
Terms of references

The Accessibility Committee develops awareness and understanding of the issues and concerns of citizens with disabilities. This aims to improve their quality of life.


  • Carrie Griffith, Chairperson
  • Christine Dawood, Vice-Chairperson
  • Julie Larivière
  • Diane Saumure
  • Julia Reid
  • Jay Woodruff
  • André J. Lalonde (Councillor)
  • Monique Ouellet, Clerk (Ressource)

Meeting and Minutes page

Economic Development

Public Notice


The purpose of the Economic Development Advisory Committee (EDAC) is to facilitate the exchange of ideas between Council and the public with respect to economic development and tourism initiatives. 

The Committee will encourage economic development that enhances the quality of life of the city’s current and future residents and businesses.


The mandate of the committee is to provide input and perspectives to Council through staff, on high level economic matters relating to city-led initiatives.  The committee’s role is advisory, consultative, supportive and intended to enhance community engagement. 

The objectives of the committee will be to:

  • Promote sustainable community economic development and tourism activities in the city.
  • Provide feedback on and assistance with the implementation of action plans, programs and initiatives as identified in the city’s Economic Development Strategic Plan and other relevant strategies.
  • Support and champion services within the municipality to retain current businesses, attract new business development and the creation of job opportunities.
  • Serve as a forum for city business leaders to identify and recommend solutions to the public needs related to sustaining and expanding the vitality of the municipalities’ economic base.
  • Provide fair and equitable assessment and recommendations for all funding requests received through the Community Improvement Plan Program (CIP) in accordance with the appropriate Policy.
  • Meeting, as necessary, with potential commercial and industrial business owners to serve as a central body for the dissemination of economic development information relating to land availability, financial tools and resources that can promote successful development.
  • Assist in the development of partnerships with public, private, non-profit, municipalities and other levels of government [e.g. United Counties of Prescott-Russell] to partner in economic development and tourism activities beneficial to the municipality.
  • Assistance with making applications for federal/provincial economic development funding programs.  
  • Assist in preparing yearly economic development and tourism status reports to Council.

Committee Membership:

The Economic Development Advisory Committee, which is appointed by resolution of Municipal Council will consist of the following voting members:

  • Mayor – Ex Officio

The mayor shall be recognized as an ex-officio Member of the Economic Development Advisory Committee and as such has the same rights as other Committee Members but is not obligated to attend meetings and is not counted in determining if a quorum is present.

  • One member of council
  • One representative from the Clarence-Rockland Chamber of Commerce.
  • A maximum of five (5) members of the community at large based on their demonstrated interest, participation in business matters, academic or technical qualifications, availability, work and volunteer experience, knowledge and professional experience.

Areas of expertise that may be sought include but are not limited to:

  • Small business owner
  • Tourism
  • Professional Services
  • Retail or Restaurant
  • Land Development
  • Agriculture
  •  Manufacturing/Industrial
  • Residents with a general interest in economic development.

Chair and Vice Chair

The committee shall nominate the Chairperson and Vice Chair from among the committee members.  The Vice Chair shall assume the responsibilities of the Chair in the event of his/her absence at Committee meetings.


The quorum shall be fifty percent plus one (50%+1) of the number of appointed members.

Service Department/Resource Person

Community Development will act as the responsible department for the Economic Development Advisory Committee.  Staff support will include:

  • Manager of Economic Development and Tourism:
  • Act as an information resource.
  • Provide guidance and advice and remain impartial during discussions of committee matters.
  • Orientation of Committee members at the first meeting after council appointment.
  • Ensure that any recommendations proposed by the committee do not contradict budget, by-laws, policies, and procedures.
  • Prepare any necessary reports for Council’s consideration.
  • Coordinate Committee meeting logistics.
  • Distribute correspondence to Committee members.
  • Prepare meeting agendas in consultation with Committee Chair.
  • Produce the minutes of all meetings.
  • Submit the minutes of all meetings to the Clerk for distribution to Council.
  • Administrative Coordinator of Economic Development and Tourism :

Preparation of the Agenda

The Community Development department shall distribute the documentation for members of the committee no later than Friday preceding the committee meeting. The service shall ensure that the agenda is available for the public during that day on the City’s website.

