided by the City of Clarence-Rockland; Therefore the Council of the City of Clarence-Rockland enacts as follows: 1. That the user fees be established as per Schedules ‘A’ to ‘Q’ attached hereto and forming part of this by-law, being: a. Schedule ‘A’ – Corporate b. Schedule ‘B’ – Finance c. Schedule ‘C’ – Business Licenses d. Schedule ‘D’ – Animal Control e. Schedule ‘E’ – Landfill f. Schedule ‘F’ – Fire Department g. Schedule ‘G’ – Construction h. Schedule ‘H’ – Signs i. Schedule ‘I’ – Planning and Engineering j. Schedule ‘J’ – Recreation and Facilities k. Schedule ‘K’ – Daycare l. Schedule ‘L’ – Civil Marriage Solemnization Services m. Schedule ‘M’ - Property Standards Administration Fees n. Schedule ‘N’ - Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS) – Administrative Fees o. Schedule ‘O’ – Waste p. Schedule ‘P’ – Water 2. Schedule `Q’ - Sewer 3. That the treasurer be authorized to add fees and charges imposed by the municipality to the tax roll for the following property in the local municipality and collect them in the same manner as municipal taxes: 4. in the case of fees and charges for the supply of a service or thing to a property, the property to which the service or thing was supplied. 5. In all other cases, any property for which all of the owners are responsible for paying the fees and charges. 6. That any user fees actualized by this by-law shall take precedence over any other user fees previously adopted by any previous by law, resolution and/or policy. 7. That By-law 2023-97 is hereby repealed. 8. That this by-law shall come in force and effect on January 01, 2025, unless otherwise specified in the applicable schedule. Read, passed and adopted in open council this 11th day of December 2024. Mario Zanth, Mayor Monique Ouellet, Clerk
Waste on Highways - 2003-26 |
Being a by-law to prohibit and regulate the depositing of waste on highways within the City Of Clarence-Rockland. Whereas section 27(1) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 2001, Chap. 25 as amended, states that a municipality may pass by-laws in respect of highways under its jurisdiction: And whereas section 63(1) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 2001, Chap. 25 as amended, states that a by-law passed for prohibiting or regulating the placing, stopping, standing or parking of an object or vehicle on a highway, may provide for the removal and impounding or restraining and immobilizing of any object or vehicle placed, stopped, standing or parked on a highway; And whereas section 63(2) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 2001, Chap. 25 as amended, states that any perishable object or vehicle removed from a highway is the property of the municipality upon being moved from a highway and may be destroyed or given to a charitable institution; And whereas section 127 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 2001, Chap. 25 as amended, states that a local municipality may prohibit the depositing of refuse or debris on land without the consent of the owner or occupant of the land, (highway). Now therefore the council of the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland enacts as follows: Definitions
a) “Corporation” means the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland. b) “Domestic Waste” shall mean any article, thing, matter or effluent belonging to or associated with a residence, household or dwelling unit and includes but is not limited to the following classes of waste material: (i) grass clippings, tree cuttings, brush, leaves and garden refuse; (ii) paper, cardboard, clothing; (iii) all kitchen table waste of animal or vegetable origin, resulting from the preparation or consumption of food (iv) cans, glass, plastic containers, dishes; (v) new or used material resulting from or for the purpose of construction, alteration, repair or demolition of any building or structure; (vi) refrigerators, freezers, stoves or other appliances and furniture; (vii) furnaces, furnace parts, pipes, fittings to pipes, water or fuel tanks; (viii) discarded boats, aircraft or motor vehicles, vehicle parts and accessories, vehicle tires mounted or unmounted on rims, mechanical equipment; (ix) rubble, inert fill or fencing materials. c) “Industrial waste” shall mean any article, thing, matter or effluent belonging to or associated with industry or commerce or concerning or relating to manufacture or concerning or relating to any trade, business, calling or occupation that appears to be waste material and includes, but is not limited to, the following classes of waste material: iii) piping, tubing, conduits, cables, fittings or other accessories, or adjuncts to piping, tubing, conduits or cables; iv) containers of any size, type or composition; v) rubble, inert fill; vi)mechanical equipment, mechanical parts, accessories or adjunct to mechanical equipment; vii) articles, things, matter, effluent which is whole or in part or fragments thereof derived from or constituted from or consist of agricultural, animal, vegetable, paper, lumber or wood products; or mineral, metal or chemical products, whether or not the products are manufactured or otherwise processed; viii) bones, feathers, hides; ix) paper or cardboard packaging or wrapping; x) material resulting from, or as part of, construction or demolition projects; xi) discarded boats, aircraft, motor vehicles, vehicle parts and accessories, vehicle tires mounted or unmounted on rims or mechanical equipment. d) “Highway” includes a common and public highway, street, avenue, parkway, driveway, square, place bridge, viaduct or trestle, designed and intended for, or used by, the general public for the passage of vehicles and includes the area between the lateral property lines thereof. e) “Municipal Law Enforcement Officer” means a peace officer appointed under section 15 of the Police Services Act to enforce by-laws. f) “Owner” shall include lessee and occupant of the land. g) “Person” means an individual, a partnership, or a corporation, to whom or to which the context can apply. h) “Rubble” shall include broken concrete, bricks, broken asphalt, patio or sidewalk slabs. i) “Vehicle” includes a motor vehicle, trailer, traction engine, farm tractor, road-building machine, bicycle and any vehicle drawn, propelled or driven by any kind of power, including muscular power, but does not include a motorized snow vehicle, or the cars of electric or steam railways running only upon rails. General Provisions2. no