A Zoning By-law is a legal document prepared in accordance with the requirements under Section 34 of the Planning Act. The City's Zoning By-law implements the objectives and the policies of the City and County Official Plans and provides a legal way of managing land use and future development.
It provides standards for how a property may be developed, including:
- Types of uses, buildings, and structures that are permitted on a property;
- Lot dimensions, lot coverage and building heights;
- Setbacks from lot lines, waterbodies and sensitive slope; and
- Parking and landscaping requirement.
You can search for the zoning of a property on the À La Carte application created by the United Counties of Prescott-Russell.
View the current Zoning By-law.
Zoning By-law Amendment
A Zoning By-law Amendment might be necessary if you want to develop your property in a way that is not allowed by the Zoning By-law. Council can consider amending the By-law only if the change is allowed under the Official Plan.
Filing an Application
Before filing an application, please schedule a pre-consultation meeting with one of the municipal planners by completing the General Inquiry Form.
To apply for a zoning amendment, you will need to fill out the Zoning By-law Amendment Application form and submit it to the City along with the fees and submission requirements.