Frequency of Meetings

Meetings will be held every four (4) months for a minimum of three meetings per year, or as established by the committee’s responsible service.

Truth and Reconciliation


This committee will have a mandate to work with City Administration to identify potential opportunities for advancing indigenous awareness in our community, and to present them to City Council for approval. The Committee will also act in an advisory/educational capacity for certain other municipal projects, to ensure potential indigenous concerns and/or opportunities are identified and addressed.


The Committee, which is appointed by resolution of the Municipal Council shall be formed by the following:


a)      A maximum of one (1) councillor of the City Clarence-Rockland

b)     A maximum of two (2) City employees

c)      A maximum of six (6) residents of the City of Clarence-Rockland who represent members of the indigenous community

2.2   The committee shall nominate a Chairperson.

2.3   No member of Council or municipal employees can be appointed to the position indicated in item 1-C.

2.4   Quorum cannot be less than 50% plus one (1). The President only votes in the case of a tie.

2.5   At least one of the City employees on the Committee will be from the Public Relations Service of the Corporate Services Department.

4.1   The Corporate Services Department will act as the responsible department. The Department shall:

  • Convene the Committee’s meetings;
  • Prepare the agendas;
  • Process the minutes of all meetings;
  • Follow-up with the correspondence;
  • Keep the minutes of all meetings and any files related to the applications as well as to the decisions taken and all official documents of the Committee.


The Clarence-Rockland Truth and Reconciliation Advisory Committee’s main objectives are:

  1. Advise and assist in the development, implementation and monitoring of a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) for the City of Clarence-Rockland
  2. Make recommendations to the administration regarding Municipal responses to the Truth & Reconciliation Commission of Canada Calls to Action.
  3. Make recommendations for informational/educational opportunities to Council, Municipal staff, businesses, and the public at large.
  4. Advocate for appropriate policies at the municipal level of government, and provide advice to the Municipality on advocacy to other levels of government.
  5. Provide regular reports to the Administration on progress of the Reconciliation Implementation Plan.
  6. Foster good working relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples and organizations.
  7. Investigate, research and make recommendations on topics of mutual interest between Indigenous peoples and the City of Clarence-Rockland.
  8. Be available as a body to receive advice, recommendations, and reports from individuals or groups addressing community issues involving indigenous peoples and to take appropriate action.
  9. Take action to ensure the efforts of other agencies, organizations, and municipalities who are addressing similar topics are coordinated in an appropriate manner.

The Advisory Committee is considered the official citizens’ voice regarding the decision process.

Frequency of Meetings

The meetings will be held on a bimonthly basis (two months), as established by the committee’s responsible department.

Procedures and Guidelines

All procedures and guidelines stated in the associated policy or in a later version apply to this committee,  unless otherwise indicated in the law. In case of disparity between the present terms of reference and  this policy, the latter shall prevail.

The committee must respect the rules of procedure as prescribed by the appropriate by-law.


  • Helen Pace
  • Gerald A. Villeneuve
  • Linda Lavoie-Schaeffer
  • Kyle Cyr, Councillor
  • Michel Cousineau, Ressource

Bourget Recreation Committee

The Bourget Leisure Committee manages the Bourget Community Centre and handles its day-to-day operations.