person shall, unless otherwise authorized, in writing, by the corporation: a) Deposit, drop, scatter, spill, push, pile or throw any domestic waste or industrial waste, snow or ice, on or upon a highway or sidewalk; b) Encumber or damage a highway or sidewalk by an animal, vehicle or other means; c) Permit or allow any domestic waste or industrial waste to be blown from private property onto a highway or sidewalk; d) Obstruct a drain, gutter or water course along or upon a highway or sidewalk; e) Place a plank or other material in or over any gutter or ditch for the purpose of making a crossing; f) Walk upon, ride, drive, or load an animal, or move, drive, run or propel a vehicle upon, over or across a newly constructed sidewalk or pavement before it has been opened for use by the public; g) Operate a parking station, parking lot, used car lot, automobile service station or mechanical car wash, permit or allow water used for washing or cleaning a motor vehicle to escape upon, overflow, or run across or upon a highway or sidewalk; h) Throw, pile, or cause any cordwood, firewood, or construction material to be thrown or piled upon a highway, except for the purpose of having it immediately delivered upon adjacent premises; i) Saw or split any cordwood or firewood upon a highway or sidewalk; j) Place or expose, or cause any merchandise or articles of any kind to be placed or exposed upon a highway or sidewalk; k) Being the owner or occupier of land, allow any part of a tree, shrub, or sapling to extend over or upon any highway or sidewalk, so as to interfere with, impede or endanger persons using the highway or sidewalk; l) Move, or cause to be moved a vehicle equipped with cleats, flanges, or tracks on its wheels, or rollers, or any of them, on or along the travelled portion of the roadway or the sidewalk, except by means of a float, trailer, or other similar device, providing that a vehicle is so equipped including a vehicle for the digging and backfilling of trenches, may be moved directly across the travelled portion of the roadway or the sidewalk, if a preventive mat has first been laid on the surface of the portion of the roadway or sidewalk to be crossed, provided however that this subsection shall not apply when a vehicle is operating with the written permission of the director of physical services; m) Spit on any sidewalk, pavement or in the passages of a stairway of or entrance to any public building or any hall, building or place to which the public resort or in any public conveyance; n) Remove a barricade or notice or enter upon or use a highway or sidewalk temporarily closed;
p) Erect or maintain any gate or door so that the same shall open or swing outward over any part of a sidewalk or street; q) Move or cause any building or structure to be moved into, along, or across a highway without having first obtained a permit from the chief building official; r) Place, push, deposit or pile any snow on any highway or sidewalk Enforcement and Penalties3. The provisions of this by-law shall be administered and enforced by the municipal law enforcement officer. 4. Every person who contravenes any section of this by-law is guilty of an offence and upon conviction is liable to a fine as set out for in the Provincial Offences Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter 33, as amended. 5. Where any requirement in accordance with this by-law is not carried out, the municipal law enforcement officer or persons designated by the municipal law enforcement officer for the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland may, upon such notice as he deems suitable, do such thing at the expense of the person required to do it and, in so doing, may charge an administration fee of 15% of the amount expended by or on behalf of the municipality and such total shall be recovered by action or in like manners as municipal taxes. 6. Where any matter or material is removed in accordance with section 5 of this by-law, it may be immediately disposed of by the municipal law enforcement officer. 7. In addition to the imposition of a fine or other remedy, as court of competent jurisdiction may, upon conviction on an offence under this by-law, issue an order prohibiting the continuation or repetition of the violation by the person convicted. By-law in Force8. This by-law shall come into force and take effect on the day it is duly adopted by the council of the corporation. Read a first, second and duly passed upon the third reading, this 8th day of April, 2003. Jean Pierre Pierre, Mayor Daniel Gatien, Clerk |
Waste Management - 1998-57 |
The Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland By-Law Number 1998-57 A By-Law to regulate the management, collection, removal, and disposal of waste material in the City of Clarence-Rockland. Reference : The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M. 45, Section 210 as amended, (R.S.O. 1993 section 208, 2-3.) Now therefore the municipal Council of the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland enacts as follows. 1. DefinitionsFor the purpose of this By-Law: 1.1. Apartment means a place of residence for persons consisting of four or more rental units. 1.2. Ashes means the residual of any household fuel, after such fuel has been consumed by fire, which would normally accumulate at a dwelling, and which has completely cooled and ceased to burn such that it will not present the risk or hazard of fire. 1.3. Attendant means the person appointed by Council of the City of Clarence-Rockland to supervise or control the operations of the landfill site or his/her designate. 1.4. CFC shall include any refrigerant containing the following substances: chlorofluorocarbon or hydrochlorofluorocarbon or the placement of appropriate notice by the licensed mechanic upon the refrigeration equipment, prior to disposal. 1.5. Collector means the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland or such person as is designated collector by the Corporation. 1.6. Commercial, Industrial and Institutional, properties are as recognized in the Municipal Zoning By-Law. 1.7. Composting means the process of collecting and depositing Type III Garbage in a suitably constructed enclosure or composting unit (composter) for the purpose of converting this into fertilizer for soil. 1.8. Container for Residential Garbage means 1.8.1. a receptacle manufactured for the use of the collection of household refuse: a) Of a capacity of not more than 90 litres (20 imperial gallons) and: b) Can easily be emptied and ; c) Have a water-tight lid and two (2) handles 1.8.2. a non-returnable plastic bag: a) Of a capacity of not more than and equivalent to a 26x36 standard garbage bag: b) Composed of material of not less than 1.5 mil gauge (0.038 mm, 0.0015 inch) material capable of carrying twenty-three (23) kilograms of contents without tearing. 