Committee Mandate

The Committee of Adjustment is a quasi-judicial tribunal appointed by city Council and operates at arm's length from the municipal government in accordance with the Planning Act.

In general, the Committee of Adjustment meets once a month in order to examine, among other things:

  • Applications for minor variances to a provision of the Zoning By-Law;
  • Expansion of a building or changes to existing non-conforming uses under the Zoning By-law;
  • Applications for authorization to sever land or applications for any agreement, mortgage or lease that applies for more than 21 years;
  • Applications for validation of title and power of sale.

The Committee of Adjustment and its application review process is separate and independent from other municipal development approval processes. As a result, the various approval processes may be conducted simultaneously. See The Planning and Development section for more information.

Terms of References 

A by-law to appoint a Committee of Adjustment and to govern the proceedings of the Committee of Adjustment of the City of Clarence-Rockland.

Whereas the Council of the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland has deemed it expedient to appoint a Committee of Adjustment, as provided for in Section 44(1) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P. 13, as amended; and

Whereas Section 44(3) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P. 13, as amended states that the members of the committee who are not members of a municipal council shall hold office for the term of the council that appointed them and the members of the committee who are members of a municipal council shall be appointed annually ; and

Whereas the Council of the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland deems it advisable and expedient to establish a Committee of Adjustment; and

Whereas Section 238(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25 (the “Municipal Act”), as amended, requires every municipality and local board to adopt a procedure by-law for governing the calling, place, proceedings and public notice of hearings; and

Whereas the Council of the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland now deems it advisable to enact a by-law to govern the proceedings of the City of Clarence-Rockland’s Committee of Adjustment, the conduct of its Members and the calling of Meetings, and to provide for procedures and statutory requirements in accordance with the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, c.25, as amended and the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P. 13, as amended,

Therefore the Council of the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland enacts as follows:


1.1.The Committee of Adjustment for the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland shall have statutory duties listed under Sections 44 and 45 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 c.P. 13, as amended


In this by-law:

2.1     Acting Chair means the Acting Chair appointed by the Members of the Committee of Adjustment.

2.2     Acting Secretary-Treasurer means the Acting Secretary-Treasurer of the Committee of Adjustment who is responsible for the duties of the Secretary-Treasurer in the absence of the Secretary-Treasurer.

2.3     Applicant means the person listed as the applicant on the application form, his/her authorized agent, or another individual whom they or the property owner has authorized to represent him/her to the Committee.

2.4     Chair means the Chair of the Committee of Adjustment appointed by the Members of the Committee of Adjustment.

2.5     Committee means a group of individuals appointed by Council to the City of Clarence-Rockland Committee of Adjustment.

2.6     Electronic Hearing means a hearing held by teleconference, audioconference, videoconference or some other form of electronic technology allowing the Committee, the Applicant or their representative, and every other person who desires to be heard in favour or against the application to hear or hear and see one another or their representatives throughout the hearing;

2.7     Hearing or Meeting means a gathering of the members of the Committee where quorum is achieved pursuant to its jurisdiction under the Planning Act;

2.8     Member means an individual appointed by Council to the Committee of Adjustment.

2.9     Planning Act means the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P. 13;

2.10  Secretary-Treasurer means an employee of The Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland appointed by the Committee of Adjustment.

2.11  Vice Chair means the Vice Chair of the Committee of Adjustment who is appointed by members of the Committee to sit in place of the Chair during the absence of the Chair.


3.1       The procedure contained in this By-law shall be observed in all proceedings of the Committee of Adjustment and shall be the procedures for the order and dispatch of business conducted by the Committee of Adjustment.

3.2       In the event of conflict between this by-law and the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.13, as amended, the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.13 as amended prevails.

Role of the Committee of Adjustment

4.1    The Committee of Adjustment is a quasi-judicial body, operating independently from Council, established under the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.13, as amended, to make decisions on minor variances, enlargements to legal non-conforming uses and new “contested” lot creations, as established under the Act.

Calling of Hearings

5.1 All hearings of the Committee of Adjustment shall be called by the Chair or the Secretary-Treasurer of the Committee of Adjustment and notice of any hearings shall be given in a manner that the Committee of Adjustment deems appropriate in accordance with the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P. 13, as amended; and in accordance with applicable regulations.

5.2 Meeting dates shall be posted on the City of Clarence-Rockland’s website.

5.3 In consultation with the Chair, the Secretary-Treasurer may cancel or reschedule a meeting. Notice is to be provided of the cancellation to all Committee members and notice is to be posted on the City’s website.

