Advisory Committees
Accessibility |
The Accessibility Committee develops awareness and understanding of the issues and concerns of citizens with disabilities. This aims to improve their quality of life. Members
Meeting and Minutes page |
Economic Development |
Purpose The purpose of the Economic Development Advisory Committee (EDAC) is to facilitate the exchange of ideas between Council and the public with respect to economic development and tourism initiatives. The Committee will encourage economic development that enhances the quality of life of the city’s current and future residents and businesses. Mandate The mandate of the committee is to provide input and perspectives to Council through staff, on high level economic matters relating to city-led initiatives. The committee’s role is advisory, consultative, supportive and intended to enhance community engagement. The objectives of the committee will be to:
Committee Membership: The Economic Development Advisory Committee, which is appointed by resolution of Municipal Council will consist of the following voting members:
The mayor shall be recognized as an ex-officio Member of the Economic Development Advisory Committee and as such has the same rights as other Committee Members but is not obligated to attend meetings and is not counted in determining if a quorum is present.
Areas of expertise that may be sought include but are not limited to:
Chair and Vice Chair The committee shall nominate the Chairperson and Vice Chair from among the committee members. The Vice Chair shall assume the responsibilities of the Chair in the event of his/her absence at Committee meetings. Quorum The quorum shall be fifty percent plus one (50%+1) of the number of appointed members. Service Department/Resource Person Community Development will act as the responsible department for the Economic Development Advisory Committee. Staff support will include:
Preparation of the Agenda The Community Development department shall distribute the documentation for members of the committee no later than Friday preceding the committee meeting. The service shall ensure that the agenda is available for the public during that day on the City’s website. Frequency of Meetings Meetings will be held every four (4) months for a minimum of three meetings per year, or as established by the committee’s responsible service. |
Truth and Reconciliation |
PurposeThis committee will have a mandate to work with City Administration to identify potential opportunities for advancing indigenous awareness in our community, and to present them to City Council for approval. The Committee will also act in an advisory/educational capacity for certain other municipal projects, to ensure potential indigenous concerns and/or opportunities are identified and addressed. Membership
Bourget Recreation Committee |
The Bourget Leisure Committee manages the Bourget Community Centre and handles its day-to-day operations. Members
Community Development |
COMDEV2023-01 Effective on March 8, 2023 Adopted by Resolution number 2023-27 1.0 Objectives and ResponsibilitiesThe Community Development Advisory Committee (CDAC) shall provide advice to Council through staff on policy, programs, infrastructure, and service delivery in sports, recreation, arts, culture, heritage, and parks, as requested. Project specific ad hoc sub-committees could be established, as required. Advice stemming from the CDAC will be considered amongst other public consultation strategies, in the course of the corporate decision-making process. 2.0 MembershipThe Committee, which is appointed by resolution of the Municipal Council shall consist of the following:
3.0 QuorumThe quorum shall be fifty percent plus one (50%+1) of the number of appointed members. The chairperson only votes when there is a tie. 4.0 Service Department/Resource PersonA municipal employee appointed by the Director of Community Development shall act as resource person to the committee. Community Development will act as the responsible department. The Department shall:
5.0 Preparation of the AgendaCommunity Development shall distribute the documentation for members of the committee no later than Friday preceding the committee meeting. The service shall ensure that the agenda is available for the public during that day on the City’s website. 6.0 Frequency of MeetingsMeetings will be held every four (4) months for a minimum of 3 meetings per year, or as established by the committee’s responsible service. Members
Municipal Grants |
Section 1 – Objectives and Responsibilities1.1 The mandate of the Municipal Grants Committee is to: a) Recommend an annual budget allocation for grant requests; b) Provide fair and equitable assessment of all grants and contribution requests: I. Evaluate the Municipal Grants Program II. To make recommendations to Council for all monetary grant requests while considering the estimated financial value of the approved in-kind assistance requests; c) Provide the maximum level of community benefit given the approved community grant budget. Section 2 – Committee Members2.1 The Committee, which is appointed by resolution of the Municipal Council shall be formed by the following: a) Six (6) voting members consisting of
b) Staff assigned:
2.2 The committee shall nominate a Chairperson/President. Section 3 – Quorum3.1 Quorum cannot be less than fifty percent plus one (50%+1) of the appointed members. The president only votes when there is a tie. Section 4 –Department/Resource Person4.1 The clerk or his/her substitute shall act as a resource person for the Grants and Contribution Committee
Section 5 – Frequency of Meetings5.1 The Municipal Grant Applications intake periods will be scheduled in accordance with the individual program guidelines. Section 6 – Other6.1 The budget for Municipal Grants and resources will be established annually at the Operating Budget deliberations. Committee Members