1.8.3. a miscellaneous type of container, approved by the Physical Services, which may be picked up along with the contents thereof. 1.9. Container for residential recyclable material means a receptacle, generally known as a blue box, specifically designed for the sole use of placing recyclable materials for municipal collection. 1.10. Container for recycling for commercial, institutional establishments and apartment dwellings means a wheeled cart especially made for transporting recyclable material. 1.11. Cottage means a dwelling that is occupied only a part of the year. 1.12. Dumpster means a metal container for the use of securing garbage and must be compatible with the municipal garbage truck. 1.13. Dwelling means a permanent place of residence for people with its own sleeping, cooking, eating and sanitary facilities. 1.14. Garbage means local household generated waste material and includes the following categories. 1.14.1 Type I Garbage (Household Waste)Includes kitchen and table waste of animal origin, clothing, ashes, paper (except recyclable paper), broken crockery, and other such articles which would normally pertain to a dwelling. 1.14.2 Type II Garbage (Recyclables)Includes beverage and food containers, carboard, recyclable paper and all other material which is being collected by the Municipality for recycling. 1.14.3 Type III Garbage (Compostables)Includes grass cuttings, garden refuse, leaves, kitchen and table waste of vegetable origin and all other material which is generally accepted to be compostable waste, including wood products, hedge clippings, branches and Christmas trees. 1.14.4 Type IV Garbage (Construction Debris)Includes brush, timber, clean lumber, rocks, bricks, drywall, concrete, gravel, sand, soil or any construction debris. 1.14.5 Type V Garbage (Bulky Articles)Includes weighty, bulky articles such as major appliances provided refrigeration appliances display appropriate notice that such appliance has been voided of al CFC’s, furnaces, water tanks, and other such discarded material. 1.14.6 Type VI Garbage (Hazardous Waste)Includes Hazardous Waste as defined I Regulation 309 of the Ministry of Environment and Energy and shall include such materials as paint, used oils, solvents, items containing asbestos insulation, or PCB’s fuel tanks, batteries, acids, appliances not displaying appropriate notice that such appliance has been voiced of all CFCs, and prohibited waste. 1.14.7 Type VII Garbage (Health Hazardous)Pathological waste, biomedical waste, radioactive waste. 1.14.8 Type VIII Garbage (Transient Waste)Transient waste or waste that was not generated in the City of Clarence-Rockland 1.15 Item for Collection means each individual container for garbage or article as defined herein. 1.16. Physical Services means the Department appointed by the Council of the City of Clarence-Rockland to manage environmental issues. 1.17. Person includes not only an individual but also a partnership, body corporate associations, their heirs and executors, administrators. 1.18. Recycling means the collection of Type II garbage for the purpose of processing and reusing the waste material in a useful fashion and specifically, for the purpose of this By0Law recycling shall mean that process of collection as undertaken by the City of Clarence-Rockland. 1.19 Residents means the person or persons occupying a dwelling in the City of Clarence-Rockland. 1.20. City means the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland. 2. Services provided by the City2.1 The City shall provide, to all dwellings a regular and satisfactory collection of Type I and Type II Garbage provided that this garbage is in an acceptable format. 2.2 The City shall provide to all commercial and institutional establishments and apartment dwellings, a regular and satisfactory collection of Type I Garbage. The City shall also provide a regular and satisfactory collection of Type II Garbage provided that this Type II Garbage is in an acceptable container. 2.3 The City shall provide all cottages, during the summer months, a regular and satisfactory collection of Type I Garbage, provided that this Type I Garbage is placed at the intersection of a public road. The City will also provide a regular and satisfactory collection of Type II Garbage provided that this Type II Garbage is in an acceptable container and placed at the intersection of a public road. 2.4 The City shall provide a satisfactory collection of appliances once a month provided that refrigerants have been removed according to Section 1.4 of this By-law and that the appliance bears a $10.00 tag purchased at the City of Clarence-Rockland. 2.5 Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, no person shall place for collection and the City shall not collect the following waste which is deemed not acceptable for collection: 2.5.1 Type III Garbage (Compostables) as described in 1.14.3 must be composted properly on the property or may be brought at the City landfill site. 2.5.2 Type IV Garbage (Construction Waste) as described in 1.14.4 may be brought to he City landfill site at 2335 Lalonde road, on days upon which the landfill site is open to the public and upon payment of the prescribed fees. 2.5.3 Type V Garbage (Bulky Articles) as described in 1.14.5 may be brought to the landfill site at 2335 Lalonde Road on days upon which the landfill site is open to the public and upon payment of the prescribed fees. 2.5.4 Type VI Garbage (Hazardous Waste) as defined in section 1.14.6 must be disposed of safely. Household hazardous material as described in schedule A may be disposed of at the transfer station at 2335 Lalonde Road on Saturdays during the months of May to October inclusively during normal operating hours. 2.5.5 Type VII Garbage (Health Hazardous) must be disposed according to the provincial norms. 2.5.6 Type VIII Garbage (Transient Waste) 2.5.7 Industrial Waste 2.5.8 Any rejected product, by-product or stock of any wholesale or retail establishment which according to Physical Services has been condemned, abandoned or rejected. 