5.4 Any reference to a hearing within these Rules of Procedure may also include an electronic hearing.

5.5 Each hearing shall be held in the Council Chambers or virtually or as otherwise directed by Council or the Secretary-Treasurer.

5.6 The schedule of hearings for the upcoming year must be approved by the Committee by the end of the preceding year.

Appointment, Attendance and Quorum

6.1. The eligibility and general qualification of a member shall follow the Committee Appointments and Terms of References City Policy.

6.2. Members will be appointed for a period of 4 years, following the Municipal Council term, however Council members will be appointed annually.

6.3. The members will continue to serve until any of the following scenarios occur:

 i. The Term expires;

 ii. The appointment is revoked by Council following a recommendation by the Committee and/or the concerned department or because the member is absent for three consecutive meetings without being justified;

iii. The member resigns;

iv. The eligibility requirements are no longer being met;

v.  The Board or Committee to which appointment was made is dissolved by Council.

6.4. Notwithstanding section 6.2 i., a member will continue to serve beyond his/her term, until the appointment of a successor

6.5. The appropriate staff will provide new members with an orientation package prior to the first meeting, which will generally include:

i. Previous meeting minutes;

ii. Committee of Adjustment Procedural By-law

iii. Committee Appointments and Terms of References Policy

6.6. Committee members will be required to attend a training workshop and will be invited to attend yearly OACA conferences and training.

6.7. The Committee of Adjustment shall consist of seven members which may include a maximum of four members of Council.

6.8. The Chair and Vice Chair of the Committee shall be elected by the Committee members, from among those appointed by Council By-law.

6.9. Council shall appoint a staff member to act as Secretary-Treasurer to serve the Committee of Adjustment and shall further support the Secretary-Treasurer delegating the authority to appoint an Acting Secretary-Treasurer if deemed necessary by the Secretary-Treasurer.

6.10. Where a Committee is composed of three members, two members shall constitute quorum and where a Committee is composed of more that three members, three members shall be deemed to constitute a quorum.

6.11.As soon as there is quorum after the time appointed for the start of the hearing, the Chair of the Committee of Adjustment shall call the hearing to order.

6.12.  If no quorum is present fifteen (15) minutes after the time appointed for a hearing of the Committee, the Secretary-Treasurer shall record the names of the members present and the meeting will stand adjourned until the next appointed time.

6.13. If, during the course of a Meeting, quorum is lost, then the Chair may declare that the Meeting stands adjourned, to reconvene at such time and place as the Chair shall then determine, or cancel the balance of the Meeting if, in his opinion, it is not essential to deal with the balance of the agenda before the next Meeting.


7.1. The Chair shall be counted in determining a quorum and shall be entitled to all the rights of a member on the Committee, including voting.

7.2. When the Chair is absent, the Vice Chair will sit in the Chair’s place for the meeting or portion thereof.

7.3. When the Chair or Vice Chair are both absent, the Secretary-Treasurer shall call for the election of an Acting Chair for the meeting.

7.4. An Acting Chair shall be appointed for each meeting or portion thereof in the Chair’s and Vice Chair’s absence.

Duties/Rules of Conduct of Members

8.1. Duties of the Members:

i. To prepare for meetings, including reviewing the agenda and background information prior to the meeting;

ii. To deliberate on the business submitted to the Committee;

iii. To vote when a motion is put to a vote;

iv. To abide by the Committee’s decision once a decision is made;

v. To respect the Rules of Procedure;

8.2.  No member shall:

i. Speak until he/she has addressed himself/herself and has been recognized by the Chair;

ii. Disturb another member, or the Committee itself, by any disorderly behaviour disconcerting to any member speaking;

iii. Use offensive words during the Committee meeting against the Committee or staff;

iv. Speak on any subject other that the subject in debate;

v. Disobey the rules of the Committee or a decision of the Chair, on questions of order or practice or upon the interpretation of the rules of procedure of the Meeting.

vi. Not leave their seat or make noise or disturbance while a vote is being taken or until the vote is declared.

8.3. Where a member has been called to order by the Chair for failing to observe provisions of subsection 6.1 and the member persists in any such disobedience after having been called to order by the Chair, the Chair may immediately order the member to leave the meeting for improper conduct, and if the member apologizes, the Chair may permit the member to retake his/her seat.


9.1. The notice of an application to be considered at a meeting shall be given in a manner that the Committee of Adjustment deems is appropriate, in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act, and any regulations passed thereunder.