  • Manon Laroche – President
  • Jacques Drouin – Vice-President
  • Danielle Gauthier - Secretary
  • Line Martin-Robillard - Treasurer
  • Sonia Archat - Director
  • Denis Bisson - Director
  • Lynn Boileau – Director
  • Gabrielle Nadeau – Director
  • Catherine Tremblay - Director
  • Monique Laroche – Director (For life)

Community Development


Effective on March 8, 2023

Adopted by Resolution number 2023-27

1.0    Objectives and Responsibilities  

The Community Development Advisory Committee (CDAC) shall provide advice to Council through staff on policy, programs, infrastructure, and service delivery in sports, recreation, arts, culture, heritage, and parks, as requested. Project specific ad hoc sub-committees could be established, as required. Advice stemming from the CDAC will be considered amongst other public consultation strategies, in the course of the corporate decision-making process.

2.0    Membership

The Committee, which is appointed by resolution of the Municipal Council shall consist of the following:

  • A maximum of one (1) Council Member
  • A maximum of six (6) residents of the City of Clarence-Rockland who represent diversity within the parks, recreation, culture and heritage community.
  • The committee shall nominate a Chairperson.

3.0    Quorum

The quorum shall be fifty percent plus one (50%+1) of the number of appointed members. The chairperson only votes when there is a tie.

4.0    Service Department/Resource Person

A municipal employee appointed by the Director of Community Development shall act as resource person to the committee.

Community Development will act as the responsible department. The Department shall:

  • Convene the Committee’s meetings;
  • Prepare the agendas;
  • Produce the minutes of all meetings;
  • Submit the minutes of all meeting minutes to the Clerk for distribution to Council.

5.0    Preparation of the Agenda

Community Development shall distribute the documentation for members of the committee no later than Friday preceding the committee meeting. The service shall ensure that the agenda is available for the public during that day on the City’s website.

6.0    Frequency of Meetings

Meetings will be held every four (4) months for a minimum of 3 meetings per year, or as established by the committee’s responsible service.


  • Ali Shaker
  • Melanie Warren
  • Johanne Fredette Meloche
  • Casey Billing
  • Gabriel Rousselle
  • Jason Manikkam
  • Councillor Stéphane Fournier
  • Martin Irwin, Resource person

Municipal Grants 

Section 1 – Objectives and Responsibilities

1.1   The mandate of the Municipal Grants Committee is to:

a)      Recommend an annual budget allocation for grant requests;

b)      Provide fair and equitable assessment of all grants and contribution requests:

 I.      Evaluate the Municipal Grants Program

II.      To make recommendations to Council for all monetary grant requests while considering the estimated financial value of the approved in-kind assistance requests;

c)      Provide the maximum level of community benefit given the approved community grant budget.

Section 2 – Committee Members

2.1   The Committee, which is appointed by resolution of the Municipal Council shall be formed by the following:

a)       Six (6) voting members consisting of

  • Three (3) City Councilors
  • Mayor ex-officio
  • Two (2) members of the community representing one (1) rural, and one (1) urban

b)      Staff assigned:

  • Director of Finance/Treasurer
  • Other staff as necessary

2.2   The committee shall nominate a Chairperson/President.

Section 3 – Quorum

3.1   Quorum cannot be less than fifty percent plus one (50%+1) of the appointed members. The president only votes when there is a tie.

Section 4 –Department/Resource Person

4.1   The clerk or his/her substitute shall act as a resource person for the Grants and Contribution Committee

  • Staff will provide procedural, technical, and financial advice and support to the Grants and Contribution Committee throughout the review and assessment of all grant application forms.
  • Staff will consult with the individual organizations and groups to ensure a clear understanding of the request and the corresponding financial commitment.

Section 5 – Frequency of Meetings

5.1      The Municipal Grant Applications intake periods will be scheduled in accordance with the individual program guidelines.

Section 6 – Other

6.1      The budget for Municipal Grants and resources will be established annually at the Operating Budget deliberations.

Committee Members

  • Renée Forcier
  • Sumaila Gariba
  • Councillor Simon-Olivier Péladeau-Houle
  • Councillor André J. Lalonde
  • Councillor Stéphane Fournier
  • Frederic Desnoyers, Resource person