2.5.9 Rags soaked with gasoline or oil or other highly flammable or explosive waste. 2.5.10 Dangerous, hazardous poisons, pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, sewage, sludge, human or animal excrements. 2.5.11 Any liquid 2.5.12 Any waste or residue resulting from the erection, alteration or removal of any building or part thereof may be brought to the landfill site at 2335 Lalonde Road on days upon which the landfill site is open to the public and upon payment of the prescribed fees. 2.5.13 An material or bundle that is hard to handle by one person or not properly contained 2.5.14 Any garbage that has not been put for collection in conformity to the provisions of this By-Law 2.5.15 Any automobile body or parts, animal carcasses, or boulders, or bicycles, tires, barbecues, tubs, showers items principally or metal contents or measuring more than one metre on any one side, or any object that can be separated at the landfill site for reuse or recycling 2.5.16 Any article that weighs more than 22.7 kilograms (50lbs) 2.5.17 Any garbage in a receptacle that is in poor conditions 2.5.18 Any material that may from time to time be considered by the City as dangerous or hazardous or that is material which may be defined by the City from time to time as being unacceptable for collection. 2.6 The days and times that such collections are made shall be determined by the City 2.7 Notwithstanding paragraphs 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 in this section, the City may enter into an agreement or contract with any person, firm or corporation of the provisions of the service established by this By-Law. 3 Schedule of Collection3.1 Collection shall be made from dwellings, commercial and institutional establishments in accordance with a predetermined collection schedule. 3.2 Normal collection shall not be made on Public or Statutory Holidays, in which case collection wil be on the next working day or days
3.3 A schedule or normal collection shall be available at the Physical Services. 4 Placing Material for Collection4.1 Every person shall place items for collections at the curb prior to 7:30 am on the day of collection. Notwithstanding, the above no person shall place such items for collection prior to 6:00 pm on the day preceding the day of collection. Every person shall remove all empty containers and waste not accepted for collection under the terms of this By-Law from the curb not later than 9:00 pm on the scheduled collection day. 4.2 Every person shall place items for roadway. Where it is not possible to comply with this requirement, items for collection shall be placed in a location satisfactory to Physical Services. No person shall place garbage for collection at a location, either on public or private lands, other than at a location designated or approved for one’s own dwelling. 4.3 No person shall place items for collection in any container other than that meeting the description of ‘Container for Garbage’ pursuant to section 1.8 as it pertains to Type I Garbage or ‘Container for Recyclable Material’ pursuant to section 1.9 as it pertains to Type II Garbage or in the case of commercial, institutional establishments and apartment dwellings pursuant to section 1.12 ‘Dumpster’ and shall keep these two types of garbage separate from each other. 4.4 The number o items for residential garbage place for collection form each dwelling shall be limited to a total of three (3). Additional bags shall have a tag affixed to the bag in such a manner to be clearly visible to the collector. These tags must be purchased by the owner or occupant of every dwelling unit at a cost of $2/tag. 4.5 No person shall place a container for garbage which, when full, weighs in excel of 22.7 kilograms (50lbs) 4.6 No person shall place waste for collection in a way to disrupt or hinder municipal maintenance operations or traffic. 5 Obligations of Residents5.1 Residents must separate their recyclable material from their household waste and place for collection these recyclable materials in their blue box. 5.2 Residents must utilize their blue box bearing the City logo for the sole purpose of collecting recyclable materials. This blue box must bear the civic address on its side and must remain at the residence when the resident relocates. 5.3 Residents must keep the blue box and their recyclables clean. 5.4 Wherever possible residents shall maintain and use a viable composting system and thus dispose of Type III Garbage in lieu of depositing this into the municipal collection. A composting area is established at the waste disposal for those who cannot compost on their property. 5.5 Residents who have accumulated Type IV and Type V Garbage shall transport and deposit same at an established clean landfill site. 5.6 Residents must keep dogs at a safe distance from the collection area. Collection may be refused at any dwelling known to have a troublesome dog. 6 Rental Properties and Commercial Properties and Institutions6.1 The resident of every dwelling shall ensure that the placing of items for collection shall be done in conformity with this By-Law. Notwithstanding the above, every owner of a rental property shall be jointly responsible with the tenant to ensure that the provisions of this By-Law are adhered to. 6.2 Every Owner of an apartment building, commercial or institutional establishment who places for collection more than 10 items per week shall be equipped, at Owner’s expense, with an appropriate steel container, commonly known as dumpster, to be maintained in a location as approved by the Physical Services. Where a person has failed to equip himself with a dumpster the collection shall refuse to collect such waste. 6.3 Every Owner of an apartment building, commercial or institutional establishment shall be equipped, at Owner’s expense, with an appropriate recycling container for the proper collection of recyclable materials. 