9.2. The Committee shall hold a public hearing on every application before a decision is made on the application.


10.1. The Secretary-Treasurer, or their designate shall prepare and make available to the Committee a minimum of three days prior to the appointed day for holding a Hearing, an agenda for the Committee of Adjustment meeting.

Order of Proceedings

11.1.  Agendas shall be generally formatted as follows but modifications to the matters to be included or the order of business may be made without requiring an amendment to this by-law:

 i. Call to order

As soon as there is quorum after the hour set for the meeting, the Chair shall call the members to order.

ii. Adoption of the agenda

Amendment and/or additions to the proposed agenda may be permitted by the majority approval of the members present.

iii. Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest

It is at this point that any member of the Committee may disclose conflict of interest dealing with any item on the agenda or with a matter discussed at a previous meeting from which a member was absent.

iv. Approval of Previous Minutes

v. Hearings re: Consents

Every report shall be introduced with a resolution to adopt, defer or refuse the recommendations as presented

vi. Hearings re: Minor Variances

Every report shall be introduced with a resolution to adopt, defer or refuse the recommendations as presented.

vii. Hearings re: Previously Deferred Matters

Every report that was deferred at a previous meeting will be brought back with a resolution to adopt or refuse.

viii.Other Business

ix. Adjournment

11.2. Introduction of Applications

 i. The Chair shall announce each application in the order in which it appears on the agenda, or at the Committee’s discretion

ii. If the application is uncontested and the committee does not require a presentation, the Chair will ask the Applicant if they wish to address the committee. The Applicant may then proceed with their presentation, if they wish.

 iii. The Applicant will speak first and will be provided with a maximum ten minute time period to present the nature of the application to the Committee. Any presentations beyond the time period shall be at the discretion of the Chair and Committee.

iv. When the Applicant is not represented, the Planning Staff may present the application.

v.  The Committee may ask questions of the applicant at this time, during or after the presentation.

vi. At any time, the Chair or Committee may ask the Secretary-Treasurer to:

  1. Read aloud all comments received from agencies who responded to the circulation of the notice of the application;
  2. Read aloud any letters received from persons expressing an interest in the application and;
  3. At the direction of the Chair, summarize the nature of the interest being expressed.

11.2.7   With respect to applications for Consent, the Chair may ask the Secretary-Treasurer to read aloud the proposed draft conditions to be attached to the decision should the Committee approve the application. The Committee may delete from, add to or revise the proposed draft conditions.

11.3  Public input and delegations

11.3.1  All delegations must address the Committee and an effort will be made to allow no more than two delegations at any one meeting.

11.3.2  Anyone desiring to address the Committee shall complete and submit to the Secretary-Treasurer, a delegation form accompanied with all supporting documentation at least one day prior to the Committee meeting.

11.3.3 The Chair will then call each request for delegation one by one.

11.3.4 An interested person shall confine his/her remarks to the subject application.

11.3.5 Any other public input after the Applicant’s Reply shall be at the discretion of the Hearing chair & Committee.

11.4 Applicant’s reply

11.4.1 Following the public input stage, the Committee shall give the Applicant the opportunity to respond to any comments received from commenting agencies or interested parties; and to provide a summary of the substance of the application.

11.4.2 The Chair and Committee may ask additional questions at this time.

11.4.3 Following the Applicant’s reply on applications for Minor Variance and Consents, the Committee shall consider the issues raised by the applicant, agent and any respondents and the evidence heard by the Committee. The Chair shall ask whether the members wish to conduct further discussions on the merits of the application.


12.1.  When a motion on an application under consideration by the Committee is lost, a subsequent motion to take an alternate action on the application shall be the next order of business. Decisions on applications shall be for approval, refusal or deferral only.

12.2.  No vote shall be taken during a meeting of the Committee by secret ballot or other form of secret vote.

12.3.  After any motion is put by the Chair, no member shall speak to the motion, nor shall any other motion be made until after the result is declared, and the decision of the Chair as to whether the motion has been put, is conclusive.

12.4.  Every member present at a meeting of the Committee, when a motion is put, shall vote.

12.5.  Any member may abstain from voting, but the vote shall be recorded as a negative vote.

12.6.  Unrecorded vote

i. The manner of determining the decision of the Committee on a motion is at the discretion of the Chair and may be by voice, show of hands, standing or otherwise.