6.4 Containers must be accessible at the time of collection. If not, a surcharge will be applied for the pick-up at a later date. 6.5 Containers located at apartment buildings, commercial or institutional establishments shall be picked-up by the City once a week at no cost to the establishments. Should an additional garbage collection(s) be deemed necessary by Physical Services upon assessment of the collection needs of the establishment (including volume and types of waste) such collection(s) will be provided by the City at no extra costs to the establishment. Unwarranted supplementary garbage collection(s) will be provided by the City upon approval by Physical Services and conditional that the owner of the establishment remit payment of operational and administrative fees incurred, as determined by the City. 7 Other ReceptaclesExcept as otherwise permitted in this By-Law, no person shall place or use any type of receptacle for the temporary storage of garbage, ashes or refuse, including material resulting from the demolition or renovation of buildings, on any street or public lands except where permission to do so has been given in writing by the Physical Services. 8 Disposal Services Provided by the CityThe City shall provide a landfill site and a household hazardous waste station to its residents. It shall be managed under the direction of Council and shall be operated in conformity with all applicable regulations of the Environmental Assessment Act, the Environmental Protection Act, the Certificate of Approval #A471203 and of any other applicable laws, regulations, or by-laws. 8.1 Access and Principles of EngineeringResidents may dispose of waste at the Landfill site and shall obey all directions given by the attendant or other designated representative responsible for the operation of the landfill site including the way in which, and area where wastes are to be disposed of and shall comply with the applicable directives in regard to the segregation of wastes in the different stockpiles. 8.2 Identification8.2.1 Each resident entering the landfill site to dispose of waste may be asked by the attendant or the municipal law enforcement officer to produce identification and/or proof of the origin of the waste and may be required to sign a declaration attesting of the waste origin. 8.2.2 No person shall neglect or refuse to provide proof of the origin of waste tendered for disposal at the landfill site when such is demanded. 8.2.3 If the person entering refuses to produce the required identification material or sign the required declaration then that person will be refused access. 8.2.4 No person shall dispose of transient waste at the landfill site. 8.3 FeesThe council may from time to time prescribe by resolution rates or charges for the use of the landfill site and provide for terms of payment thereof. 8.3.2 Every person depositing waste at the landfill site shall pay the prescribed rate or charges for the disposal of the waste that is in effect at the time of payment. 8.4 Opening Hours8.4.1 the landfill site shall be open to the residents at times determined by Council or its agents, which times may be adjusted by Council or its agents. 8.4.2 No person shall be authorized to dispose waste at the landfill site outside the hours set by Council or its agents with the exception of material produced from public highway maintenance by the City staff. 8.5 Speed LimitThe speed limit at the landfill site shall be twenty (20) kilometers per hour. 8.6 Liability ExclusionAny person entering upon the landfill site does so at his own risk and he and the owner of any vehicle brought upon such facility shall save the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland harmless from any damages or claims whatsoever to themselves or their property or to any other person or property whatsoever arising from such person<s negligence or otherwise. 9 Disposing of WasteResidents may: 9.1.1 dispose approved waste at the Municipal Landfill Site in an area designated as being suitable for the reception of such waste, and in particular shall not dispose waste at the gate or entrance of the landfill site or anywhere else in the City of Clarence-Rockland. 9.1.2 enter the landfill site only during those hours when the landfill site is open to the public. 9.1.3 enter the landfill site for the purpose of unloading or disposing of any materials only after receiving instructions from the attendant and paying the required fee 9.2 No person shall dispose at the landfill site materials that are prohibited such as; a) sludge from septic tanks; b) flammable or volatile substances; c) corrosive or toxic materials; d) the carcass of any animal or part thereof save bona fide kitchen waste; e) sewage; f) drugs or dangerous chemical waste; g) pathological waste; h) liquid wastes; i) transient waste; j) any dangerous and hazardous material such as poisons, hot live ashes, caustics, acids, pesticides, herbicides, radioactive material, industrial process sludge, biomedical wastes, substances which may cause personal or environmental problems; k) any waste prohibited by City by-law; 9.3 No person shall pick over or remove any waste in any area of the Landfill site unless having firstly obtained a written permission from Physical Services. 9.4 Refusal RightsThe council, its agents, servants, etc. reserve the right to refuse to accept for disposal any material or a questionable nature or origin or any other material or waste prohibited for disposal at the site by reason of the provisions of the Ministry of Environment Certificate or Approval. 10 Penalty10.1 Any person violating any of the provisions of this By-law either by doing any act forbidden or by failing to do any act required by this By-Law is guilty of an offence and on conviction shall be liable to a penalty pursuant to the Provincial Offences Act. 10.2 any person who disposes of or deposits unacceptable material at the facility, shall be responsible of its immediate removal and clean-up as well as the payment of any and all associated fines imposed by the Ministry of Environment or any other ministry. 10.3 Where any provision of this by-law is contravened and a conviction entered, the court in which the conviction has been entered an any court of competent jurisdiction thereafter may make an order prohibiting the continuation or repetition of the offence by the person convicted. 11 Supervision / Enforcement11.1 The proper collection and disposal of garbage, as set out in this By-Law shall be under the general control and direction of Physical Services. The provisions of this By-Law may be enforced by the municipal By-Law Enforcement Officer. 11.2 No person shall obstruct, hinder or interfere with the municipal By-Law Enforcement Officer in the performance of his-her duties. 12 SeverabilityThe provisions of this by-law are severable. If any provision, section or word is held to be invalid or illegal, such invalidity or illegality shall not affect or impair any of the remaining provisions, sections or words. 13 This By-Law shall take effect on the 1st day of February 1999. Read a first time this 11th day of August 1998 Mayor Clerk Read a second time this 13th day of October 1998 Mayor Clerk Read a third and final time this 10th day of November 1998 Mayor Clerk |
Water and Sewer Fees - 2023-09 |
Being A By-Law to provide water and sewer fees and charges and to regulate the use of such utilities. 1. DefinitionsFees wherever the word fees is used it shall include fees and charges Charges wherever the word charges is used it shall include fees and charges 2. Duties of the Director of Community DevelopmentThe supply and distribution of water in the municipality shall be supervised and administered by the Director of Infrastructure and Planning who shall, under the direction of the Chief Administrative Officer, perform the following duties: 1) have charge of all water works systems of the Municipality and be responsible for their operation, maintenance, repair and extension; 2) should any emergency condition arise in the water works which shall imperil the water supply, or its distribution: a) take all remedial measures as may be necessary or proper, which may include limiting or stopping the supply of water in any area or restricting the use for any specific purpose; b) expend such money and employ such persons as may be necessary to restore the water supply to normal conditions; c) report to the Chief Administrative Officer as soon as practical after such measures have been taken; 3) such other duties as may from time to time be assigned by the Chief Administrative Officer or by Council. 3. Duties of the TreasurerThe Treasurer of the Municipality, or those properly delegated by him/her shall perform the following duties: 1) read meters, invoice and collect water and sewage charges, and all other fees; 2) direct the collection of water and sewage charges, and all fees; 3) issue water certificates in conjunction with a final reading of the water meter and a final bill to the owner of the property when a written request has been received. The Tax Analyst/Collector may sign certificates on behalf of the Treasurer/Delegate before they are issued. 4. Water and sewage charges1) Water and sewer charges are hereby imposed upon the owners of lands supplied with water service and sewer service in accordance with the provisions of this By-law. 2) Owners shall be imposed water and sewer charges in accordance with Schedule "A" attached hereto. 3) The administrative fee for water service connection as set out in Schedules "A" hereto and forming part of this by-law shall be added to the water account. 5. Estimated consumption1) Where for any reason the consumption of water in a property has not been recorded or where in the opinion of the Treasurer the consumption of water has been wrongly recorded, the Treasurer shall estimate the quantity of water consumed and the owner shall be liable to pay the meter charge applicable to the consumption on the basis of such estimate. 2) Where because of frost penetration on the street it may be expedient to allow the consumer to run water at a continuous rate to prevent freezing the service pipe, the Treasurer shall estimate the quantity of water and shall authorize such usage and shall adjust the billing to conform with normal consumption for the property. 6. Payment and default1) The consumption charges and annual flat charges shall be billed together on a quarterly basis. Invoices shall be mailed to owners no later than twenty-one (21) days before the last day of January, April, July and October, and are payable no later than the last days of these months. 2) Overdue accounts shall incur 1.5% interest per month, calculated on the first day of each month. 3) A first notice of arrears shall be delivered by prepaid mail ten (10) days after the due date of the water and sewer bill. 4) Partial payments on accounts which are in arrears shall be applied in each instance to the arrears longest outstanding. 5) A second notice to shut off the supply shall be sent by prepaid mail by the fifth business day of the month following the issuance of the first notice of arrears. 6) Door hanger collection notices are then delivered to each property that remains in arrears, indicating date water supply will be shut off. Collection fees are also charged to each account as set out in “Schedule A”. 7) Full service will be restored upon payment of all outstanding fees and charges together with an additional service charge as set out in Schedules "A". 7. Water and sewer charges and other charges a lien1) All water and sewer service charges and other related charges shall be a debt of the person, to the municipality, pursuant to Section 398 (1) of the Municipal Act, 2001. 2) Water and sewer accounts which are past due shall be deemed to be in arrears and may be added to the tax roll, in lieu of service shut off, for the property to which water and sewer service was supplied and collected in the same manner as municipal taxes, pursuant to section 398(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001. Transfer fees are added to each 8. Water meters1) All owners of property connected to the Municipality’s water distribution system shall install a water meter, a back flow preventer and related appurtenances as part of said owners’ obligation to make connection to the water distribution system. 2) All water meters shall be purchased at the issuance of the 3) The owner of the premises on which the water meter is to be located, shall, prior to the City opening the water to the property: a) provide a suitable place, acceptable to the City, for the installation of the meter; b) have the Public services external clerk inspect and seal the meter. 4) The owner or occupant of the premises on which the water meter is to be located shall be responsible for: a) the protection of the meter; b) providing at all times easy access to the meter to any person authorized by the City for the purposes of meter reading, sealing, checking, repairing, installation and removal. 5) Should an owner of property required to install a meter fail to do so within thirty (30) days of receipt of notice from the Municipality requiring the owner to do so, the Municipality may enter upon the property and install the meter, a back flow preventer and appurtenances at the sole expense of the owner, and the Municipality may collect the costs in doing so by action in or in like manner as municipal taxes. 