12.7.  Recorded vote

 i. Any member, prior to or immediately subsequent to the taking of the vote, may require that the vote be recorded.

 ii. When a member on any matter or motion requests a recorded vote, the Chair shall ask each member to announce his/her vote openly to be recorded in the minutes, starting with the member who has requested the recorded vote, with the Chair voting last.

iii. If a vote is to be recorded as herein provided, the Mayor shall announce the result, and the Secretary-Treasurer shall record them in the minutes.

12.8.  Disputing vote

i. If a Member disagrees with the announcement of the Chair that a motion is carried or lost, the member may, but only immediately after the declaration of the Chair, object to the Chair’s decision and require a recorded vote to be taken.

12.9.  Tie vote

 i. A resolution on which the voting results are a tie shall be declared lost.

13. Decisions of the Committee of Adjustment

13.1.Decisions of the Committee must be based on the information presented to the Committee at the Hearing, therefore members should be present to hear all of the information given during the Hearing process.

13.2. Members should not discuss any application prior to the Hearing and any member who has publicly voiced an opinion regarding the development of the lands or its owners shall disqualify himself or herself from the Hearing and leave the meeting room

13.3. City Planners shall present its recommendation on the application.

13.4. Once a resolution on an application is read by the Chair, only members of the Committee (including the Chair) or the Secretary-Treasurer and Planning Staff can speak on the matter, unless otherwise permitted by the Committee

13.5. No decision of the Committee on an application is valid unless it is concurred in by the majority of the members of the Committee that heard the application. In addition, the decision of the Committee shall:

i. Be in writing, whether granting or refusing an application;

ii. Set out reasons for the decision (minor variance only);

iii. Contain a brief explanation of the effect, in any, that the written and oral submissions relating to the application made to the committee before its decisions or at the hearing, had on the decision; and

iv. Be signed by the members who concur in the decision (minor variance only).

v. A copy of the Committee’s written decision will be prepared and issued in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act.

vi. A copy of the Committee’s written decision shall be sent to any person that submitted a written request indicating that they wish to receive a copy of the written decision of the Committee and any further correspondence with respect to the Application pursuant to the provisions of the Planning Act.

Pecuniary Interest

14.1.  At all times and under all circumstances, members shall be guided by and shall have regard to the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act.

14.2.  If a member has any pecuniary interest, direct or indirect, in any matter in which the Committee is concerned and if he/she is present at a meeting at which the said matter is the subject of consideration, then he/she shall:

i. Disclose his/her interest and is required to file a written statement of the interest at the meeting or as soon as possible afterwards;

ii. Leave his/her seat and is required to leave the Chambers/Meeting room;

iii. Not take part in the consideration or discussion of the said matter;

iv. Not vote on any motion in regard to the said matter;

v.  Not attempt in any way before, during and/or after the meeting to influence the voting on any such motion.

14.3.  The Secretary-Treasurer shall record the particulars of any disclosure of pecuniary interest made by members of the Committee, as the case may be, and any such record shall appear in the minutes of that particular meeting.

14.4.  The Secretary-Treasurer shall establish and maintain a registry of statements and declarations of interests of members, and make it available for public inspection.

14.5.  The failure of one or more members to comply with Section 14 hereof shall not affect the validity of the meeting in regards to the said matter.

Adjournment of a hearing – further notice

15.1.  When a Hearing has been adjourned, any individual expressing an interest in the application shall be able to leave their name and address with the Secretary-Treasurer, and/or may submit a written request, should they wish to receive further Notice of the date of resuming the Hearing. The Notice may be given orally at the Hearing before it is adjourned to those persons present or may be by telephone or by electronic mail, if available.

Request for deferral or withdrawal

16.1.  A request for adjournment/deferral of a matter on the scheduled hearing date by the Applicant must be made at the hearing. If granted, the Committee will set a new hearing date for the application at the hearing and indicate any other requirements or conditions of the adjournment/deferral, such as re-notification or amendment, at that time.

16.2.  If a request for withdrawal/defferal of an application is made in writing prior to the commencement of the hearing, the Secretary-Treasurer shall make a record that the application has been withdrawn/deferred and shall immediately give notice to all property owners within 60 m of the subject lands that the application has been withdrawn/deffered. Where the Secretary-Treasurer has made a record that an application has been withdrawn, the Committee shall take no further action in respect of that application.


17.1.  Minutes shall be kept by the Secretary-Treasurer and shall record, in both official languages (English and French), with the English version being considered the official version, the following:

 i. The place, date and time of the meeting;

 ii. The names of the presiding Chair, Members and staff in attendance

iii. The late arrivals and early departures of members;

iv. The readings, if requested, correction and adoption of the minutes of prior meetings;

v.  Declaration of conflict of interest

vi. All the resolutions, decisions, and other proceedings of the meeting without note or comment except the reasons for decisions.

vii. A brief summation of all submissions made at the Hearing.