6) Property owners may request to have water meters tested should they not agree with readings. Testing fees, as set out in “Schedule A”, are added to the water account of the property should the meter be deemed to be functioning properly. If the meter is not functioning properly, the owner is not charge for the testing fee. 9. Offences and penalties1) No person shall: a) fail to install a water meter as required under the provisions of this By-law; b) make, allow or permit any connection or connections from a private water system, well or any other form of water supply whatsoever to a building serviced by the municipal works system; c) fail to provide a suitable place to install a meter; d) fail to protect a meter; e) fail to provide easy access to the meter; f) wilfully hinder or obstruct any Public services external clerk or municipal law enforcement officer in the exercise of his duties; g) wilfully open or close any hydrant without any written i) allow or permit to throw or deposit any substance or material or offensive matters into the water or water works; j) tamper with or wilfully damage any pipes; k) allow or permit the alteration of any meter placed upon any service pipe; l) allow or permit water to be obtained from the utility without paying the prescribed fees; 2) The City of Clarence-Rockland may turn off or restrict the supply of water to a building or lands where any or all of the provisions of this By-law have been violated. The supply of water shall not be turned on again or restored to normal until the cause of the shutting off or restriction has been removed or remedied and a service charge as set forth in Schedules "A" has been paid. 3) The City of Clarence-Rockland may, at the request of the owners or occupants, turn on/off or restrict the supply of water to a building or lands subject to a service charge as set forth in Schedules "A" of this By-law. 4) Any person who contravenes any of the provisions of this By- law is guilty of an offence and upon conviction shall forfeit and pay a penalty as provided for in the Provincial Offences Act, 1990, R.S.O., Chapter P.33 and amendments thereto. 5) Notwithstanding subsection 3), where a corporation is convicted of an offence under this By-law, a minimum penalty of $1,000.00 shall be imposed for the first offence and not more than the maximum penalty provided for in the Provincial Offences Act, 1990, R.S.O., Chapter P .33 for the second or subsequent offences. 10. EnforcementThe provisions of the By-law shall be enforced by the Public services external clerk or the municipal law enforcement officer. 11. Order prohibitingWhen a person has been convicted of an offence under the provisions of the By-law, any court of competent jurisdiction thereafter may in addition to any other penalty imposed on the person convicted, issue an order prohibiting the continuation or repetition of the offence or the doing of any act by person convicted directed towards the continuation or repetition of the offence. 12. SeverabilityIt is declared that if any section or subsection or part or parts thereof be declared by any competent Court of Law to be illegal shall be deemed to be severable and all parts hereof are declared to be separate and independent and enacted as such. 13. RepealBy-law number 2021-124 is hereby repealed. The fees and charges established by this by-law shall take precedence over any other fees and charges previously adopted by any previous by-law, resolution and/or policy. Read, passed and adopted in open council this 18th day of January 2023. Mario Zanth, Mayor Monique Ouellet, Clerk Schedule "a" to by-law no. 2023-091-Water and sewer chargesi)Owners of metered properties that are serviced by the public utilities system shall be invoiced for water and sewer charges as follows:
PLUSb) Consumption charge - Water per cubic meter $1.4144
ii) owners of non-metered properties that are serviced by the public utilities system shall be invoiced for water and sewer charges as follows:
PLUSb) Flat consumption charge of $67.20 per month
iii) Villages (excluding vacant lands) who have frontage on the water distribution system and are not serviced by the water distribution system shall be invoiced for water charges as follows:
2. Sewer chargesSewer charges for properties in the former Township of Clarence who are on the private/public septic system shall be imposed a flat service charge as stated below:
3. Capital Connection ChargesA capital connection charge will be levied to all existing users that wish to connect to the municipal water and sewer system. the fixed charge to connect to each service is as follows:
4. Other Chargesa. Opening of water accounts is subject to a non-refundable administrative fee of $45.00. b. A $60.00 administrative fee, per visit, to inspect and seal the water meter and to open the water service. c. Service representative calls to collect overdue accounts / delivery of “Door Hanger” last notice to collect overdue accounts, following notice to shut off water supply, will result in a $45.00 charge per account. d. A $60.00 per service charge will be imposed for the inspection of a service and/or to turn on/off the supply of water on account of By-law violation or non-payment of water bill, and to reinstate supply following the turning off of the supply for By-law violation or non-payment. e. A $60.00 per service charge will be imposed when the Public Services external clerk, at the request of the owners or occupants, is required to turn on/off the supply of water to a property between 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM, Mondays through Fridays (except statutory holidays). Otherwise the service charge to be imposed will be the actual cost to the municipality for a call out plus 10% administrative fee with a minimum charge of $110.00. f. The cost of supply and installation of water meters, thawing of services or other services will be as determined by the Director of Infrastructure and Engineering plus an administrative charge. g. A $45.00 administrative fee will be imposed for a final meter read. h. Water Meter leak detection: work order requested by (owner or occupant) $50.00 i. A $160.00 Testing charge will be imposed when a property owner requests to have a meter tested and the meter is deemed to be functioning properly. |
Water restriction - 2000-43 |