17.2.  Once adopted, the minutes shall be signed by the Chair and the Secretarty-Treasurer.


18.1.  The members can be reimbursed for their traveling expenses during duties as a member of the committee upon presentation of authorized statements of expenses.

18.2.  The committee members, except members of Council, are remunerated for their duties as follows:

i. Chair:60$/application

ii. Members:50$/application

18.3.  Only those members of the Committee of Adjustment attending a meeting shall be remunerated.

18.4.  In the absence of the Chair, the member that assume the duties of the Chair shall be remunerated accordingly and for that meeting .


19.1.  By-law – previous

i. By-law 2011-33 is hereby repealed.

  1. Effective Date

20.1 This By-law shall come into force and effect on September 7, 2022

Read and passed in open council, this 7th day of September 2022.

Mario Zanth, Mayor

Monique Ouellet, Clerk


Committee's Structure

The Committee is composed of 4 members of council and 2 members of the public.

Before applying, consult the Guide to Minor Variances and Permits, and contact the Planning Department for more information at 613-446-6022 ext. 0.

Guide to Minor Variances and Permits 

1.0 Introduction

This document is intended to provide guidelines for the public, property owners, builders and the municipality that will assist in the preparation, submission, review, and approval of new developments in the City of Clarence-Rockland. A “minor variance” is a minor change to a performance standard set out in the City’s Zoning By-law, granted by the Committee of Adjustment.

Applying for a minor variance is a method to seek relief when hardship or circumstances make it difficult to meet the standards set out in the Zoning By-law. Minor variances cannot add a use that is not permitted under the Zoning By-law that would require a “Zoning By-law Amendment”. Note, in certain instances a “permission” under Section 45(2) of the Planning Act, (ie. for a change of non-conforming use and enlargements) could be considered under this process.

These guidelines are provided to assist a proponent to understand the City’s requirements and the types of issues that will be reviewed for approval.

2.0 Minor Variance Approval Process

2.1 Major Steps

2.1.1 Pre-Consultation with the City’s Planning Staff

Applicants are advised to request a pre-consultation meeting with a municipal planner prior to the submission of an application. During the pre-consultation meeting, a planner will help the applicant specify the variance or variances required and whether it is of their opinion that the variance requested would meet the four tests. Applicants may also use the pre-consultation meeting to ask any questions they have regarding the minor variance or permission process and receive assistance to fill out their application form.

2.1.2 Submit a Complete Application

The applicant submits a complete application including a cover letter or planning rationale, required information identified during the pre-consultation meeting (ie. up-to-date survey plan, site plan, building elevations, etc.) the required fees and a copy of the Deed of Land. The application will then be reviewed by the Secretary Treasurer to ensure that the application is complete and all the required information was provided.

2.1.3 Circulation of Application

Once the application is deemed complete, and at least 10 days before the meeting, the Secretary-Treasurer of the Committee of Adjustment will send a notice of the application to neighbors within 60 meters of the subject property, and any person or public body that made a written request to be notified. A notice sign will also be placed on the property by a company, and will be removed by the company after the public meeting.

The application will also be circulated to prescribed agencies and to the City’s Departments in order to obtain comments and conditions to take into consideration when making a recommendation on the application.

2.1.4 Approval by the Committee of Adjustment

The Committee of Adjustment is the approval authority for consents, minor variances and permissions. The Committee carefully considers all aspects of the application, which includes:

• Whether the request maintains the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan;

• Whether the request maintains the general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law;

• Whether the request is considered minor, and,

• Whether the request is desirable for the appropriate development of land.

Note in addition to these four ‘tests’ all planning decisions shall also be consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement. A report will be prepared by a municipal planner and presented at the public meeting, followed by a recommendation to the Committee based on whether the concerns have or can be addressed. If the application is approved, the Committee of Adjustment may impose or remove conditions as part of the decision.

2.1.5 Notice of Decision

A notice of decision will be mailed to the applicant and anyone who filled a written request for notice of decision or provided written comments within 10 days of the date on which the Committee of Adjustment made a decision.

Note: There is a 20 day appeal period following the decision.

2.1.6 Final Decision

If no appeals are made by the end of the 20 day appeal period, the decision is final and binding.

2.2 Processing Times

1. Notice of Complete Application and Public Notice

a. Time Frame: within 1 week of receiving a complete application

2. Approval by the Committee of Adjustment

a. Time Frame: within 30 days of receiving the application

3. Notice of Decision

a. Time Frame: within 10 days of the Committee’s decision

4. Final Decision

a. Time Frame: 21 days after the decision is made The total processing time, from the submission of a complete application to the decision becoming final is approximately 6 – 10 weeks, assuming no appeal to the Local Planning Appeals Tribunal (LPAT).

3.0 Fees

3.1 Application Fees

• Minor Variance / Permission $700.00/application*

• South Nation Conservation(If located in the South Nation Watershed) $350.00/application

* A 10% discount is applied if it is concurrent with another application (i.e. consent)

Need more information or have any questions?

Contact: Infrastructure and Planning Department,

City of Clarence-Rockland 1560 Laurier Street

Rockland, Ontario

K4K 1P7

Telephone: 613-446-6022

Fax: 613-446-1497

Planning and Forestry Department,

United Counties of Prescott and Russell

59 Court Street, P.O. Box 304

L'Original, Ontario

K0B 1K0

Telephone: (613) 675-4661

Fax: 1-800-667-6307 ext. 7101


South Nation Conservation

38 Victoria Street, P.O. Box 29

Finch, Ontario K0C 1K0

Telephone: 613-984-2948,

Toll free: 1-877-984-2948

Fax: 613-984-2872



Appeal of a decision of the Committee

Any decision of the Committee of Adjustment may be appealed to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT) for a fee. The appeal must be filed within 20 days of the decision and must include reasons and payment of costs payable to the Ontario Minister of Finance.

Only individuals, corporations and public bodies can appeal decisions to the LPAT. An association or group cannot file a notice of appeal. However, a notice of appeal may be filed on behalf of an association or group by a person who is a member of the association or group.

More information about the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal and the appeal process can be found at the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal website.

Virtual meeting process guide

The City of Clarence-Rockland is now conducting its Planning Committee meetings virtually, using Zoom and Facebook until further notice.  

How to watch a meeting

The meetings are live streamed on the City of Clarence-Rockland Facebook page

How to provide comments

Submit comments in writing:

  • Sending an email with your comments. Written submissions must be emailed to no later than 4:30 pm two days prior to the meeting date.
  • Submitting comments in the dropbox located outside the door at City Hall, 1560 Laurier Street in Rockland. The letter must be addressed to the Community Development Department and must be submitted the Friday before the meeting date.
  • Submitting comments via regular mail. The letter must be sent to 1560 Laurier Street, Rockland, ON, K4K 1P7, to the attention of the Community Development Department and must be received the Friday before the meeting date.

Register to speak at the Committee meeting:

If you intend to make a presentation you must complete a delegation request form or or call the Community Development Department at 613-446-6022 ext. 2285. Requests must be submitted no later than 4:30 p.m. two days prior to the meeting date.

Once we receive your delegation request, we will confirm your attendance within 1 business day and provide you with the instructions for participating* in the public meeting.

Information you choose to disclose in your correspondence will be used to receive your views on the relevant issue(s) to enable the Committee to make its decision on this matter. This information will become part of the public record.

If you do not participate in the public Zoom meeting or express your views in writing, the Committee may make a recommendation in your absence and may recommend changes to the proposal.

*Please note that neither a computer, nor a video sharing device, is required to participate in the meeting via Zoom. You may opt to call in from a cell or landline. A toll-free number will be provided for this purpose.

Meeting procedures 

  • The applicant/agent will speak first and will have 10 minutes to make their presentation.
  • Registered participants will be invited to speak after the applicant’s initial presentation. Each speaker will be given five minutes and one opportunity to address the committee, so please focus your comments as follows:
    • Clearly state your name and address.
    • Explain how the requested amendment or draft plan of subdivision being requested will impact the enjoyment of your property and neighborhood (positively or negatively).
    • Ask clear, direct questions. 

The Decision 

Once all the comments are received, the Chair will bring the matter “into committee” and no further comments will be permitted, unless the Chair or a Committee member asks a question.

The Chair and Members will announce their recommendation at the meeting.

The Committee may defer an application but only if circumstances warrant such action.

To receive a copy of the Decision, please make a request to the Community Development Department at or by calling at 613-446-6022 ext. 2285 by providing the following: your name, your address, email address, date of meeting, file number and address of the subject property.

Individuals are also encouraged to submit written correspondence if you have questions or concerns that you wish to share.