Whereas Section 12 of the Public Utilities Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter P.52, as amended, authorizes municipalities to pass by-laws to prohibit wrongful use of water; Therefore the Council of the City of Clarence-Rockland enacts as follows: DefinitionCorporationMeans the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland Director of Physical ServicesMeans a person appointed as the Director of Physical Services for the City of Clarence-Rockland or his duly appointed representative. Hamlet AreaMeans the village of Bourget, Cheney, Clarence-Creek, Clarence-Point, Hammond and St-Pascal Baylon as defined in the City’s Zoning By-law, as amended. Mechanical wateringMeans the action of watering by any means other than by muscular power. Municipal Law Enforcement OfficerMeans a peace officer for the purpose of enforcing municipal By-laws for the Corporation. Public Car WashMeans the use of a land, or building, or structure, or part thereof, where vehicles are washed for the public for a fee. Urban AreaMeans the area contained in the former Town of Rockland as defined in the City’s Zoning By-law, as amended. Water WorksMeans buildings, structures, plant machinery, equipment and appurtenances, devices, conduits, intakes and outlets and underground construction installations and other works designed for the production, treatment, distribution and storage of water and includes land appropriated for such purposes and uses under the jurisdiction of the City of Clarence-Rockland. General interpretation2) The Director of Physical Services for the City of Clarence-Rockland shall supervise and administer the supply and distribution of all water works in the City of Clarence-Rockland. 3) No person shall let off or discharge water supplied by the water works so that the water runs wastefully or uselessly. 4) No person shall water or cause to be watered any newly installed grass until a permit has been issued for that purpose. 5) The Director of Physical Services may, by written notice, suspend the water supplied by the water works for the following purposes: a) Mechanical sprinkling of lawns, gardens and flowers; b) Washing of vehicles; and c) Filling of privately-owned swimming pools. Urban area6. No person shall mechanically sprinkle lawns, gardens or flowers or any other vegetation outside any building, at any time, between May 1st and September 30th in any year except as follow: (a) On any property bearing odd civic address numbers, on "Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays" of each week, between the hours of "7:00 a.m. To 9:00 a.m." and "7:00 p.m. To 9:00 p.m." (as amended by By-law no. 2020-36); and (b) On any property bearing even civic address numbers, on "Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays" of each week, between the hours of "7:00 a.m. To 9:00 a.m." and "7:00 p.m. To 9:00 p.m." (as amended by By-law no. 2020-36) Hamlet area7) No person shall use or allow to be used water at any time between May 1st and September 30th in any year for the purpose of: a) Mechanically sprinkling lawns, gardens or flowers; b) Public car wash; or c) Filling of privately-owned swimming pools. 8) No person shall discharge water supplied by the water works for the purpose of filling up an empty or partially empty, privately owned swimming pool. Watering permit9) Notwithstanding any other provision of this By-law, the Director of Physical Services may issue a permit to allow the watering of newly installed grass which includes sodding or seeding in any entire yard. a) The water permit application and permit shall be in a prescribed form and shall be for the period not to exceed twenty-one (21) days. b) No fee shall be charged for the said permit. c) The holder of the watering permit shall affix and display or cause to be affixed and displayed in a front window of the building situated on the same lot in order to be visible from the road. Fire hydrants10) No person shall operate a fire hydrant except: a) An employee of the Physical Services Department; b) A member of the City of Clarence-Rockland Fire Department; or c) Persons having the written approval from the Director of Physical Services. 11) No person shall obstruct the free access to any fire hydrant. As prescribed in Schedule “A” of this By-law, vegetation or other objects shall neither be planted nor placed within a three (3) metre corridor between the hydrant and the curb nor a three (3) metre radius beside or behind any hydrants. 12) Unmetered water from privately-owned hydrants shall not be taken for other than fire fighting purposes. 13) Privately-owned hydrants shall be maintained accessible, at all times, and in good operating condition by and at the expense of the owner. 14) No person, other than authorized employees, shall paint fire hydrants or tamper with the colour scheme of a fire hydrant. Exemption15) The provisions of this By-law shall not apply to any person using a private water system. Enforcement16) The provisions of this By-law shall be enforced by the Municipal Law Enforcement Officer. 17) No person shall hinder, obstruct or interfere with the Municipal Law Enforcement Officer in the exercise of his powers or the performance of his duties. Penalties18) Any person who contravenes any provisions of this By-law is guilty of an offence and upon conviction shall forfeit and pay a penalty as provided for in the Provincial Offences Act, 1990, R.S.O., Chapter P.33 and amendments thereto. Severability19) It is declared that if any section, subsection or part(s) thereof be declared by any court of law to be bad, illegal or ultra virus, such section, subsection or part(s) shall be deemed to be severable and all parts thereof are declared to be separate and independent and enacted as such. Order prohibiting20) When a person has been convicted of an offence under the provisions of this By-law, any court of competent jurisdiction thereafter may in addition to other penalty impose on the person convicted, issue an order prohibiting the continuance or repetition of the offence or doing of any act by person convicted directed towards the continuation or repetition of offence. By-law in force21) This By-law shall come into force on the day it is duly adopted by Council. Former by-laws repealed22) That the Town of Rockland By-law number 1977-31 and the Township of Clarence By-law number 1992-72, regulating water consumption during the summer months, are hereby repealed. Read a first, second and duly passed upon the third reading, this 13th day of june 2000. Mayor Jean-Pierre Pierre Clerk Daniel Gatien |
Zoning 2016-10 * |
A zoning by-law in the City of Clarence-Rockland. |